Deconstructing the fictitious deep state.

What is the IMC?

Military–industrial complex some people call it. (likely more accurate)​

The expression military–industrial complex (MIC) describes the relationship between a country's military and the defense industry that supplies it, seen together as a vested interest which influences public policy.

A driving factor behind the relationship between the military and the defense-minded corporations is that both sides benefit—one side from obtaining war weapons, and the other from being paid to supply them.

The term is most often used in reference to the system behind the armed forces of the United States, where the relationship is most prevalent due to close links among defense contractors, the Pentagon, and politicians.

The expression gained popularity after a warning of the relationship's detrimental effects, in the farewell address of President Dwight D. Eisenhower on January 17, 1961.
Ike using the term "military industrial complex" was not a reference to what Steve Bannon called the deep state. Got anything else?
So again, you self-admit to being a fool. The MIC is a significant part of the DP.

Prior to posting a thread its a good idea to know what you’re talking about.

Bannon’s opinion is meaningless.

The Debunked IRS Targeting Scandal Shows There Is No Sane Wing of the GOP​

Sorry, I've never heard of the horseshit about Comey and Flynn. Care to fill me in?
The Justice Department settled with conservative groups. There was wrongdoing dumbass.
The sides asked the United States District Court for the District of Columbia on Wednesday to issue a declarative judgment in one of the cases involving 41 plaintiffs that would say the IRS was wrong to apply the United States tax laws based on an entity’s name, position or association with a particular political movement.
“We hope that today’s settlement makes clear that this abuse of power will not be tolerated,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a statement on Thursday.
So when Trump abused the DoJ to try to hold on to power he was the "Deep State?"
And when McConnell refused to allow testimony at Trump's impeachments he was "Deep State?"
And when MTG was tweeting Pelosi's location to the insurrection she was "Deep State?"
So what is it called when "Republicans misusing their position in government?"
1. AG Barr would not allow Trump to misuse the DOJ, so WTF are you referring to? Link please.
2. What testimony did McConnell not allow? Link please.
3. Democrats dox republicans all the time, that is normal behavior in DC, duh
4. If Republicans misuse their position in government in a political manner, that too is the "deep State", just the GOP brand.
5. There can be red/blue whistleblowers as well. Depends who gets outed and if its legitimate. (No 2nd hand whistleblowers)
1. AG Barr would not allow Trump to misuse the DOJ, so WTF are you referring to? Link please.
2. What testimony did McConnell not allow? Link please.
3. Democrats dox republicans all the time, that is normal behavior in DC, duh
4. If Republicans misuse their position in government in a political manner, that too is the "deep State", just the GOP brand.
5. There can be red/blue whistleblowers as well. Depends who gets outed and if its legitimate. (No 2nd hand whistleblowers)

It doesn't have a link.

It never has links.

Neither do its cult-mates.

The Justice Department settled with conservative groups. There was wrongdoing dumbass.
The sides asked the United States District Court for the District of Columbia on Wednesday to issue a declarative judgment in one of the cases involving 41 plaintiffs that would say the IRS was wrong to apply the United States tax laws based on an entity’s name, position or association with a particular political movement.
“We hope that today’s settlement makes clear that this abuse of power will not be tolerated,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a statement on Thursday.
Only after the regime changed to a Trumpy one did they allow that. All applications for government benefits are subject to some degree of verification. That is, a certain % of the applications are selected for verification. Lerner used politically sounding names in her verification selection process. To qualify for tax free, anonymous donor group by law, you can't be involved in politics, except by a rule change you can be involved in politics as long as you don't spend more than 50% on politics.....which is why they were flooded with a huge number of apps.
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1. AG Barr would not allow Trump to misuse the DOJ, so WTF are you referring to? Link please.
2. What testimony did McConnell not allow? Link please.
3. Democrats dox republicans all the time, that is normal behavior in DC, duh
4. If Republicans misuse their position in government in a political manner, that too is the "deep State", just the GOP brand.
5. There can be red/blue whistleblowers as well. Depends who gets outed and if its legitimate. (No 2nd hand whistleblowers)
1. "AG Barr would not allow Trump to misuse the DOJ" ??? BWAHAHAHAHA the feigned ignorance is amazing. Try searching Trump use DoJ to stay in power
2. ANY. Try searching Trump impeachment testimony.
3. That's not DOX, that is accessory to attempted murder. But that's OK, right?
4. Then call THEM out like Trump, like McConnell, like MTG or just STFU.
5. Only MAGAT whistleblowers come in colors and all of them are liars.
Bug.80 is a funny lil feller. Wrong most of the time. But amusing, like a friendly kid with Downs Syndrome.

