Defense Attorney Mark O'Mara Explains 'Why Zimmerman Juror B-29 Is A Model Juror'

what about OJ?

O.J.'s in prison, where the Aryan Brotherhood beats the shit out of him regularly because he bagged a bunch of white ladies.

You know this? You talk to OJ, do ya? I've worked in prisons. I've seen the Aryan Brotherhood. If you ever ran into one of them you would run screaming like a girl. They are the ones with the spider web and teardrop tats. The number of circles on the spider webs means something, but I don't recall what. Each teardrop tat stands for a person he person has killed. If they beat the shit out of OJ regularly, more power to them. He's probably found Jesus or Allah or something. If he found Allah he has a big callous on his forehead where he assumes the prayer position. Well, and likely the other position as well.

No, I can proudly say that I don't travel in circles where I encounter people like that.

I also thought that OJ got an excessive sentence for what he was convicted of, which was petty larcerny. Of course, it's just because he killed two people and didn't pay for that.

So if your boy Zimmerman ever finds himself in front of a jury for something unrelated, and people throw an excessive sentence at him for Trayvon, I'm good with that, too.

YOu're figures are wrong, as usual.

And racist.

Race and ethnicity

Forty-one percent of violent felons were black, non-
Hispanic , 30% were Hispanic, and 26% were white,
non-Hispanic. Blacks (46%) comprised a higher
percentage of murderers than Hispanics (27%) or
whites (23%).
O.J.'s in prison, where the Aryan Brotherhood beats the shit out of him regularly because he bagged a bunch of white ladies.

You know this? You talk to OJ, do ya? I've worked in prisons. I've seen the Aryan Brotherhood. If you ever ran into one of them you would run screaming like a girl. They are the ones with the spider web and teardrop tats. The number of circles on the spider webs means something, but I don't recall what. Each teardrop tat stands for a person he person has killed. If they beat the shit out of OJ regularly, more power to them. He's probably found Jesus or Allah or something. If he found Allah he has a big callous on his forehead where he assumes the prayer position. Well, and likely the other position as well.

No, I can proudly say that I don't travel in circles where I encounter people like that.

I also thought that OJ got an excessive sentence for what he was convicted of, which was petty larcerny. Of course, it's just because he killed two people and didn't pay for that.

So if your boy Zimmerman ever finds himself in front of a jury for something unrelated, and people throw an excessive sentence at him for Trayvon, I'm good with that, too.
I'm good with it too. One way or another, like OJ, this guy needs to pay for what he did.

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