Decisions, decisions for tonight's debate's Drinking game.

If you want to stay sober, take a drink every time one of them tells the truth.

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:lol: Or if anyone actually offers a solid plan on what they will do if elected.
By solid plan, of course you mean something you agree with.
If instead, you meant something that actually makes sense, you'd just get a slight buzz.

Let's see some sort of anything substantial, we can make fun of it after we at least get that far. Let's start with the ACA, replace with what?
Hey, I'm going to the store for something....tasty
Who is the score keeper?

By the way, If the argument/debate get heated, lets suspend the game, ok?

hmmm, how heated?
Here we go! Think I'll give numbers to rate their speach the Olympics. So far the emcee gets a 9.0!

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