Deep State in Deep ……Mud…

Thanks to the memo, the Mueller investigation will SURELY end...... say it with me now............ ANY DAY NOW! :lmao:

A simple simple that I believe that even one of your limited ability can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?


1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Take your time.

The fact that school girl thinks it's funny to expect an impartial investigation by law enforcement is telling. Dims really cannot sink much lower. :(
sorry but I think the Dems could sink even lower.. When they start shooting at US for not believing them, then they will have sunk to the lowest order.

I suggest that, like Hester Prynne's 'Red A', Democrats/Liberals be mandated to wear a patch picturing Jane Fonda manning a Viet Cong anti-aircraft gun.

Thanks to the memo, the Mueller investigation will SURELY end...... say it with me now............ ANY DAY NOW! :lmao:

A simple simple that I believe that even one of your limited ability can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?


1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Take your time.

The fact that school girl thinks it's funny to expect an impartial investigation by law enforcement is telling. Dims really cannot sink much lower. :(

Yes, at this time it is the Democrats/MSM/FBI/Justice Dept. arms of the deep state that are being criticized. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, can read the Nunes Memo and think that it is a danger to national security or anything else. It IS an attempt at some very important and necessary transparency to recognize the rights of the American people and their constitutional protections.

Of course some, even in high places, didn't want it released. It makes the Obama Justice Department, some in the Trump Justice Department, and the 7th floor of the FBI look really bad. But those who deliberately and with forethought withhold critical information in order to violate the rights of a private citizen and/or disadvantage somebody running for public office, that cannot go unnoted, unexposed, unpunished.

And of course those in law enforcement are no more impartial than any of the rest of us on most controversial things. But they sure as hell can impartially apply the fundamentals of protections that the law requires them to apply.

The deep state whether Democratic, Republican, or other, has not been doing that for a very long time now.

And the memo points out that Hussein Obama is as guilty as Bill's wife.

Obama knew about Hillary’s use of unsecured emails, as he conversed with her on same…kept his name out of the reports.

And he used a fake name while doing so.
please note, when you abandon this thread after abandoning the other one on the same topic, and the other one, the other one, and that other one, in infinite abandonment of the uncomfortable facts, ad nauseam ................. ? PoliticalChic

...........when no one bothers to reply, it isn't because you've proven anything other than you're a disingenuous hack.


now, take your head out of trump's ass..........

...and go find the same answers to your tap-dance questions in those other threads.

fraud. :itsok:
I applaud you Comrade! You make Mother Russia Proud.
Thanks to the memo, the Mueller investigation will SURELY end...... say it with me now............ ANY DAY NOW! :lmao:

A simple simple that I believe that even one of your limited ability can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?


1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Take your time.

The fact that school girl thinks it's funny to expect an impartial investigation by law enforcement is telling. Dims really cannot sink much lower. :(
sorry but I think the Dems could sink even lower.. When they start shooting at US for not believing them, then they will have sunk to the lowest order.

I suggest that, like Hester Prynne's 'Red A', Democrats/Liberals be mandated to wear a patch picturing Jane Fonda manning a Viet Cong anti-aircraft gun.

View attachment 175194

Bob Hope is responsible for more deaths in Vietnam than Jane Fonda
4. Among a myriad of mishandlings, Hussein Obama may have done the most damage by turning our justice agencies into weapons against his political adversaries.

'We're gonna punish our enemies and we're gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us.”

5. ".... the denizens of the Deep State that everyone in Washington likes to tell us doesn’t exist....made up of thousands of similarly credentialed, remarkably “un-diverse” civil servants and political appointees who saw themselves promoted rapidly during the eight years of the Obama administration. The appointees have left, but make no mistake — the progressive civil servants remain.

The present culture of the intelligence community and the shameless political shenanigans of the Obama administration combined to create this disaster. ....CIA leadership famously stood up to the Nixon administration when asked to domestically spy on Justice during Watergate, for example.

It seems that today we lack the character and the competence to ensure that the intelligence community honors the trust of the American people."
How the intel community was turned into a political weapon against President Trump

Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, Yates, McCabe, Boente…

Lock 'em up!
Thanks to the memo, the Mueller investigation will SURELY end...... say it with me now............ ANY DAY NOW! :lmao:

A simple simple that I believe that even one of your limited ability can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?


1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Take your time.

