Deconstructing the fictitious deep state.

The "deep state" includes anyone in the Federal government who misuses their position to affect politics, from Lois Lerner misusing the IRS to harm conservative organizations, to Comey setting up General Flynn, to McCabe/Strzok/Page "not allowing Trump to win" via operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Crossfire-Razor. The FBI even falsified evidence to spy on Trump via FISA, the FBI also paid Twitter to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story.

The Deep State is real. I could probably re-name it "democrats misusing their position in government".

So it’s anyone you don’t like?
Still no links. Lies are all democrats have to run on.

Biden is toast and y'all know it. The deep is going to be deconstructed. Stay tuned.
Warm buttery toast.
The kind of toast everyone wants to vote for.

Tell ya what stinky.

My billing rate is $360/hr.
You give me $2500 in site awards and I'll do your searches for you.
'The pervasive CIA involvement in the global vaccine push should give us pause. There is nothing in the CIA's history, in its charter, in its composition, or in its institutional culture that betrays an interest in promoting either public health or democracy. The CIA's historical preoccupations have been power and control.
The CIA officially made its open debut in the biosecurity racket in 2004, with its launch of Argus, a project that monitors biological, terrorist, and pandemic threats in 178 nations....One of the key figures in this global surveillance efforts was CIA officer Dr. Michael Callahan.'
(The Real Anthony Fauci, p. 389 & 395)

We've already shown how Musk fits into the control picture, by silencing dissenting anti-COVID voices, some of which have been listed here:

Post #33

This is the deep state.
The deep state are those unelected and/or unappointed who command sufficient power and authority to influence policy and politicians/bureaucrats and it operates clandestinely. Many people in a position to know believe that it is that unofficial but organized deep state that is currently running the country. Only the most blindly partisan or frankly stupid/ignorant believe it is Biden who is setting the agenda and policy of the Presidential office.

Those in a position to know believe it is deep state operatives who have weaponized government (FBI, IRS, possibly CIA etc.) to disable, silence, destroy political opposition, especially whistle blowers. (Also any defectors from the deep state organization.)

The rank and file federal employee or appointees are not deep state unless they willingly and knowingly aid and abet the deep state in usurping the lawful authority of government and directing it via clandestine means.

The "deep state" includes anyone in the Federal government who misuses their position to affect politics, from Lois Lerner misusing the IRS to harm conservative organizations, to Comey setting up General Flynn, to McCabe/Strzok/Page "not allowing Trump to win" via operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Crossfire-Razor. The FBI even falsified evidence to spy on Trump via FISA, the FBI also paid Twitter to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story.

The Deep State is real. I could probably re-name it "democrats misusing their position in government".

It's real in Trump's head .

And conservatives know there’s no ‘deep state.’

But rightwing demagogues will continue to lie about it as part of their campaign to undermine democracy and hobble the political process.
Dupe. Before Trump shit libs like you knew of the DP. Now because of Trump and state media filling your head with lies, you don’t.
Warm buttery toast. The kind of toast everyone wants to vote for.
Tell ya what stinky. My billing rate is $360/hr.
You give me $2500 in site awards and I'll do your searches for you.
1. no links, just lies.
2. Stinky? Joe Biden shits his pants.
3. keep typing those lies, Biden is unelectable, deal with that truth.
Lol. You just admitted being uninformed.

Ever heard of a potus named Ike? He warned about it over 60 years ago. Somehow you’ve been duped by a lying state run media. How does this happen?
It's a politically created phantasm. A modern bogeyman used by the right to place blame when they refuse to be accountable for their failures. Nothing more. You'll be elated to know it still works on the plebes in '23. :113:
1. no links, just lies.
2. Stinky? Joe Biden shits his pants.
3. keep typing those lies, Biden is unelectable, deal with that truth.
1. Hey Squirtle! I offered to do your work for you and find links to common knowledge. If you're too cheap to pay to relieve your ignorance of common knowledge then remain ignorant.
2. No, Brownie. Trump craps in YOUR pants and you call it dinner.
3. Never lie Liar, and Biden owns the GQP.
They're practically the same thing. The existence of the shadow govt and mic are deeply intertwined. Just a teeny bit of logical thought and deduction can reveal such collusion. It's not too difficult.
Sorry, I don't believe one thing represents another thing based on nothing. :rolleyes: That's how magaturds process information.
It's a politically created phantasm. A modern bogeyman used by the right to place blame when they refuse to be accountable for their failures. Nothing more. You'll be elated to know it still works on the plebes in '23. :113:
Knowing the DP exists doesn’t make you a MAGA. It means you’re informed and not a statist dupe.

The state run media has brainwashed you to think the DP is something Trump conjured up, yet it’s existed for over sixty years.
The Justice Department settled with conservative groups. There was wrongdoing dumbass.
The sides asked the United States District Court for the District of Columbia on Wednesday to issue a declarative judgment in one of the cases involving 41 plaintiffs that would say the IRS was wrong to apply the United States tax laws based on an entity’s name, position or association with a particular political movement.
“We hope that today’s settlement makes clear that this abuse of power will not be tolerated,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a statement on Thursday.
Who went to prison?

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