Deep State Take-down In Progress!

You know.....@Dale Smith was posting about sealed indictments coming soon a while back. Huh? Why should "they" not have to follow the same laws? lock them all up, strip the wealth.

Ask the black man doing 5 years for selling a little Weed what to do with these scum overlords.
You know.....@Dale Smith was posting about sealed indictments coming soon a while back. Huh? Why should "they" not have to follow the same laws? lock them all up, strip the wealth.

Ask the black man doing 5 years for selling a little Weed what to do with these scum overlords.
Speaking of which, what do you think would happen if they had random drug tests for Congress?
Of course not, nothing could ever get you to deviate from the party line. You will be loyal to the party till the bitter end.
That just goes to show how little you know. I'm not loyal to any party. I'm loyal to my country and the Constitution. What are you loyal to?

Yeah ok. Whatever you say. For someone not "loyal" you sure do a great job of parroting all the talking points. I am sure you get a nice pat on the head from your party masters on a regular basis.

As for me, 30 years ago I took an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States, I take that every bit as serious today as the day I first swore to do it.
There is nothing funnier than a liberal pretending to not being a liberal. Who do you think you're fooling besides yourself.

Poor little partisan hack, all you know is Con vs Lib, right vs left. Your sad little mind cannot see beyond the black and white. What a terrible way to live life, but I guess you probably do not know any better as I am sure you whole life has been the same way.
You make the mistake of thinking that I care what you think.

Well of course you do not care, you only care about what your party masters tell you to care about. Someone like me outside of the partisan bullshit is a threat to them and you, so you cannot allow yourself to care
You know.....@Dale Smith was posting about sealed indictments coming soon a while back. Huh? Why should "they" not have to follow the same laws? lock them all up, strip the wealth.

Ask the black man doing 5 years for selling a little Weed what to do with these scum overlords.
Speaking of which, what do you think would happen if they had random drug tests for Congress?

national drug laws would change very quickly

Where is my tin foil hat?

Some guy on the interweb is talking "Deep State"

Its interesting how eager right wingers are to insulate themselves from any criticism of Trump.

If its a political opponent, they should be ignored because they're 'liberals.'
If its criticism from any media source, its 'fake news'.
If the criticism is from a former employee, they're 'disgruntled'.
If its criticism from any republican, its 'the establishment'.
If its criticism from any government official its the 'the swamp'.
And any investigation of Trump or his campaign, its 'the deep state'.

There is literally no valid avenue for criticism of the President in their minds, absolutely no one who can hold Trump or his people accountable for anything. Anyone, any source, any background, any folded into a conspiracy. Watch, I'll demonstrate.

Hey Ram. Bannon called Don Jr.'s meeting with that Russian lawyer 'Treasonous' and 'unpatriotic'.

Cognitive dissonance, Go!
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Never gonna happen

The Great Obama has established the Deep State and there is nothing Fat Donnie can do about it

Actually, now that another SCOTUS has retired, there is something he can do, he can take Mueller to court and have his mandate slapped down and the investigation ended.

Most of the judges that will vote for Trump's POV are from the Federalist Society, they will be friendly to the fact that Mueller has overstepped his mandate by charging folks with things that have absolutely nothing to do with Russia.

"Trump administration
The Federalist Society has been influential in the Trump administration, hand-selecting Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and recruiting a slate of conservative judges to fill vacancies throughout the federal judiciary.[23][24] The society helped to assemble the list of 21 people from which Donald Trump said he would choose a nominee to replace Antonin Scalia on the U.S. Supreme Court. Nine of the 21 individuals spoke at the society's annual convention in late November 2016, while nearly all of the others were in attendance.[25][26] Federalist Society members have generally chosen not to criticize President Donald Trump; Politico described the Federalist Society membership as "elite, conservative lawyers who have generally chosen to give Trump a pass on his breaches of long-cherished legal norms and traditions in exchange for the gift of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch."[24] Federalist Society executive vice president Leonard Leo said "What President Trump has done with judicial selection and appointments is probably at the very center of his legacy, and may well be his greatest accomplishments thus far."[27]

In May 2018, the Federalist Society hosted a phone call entitled "examining the legality of the Mueller Investigation", where one of the featured speakers has argued that Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election is unconstitutional.[24]"

Federalist Society - Wikipedia

Mueller’s Investigation Crosses the Legal Line
It’s unconstitutional under Morrison v. Olson—the decision, not the dissent.
Mueller’s Investigation Crosses the Legal Line

"Mr. Mueller’s investigation has crossed a constitutional line, for reasons the U.S. Supreme Court made clear in the 1988 case Morrison v. Olson. That case is best known for Justice Antonin Scalia’s powerful lone dissent arguing that the post-Watergate independent counsel statute was unconstitutional.

