Decisions, decisions for tonight's debate's Drinking game.

Is it just me or is John Kasich angling for the VP spot with Trump?

Hard to say. I think he was definitely trying to appeal to Trump rather than taking the opportunity to attack. You can view that as someone who wants to appear above board and willing to work with everyone or a public personal appeal to Trump.

I really think it was an attempt to not only appeal to Trump but Trump supporters as well.
Sounds like Ben Carson is giving the okay for water boarding in a very subtle manner.
LOL....Paul is just going CRaZy!!! It's so much fun to watch

He needs the attention.
Bush wants states standards for schools. Mississippi children will never learn to read.
Jeb made points on his education stance and was able to brush aside the Fox slur about Common Core.
Bush...make sure standards are high...balogna..not with the states writing their own tests!
Kasich is saying tax cuts spur economic growth. I guess he missed the memo of the last dozen years that shows it doesn't work.
It's the perfect left wing response to opinions they disagree with....get drunk.
Thinking Fox is maneuvering to get their own candidate to look good. Might be Bush. This is the most dishonest debate I have ever seen.

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