Decisions, decisions for tonight's debate's Drinking game.

Walker...abortion let a mother die instead of getting an abortion. You would think this was MSNBC!
Huckabee. Unborn babies are people.. Gets a weak response from crowd.
The clown faces continue to consume adult beverages rather than learn something. No surprises here. We will let you know tomorrow.
They are all hate McConnell.:crybaby:
Huckabee. Unborn babies are people.. Gets a weak response from crowd.

He basically said he is going to ignore the supreme court and risk impeachmet to stop abortions.

The Amendment process is the way, and he is going to ignore it!!
The clown faces continue to consume adult beverages rather than learn something. No surprises here. We will let you know tomorrow.

Oh please. My father is a hardcore, lifetime, card carrying member of the party and even he called this a monkey show. 10 on the dais, 17 total candidates (so far)....please. Drinking is the only way to make it to the end of this.

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