The fact that school girl thinks it's funny to expect an impartial investigation by law enforcement is telling. Dims really cannot sink much lower. :(

Yes, at this time it is the Democrats/MSM/FBI/Justice Dept. arms of the deep state that are being criticized. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, can read the Nunes Memo and think that it is a danger to national security or anything else. It IS an attempt at some very important and necessary transparency to recognize the rights of the American people and their constitutional protections.

Of course some, even in high places, didn't want it released. It makes the Obama Justice Department, some in the Trump Justice Department, and the 7th floor of the FBI look really bad. But those who deliberately and with forethought withhold critical information in order to violate the rights of a private citizen and/or disadvantage somebody running for public office, that cannot go unnoted, unexposed, unpunished.

And of course those in law enforcement are no more impartial than any of the rest of us on most controversial things. But they sure as hell can impartially apply the fundamentals of protections that the law requires them to apply.

The deep state whether Democratic, Republican, or other, has not been doing that for a very long time now.

And the memo points out that Hussein Obama is as guilty as Bill's wife.

Obama knew about Hillary’s use of unsecured emails, as he conversed with her on same…kept his name out of the reports.

And he used a fake name while doing so.

Well the fake name I'll give him a pass on. It is very common to use code names for the President, members of his family, and certain high level officials in communications.
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Thanks to the memo, the Mueller investigation will SURELY end...... say it with me now............ ANY DAY NOW! :lmao:

A simple simple that I believe that even one of your limited ability can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?


1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Take your time.

The fact that school girl thinks it's funny to expect an impartial investigation by law enforcement is telling. Dims really cannot sink much lower. :(

Yes, at this time it is the Democrats/MSM/FBI/Justice Dept. arms of the deep state that are being criticized. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, can read the Nunes Memo and think that it is a danger to national security or anything else. It IS an attempt at some very important and necessary transparency to recognize the rights of the American people and their constitutional protections.

Of course some, even in high places, didn't want it released. It makes the Obama Justice Department, some in the Trump Justice Department, and the 7th floor of the FBI look really bad. But those who deliberately and with forethought withhold critical information in order to violate the rights of a private citizen and/or disadvantage somebody running for public office, that cannot go unnoted, unexposed, unpunished.

And of course those in law enforcement are no more impartial than any of the rest of us on most controversial things. But they sure as hell can impartially apply the fundamentals of protections that the law requires them to apply.

The deep state whether Democratic, Republican, or other, has not been doing that for a very long time now.

And the memo points out that Hussein Obama is as guilty as Bill's wife.

Obama knew about Hillary’s use of unsecured emails, as he conversed with her on same…kept his name out of the reports.

And he used a fake name while doing so.

Well the fake name I'll give him a pass on. It is very common to use code names for the President and certain other high level officials in communications.
Yeah, I think the code name for Obama was "Pussy". Or "Jellyfish".
4. Among a myriad of mishandlings, Hussein Obama may have done the most damage by turning our justice agencies into weapons against his political adversaries.

'We're gonna punish our enemies and we're gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us.”

5. ".... the denizens of the Deep State that everyone in Washington likes to tell us doesn’t exist....made up of thousands of similarly credentialed, remarkably “un-diverse” civil servants and political appointees who saw themselves promoted rapidly during the eight years of the Obama administration. The appointees have left, but make no mistake — the progressive civil servants remain.

The present culture of the intelligence community and the shameless political shenanigans of the Obama administration combined to create this disaster. ....CIA leadership famously stood up to the Nixon administration when asked to domestically spy on Justice during Watergate, for example.

It seems that today we lack the character and the competence to ensure that the intelligence community honors the trust of the American people."
How the intel community was turned into a political weapon against President Trump

Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, Yates, McCabe, Boente…

Lock 'em up!

Do those Deep State employees have a secret handshake?

A simple simple that I believe that even one of your limited ability can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?


1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Take your time.

The fact that school girl thinks it's funny to expect an impartial investigation by law enforcement is telling. Dims really cannot sink much lower. :(

Yes, at this time it is the Democrats/MSM/FBI/Justice Dept. arms of the deep state that are being criticized. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, can read the Nunes Memo and think that it is a danger to national security or anything else. It IS an attempt at some very important and necessary transparency to recognize the rights of the American people and their constitutional protections.

Of course some, even in high places, didn't want it released. It makes the Obama Justice Department, some in the Trump Justice Department, and the 7th floor of the FBI look really bad. But those who deliberately and with forethought withhold critical information in order to violate the rights of a private citizen and/or disadvantage somebody running for public office, that cannot go unnoted, unexposed, unpunished.

