Deep State knew all along

I'm dying for you to disprove them liar/coward? Bring it on boss, or run back in your hole.

The msm has been caught in lie after lie after lie. They have been posted up here ad nauseum. Now, go piss up a rope, you lying hack.
While Trump was being Impeached about the Hunter Biden mounting
scandal { starting in 2018 } and what he was being investigated for.
Unlike Trump who was being Investigated by a Special Counsel
for - Russian Collusion - that was sponsored by Our very own Deep State
and Hillary's Law firm { Perkins Coie } and the DNC.
Then the obvious lie and piliing-on about a supposed { Quid Pro Quo }
phone call with newly elected Zelensky.It was Joe Biden who issued a
verifiable { Quid Pro Quo } to Ukraine if they did not { had 6 hrs. }
Fire the lead prosecutor investigating Burisma Holding where Joe's
drug-addled,sex-addicted son Hunter was making $ 85,ooo a month as
a board member.Plus Hunter receiving $ 3.5 Million from the Mayor of Moscow.
Trump never took a friggin' dime from Moscow.
Nor had any " golden shower " at the Ritz Carlton in Moscow.
Learned from the Infamous stack of lies in the - Steele Dossier -.
Deep state thinking only resides in idiot conservatives.
Are you talking about the one's who work for the country, or the one's who don't?

Ones who work for the country and its people, hopefully, will be in charge in 118th session of congress.
The communists should be in the minority.

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