Deconstructing the fictitious deep state.

Yet only one side works against the democratic process. Only one side disrupts the smooth transfer of power.
We can see that the GOP is insane. Deep state is a part of that insanity.
Right. The notion there is such a thing as the DS gives the nitwits a target to direct their anger, frustrations, and paranoia at. More importantly, among other things, it is meant to give license to Trump with respect to doing things like firing Inspectors General. He claimed to be purging the government of deep state members when in fact he was trying to hide corruption inside his admin. It's a canard.
Right. The notion there is such a thing as the DS gives the nitwits a target to direct their anger, frustrations, and paranoia at. More importantly, among other things, it is meant to give license to Trump with respect to doing things like firing Inspectors General. He claimed to be purging the government of deep state members when in fact he was trying to hide corruption inside his admin. It's a canard.
I think in all organisations there is a self preservation instinct that can lead to problems.
We see it in policing when officers cover up the actions of a colleague. But they are just as likely to be caused by republicans as dems.

More so when you consider the GOP distaste for law and orderr.
the grossest partisanship of the impeachments was the support of trump's senators for a would be dictator. whatever trump got from epstein in return for his freedom must be pretty convincing.

Cute post.

Did you put me on "Ignore" yet?

I'm looking forward to it.

I think in all organisations there is a self preservation instinct that can lead to problems.
We see it in policing when officers cover up the actions of a colleague. But they are just as likely to be caused by republicans as dems.

More so when you consider the GOP distaste for law and orderr.
Yes, but I think the conspiracists have taken it a step further. They aren't just accusing the fictitious deep state of self preservation. They're accusing it nefarious actions like some sort of amorphous, Kafkaesque force imposing its will. The whole thing is lunacy.
Yes, but I think the conspiracists have taken it a step further. They aren't just accusing the fictitious deep state of self preservation. They're accusing it nefarious actions like some sort of amorphous, Kafkaesque force imposing its will. The whole thing is lunacy.
Trump fostered a sense of victimhood which played into their conspiracy theory lunacy.
Climate change
Trans rights
They are all invented to oppress Joe Dope in Shitville.
I read the whole first page of this thread. Neither the OP, nor any other poster deconstructed, debunked, or in any way provided evidence to contradict what we see every day if we are paying attention.

There are a set of entrenched bureaucrats, alk either Democrats or establishment Republicans, running the government who have managed to avoid accountability to and oversight by Congress and who are too large and opaque to be controlled by the president.

Trump's true offense in the Telephone Game impeachment was having gone against the will of those folk and set his own foreign policy.
1. No links = democrat lies
2. Biden shits his pants, here a link.
3. No one wants Biden to have a 2nd term. Trump owns Biden, dumbass. See how I just kicked your lying ass?
View attachment 828222
1. I'm a Republican my tiny minded MAGAT. So Republican lies?

3. Speaking of polls...


Sit Ubu Sit.
me too. that "do not view profile" seems to block the ignore button. i shall figure it out eventually, but until that blessed day i can "self identify" as ignoring yet another troll..

Ask a mod, if it's that important.

I'm guessing it's not and you just want yet another opportunity to try to tell me how much you dislike me.

Keep 'em coming. I enjoy this.


Yet only one side works against the democratic process. Only one side disrupts the smooth transfer of power.
We can see that the GOP is insane. Deep state is a part of that insanity.
Baloney. The Democrats haven't accepted the results of an election they lost in years. Al Gore delayed the process by weeks in 2000 and it took the Supreme Court to get the process to move forward. Stacy Abrams has never admitted she lost her election. Hillary Clinton was asking electors to ignore the election and cast their votes for her. For all four years of his administration the Democrats declared Trump an illegitimate President. Yes J6 was somewhat a different scenario with a different kind of request but the purpose was NEVER to overthrow the government. It was NOT an insurrection. It was a protest to delay certification of the election until investigations into fraud could be completed.

Trump did not succeed in that and I do not think he should have as the Democrats would then have done the same in every future election that they lost. It would have set a terrible precedent.

But his motives were not at all sinister and given the irregularities that existed not all that unreasonable.
Yes, but I think the conspiracists have taken it a step further. They aren't just accusing the fictitious deep state of self preservation. They're accusing it nefarious actions like some sort of amorphous, Kafkaesque force imposing its will. The whole thing is lunacy.
In this ridiculously politicized environment even a simple thing like recognizing the existence of the DS, is disputed. It’s beyond stupid.

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