Deep State knew all along

Your source is NYT. Give me break. Biden said it on camera! So, your saying I did not see what I saw, and hear what I heard?
What a Marxist troll you are. Nice try.

That's the same NYT who screamed Russia Russia Russia over the Biden laptop, then snuck a rebuttal in late 2019 and just last week, acknowledged the laptop and emails authenticity.
Sure, but that whiny little Levin guy has crazy stories about all kinds of stuff. If Alex Jones was a barking dog, Levin would be a little chihuahua yapping right beside him.
Levin is not w/o critique.Like the Love associated with he and
pals { Sean Hannity and of course Rushbo } and their use of " Great ".
Add Bill Cunningham to that list.Levin does make a regular habit of
Name-calling.He is the polar opposite of another Talk Radio jew icon.
Michael Savage.They both love to intimate how Patriotic they are.
Levin takes it to extremes.Can't listen to his Show or podcast w/o
him playing some version of a national anthem.Plus his insistence on how
hard he works.He's a sitter.Not a worker.His hobbies are doing research and reading.
Could easily be classified as one of today's Soft Cookie Jews .
But I like him.he makes sense and preaches Patriotism.So does Alex Jones
who IS a worker.Goes out on the streets and takes on whatever mob assembles.
Where Jones goes wrong is that he exaggerates.Gets too worked-up right off
the bat.But then I'd rather have that than Hugh Hewitt who doesn't know how to
get worked-up.Getting worked-up for a Hugh Hewitt is to drink maybe 2 beers
and go into the bathroom with an old Playboy magazine.And acting like he's
brushing his teeth before beddie.
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The 'facts' didn't warrant conviction.

Biden may have the same chance soon over the same issue.
Sure they did, but impeachment outcome is about strength of political numbers, not truth or facts. You cannot get a true bill approved without honest brokers on both sides, even if guilty as sin, as it is a political thing, not a legal thing.
I'd cut 25% from all non-border security budgets just for starters.....That includes the .mil.

Laws will have to wait till 2025.....I'm sure I'll have quite the list they will ignore.
All of them across the board? 25% less for air traffic control, highway repairs, pay, training and equipment for the military, veterans medical care, aid to local law enforcement grants? It is going to take you 3 years to come up with a valid intelligent list for your agenda? What are you planning to run for? Good luck. Don't count on many votes.
Sure they did, but impeachment outcome is about strength of political numbers, not truth or facts. You cannot get a true bill approved without honest brokers on both sides, even if guilty as sin, as it is a political thing, not a legal thing.

Political or not, two phases, investigation and conviction.
Investigation didn't measure up to high crimes and misdemeanors.
Sorry about that.
And what Biden did, in public isn't
Political or not, two phases, investigation and conviction.
Investigation didn't measure up to high crimes and misdemeanors.
Sorry about that.
And what Biden did, in public isn't
Sure it measured up. Measuring up on the facts does not enter into it. You thought it was a legal thing? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
What is it, Biden did in public? If you are talking about speaking out against Russian aggression, you are going to have to get over it. The world has sided against you and Putin.
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While Trump was being Impeached about the Hunter Biden mounting
scandal { starting in 2018 } and what he was being investigated for.
Unlike Trump who was being Investigated by a Special Counsel
for - Russian Collusion - that was sponsored by Our very own Deep State
and Hillary's Law firm { Perkins Coie } and the DNC.
Then the obvious lie and piliing-on about a supposed { Quid Pro Quo }
phone call with newly elected Zelensky.It was Joe Biden who issued a
verifiable { Quid Pro Quo } to Ukraine if they did not { had 6 hrs. }
Fire the lead prosecutor investigating Burisma Holding where Joe's
drug-addled,sex-addicted son Hunter was making $ 85,ooo a month as
a board member.Plus Hunter receiving $ 3.5 Million from the Mayor of Moscow.
Trump never took a friggin' dime from Moscow.
Nor had any " golden shower " at the Ritz Carlton in Moscow.
Learned from the Infamous stack of lies in the - Steele Dossier -.
There is no such thing as a "Deep State", so you are just a miserable fucking liar as always. This has been debunked so many times, you are now officially not only a liar, but a retard for repeating the same lying made up scandal; It's true that Joe Biden leveraged $1 billion in aid to persuade Ukraine to oust its top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, in March 2016. But it wasn't because Shokin was investigating Burisma. It was because Shokin wasn't pursuing corruption among the country's politicians.