And of course those in law enforcement are no more impartial than any of the rest of us on most controversial things. But they sure as hell can impartially apply the fundamentals of protections that the law requires them to apply.

The deep state whether Democratic, Republican, or other, has not been doing that for a very long time now.

And the memo points out that Hussein Obama is as guilty as Bill's wife.

Obama knew about Hillary’s use of unsecured emails, as he conversed with her on same…kept his name out of the reports.

And he used a fake name while doing so.

Well the fake name I'll give him a pass on. It is very common to use code names for the President and certain other high level officials in communications.
Yeah, I think the code name for Obama was "Pussy". Or "Jellyfish".

Not nice. I believe the code name most used for Obama was 'Renegade" though it is my understanding that more secret code words will be used in extra sensitive communications. I don't have a problem with that.
4. Among a myriad of mishandlings, Hussein Obama may have done the most damage by turning our justice agencies into weapons against his political adversaries.

'We're gonna punish our enemies and we're gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us.”

5. ".... the denizens of the Deep State that everyone in Washington likes to tell us doesn’t exist....made up of thousands of similarly credentialed, remarkably “un-diverse” civil servants and political appointees who saw themselves promoted rapidly during the eight years of the Obama administration. The appointees have left, but make no mistake — the progressive civil servants remain.

The present culture of the intelligence community and the shameless political shenanigans of the Obama administration combined to create this disaster. ....CIA leadership famously stood up to the Nixon administration when asked to domestically spy on Justice during Watergate, for example.

It seems that today we lack the character and the competence to ensure that the intelligence community honors the trust of the American people."
How the intel community was turned into a political weapon against President Trump

Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, Yates, McCabe, Boente…

Lock 'em up!

Do those Deep State employees have a secret handshake?


I hope you can remember all your jokes if we are unsuccessful in uncovering gross abuses of power and violation of citizen rights and you find yourself a victim or one of millions of victims of the Deep State. It includes both Democrats, Republicans, and others. It exists. It is wrong. And it should be exposed.
6. “Now that we know what the declassified House memo says about government misconduct, we also know what it means: The Washington swamp — the deep state — is bigger, more vicious and more dangerous to American liberty than even a cynic could have imagined.

7. …swamp creatures are embedded in the top of the FBI and the Department of Justice. Some used their power to try to tip a presidential campaign based on their personal politics.

8. They conducted a sham investigation of the Democratic candidate and misled federal judges to spy on at least one associate of her Republican challenger.”

Can you imagine…..nearly 100% of the media repeating the Democrat smears and talking points……
....”efforts by the New York Times and the Washington Post, among others, to keep the memo from ever seeing sunshine were appalling.”

…the American people saw through it.
And that's the reason the Democrats are sweating.....

....and the Deep State's in deep mud.
The fact that school girl thinks it's funny to expect an impartial investigation by law enforcement is telling. Dims really cannot sink much lower. :(

Yes, at this time it is the Democrats/MSM/FBI/Justice Dept. arms of the deep state that are being criticized. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, can read the Nunes Memo and think that it is a danger to national security or anything else. It IS an attempt at some very important and necessary transparency to recognize the rights of the American people and their constitutional protections.

Of course some, even in high places, didn't want it released. It makes the Obama Justice Department, some in the Trump Justice Department, and the 7th floor of the FBI look really bad. But those who deliberately and with forethought withhold critical information in order to violate the rights of a private citizen and/or disadvantage somebody running for public office, that cannot go unnoted, unexposed, unpunished.

And of course those in law enforcement are no more impartial than any of the rest of us on most controversial things. But they sure as hell can impartially apply the fundamentals of protections that the law requires them to apply.

The deep state whether Democratic, Republican, or other, has not been doing that for a very long time now.

And the memo points out that Hussein Obama is as guilty as Bill's wife.

Obama knew about Hillary’s use of unsecured emails, as he conversed with her on same…kept his name out of the reports.

And he used a fake name while doing so.

Well the fake name I'll give him a pass on. It is very common to use code names for the President and certain other high level officials in communications.
Yeah, I think the code name for Obama was "Pussy". Or "Jellyfish".

Not nice. I believe the code name most used for Obama was 'Renegade" though it is my understanding that more secret code words will be used in extra sensitive communications. I don't have a problem with that.

