Deconstructing the fictitious deep state.

There is no griffin deep state.

It’s the right’s boogeyman (they need a boogeyman) and a convenient excuse for all their failures
Same old narrative straight from state run MSNBC.
Is there some sort of indoctrination ceremony to become a member? If so, at what point of the term of employment does it occur? If you become a member what happens if you want to quit? Do you get surveilled so as not to reveal what happens behind closed doors? You know.......all the plotting.

Are all cabinet depts. part of it? If I work as a dairy inspection supervisor making sure the milk and cheese Americans consume is safe am I required to join? Can I? What if I don't want to?

Does the DS hold meetings to decide how they are going to do their nefarious deeds? Are they done in secret? Why haven't there been any DS whistle blowers blowing the lid off the entire enterprise?

Do they (who ever they are) implant some chip that controls your mind in order to carry out the DS's awful, anti-American agenda?

For those of you who believe there is such a thing please help me out. Explain to me how it works, please.
Start here.


The "deep state" includes anyone in the Federal government who misuses their position to affect politics, from Lois Lerner misusing the IRS to harm conservative organizations, to Comey setting up General Flynn, to McCabe/Strzok/Page "not allowing Trump to win" via operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Crossfire-Razor. The FBI even falsified evidence to spy on Trump via FISA, the FBI also paid Twitter to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story.

The Deep State is real. I could probably re-name it "democrats misusing their position in government".

It's much larger, but includes the above.
Is there some sort of indoctrination ceremony to become a member? If so, at what point of the term of employment does it occur? If you become a member what happens if you want to quit? Do you get surveilled so as not to reveal what happens behind closed doors? You know.......all the plotting.

Are all cabinet depts. part of it? If I work as a dairy inspection supervisor making sure the milk and cheese Americans consume is safe am I required to join? Can I? What if I don't want to?

Does the DS hold meetings to decide how they are going to do their nefarious deeds? Are they done in secret? Why haven't there been any DS whistle blowers blowing the lid off the entire enterprise?

Do they (who ever they are) implant some chip that controls your mind in order to carry out the DS's awful, anti-American agenda?

For those of you who believe there is such a thing please help me out. Explain to me how it works, please.
The Deep State is all the people that keep their heads down and do their jobs, while the narcissists run the show. SCARY!!!
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Dupe. Before Trump shit libs like you knew of the DP. Now because of Trump and state media filling your head with lies, you don’t.
Conservatives use their lies to undermine democracy and hobble the political process – in addition to the ‘deep state’ lie, there’s the ‘stolen’ election lie, and the ‘voter fraud’ lie, just to name a few.
Is there some sort of indoctrination ceremony to become a member? If so, at what point of the term of employment does it occur? If you become a member what happens if you want to quit? Do you get surveilled so as not to reveal what happens behind closed doors? You know.......all the plotting.

Are all cabinet depts. part of it? If I work as a dairy inspection supervisor making sure the milk and cheese Americans consume is safe am I required to join? Can I? What if I don't want to?

Does the DS hold meetings to decide how they are going to do their nefarious deeds? Are they done in secret? Why haven't there been any DS whistle blowers blowing the lid off the entire enterprise?

Do they (who ever they are) implant some chip that controls your mind in order to carry out the DS's awful, anti-American agenda?

For those of you who believe there is such a thing please help me out. Explain to me how it works, please.
The initiation is getting vested with AFSCME....They can never fire your dead parasite ass after that.

There are millions of those bloodsucking bureaucratic leeches, and nobody ever voted for them.

The "deep state" includes anyone in the Federal government who misuses their position to affect politics, from Lois Lerner misusing the IRS to harm conservative organizations, to Comey setting up General Flynn, to McCabe/Strzok/Page "not allowing Trump to win" via operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Crossfire-Razor. The FBI even falsified evidence to spy on Trump via FISA, the FBI also paid Twitter to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story.

The Deep State is real. I could probably re-name it "democrats misusing their position in government".

Are you stating that Republicans don't "misuse their position to affect politics"???
Is there some sort of indoctrination ceremony to become a member? If so, at what point of the term of employment does it occur? If you become a member what happens if you want to quit? Do you get surveilled so as not to reveal what happens behind closed doors? You know.......all the plotting.

Are all cabinet depts. part of it? If I work as a dairy inspection supervisor making sure the milk and cheese Americans consume is safe am I required to join? Can I? What if I don't want to?

Does the DS hold meetings to decide how they are going to do their nefarious deeds? Are they done in secret? Why haven't there been any DS whistle blowers blowing the lid off the entire enterprise?

Do they (who ever they are) implant some chip that controls your mind in order to carry out the DS's awful, anti-American agenda?

For those of you who believe there is such a thing please help me out. Explain to me how it works, please.
The title of the thread is ridiculous. There is a Deep State.
Conservatives use their lies to undermine democracy and hobble the political process – in addition to the ‘deep state’ lie, there’s the ‘stolen’ election lie, and the ‘voter fraud’ lie, just to name a few.
How in the world have shit libs like you lost your minds? Oh yeah, Trump. Trump has so totally fucked you. You’ve allowed state controlled media using Trump to completely propagandize you.
Is there some sort of indoctrination ceremony to become a member? If so, at what point of the term of employment does it occur? If you become a member what happens if you want to quit? Do you get surveilled so as not to reveal what happens behind closed doors? You know.......all the plotting.

Are all cabinet depts. part of it? If I work as a dairy inspection supervisor making sure the milk and cheese Americans consume is safe am I required to join? Can I? What if I don't want to?

Does the DS hold meetings to decide how they are going to do their nefarious deeds? Are they done in secret? Why haven't there been any DS whistle blowers blowing the lid off the entire enterprise?

Do they (who ever they are) implant some chip that controls your mind in order to carry out the DS's awful, anti-American agenda?

For those of you who believe there is such a thing please help me out. Explain to me how it works, please.

Pure bullspit
1. Hey Squirtle! I offered to do your work for you and find links to common knowledge. If you're too cheap to pay to relieve your ignorance of common knowledge then remain ignorant.
2. No, Brownie. Trump craps in YOUR pants and you call it dinner.
3. Never lie Liar, and Biden owns the GQP.
1. No links = democrat lies
2. Biden shits his pants, here a link.
3. No one wants Biden to have a 2nd term. Trump owns Biden, dumbass. See how I just kicked your lying ass?

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