But Chief Justice William Rehnquist’s opinion for the court, while upholding the statute, set forth limits that the Mueller investigation has exceeded.

At issue is the Constitution’s Appointments Clause, which provides that “principal officers” must be appointed by the president with the Senate’s consent.

Rehnquist wrote that independent counsel Alexia Morrison qualified as an “inferior officer,” not subject to the appointment process, because her office was “limited in jurisdiction” to “certain federal officials suspected of certain serious federal crimes.”

Mr. Mueller, in contrast, is investigating a large number of people and has already charged defendants with many different kinds of crimes, including—as in Mr. Manafort’s case—ones unrelated to any collaboration between the Trump campaign and Russia. That’s too much power for an inferior officer to have.

Only a principal officer, such as a U.S. attorney, can behave the way Mr. Mueller is behaving. Mr. Mueller is much more powerful today than any of the 96 U.S. attorneys. He is behaving like a principal officer.

Rehnquist’s majority opinion has never been overturned. n Edmund v. U.S. and in Free Enterprise Fund v. Public Company Oversight Board, the justices said that an officer cannot be inferior unless he has a boss—as Mr. Mueller does in Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who appointed him. But that’s not a sufficient condition.

As a principal officer, Mr. Rosenstein could legally have brought all the indictments Mr. Mueller has. But he may not delegate that authority to Mr. Mueller, any more than President Trump could delegate his veto power to Mr. Rosenstein."

As far as the sealed indictments? in the QAnon Conspiracy Theory_.pdf
I'm thinking that 2018 will be a very interesting year. And Trump and America will be the winners.

Prison » Deep State Takedown In Progress: Is Trump About To Start Arresting Top Democrats And Bringing Them To Justice?
If nothing else, Trump is the most 'interesting' president in my lifetime but this article is pure speculation and wishful thinking. Trump will MAGA by leaving office.

yeahj its wishful thinking for sure.same as Obama,he lied about ending the middle east war,not only that,he has ties to the zionists who are always starting wars around the world.He is their puppet for them same as the last five previous administrations all have been.
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Deep State is loyal to the Great Obama

Those who think Trump runs the Gubmint are fools
I'm thinking that 2018 will be a very interesting year. And Trump and America will be the winners.

Prison » Deep State Takedown In Progress: Is Trump About To Start Arresting Top Democrats And Bringing Them To Justice?
If nothing else, Trump is the most 'interesting' president in my lifetime but this article is pure speculation and wishful thinking. Trump will MAGA by leaving office.

yeahj its wishful thinking for sure.same as Obama,he lied about ending the middle eadt war,not only that,he has ties to the zionists who are always starting wars around the world.He is their puppet for them same as the last five previous administrations all have been.
If anything, the reverse is true.

The Deep State is slowly taking Trump down because he is a spineless coward. The folks that he is up against have committed treason, it is clear as day to someone that served under Reagan. Not only could they be put in prison, but they could face the death penalty.

Deep State is loyal to the Great Obama

Those who think Trump runs the Gubmint are fools
Maybe if Trump gets a second term, he'll have a mandate to give them all the death penalty for treason.
I'm thinking that 2018 will be a very interesting year. And Trump and America will be the winners.

Prison » Deep State Takedown In Progress: Is Trump About To Start Arresting Top Democrats And Bringing Them To Justice?
If nothing else, Trump is the most 'interesting' president in my lifetime but this article is pure speculation and wishful thinking. Trump will MAGA by leaving office.

yeahj its wishful thinking for sure.same as Obama,he lied about ending the middle eadt war,not only that,he has ties to the zionists who are always starting wars around the world.He is their puppet for them same as the last five previous administrations all have been.
If anything, the reverse is true.

The Deep State is slowly taking Trump down because he is a spineless coward. The folks that he is up against have committed treason, it is clear as day to someone that served under Reagan. Not only could they be put in prison, but they could face the death penalty.

Are you saying he is nothing at all like our last president we had who was not corrupt Carter who went all out and tried to fight the deep State? I agree on that. IF he was for the people as carter was,he would have got rid of the CIA,FBI,IRS and FED by now.

Yeah he is a coward alright,unlike Carter,he has not tried to reform the CIA as he did and has not tried to get rid of them as he did either l which was the REASON he only served one term a fact many sheep in american cant accept,that the good presidents never serve more then one term anymore.:rolleyes:

Bush sr the exception,he did not serve two terms but that was cause he WANTED out at the time as i am sure you are aware of.
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