Deficit Increased by $7B under Trump, But now the GOP tries to claim fiscal Responsibility????

One thing worth nothing, in support of nationalizing US oil, is that the government has paid US oil companies hundreds of billions (maybe even trillions if you go back just a decade) to keep oil flowing.


Don't believe me? Look it up. I did. It's a friggin fact, oil subsidies have been the reason why US oil production has increased over the past decade. They're not going to use their own money, when their lobbyist can get the US tax payers to pay for it.

BTW, the SOLE reason for the subsidies were to help keep OPEC from crashing our economy during their bust cycle. But the F'n oil companies liked the idea of a bust cycle so much, they're doing it too. And at the same time OPEC does there.

I'm not against big oil But damn it, reducing their oil production, laying off all those hands and forcing our economy to get even worse, is uncalled for. Especially after all the tax payer money they get from the government. It's absurd.

And not only that. But the less oil they produce, the more they get in subsidies. It's the best legislation a lobbyist can buy. (percentage depletion)
Don't believe me? Look it up. I did. It's a friggin fact, oil subsidies have been the reason why US oil production has increased over the past decade. They're not going to use their own money, when their lobbyist can get the US tax payers to pay for it.

BTW, the SOLE reason for the subsidies were to help keep OPEC from crashing our economy during their bust cycle. But the F'n oil companies liked the idea of a bust cycle so much, they're doing it too. And at the same time OPEC does there.

I'm not against big oil But damn it, reducing their oil production, laying off all those hands and forcing our economy to get even worse, is uncalled for. Especially after all the tax payer money they get from the government. It's absurd.

And not only that. But the less oil they produce, the more they get in subsidies. It's the best legislation a lobbyist can buy. (percentage depletion)

Don't believe me? Look it up.

No. Post your evidence.

It's a friggin fact, oil subsidies have been the reason why US oil production has increased over the past decade. They're not going to use their own money, when their lobbyist can get the US tax payers to pay for it.

Deducting a business expense isn't an oil subsidy.

I'm not against big oil But damn it, reducing their oil production, laying off all those hands and forcing our economy to get even worse, is uncalled for.

Prices and consumption crashed, everyone reduced production, across all industries.

And not only that. But the less oil they produce, the more they get in subsidies. It's the best legislation a lobbyist can buy. (percentage depletion)

You don't understand percentage depletion, obviously.

Don't believe me? Look it up.

No. Post your evidence.

It's a friggin fact, oil subsidies have been the reason why US oil production has increased over the past decade. They're not going to use their own money, when their lobbyist can get the US tax payers to pay for it.

Deducting a business expense isn't an oil subsidy.

I'm not against big oil But damn it, reducing their oil production, laying off all those hands and forcing our economy to get even worse, is uncalled for.

Prices and consumption crashed, everyone reduced production, across all industries.

And not only that. But the less oil they produce, the more they get in subsidies. It's the best legislation a lobbyist can buy. (percentage depletion)

You don't understand percentage depletion, obviously.

I have. A couple of times now.

I didn't say a business deduction was a subsidy

And they kept production down, even after the demand started to increase. Why? Because keeping production low, helps keep prices up.

Yeah, they produce less. And the government gives them more money.
I have. A couple of times now.

I didn't say a business deduction was a subsidy

And they kept production down, even after the demand started to increase. Why? Because keeping production low, helps keep prices up.

Yeah, they produce less. And the government gives them more money.

I didn't say a business deduction was a subsidy

You haven't shown billions let alone trillions in oil subsidies.

And they kept production down, even after the demand started to increase. Why?

Biden said he was going to end fossil fuels. Talked about jailing oil executives.
Warren and Sanders are talking about a windfall profits tax.
Who wants to invest hundreds of billions with morons like that in power?

Yeah, they produce less. And the government gives them more money.

Show me.
I didn't say a business deduction was a subsidy

You haven't shown billions let alone trillions in oil subsidies.

And they kept production down, even after the demand started to increase. Why?