Funny.....I would have guessed Obama's code name would be something like Gilligan or Pee go I right? :D

Yes, at this time it is the Democrats/MSM/FBI/Justice Dept. arms of the deep state that are being criticized. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, can read the Nunes Memo and think that it is a danger to national security or anything else. It IS an attempt at some very important and necessary transparency to recognize the rights of the American people and their constitutional protections.

Of course some, even in high places, didn't want it released. It makes the Obama Justice Department, some in the Trump Justice Department, and the 7th floor of the FBI look really bad. But those who deliberately and with forethought withhold critical information in order to violate the rights of a private citizen and/or disadvantage somebody running for public office, that cannot go unnoted, unexposed, unpunished.

And of course those in law enforcement are no more impartial than any of the rest of us on most controversial things. But they sure as hell can impartially apply the fundamentals of protections that the law requires them to apply.

The deep state whether Democratic, Republican, or other, has not been doing that for a very long time now.

And the memo points out that Hussein Obama is as guilty as Bill's wife.

Obama knew about Hillary’s use of unsecured emails, as he conversed with her on same…kept his name out of the reports.

And he used a fake name while doing so.

Well the fake name I'll give him a pass on. It is very common to use code names for the President and certain other high level officials in communications.
Yeah, I think the code name for Obama was "Pussy". Or "Jellyfish".

Not nice. I believe the code name most used for Obama was 'Renegade" though it is my understanding that more secret code words will be used in extra sensitive communications. I don't have a problem with that.

Funny.....I would have guessed Obama's code name would be something like Gilligan or Pee go I right? :D


Yes, at this time it is the Democrats/MSM/FBI/Justice Dept. arms of the deep state that are being criticized. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, can read the Nunes Memo and think that it is a danger to national security or anything else. It IS an attempt at some very important and necessary transparency to recognize the rights of the American people and their constitutional protections.

Of course some, even in high places, didn't want it released. It makes the Obama Justice Department, some in the Trump Justice Department, and the 7th floor of the FBI look really bad. But those who deliberately and with forethought withhold critical information in order to violate the rights of a private citizen and/or disadvantage somebody running for public office, that cannot go unnoted, unexposed, unpunished.

And of course those in law enforcement are no more impartial than any of the rest of us on most controversial things. But they sure as hell can impartially apply the fundamentals of protections that the law requires them to apply.

The deep state whether Democratic, Republican, or other, has not been doing that for a very long time now.

And the memo points out that Hussein Obama is as guilty as Bill's wife.

Obama knew about Hillary’s use of unsecured emails, as he conversed with her on same…kept his name out of the reports.

And he used a fake name while doing so.

Well the fake name I'll give him a pass on. It is very common to use code names for the President and certain other high level officials in communications.
Yeah, I think the code name for Obama was "Pussy". Or "Jellyfish".

Not nice. I believe the code name most used for Obama was 'Renegade" though it is my understanding that more secret code words will be used in extra sensitive communications. I don't have a problem with that.

Funny.....I would have guessed Obama's code name would be something like Gilligan or Pee go I right? :D


No. :) Nor do I personally think of him in characterizations like that. Or as "Renegade" for that matter. Not sure what code name I would give him. Something that would reflect 'aloof', 'distant', or something like that I think.
6. “Now that we know what the declassified House memo says about government misconduct, we also know what it means: The Washington swamp — the deep state — is bigger, more vicious and more dangerous to American liberty than even a cynic could have imagined.

7. …swamp creatures are embedded in the top of the FBI and the Department of Justice. Some used their power to try to tip a presidential campaign based on their personal politics.

8. They conducted a sham investigation of the Democratic candidate and misled federal judges to spy on at least one associate of her Republican challenger.”

Can you imagine…..nearly 100% of the media repeating the Democrat smears and talking points……
....”efforts by the New York Times and the Washington Post, among others, to keep the memo from ever seeing sunshine were appalling.”

…the American people saw through it.
And that's the reason the Democrats are sweating.....

....and the Deep State's in deep mud.
The only threat here is to Russian espionage activity. All your whining here is just helping Russian espionage.
All this deep state nonsense is a threat to democracy.
….since the revelations of the Memo.

The justice agencies are dirty.....and need a good cleaning…

As Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis said, sunlight is the best disinfectant. Note how hard the media and the Democrats tried to keep the memo in the dark.

1. Bolsheviks, Nazis, totalitarians of every stripe, see government as the cudgel that can be used to enforce their political perspective.
We learn from the Mueller/Memo Imbroglio that Democrats/Liberals, the same.

