Deconstructing the fictitious deep state.

Al Gore delayed the process by weeks in 2000 and it took the Supreme Court
So he objected and took his case to the courts? Then when he lost he had the class and dignity to concede and even presided over the Jan 6th ceremonial counting in 2001.
Hillary Clinton was asking electors to ignore the election and cast their votes for her.
In reality, five Clinton electors and two Trump electors switched votes and became faithless electors. Not illegal. No violent attempt to stop the transfer of power from one party to the next. Again, like most all losing candidates before Trumpyberra, she had the dignity concede and called the Orange Phart in the wee hours the next morning after election night to congratulate him.
Baloney. The Democrats haven't accepted the results of an election they lost in years. Al Gore delayed the process by weeks in 2000 and it took the Supreme Court to get the process to move forward. Stacy Abrams has never admitted she lost her election. Hillary Clinton was asking electors to ignore the election and cast their votes for her. For all four years of his administration the Democrats declared Trump an illegitimate President. Yes J6 was somewhat a different scenario with a different kind of request but the purpose was NEVER to overthrow the government. It was NOT an insurrection. It was a protest to delay certification of the election until investigations into fraud could be completed.

Trump did not succeed in that and I do not think he should have as the Democrats would then have done the same in every future election that they lost. It would have set a terrible precedent.

But his motives were not at all sinister and given the irregularities that existed not all that unreasonable.
You mean the dems used legal means to make challenges. Instead of erecting gallows and stuff ?

The "deep state" includes anyone in the Federal government who misuses their position to affect politics, from Lois Lerner misusing the IRS to harm conservative organizations, to Comey setting up General Flynn, to McCabe/Strzok/Page "not allowing Trump to win" via operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Crossfire-Razor. The FBI even falsified evidence to spy on Trump via FISA, the FBI also paid Twitter to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story.

The Deep State is real. I could probably re-name it "democrats misusing their position in government".

Lois Lerner didn't harm ANY conservative organizations at all. The ONLY groups who weren't given their non-profit status were 4 organizations which were affiliated with the Democratic Party. From a 2017 article:

The reason to revisit this issue now is that the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) issued a report last week that showed that the supposedly scandalous behavior never happened. In other words, the central lie behind this non-scandal has been definitively undermined.

Not to mention that engaging in political activies is illegal for non-profits in the first place, so any application from groups engaging in political activities on either side, shouldn't be getting the non-profit designation. From the same article:

To qualify for that status, an organization cannot engage in political activities. At least, that is what the law says, with the relevant tax code provision ( section 501(c)(4) ) saying that organizations that are "operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare" are eligible for tax-exempt status.

How did Comey "set up" General Flynn? Did he tell Flynn to call the Russian Ambassador and illegally promise him to lift the sanctions once Trump was in office? Did Comey order Flynn to lie to the FBI when asked about the call? Did Comey arrange for the Russian government to pay Flynn $25,000 shortly after Flynn resigned from the military.

Please tell us how Comey arranged for General Flynn to do all of these illegal things, just so he could arrest him, because that's a fucking incredible Jedi Mind Trick.

The whole McCabe/Strozc/Page thing cost Trump's government BIGLY. All of the Trump's allegations against both of them proved to be false. The courts ordered McCabe's employment and pension to be reinstated - while Trump was in office, and all three have sued the federal government for First Amendment violations, and Privacy Act violations.

The DOJ was initially defending these suits because they related to actions Trump took as President, but they've recently stepped aside to allow a Trump to sit for a Deposition in these suits. As the least public figure of the three, Page has the strongest case for privacy rights and slander. McCabe was the Deputy Director of the FBI, and as such was the media contact for all FBI related press questions. Strzoc was Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI's Counterintelligence Division, and lead the investigation into Donald Trump's connections to Russian Intelligence.

Notice how that whole investigation went away after Strzok's firing, and the investigation was never seen or heard from again. If they had found nothing, why not issue a report and says so? Just like the bank and wire fraud investigation of the Trump Corporation in New York State just "disappeared" after Bill Barr became AG, but then Leticia James took it over after Cyrus Vance Jr. closed up shop and retired, so that one at least has been revived.

