Debunking the rightwing "class warfare" retard rhetoric

Sure, Amos, sure.

Obama's gotten black unemployment to 16% but you keeps on keeping on going to your fine public schools

What was the black unemployment rate before Obamanomics helped the plight of the black Americans seeking jobs?

Black unemployment started to rise when the recession took place, not when Obama took office and please point out what Obama policies cause the black unemployment rate to rise, give the name of said policy(ies) and show how they impacted black unemployment.

ObamaCare, FinReg, demonizing small business and "the rich"
Top 10% earns 45% of all income and pays 30% of all Federal taxes. .

That's totally wrong. Either you're stupid or a liar. In either case, we can safely ignore any statistics you post to this forum.

Stop being a distorter you moron, part of the reason why a lot of people are not paying income taxes is because the rich pay most of their taxes on capital gains and dividends which is taxed at a lower rate than income taxes so the super rich who earned 100 million dollars of their dividends and capital gains would only pay may 17 million of that in taxes, a middle class person who makes 30,000 dollars a year will pay proportionally more in income taxes.
I'm waiting for a response auditor. My contributions go directly to the poor where they have to most impact. So will you now pay more in taxes voluntarily so that uncle Sam can rip both you and the poor off? You challenged me. I responded. It's your turn.
I pay my bills and have a job Mr Bripatard and the wealth gap has been widening for years, seems you never check the stats.

With a liberal, "stats" is just a euphemism for "lies."

I posted stats from to back my claims, you posted rightwing fart air as proof that their is class warfare against the rich. I rest my case there Mr Bripatard.
Black unemployment started to rise when the recession took place, not when Obama took office and please point out what Obama policies cause the black unemployment rate to rise, give the name of said policy(ies) and show how they impacted black unemployment.

Hey, douche, I asked FRANK a question.

Please tell us all how the Obama Administration efforts came close to honoring the promises he made when he sought the jobs programs spending bills.

Are things a whole lot BETTER now thanks to the Obama Administration policies, Basshole?

Or are you content to possibly give honesty a try for a refreshing change of pace, and acknowledge that maybe Crusdaer Frank had a point?

Can't answer the question so you're using fallacious reasoning right?

Obama has continued the decline through his policies. The first to lose millions of jobs after a recession ended. This sis due to regulation, future regulation and the promise of the fair share. Confidence is lacking, people do not want to invest with the uncertainty and the fact that on at least on two occasions screwed investors.

This simply is not a business friendly environment.
What was the black unemployment rate before Obamanomics helped the plight of the black Americans seeking jobs?

Black unemployment started to rise when the recession took place, not when Obama took office and please point out what Obama policies cause the black unemployment rate to rise, give the name of said policy(ies) and show how they impacted black unemployment.

ObamaCare, FinReg, demonizing small business and "the rich"

Where is the official data that show this? Where is the proof that Obama is demonizing small businesses and the rich? their wealth has been growing and the fact that they're even in it is because of our taxpayer dollars bailing them out, not because of their hard work.
We drop a ton of money on education and the little pukes can't even read and write on par with their grade level.Yet children of similar age in other countries are geniuses compared to our little brats....
Our kids aren't learning for a variety of reasons and it's not that we don't spend enough.

The way to fix this if you ask a Lib is we need to spend more money on education.....
Enough already...It's a joke only it's not fukin funny.

Did you realize these few facts?

1. Other countries only give out stats on their top students, not drop outs, special ed, etc.

2. Other countries have longer school days, weeks, years

3. Other countries track students early on and those they determine are not college material (and they don't do this for self esteem purposes) are put in to vocational programs whether the parents want that or not.

4. Other countries value their teachers, don't denigrate them.
Hey, douche, I asked FRANK a question.

Please tell us all how the Obama Administration efforts came close to honoring the promises he made when he sought the jobs programs spending bills.

Are things a whole lot BETTER now thanks to the Obama Administration policies, Basshole?