I mean seriously, the same bs debunked over and over. You really are a pos.
Sure it measured up. Measuring up on the facts does not inter into it. You thought it was a legal thing? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
What is it, Biden did in public? If you are talking about speaking out against Russian aggression, you are going to have to get over it. The world has sided against you and Putin.
He can't fucking answer, because he's a miserable liar.
The New York Times..All the news we see fit to publish.

The rest of it? don't need to read that baloney anyway.

And to this day the leftist propagandists are still censoring and editing what the public needs to
know (in their opinion).
Just look at the Hunter Biden story that was buried while Joe "Big Guy" Biden was busy stealing a presidential
election (that he barely participated in anyway).
I'd bet this will be a big issue if Repo's take the House. So will Nancy Pelosi's communications with Capitol Police.
It will be made up like everything else. Taxpayers paying the GOP to violate their oaths of office. Because they really do nothing else.
All of them across the board? 25% less for air traffic control, highway repairs, pay, training and equipment for the military, veterans medical care, aid to local law enforcement grants? It is going to take you 3 years to come up with a valid intelligent list for your agenda? What are you planning to run for? Good luck. Don't count on many votes.
Yep, I figure we will be in a full-blown recession in 2023 anyway so austerity measures will have to be put into place.

Now if they want to cut a agency (say ATF) by 35% and cut another (say the VA) by 15% then that's fine.....It's all about effective dollars spent.

You know, it's a funny thing, lots of "conservatives" go on about "mah smaller government" till it's time to do smaller government shit.....I see you are no exception.....Better get lobbing for your cause de jure. ;)
Sure it measured up. Measuring up on the facts does not inter into it. You thought it was a legal thing? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
What is it, Biden did in public? If you are talking about speaking out against Russian aggression, you are going to have to get over it. The world has sided against you and Putin.

No it isn't a legal thing. There still is a function of congress to fact find and indict if warranted.
Your democrats were totally convinced they had the goods on Trump, even though it never measured up to 'high crimes and misdemeanors'.

They went so far, knowing He'd never be successfully impeached, to effect the election.

From the video I saw, Biden shook down the government of the Ukraine for special requests 'or else'. What do they call that, pay to play?
It was October of 2020… the story broke in a big way… but big tech and big media dismissed it all in favor of Joe Biden. Could it be that the NYT is really telling the country that Joe Biden himself is no longer worthy of being president much less for a second term? (His failures to the nation and the world mount.) So, Why Did the NYT’s Finally Validate the Hunter Biden Laptop Story? |
If you aren't smart enough to understand the message, via the English language, then you are nothing but a waste of time.
No it isn't a legal thing. There still is a function of congress to fact find and indict if warranted.
Your democrats were totally convinced they had the goods on Trump, even though it never measured up to 'high crimes and misdemeanors'.

They went so far, knowing He'd never be successfully impeached, to effect the election.

From the video I saw, Biden shook down the government of the Ukraine for special requests 'or else'. What do they call that, pay to play?
You still can't answer. And your answer is a non-answer. Try again, or you are a liar.
I see now proof in that article from leftist media. Only Biden says that's what it was about. His son WAS being investigated
so no matter there is a conflict of interest in this matter. Don't let the media lead you astray. Use common sense.
Then you have no abilities to read and comprehend. A middle schooler could easily decipher what the article is saying, and the quotes by Biden are easily understood, once you know the circumstances behind the quotes. I suspect you are not only ignorant, but dishonest. You really are nothing but a waste of time.
I see now proof in that article from leftist media. Only Biden says that's what it was about. His son WAS being investigated
so no matter there is a conflict of interest in this matter. Don't let the media lead you astray. Use common sense.
You aren't using common sense. You are using dishonesty.
Then you have no abilities to read and comprehend. A middle schooler could easily decipher what the article is saying, and the quotes by Biden are easily understood, once you know the circumstances behind the quotes. I suspect you are not only ignorant, but dishonest. You really are nothing but a waste of time.
Was his son being investigated? Yes, or no?

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