Some people do, perhaps, misuse the term “the Deep State.”

But that doesn’t mean that the Deep State doesn’t exist.
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Is there some sort of indoctrination ceremony to become a member? If so, at what point of the term of employment does it occur? If you become a member what happens if you want to quit? Do you get surveilled so as not to reveal what happens behind closed doors? You know.......all the plotting.

Are all cabinet depts. part of it? If I work as a dairy inspection supervisor making sure the milk and cheese Americans consume is safe am I required to join? Can I? What if I don't want to?

Does the DS hold meetings to decide how they are going to do their nefarious deeds? Are they done in secret? Why haven't there been any DS whistle blowers blowing the lid off the entire enterprise?

Do they (who ever they are) implant some chip that controls your mind in order to carry out the DS's awful, anti-American agenda?

For those of you who believe there is such a thing please help me out. Explain to me how it works, please.
The deep state are those unelected and/or unappointed who command sufficient power and authority to influence policy and politicians/bureaucrats and it operates clandestinely. Many people in a position to know believe that it is that unofficial but organized deep state that is currently running the country. Only the most blindly partisan or frankly stupid/ignorant believe it is Biden who is setting the agenda and policy of the Presidential office.

Those in a position to know believe it is deep state operatives who have weaponized government (FBI, IRS, possibly CIA etc.) to disable, silence, destroy political opposition, especially whistle blowers. (Also any defectors from the deep state organization.)

The rank and file federal employee or appointees are not deep state unless they willingly and knowingly aid and abet the deep state in usurping the lawful authority of government and directing it via clandestine means.
Is there some sort of indoctrination ceremony to become a member? If so, at what point of the term of employment does it occur? If you become a member what happens if you want to quit? Do you get surveilled so as not to reveal what happens behind closed doors? You know.......all the plotting.

Are all cabinet depts. part of it? If I work as a dairy inspection supervisor making sure the milk and cheese Americans consume is safe am I required to join? Can I? What if I don't want to?

Does the DS hold meetings to decide how they are going to do their nefarious deeds? Are they done in secret? Why haven't there been any DS whistle blowers blowing the lid off the entire enterprise?

Do they (who ever they are) implant some chip that controls your mind in order to carry out the DS's awful, anti-American agenda?

For those of you who believe there is such a thing please help me out. Explain to me how it works, please.
Hereditary Power Is an Invasive Virus

Poison Ivy (League) doesn't need a plan. It just spreads naturally.

Richkids would be nothing without their Daddy's Money. So we must take that away from them.
The deep state are those unelected and/or unappointed who command sufficient power and authority to influence policy and politicians/bureaucrats and it operates clandestinely. Many people in a position to know believe that it is that unofficial but organized deep state that is currently running the country. Only the most blindly partisan or frankly stupid/ignorant believe it is Biden who is setting the agenda and policy of the Presidential office.

Those in a position to know believe it is deep state operatives who have weaponized government (FBI, IRS, possibly CIA etc.) to disable, silence, destroy political opposition, especially whistle blowers. (Also any defectors from the deep state organization.)

The rank and file federal employee or appointees are not deep state unless they willingly and knowingly aid and abet the deep state in usurping the lawful authority of government and directing it via clandestine means.

1. "AG Barr would not allow Trump to misuse the DOJ" ??? BWAHAHAHAHA the feigned ignorance is amazing. Try searching Trump use DoJ to stay in power
2. ANY. Try searching Trump impeachment testimony.
3. That's not DOX, that is accessory to attempted murder. But that's OK, right?
4. Then call THEM out like Trump, like McConnell, like MTG or just STFU.
5. Only MAGAT whistleblowers come in colors and all of them are liars.
No links.....BWAHAHAHAHA

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