Biden said he was going to end fossil fuels. Talked about jailing oil executives.
Warren and Sanders are talking about a windfall profits tax.
Who wants to invest hundreds of billions with morons like that in power?

Yeah, they produce less. And the government gives them more money.

Show me.

You're playing words games. Trillions in like a decade or more. I clearly stated that.

Biden said a lot of BS. So did Trump. So did all the others. It's campaign rhetoric, like "I'm going to make Mexico pay for the wall." or "I'll balance the budget in 4 years." Seriously, you know how politicians lie. But you only believe what you want to believe. That's the difference between you and I. I don't believe anything they say.

Are you actually in favor of oil subsidies? Why are you so adamant about defending them?
You're playing words games. Trillions in like a decade or more. I clearly stated that.

Biden said a lot of BS. So did Trump. So did all the others. It's campaign rhetoric, like "I'm going to make Mexico pay for the wall." or "I'll balance the budget in 4 years." Seriously, you know how politicians lie. But you only believe what you want to believe. That's the difference between you and I. I don't believe anything they say.

Are you actually in favor of oil subsidies? Why are you so adamant about defending them?

You're playing words games. Trillions in like a decade or more. I clearly stated that.

Yes, I saw your evidence free claim.

Are you actually in favor of oil subsidies?

I'm still waiting for your proof they exist.
Destroy the oil industry? Are you blind? US oil companies made record profits in just this year alone. WAY more profits than they got during Trump.
And now, Biden has guaranteed US oil companies $70 per barrel. FFS, how in the world is that destroying the oil companies?

My guess is you've fallen for the charade. The big lie. "Biden is trying to destroy big oil" is the biggest lie that's been told since Biden took office

F* the oil corporations. Biden is targeting THE energy source on which our economy is based without having an alternate energy source to switch to.

Food shortages
Supply Chain Crisis
HIGHER prices
HIGHER gas prices
HIGHER diesel prices
Higher Inflation

Your attempted distraction rearding the impact on oil companies has nothing to do with the impact of failed Biden / Democrat policies and agendas on US citizens trying to make it in Biden's f*-ed up economy.

'The buck stops here!'

Now snowflakes are calling Biden a f*ing liar. I love it.

F* the oil corporations. Biden is targeting THE energy source on which our economy is based without having an alternate energy source to switch to.

Food shortages
Supply Chain Crisis
HIGHER prices
HIGHER gas prices
HIGHER diesel prices
Higher Inflation

Your attempted distraction rearding the impact on oil companies has nothing to do with the impact of failed Biden / Democrat policies and agendas on US citizens trying to make it in Biden's f*-ed up economy.

Almost everything on your list, the president has no control over. Not Biden, Trump or any other president. We don't live in a kingdom.

Inflation rises because there's too much money in the system. Trump, Obama and now Biden are pumping newly created money into our system that devalues existing money.
There are no food shortages. Not real ones. There's still plenty of food on the shelves. Just as there's plenty of gas & diesel at the pumps.

Just stop with the fabricated fear mongering crap bro. And look around. The shelves and gas stations are well stocked. The only difference is the price increases that occurs ever so often. This is done to combat all the "free money" our government borrows and dumps into the economy.

Until you die hard republicans start understanding and supporting "fiscal conservative's and conservatism," we're always going to have high inflation and presidents like Trump and Biden who make things worse.
If we had better government, I wouldn't be opposed to that idea. But our government, both Republicans and democrats, are very corruptible.

One thing worth nothing, in support of nationalizing US oil, is that the government has paid US oil companies hundreds of billions (maybe even trillions if you go back just a decade) to keep oil flowing. This was done so that we wouldn't be beholden to OPEC. Since OPEC has been one of the big reasons for many of our own economic downturns (huge reduction in oil production and the futures market driving the price up).
We gave the US oil companies money, hand over fist, to combat OPEC's bust cycles. And what do they give back in return? They go into their bust cycles at the same time OPEC does.

