Defense Attorney Mark O'Mara Explains 'Why Zimmerman Juror B-29 Is A Model Juror'

Despite his statements regarding hoping Zimmerman gets his just rewards, I have seen several reasonable posts by Zona. To be honest, I think in this regard, Zona is trolling. I know, Zona does that a lot, but quite frankly, I believe that behind the anonymity of that monitor, there may actually be a decent human being.


PS if my identification of Zona as a he is incorrect please forgive me.

Given the way he had behaved toward me, I must disagree.

Given how long I have posted on political forums, I tend to disagree as well. If you wish to gauge the true nature of a man, let him post on a forum. If he trolls on a forum, he must not take life seriously. If he is focused and attentive, or regularly debates fluidly with reasonable arguments, he must take his world seriously.

So, you seem to be saying that only people who take life stone cold seriously are decent human beings. Is that accurate?

I would have to disagree with that.

I hope zimmermans life is nothing but fear from now on. Good lick hiding Mr. Zimmerman. You murdering fat ass.


I hope zimmermans life is nothing but fear from now on. Good lick hiding Mr. Zimmerman. You murdering fat ass.

Too bad you can't be an adult human being and accept the rule of law. But you can't because you just climbed down out of the trees.

Now that is either racist or trolling. But I am the bad guy here? Fuck you, Zimmerman and oj. :)
I hope zimmermans life is nothing but fear from now on. Good lick hiding Mr. Zimmerman. You murdering fat ass.

He won't have to worry too much. The liberals who hate him are too damn lazy to get off their asses and do anything. Hell, they don't even have to go to the mailbox, get their welfare check and cash it. It's deposited directly to their EBT card.

Because all liberals are on welfare righty? Yet I am the bad guy. Zimmmerman, I wish you nothing but bad karma for life. Good luck bro. Soon enough we will be a askin....y u mad. :)
I hope zimmermans life is nothing but fear from now on. Good lick hiding Mr. Zimmerman. You murdering fat ass.

Too bad you can't be an adult human being and accept the rule of law. But you can't because you just climbed down out of the trees.

Despite his statements regarding hoping Zimmerman gets his just rewards, I have seen several reasonable posts by Zona. To be honest, I think in this regard, Zona is trolling. I know, Zona does that a lot, but quite frankly, I believe that behind the anonymity of that monitor, there may actually be a decent human being.


PS if my identification of Zona as a he is incorrect please forgive me.

Yes. You are correct. ;)
Too bad you can't be an adult human being and accept the rule of law. But you can't because you just climbed down out of the trees.

Despite his statements regarding hoping Zimmerman gets his just rewards, I have seen several reasonable posts by Zona. To be honest, I think in this regard, Zona is trolling. I know, Zona does that a lot, but quite frankly, I believe that behind the anonymity of that monitor, there may actually be a decent human being.


PS if my identification of Zona as a he is incorrect please forgive me.

Yes. You are correct. ;)

Hmmm, correct about what, you are a he, there is a decent human being there or both? ;)

Given the way he had behaved toward me, I must disagree.

Given how long I have posted on political forums, I tend to disagree as well. If you wish to gauge the true nature of a man, let him post on a forum. If he trolls on a forum, he must not take life seriously. If he is focused and attentive, or regularly debates fluidly with reasonable arguments, he must take his world seriously.

So, you seem to be saying that only people who take life stone cold seriously are decent human beings. Is that accurate?

I would have to disagree with that.


No. I'm saying that if you display a certain persona on a board, it's not hard to discern that's the type of person you will be in real life. Zona is a troll. He is cannot refrain from agitating people. If he were like that in real life, he may get a knuckle sandwich before the day is over.

I'm not saying he isn't capable of being a decent human being, but as of now, he isn't making any strides to be one. That is as far as this board is concerned..
Given how long I have posted on political forums, I tend to disagree as well. If you wish to gauge the true nature of a man, let him post on a forum. If he trolls on a forum, he must not take life seriously. If he is focused and attentive, or regularly debates fluidly with reasonable arguments, he must take his world seriously.

So, you seem to be saying that only people who take life stone cold seriously are decent human beings. Is that accurate?

I would have to disagree with that.


No. I'm saying that if you display a certain persona on a board, it's not hard to discern that's the type of person you will be in real life. Zona is a troll. He is cannot refrain from agitating people. If he were like that in real life, he may get a knuckle sandwich before the day is over.

I'm not saying he isn't capable of being a decent human being, but as of now, he isn't making any strides to be one. That is as far as this board is concerned..

I have only on thing to say about that.

Brad Paisley - Online - YouTube

O'Mara--diplomatic response.

Juror B-29, not impressed. Speculation on her motives would be futile.

She seemed to have an attorney beside her on CNN.

Several times it has been noted that she didn't address self defense.

Otherwise--I continue to be amazed at the verbal skills of Trayvon's mother. Imo, that sort of confidence as a public speaker is acquired with years of experience.

The state of FL can address SYG and related issues when the legislature returns.
I hope zimmermans life is nothing but fear from now on. Good lick hiding Mr. Zimmerman. You murdering fat ass.

what about OJ?

O.J.'s in prison, where the Aryan Brotherhood beats the shit out of him regularly because he bagged a bunch of white ladies.

You know this? You talk to OJ, do ya? I've worked in prisons. I've seen the Aryan Brotherhood. If you ever ran into one of them you would run screaming like a girl. They are the ones with the spider web and teardrop tats. The number of circles on the spider webs means something, but I don't recall what. Each teardrop tat stands for a person he person has killed. If they beat the shit out of OJ regularly, more power to them. He's probably found Jesus or Allah or something. If he found Allah he has a big callous on his forehead where he assumes the prayer position. Well, and likely the other position as well.
I hope zimmermans life is nothing but fear from now on. Good lick hiding Mr. Zimmerman. You murdering fat ass.

Too bad you can't be an adult human being and accept the rule of law. But you can't because you just climbed down out of the trees.

He already admitted if he saw Zimmerman he would shoot him for no reason.

Of course he would. He is fresh out of the trees. There is nothing civilized about him.

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