Or are you content to possibly give honesty a try for a refreshing change of pace, and acknowledge that maybe Crusdaer Frank had a point?

Can't answer the question so you're using fallacious reasoning right?

Obama has continued the decline through his policies. The first to lose millions of jobs after a recession ended. This sis due to regulation, future regulation and the promise of the fair share. Confidence is lacking, people do not want to invest with the uncertainty and the fact that on at least on two occasions screwed investors.

This simply is not a business friendly environment.

Where is proof of all this regulation and point out which policies that are specifically his. Don't beat me in the head with the BS you parrot from Foxnews and their acolytes.
With a liberal, "stats" is just a euphemism for "lies."

I posted stats from to back my claims, you posted rightwing fart air as proof that their is class warfare against the rich. I rest my case there Mr Bripatard.

You posted a link. If you want me to read your stats, then include them in your post. Otherwise i won't bother.

Furthermore, I never contested the claim that we had a surplus in the last year of the Clinton administration. However, Clinton did absolutely nothing to deserve credit for that.
Bass -- 2.0:

It might be helpful to realize that finding out which party has dug the deeper hole is totally non-productive. NEITHER party has demonstrated an ability to lead. BOTH parties are responsible for the war debts and the PLUNDERING of payroll taxes from the working poor and middle class.

So while you two brain-adled boxers go at it -- we are getting closer to closing the doors on what USED to be a Free Great Country.. I blame BOTH your parties. The morally depraved, political class feel entitled to wield all the power that we've allowed them to grab.

You can feel superior by flocking to the party that just lied about cutting $500Bill from Medicare to phoney up the financing for ObamaCare. Or spend all your time deflecting the indefensible. I'm gonna support folks who are focused on getting the govt to concentrate on the basics. Because when the basics go south as they are now --- everything else is just meaningless shouting..

BTW: I COMMEND Clinton for getting us the CLOSEST to a real budget surplus.. But he did that trick by stealing from the SS surplus at the time and with a HUGE push from an activist Rep Congress.. There are times when I miss that Hillbilly WhoreHopper just a bit.. :cool:

He also had no idea how or when it would happen as in his 6 or 8 different statements about WHEN he could "balance" the budget.. "I think 6 years, no it's 4 years, I'm sorry I raised your taxes too high, Maybe 3 years". Just demonstrates how little effect the Prez actually has over matters such as that..
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Black unemployment started to rise when the recession took place, not when Obama took office and please point out what Obama policies cause the black unemployment rate to rise, give the name of said policy(ies) and show how they impacted black unemployment.

ObamaCare, FinReg, demonizing small business and "the rich"

Where is the official data that show this? Where is the proof that Obama is demonizing small businesses and the rich? their wealth has been growing and the fact that they're even in it is because of our taxpayer dollars bailing them out, not because of their hard work.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Holy Mackerel there, Amos! How do you get it so wrong?
Bass -- 2.0:

It might be helpful to realize that finding out which party has dug the deeper hole is totally non-productive. NEITHER party has demonstrated an ability to lead. BOTH parties are responsible for the war debts and the PLUNDERING of payroll taxes from the working poor and middle class.

So while you two brain-adled boxers go at it -- we are getting closer to closing the doors on what USED to be a Free Great Country.. I blame BOTH your parties. The morally depraved, political class feel entitled to wield all the power that we've allowed them to grab.

You can feel superior by flocking to the party that just lied about cutting $500Bill from Medicare to phoney up the financing for ObamaCare. Or spend all your time deflecting the indefensible. I'm gonna support folks who are focused on getting the govt to concentrate on the basics. Because when the basics go south as they are now --- everything else is just meaningless shouting..

Thanks for your civil response Mr Flacaltenn and my response is that I belong to no political party and my views are conservative but not Republican/Tea Party conservative.
Top 10% earns 45% of all income and pays 30% of all Federal taxes. .