2. Americans, real Americans, count on impartiality from their government. This:
equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

The biblical basis for our nation’s founding puts it this way:
” Justice … must be by recourse and devotion to laws made impartially, without respect to individuals, and applied impartially.
This is the great contribution of our Judeo-Christian foundation to Western civilization. The principles of justice are laid down in the Torah and the Gospels, and implemented through human actions memorialized in judicial codes.” David Mamet

It's a very simple test of integrity, and of one's values: was the Trump campaign treated the same way as the Hillary Clinton campaign by the Deep State creatures in the FBI and the DoJ?

No one can look at what has been revealed by the Mueller/Memo episode can find it impartial.

If Democrats will not return to being an American political party, there is only a slim hope that our nation can survive.
And that may be the very aim of the Democrats/Liberals.
The Deep State was always goinng to be the last to crumble. But crumble it has.
6. “Now that we know what the declassified House memo says about government misconduct, we also know what it means: The Washington swamp — the deep state — is bigger, more vicious and more dangerous to American liberty than even a cynic could have imagined.

7. …swamp creatures are embedded in the top of the FBI and the Department of Justice. Some used their power to try to tip a presidential campaign based on their personal politics.

8. They conducted a sham investigation of the Democratic candidate and misled federal judges to spy on at least one associate of her Republican challenger.”

Can you imagine…..nearly 100% of the media repeating the Democrat smears and talking points……
....”efforts by the New York Times and the Washington Post, among others, to keep the memo from ever seeing sunshine were appalling.”

…the American people saw through it.
And that's the reason the Democrats are sweating.....

....and the Deep State's in deep mud.
The only threat here is to Russian espionage activity. All your whining here is just helping Russian espionage.
All this deep state nonsense is a threat to democracy.

A simple simple that I believe that even one of your limited ability can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?

1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Take your time.
….since the revelations of the Memo.

The justice agencies are dirty.....and need a good cleaning…

As Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis said, sunlight is the best disinfectant. Note how hard the media and the Democrats tried to keep the memo in the dark.

1. Bolsheviks, Nazis, totalitarians of every stripe, see government as the cudgel that can be used to enforce their political perspective.
We learn from the Mueller/Memo Imbroglio that Democrats/Liberals, the same.

2. Americans, real Americans, count on impartiality from their government. This:
equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

The biblical basis for our nation’s founding puts it this way:
” Justice … must be by recourse and devotion to laws made impartially, without respect to individuals, and applied impartially.
This is the great contribution of our Judeo-Christian foundation to Western civilization. The principles of justice are laid down in the Torah and the Gospels, and implemented through human actions memorialized in judicial codes.” David Mamet

It's a very simple test of integrity, and of one's values: was the Trump campaign treated the same way as the Hillary Clinton campaign by the Deep State creatures in the FBI and the DoJ?

No one can look at what has been revealed by the Mueller/Memo episode can find it impartial.

If Democrats will not return to being an American political party, there is only a slim hope that our nation can survive.
And that may be the very aim of the Democrats/Liberals.
The Deep State was always goinng to be the last to crumble. But crumble it has.

Have you seen the apologists for totalitarianism in this thread?

Hard to believe it's going away,.....indoctrination seems to be indelible.

I want to know which ASSHOLES IN THE DNC were involved in this.

We know, but I want to see it in WRITING

9. “The details of the memo make a strong case that current and former officials committed crimes by misleading FISA court judges in seeking four surveillance warrants against Carter Page, a bit player in the Trump campaign orbit.

Those details seal the sordid legacy of former FBI Director James Comey. He signed off on three warrant requests, reportedly without informing the judges that the essential piece of evidence against Page was the infamous Russian dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

Months later, Comey himself told Congress the dossier was “salacious and unverified,” yet he was secretly willing to use it in court against Page.”

10. When an application is made to the FISA court, the assertions in same must be certified by the FBI Director, or Deputy Director, or the Attorney General, or Deputy Attorney General, or Assistant Attorney General to the NSA.

The DoJ and the FBI had to petition the FISA court….and the initial warrant on Carter Page was renewed three times….the same process, thrice.

Know what ‘certify’ means?
a. To confirm formally as true, accurate, or genuine: The police certified tht a suspect had been arrested.

b. To guarantee as meeting a standard:

Comey, McCabe…and Sally Yates certified the applications.

Rod Rosenstein signed at least one.

FBI Deputy Dana Boente signed another.

Jail ‘em all.

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