Deep State knew all along

so in your little world everybody on th right is dishonest and/or a liar....thanks for making that clear.
The proof is there. It is what it is. I haven't seen any of these honest Right-wingers, lol, debunk the facts.
So, because he was investigated, the mountain came tumbling down? Yes he was investigated, and no nothing happened. Had something happened, there would be enough evidence. The logic doesn't require being a rocket scientist to figure that out.

You keep asking the wrong questions, and telling us all the wrong things. In other words, you are not saying anything to move the ball forward. You only have your own wild imagination to go along with your dishonesty.
How's This:
Meh, it's best just to move on from all of it as there is nothing to be gained except as a reminder to get out the vote. There's shit-all to be done about Tater till he's kicked out of the WH.

Focus instead on inflation and the pain at the pump/grocery store as that is where the rubber is meeting the road right now and will for months to come. Make the dems defend that.....Their mental gymnastics to tat end will have folk's eyes glossed-over in boredom in a hurry.

It would not hurt to also dive into how dems are getting rich off our suffering, everyone hates rich politicians, especially the dem ones who claim to be for the working guy while getting richer on the backs of the citizenry.

The problem with your philosophy is the vote has been corrupted. THAT needs to be corrected more than any other thing.
I see pretty much every post you call them liars, dishonest, fools, etc.

But your shit don't stink.

When it comes to being honest and telling the truth, my shit doesn't stink. That's what separates me from you.
Another proven dem cover up.
See what I mean? You never showed the proof. After Trey Gowdy and Kevin "the retard" McCarthy got caught trying to frame Hillary, that Benghazi bs fizzled out. Gowdy left in disgrace.
So, is the Deep State Oliver North, or the present day Democrats? Iran Contra was 35 years ago. If you are trying to compare that to today, you better try again.
See what I mean? You never showed the proof. After Trey Gowdy and Kevin "the retard" McCarthy got caught trying to frame Hillary, that Benghazi bs fizzled out. Gowdy left in disgrace.
I believe you've been called out for proof, only to slither out the back door.

Research Benghazi, you'll be in for a surprise. prove that time and time again.
I mean, if you have the brains and the balls, then prove the links I posted are false. You won't and you can't, because you, as I said, are a liar and a loser. That's the difference between me and you. And there is nothing you are going to say that can change that fact.
I believe you've been called out for proof, only to slither out the back door.

Research Benghazi, you'll be in for a surprise.
Believe? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: See what I mean. You are too easy.

I don't need to research Benghazi, you do. Is Hillary in jail? No! But those two idiots of McCarthy and Gowdy got their asses caught for trying to frame her.

If I were to be surprised, you would have already posted your own garbage. You didn't. You are weak and a loser.
I mean, if you have the brains and the balls, then prove the links I posted are false. You won't and you can't, because you, as I said, are a liar and a loser. That's the difference between me and you. And there is nothing you are going to say that can change that fact.

I have shown your posts to be based on faceless claims. You won't accept fact disproving anything you claim.

So there.

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