Deconstructing the fictitious deep state.

You're all done here. Bye.
Actually Biden is done here...


The "deep state" includes anyone in the Federal government who misuses their position to affect politics, from Lois Lerner misusing the IRS to harm conservative organizations, to Comey setting up General Flynn, to McCabe/Strzok/Page "not allowing Trump to win" via operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Crossfire-Razor. The FBI even falsified evidence to spy on Trump via FISA, the FBI also paid Twitter to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story.

The Deep State is real. I could probably re-name it "democrats misusing their position in government".

So would it include Trump firing US Attorneys who refused to investigate fraudulent claims of stolen elections?

Would it include Trump telling the DOJ to just say that you are investigating Fraud in Georgia. I’ll take care of the rest?

Nah. It can’t include those actions. Right?
They're practically the same thing. The existence of the shadow govt and mic are deeply intertwined. Just a teeny bit of logical thought and deduction can reveal such collusion. It's not too difficult.
The expression military–industrial complex (MIC) describes the relationship between a country's military and the defense industry that supplies it.

According to an American political conspiracy theory, the deep state is a clandestine network of members of the federal government (especially within the FBI and CIA), working in conjunction with high-level financial and industrial entities and leaders, to exercise power alongside or within the elected United States government.

If you believe those two things are "practically the same thing" you're a nitwit.
So again, you self-admit to being a fool. The MIC is a significant part of the DP.

Prior to posting a thread its a good idea to know what you’re talking about.

Bannon’s opinion is meaningless.
See post #84.
The Justice Department settled with conservative groups. There was wrongdoing dumbass.
On both sides of the spectrum, dumbass. Proving conservatives were not being targeted exclusively.

The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration reviewed a decade of IRS handling of political organizations. It found that scores of liberal groups were subject to the same heavy scrutiny that conservative groups faced. This merely certified what had been perfectly clear all along. Within months of the “targeting scandal” breaking, evidence was already available to show that the IRS was giving political activists on the left the same treatment as those on the right. (The New York Times reported on this as early as June 2013.) Subsequent hearings turned up no evidence Obama had ordered the IRS to target conservatives because the IRS did not in fact target conservatives. The fact some conservatives had a hard time dealing with the IRS did not prove the IRS is targeting conservatives any more than some conservatives having a hard time renewing their driver’s licenses would prove the DMV is targeting conservatives.
So would it include Trump firing US Attorneys who refused to investigate fraudulent claims of stolen elections?

Would it include Trump telling the DOJ to just say that you are investigating Fraud in Georgia. I’ll take care of the rest?

Nah. It can’t include those actions. Right?
Or this?

The internal watchdogs Trump has fired or replaced​


The "deep state" includes anyone in the Federal government who misuses their position to affect politics, from Lois Lerner misusing the IRS to harm conservative organizations, to Comey setting up General Flynn, to McCabe/Strzok/Page "not allowing Trump to win" via operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Crossfire-Razor. The FBI even falsified evidence to spy on Trump via FISA, the FBI also paid Twitter to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story.

The Deep State is real. I could probably re-name it "democrats misusing their position in government".

iow the "deep state" is a fantasy created by right wing media.

there is a career civil service that is prohibited by law (hatch act) from overt politics. they tend to do their jobs no matter what kind of goofy appointees are placed into management positions.
iow the "deep state" is a fantasy created by right wing media.

there is a career civil service that is prohibited by law (hatch act) from overt politics. they tend to do their jobs no matter what kind of goofy appointees are placed into management positions.
The assertion that there is a deep state was essentially designed to create a rationale needed to justify Bannon's stated desire to dismantle the government as we know it.

Trump Ally Steve Bannon Wants to Destroy U.S. Society as We Know It

How ‘Traditionalist’ values that guide the alt-right inspire the political strategist to bring on an imagined (and better) alternative​

Late in the evening on Oct. 31, 2020, just days before the U.S. presidential election, Steve Bannon, a former adviser to President Donald Trump, sat with a group of associates in his posh Washington, D.C. townhouse. Violence beckoned for the nation, he told them. Bannon claimed that, regardless of the tally, Trump was planning to declare victory shortly after polls closed on Nov. 4. They all knew that the first votes counted would be those cast in-person as opposed to mail-in ballots, and these votes would favor Trump.

So, Bannon explained, “Trump’s going to take advantage of it. That’s our strategy. He’s gonna declare himself a winner.” Were Biden to overtake Trump’s lead later in the vote count, competing claims between Trump and the media would cause uncertainty and discord. “You’re going to have antifa, crazy. The media, crazy. The courts are crazy. And Trump’s gonna be sitting there mocking, tweeting shit out: ‘You lose. I’m the winner. I’m the king.’” Moreover, Bannon claimed, the sitting president would then gut judicial oversight of himself by firing FBI Director Christopher Wray. “After then, Trump never has to go to a voter again. … He’s gonna say ‘Fuck you. How about that?’ Because … he’s done his last election. Oh, he’s going to be off the chain — he’s gonna be crazy.”
Is there some sort of indoctrination ceremony to become a member? If so, at what point of the term of employment does it occur? If you become a member what happens if you want to quit? Do you get surveilled so as not to reveal what happens behind closed doors? You know.......all the plotting.

Are all cabinet depts. part of it? If I work as a dairy inspection supervisor making sure the milk and cheese Americans consume is safe am I required to join? Can I? What if I don't want to?

Does the DS hold meetings to decide how they are going to do their nefarious deeds? Are they done in secret? Why haven't there been any DS whistle blowers blowing the lid off the entire enterprise?

Do they (who ever they are) implant some chip that controls your mind in order to carry out the DS's awful, anti-American agenda?

For those of you who believe there is such a thing please help me out. Explain to me how it works, please.
Lying pos.
So when Trump abused the DoJ to try to hold on to power he was the "Deep State?"
And when McConnell refused to allow testimony at Trump's impeachments he was "Deep State?"
And when MTG was tweeting Pelosi's location to the insurrection she was "Deep State?"

So what is it called when "Republicans misusing their position in government?"
dildolix lies again.
The deep state are those unelected and/or unappointed who command sufficient power and authority to influence policy and politicians/bureaucrats and it operates clandestinely. Many people in a position to know believe that it is that unofficial but organized deep state that is currently running the country. Only the most blindly partisan or frankly stupid/ignorant believe it is Biden who is setting the agenda and policy of the Presidential office.

Those in a position to know believe it is deep state operatives who have weaponized government (FBI, IRS, possibly CIA etc.) to disable, silence, destroy political opposition, especially whistle blowers. (Also any defectors from the deep state organization.)

The rank and file federal employee or appointees are not deep state unless they willingly and knowingly aid and abet the deep state in usurping the lawful authority of government and directing it via clandestine means.
Yet only one side works against the democratic process. Only one side disrupts the smooth transfer of power.
We can see that the GOP is insane. Deep state is a part of that insanity.

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