That's totally wrong. Either you're stupid or a liar. In either case, we can safely ignore any statistics you post to this forum.

Because you like to ignore facts? It is completely accurate. When you stop talking about the percentage of income taxes the rich pay and move to the more important figure of total taxes paid, everything changes. Since you don't like the way it looks, you and those like you will continue to dwell on federal income taxes when you talk about how much the rich pay, rather than focusing on total federal taxes, which is the important and real number to concentrate on.
With a liberal, "stats" is just a euphemism for "lies."

I posted stats from to back my claims, you posted rightwing fart air as proof that their is class warfare against the rich. I rest my case there Mr Bripatard.

You posted a link. If you want me to read your stats, then include them in your post. Otherwise i won't bother.

Furthermore, I never contested the claim that we had a surplus in the last year of the Clinton administration. However, Clinton did absolutely nothing to deserve credit for that.

Lazy, eh?
Can't answer the question so you're using fallacious reasoning right?

Obama has continued the decline through his policies. The first to lose millions of jobs after a recession ended. This sis due to regulation, future regulation and the promise of the fair share. Confidence is lacking, people do not want to invest with the uncertainty and the fact that on at least on two occasions screwed investors.

This simply is not a business friendly environment.

Where is proof of all this regulation and point out which policies that are specifically his. Don't beat me in the head with the BS you parrot from Foxnews and their acolytes.

ARE YOU SERIOUS? Are you really serious? My bad I thought you were a serious poster.

But you appear not more then little ole al sharpton. sad really.

Red Tape Rising: Regulation in the Obama Era | The Heritage Foundation

Try to digest the information.

Then stop and ask yourself why regs have gone forward after cap and trade was defeated in bipartisan fashion.
Top 10% earns 45% of all income and pays 30% of all Federal taxes. .

That's totally wrong. Either you're stupid or a liar. In either case, we can safely ignore any statistics you post to this forum.

Stop being a distorter you moron, part of the reason why a lot of people are not paying income taxes is because the rich pay most of their taxes on capital gains and dividends which is taxed at a lower rate than income taxes so the super rich who earned 100 million dollars of their dividends and capital gains would only pay may 17 million of that in taxes, a middle class person who makes 30,000 dollars a year will pay proportionally more in income taxes.

It's not just that; income taxes only account for around 40% of federal revenue. Another 40% comes from FICA taxes. The weatlhy pay very little in those taxes compared to everyone else as a percentage of their income.
Bass 2.O

If no one else will take at this one --- I will...

Black unemployment started to rise when the recession took place, not when Obama took office and please point out what Obama policies cause the black unemployment rate to rise, give the name of said policy(ies) and show how they impacted black unemployment.

In the 1st 2 years of his admin, B.O. (and more significantly Pelosi/Reid) held EVERY ASPECT of the American hostage with legislative uncertainty..

** The healthcare abortion (whateverthefuck it was that nobody read) that hung over the heads of every employer..

** The threat of cap/trade energy policy and the delegation to the EPA of powers to treat CO2 as a pollutant (as I live and breathe).. Hold your breath, we're still not there..

** The bush tax cuts. This one went right up until the last f'in minute and we're STILL arguing about it.

** The wars abroad.. Still no definitive policy or conclusion.

** Frank/Dodd legislation which wasn't really legislation (just an empty place-holder for regs) and is being developed (Slowly) in back room deals by unaccountable bureaucrats..

EVERRY SINGLE ASPECT of the American economy has been held CAPTIVE by the Pelosi/Reid socialist steam roller and now a more neutered Chief Exec. The UNCERTAINTY of all this for employers is why blacks (and whites) will CONTINUE to suffer in the workforce.. Get a clue --- clear the decks. And tell your troops to catch up on their "in boxes"....
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The wealthy paying their fair share of tax is not ‘class warfare,’ anyone who advocates such is a demagogue.

Lazy, eh?

More like in denial. Can’t accept the facts which conflict with the dogma.

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