1. Because it produces record profits for them. Cutting production creates higher prices. It also lowers their overhead. (Laying off drillers, pipeliners and even geologist)
2. Because they can. And there's not a thing in the world our government can do about it.
Oh yes there is, and Democrats are already talking about price controls on oil and all these things. 53% of inflation is caused by corporations taking advantage to Jack up their prices for no reason? I guess the GOP loves that, but they are always a disaster, the only thing they have going for them is the propaganda brainwash of baloney. GOP is run by big oil big money big health big guns big lies corporate swine.
Almost everything on your list, the president has no control over. Not Biden, Trump or any other president. We don't live in a kingdom.

Inflation rises because there's too much money in the system. Trump, Obama and now Biden are pumping newly created money into our system that devalues existing money.
There are no food shortages. Not real ones. There's still plenty of food on the shelves. Just as there's plenty of gas & diesel at the pumps.

Just stop with the fabricated fear mongering crap bro. And look around. The shelves and gas stations are well stocked. The only difference is the price increases that occurs ever so often. This is done to combat all the "free money" our government borrows and dumps into the economy.

Until you die hard republicans start understanding and supporting "fiscal conservative's and conservatism," we're always going to have high inflation and presidents like Trump and Biden who make things worse.
They say 53% of the inflation is price gouging by corporations and something is going To happen soon, like price controls or oversight and penalties. Not by the big oil big lies GOP, that's for sure.
In his first disastrous year, the national deficit rose over 2 Trillion dollars, under Brandon.

That’s likely to get even worse in year two and three and four at that rate. More than 8 trillion dollars.

Brandon is no bargain. He’s a total flop even by the bullshit metrics of the OP.
F* the oil corporations. Biden is targeting THE energy source on which our economy is based without having an alternate energy source to switch to.

Food shortages
Supply Chain Crisis
HIGHER prices
HIGHER gas prices
HIGHER diesel prices
Higher Inflation

Your attempted distraction rearding the impact on oil companies has nothing to do with the impact of failed Biden / Democrat policies and agendas on US citizens trying to make it in Biden's f*-ed up economy.
If the GOP base would buy EV's and insulate their houses at the same rate as Democrats, there would be no crisis, brainwashed functional moron.
Oh yes there is, and Democrats are already talking about price controls on oil and all these things. 53% of inflation is caused by corporations taking advantage to Jack up their prices for no reason?
Pure horseshit. Corporations always charge as much as they can get.

I guess the GOP loves that, but they are always a disaster, the only thing they have going for them is the propaganda brainwash of baloney. GOP is run by big oil big money big health big guns big lies corporate swine.

What an ignoramus. Do you know any economics at all?
Pure horseshit. Corporations always charge as much as they can get.

What an ignoramus. Do you know any economics at all?
So you think trump is obsessed with helping the working class? Absolute idiocy...
In his first disastrous year, the national deficit rose over 2 Trillion dollars, under Brandon.

That’s likely to get even worse in year two and three and four at that rate. More than 8 trillion dollars.

Brandon is no bargain. He’s a total flop even by the bullshit metrics of the OP.
Biden already brought it down by 400 billion, and they say 1.4 trillion more this year. That is what you call cutting the deficit. The GOP doesn't understand and you are a brainwashed fool.
They'd better hurry up, they're about to lose the House and Senate.
Because of brainwashed fools like you and the rest of the crew here at US message board lol. The new BS GOP is a total catastrophe these days. Keeping the pandemic and the election crap going...
So you think trump is obsessed with helping the working class? Absolute idiocy...

Biden already brought it down by 400 billion, and they say 1.4 trillion more this year. That is what you call cutting the deficit. The GOP doesn't understand and you are a brainwashed fool.
That was after he increased it by $7 trillion, moron. Biden didn't cut jack. he is spending money hand over fist.
So you think trump is obsessed with helping the working class? Absolute idiocy...

Biden already brought it down by 400 billion,
and they say 1.4 trillion more this year.
More fantastic bullshit.
That is what you call cutting the deficit.
If it were true. But it’s not.
The GOP doesn't understand and you are a brainwashed fool.
The GOP has been guilty too. But alas, your post proves it’s you and your fellow gullible Libtard twats who are brainwashed imbeciles. Gfy.

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