The FISA Application Renewal which contained the "falsified information" you speak of, had nothing to do with the Trump Administration, or any Trump Investigation. Carter Page had been warned on multiple occasions that the GRU was trying to recruit him as an agent. Page had been the subject of 4 FISA Warrants/renewal applications, three of which occured prior to his "volunteering" for the Trump Campaign.

The FBI dropped all surveillance of Page while he was working with the campaign, and only applied for the 4th renewal in October of 2016, AFTER he announced that he was leaving the campaign in the late summer of 2016. The FBI similarly dropped their surveillance of Paul Manafort while he worked for the Trump Campaign, and then picked up their investigation again, after he left/was fired in August of 2016.

If anything, it appears that the FBI showed a lot more care and discretion in investigation Trump and his campaign staffers, than they showed in a very public investigation of all things Hillary throughout 2015 and 2016, and the Auditor General's Report on the 2016 election investigations basically said the same thing. Trump fired the AG after he issued this report, which Trump had hoped to use to re-open the investigation and indict Clinton, after Special Prosecutor Huber came up empty.

That's the report that Durham mischaracterized as finding fault with the Trump Investigations, and their origins, pointing to the fact that the FBI made changes in light of the AG's findings as proof that they mishandled the Trump investigations. That's not what the AG said at all. But of course you don't fact check anything.

I read the whole first page of this thread. Neither the OP, nor any other poster deconstructed, debunked, or in any way provided evidence to contradict what we see every day if we are paying attention.

There are a set of entrenched bureaucrats, alk either Democrats or establishment Republicans, running the government who have managed to avoid accountability to and oversight by Congress and who are too large and opaque to be controlled by the president.

Trump's true offense in the Telephone Game impeachment was having gone against the will of those folk and set his own foreign policy.
Pretty much.
I think in all organisations there is a self preservation instinct that can lead to problems.
We see it in policing when officers cover up the actions of a colleague. But they are just as likely to be caused by republicans as dems.
More so when you consider the GOP distaste for law and order.
LIAR. Democrats are lawless.
Republicans run on "Law and Order", DUH.
People are fleeing democrat run cities/states for Republican run ones.
Lois Lerner didn't harm ANY conservative organizations at all. The ONLY groups who weren't given their non-profit status were 4 organizations which were affiliated with the Democratic Party. From a 2017 article:

Not to mention that engaging in political activies is illegal for non-profits in the first place, so any application from groups engaging in political activities on either side, shouldn't be getting the non-profit designation. From the same article:

How did Comey "set up" General Flynn? Did he tell Flynn to call the Russian Ambassador and illegally promise him to lift the sanctions once Trump was in office? Did Comey order Flynn to lie to the FBI when asked about the call? Did Comey arrange for the Russian government to pay Flynn $25,000 shortly after Flynn resigned from the military.

Please tell us how Comey arranged for General Flynn to do all of these illegal things, just so he could arrest him, because that's a fucking incredible Jedi Mind Trick.

The whole McCabe/Strozc/Page thing cost Trump's government BIGLY. All of the Trump's allegations against both of them proved to be false. The courts ordered McCabe's employment and pension to be reinstated - while Trump was in office, and all three have sued the federal government for First Amendment violations, and Privacy Act violations.

The DOJ was initially defending these suits because they related to actions Trump took as President, but they've recently stepped aside to allow a Trump to sit for a Deposition in these suits. As the least public figure of the three, Page has the strongest case for privacy rights and slander. McCabe was the Deputy Director of the FBI, and as such was the media contact for all FBI related press questions. Strzoc was Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI's Counterintelligence Division, and lead the investigation into Donald Trump's connections to Russian Intelligence.

Notice how that whole investigation went away after Strzok's firing, and the investigation was never seen or heard from again. If they had found nothing, why not issue a report and says so? Just like the bank and wire fraud investigation of the Trump Corporation in New York State just "disappeared" after Bill Barr became AG, but then Leticia James took it over after Cyrus Vance Jr. closed up shop and retired, so that one at least has been revived.

The FISA Application Renewal which contained the "falsified information" you speak of, had nothing to do with the Trump Administration, or any Trump Investigation. Carter Page had been warned on multiple occasions that the GRU was trying to recruit him as an agent. Page had been the subject of 4 FISA Warrants/renewal applications, three of which occured prior to his "volunteering" for the Trump Campaign.

The FBI dropped all surveillance of Page while he was working with the campaign, and only applied for the 4th renewal in October of 2016, AFTER he announced that he was leaving the campaign in the late summer of 2016. The FBI similarly dropped their surveillance of Paul Manafort while he worked for the Trump Campaign, and then picked up their investigation again, after he left/was fired in August of 2016.

If anything, it appears that the FBI showed a lot more care and discretion in investigation Trump and his campaign staffers, than they showed in a very public investigation of all things Hillary throughout 2015 and 2016, and the Auditor General's Report on the 2016 election investigations basically said the same thing. Trump fired the AG after he issued this report, which Trump had hoped to use to re-open the investigation and indict Clinton, after Special Prosecutor Huber came up empty.

That's the report that Durham mischaracterized as finding fault with the Trump Investigations, and their origins, pointing to the fact that the FBI made changes in light of the AG's findings as proof that they mishandled the Trump investigations. That's not what the AG said at all. But of course you don't fact check anything.
The DOJ settled for their admitted wrongdoing dumbass. Fix your forests, stop killing the planet, and stop lying on US forums.

The gop is still trying to steal the 20 election. They are led by a rapist felon. Where is the respect for law and order ?
1. The democrats already stole the 2020 election, with massive election interference by the FBI, google "Twitter files", and hi-tech oligarchs, google "zuckerbucks". If you know math look at the total vote count for 2020 and prior elections. There is a two standard deviation difference fop the 2020 vote count. looks like cheating with mail-ins.

2. Who was convicted for rape and a felony? Link please. People are fleeing democrat run cities and states for the law and order of republican run ones.

3. "Too old" Joe Biden will be impeached and outed as a criminal who took bribes and failed to uphold the Laws of the US. No one wants him to run again. Not even democrats.
Tell me Cucumber-Brain 🥒 do they pay you to type such stupid shit or do they get you to actually do it for free?
So Deep It's Hidden by Whatever We're Told It Is

He's right in the sense that those who protest against the Deep State don't know what it is. But it's there, and it has been creeping into all corners of the Swamp since it was started in the elitist heiristocratic schools around 1960.
iow the "deep state" is a fantasy created by right wing media.

there is a career civil service that is prohibited by law (hatch act) from overt politics. they tend to do their jobs no matter what kind of goofy appointees are placed into management positions.
Rot at the Top

Of course, conceited snobs will blame the underlings and soft-pedal their highly placed fraternity brothers.
Still no links, just lies.
Sonny, if you need a link to know McConnell blocked witnesses then you're simply unqualified to participate in the conversation.

Let me repeat that.

If you NEED a link to show you common knowledge then you are not qualified to participate.
Try reading some and get back to us.
1. The democrats already stole the 2020 election, with massive election interference by the FBI, google "Twitter files", and hi-tech oligarchs, google "zuckerbucks". If you know math look at the total vote count for 2020 and prior elections. There is a two standard deviation difference fop the 2020 vote count. looks like cheating with mail-ins.

2. Who was convicted for rape and a felony? Link please. People are fleeing democrat run cities and states for the law and order of republican run ones.

3. "Too old" Joe Biden will be impeached and outed as a criminal who took bribes and failed to uphold the Laws of the US. No one wants him to run again. Not even democrats.
Stop the Squeal by 2024!
So Deep It's Hidden by Whatever We're Told It Is

He's right in the sense that those who protest against the Deep State don't know what it is. But it's there, and it has been creeping into all corners of the Swamp since it was started in the elitist heiristocratic schools around 1960.
The Deep State started when Federal employees stopped being all political appointees. It gave the government continuity, instead of starting over every four-eight years. I also cut down the amount of selling of jobs, since only the most senior are appointed. Pick your poison, a Deep State of people doing their jobs or a degenerate system of job selling by office holders.
So he objected and took his case to the courts? Then when he lost he had the class and dignity to concede and even presided over the Jan 6th ceremonial counting in 2001.

In reality, five Clinton electors and two Trump electors switched votes and became faithless electors. Not illegal. No violent attempt to stop the transfer of power from one party to the next. Again, like most all losing candidates before Trumpyberra, she had the dignity concede and called the Orange Phart in the wee hours the next morning after election night to congratulate him.

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