Deficit Increased by $7B under Trump, But now the GOP tries to claim fiscal Responsibility????

If the GOP base would buy EV's and insulate their houses at the same rate as Democrats, there would be no crisis, brainwashed functional moron.

How many middle and lower class Americans who are struggling with high prices / gas prices, barely making it by under Biden's inflation and poor economy, do you think are buying $60k EVs and are worried about home insulation?

Good lord, you sound like a babbling psycho.
They say 53% of the inflation is price gouging by corporations and something is going To happen soon, like price controls or oversight and penalties. Not by the big oil big lies GOP, that's for sure.

I think you're right about that. Around here, logging country of Arkansas, loggers are getting stiffed. The truckers that haul it to the mills are getting stiffed. Somewhere between the mill and the retail, there's a huge spike in price.

BTW, Biden isn't as hated by big oil as the news and the politicians make out. In fact, Biden is LOVED by the oil companies. Record profits. And now Biden has promised them a guaranteed $70 per barrel.

The war between Biden and big oil is just a charade, my man. Biden's oil lease shut downs were on land that hadn't even been tested (geology tests to see if there's oil in specific locations) Much less a drilling rig on them. Once an oil company is issued a drilling permit for federal lands, almost nothing can stop them from drilling.
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How many middle and lower class Americans who are struggling with high prices / gas prices, barely making it by under Biden's inflation and poor economy, do you think are buying $60k EVs and are worried about home insulation?

Good lord, you sound like a babbling psycho.

LMAO.. You're trying to make out like francoHFW is talking about people who can't afford to buy a new car. Obviously he's not. So you run the false narrative that he is.

BTW, want to be truly independent of foreign oil & gas? Then we have to reduce our consumption. The only way to do that is to buy EV's and power our houses on either solar panels or energy companies who produce energy from wind turbines or solar farms.
Seriously, just how bad do you want to crawl out from the clutches of the middle east? Because US oil companies aren't going to stop importing Saudi's oil, until the demand for it is reduced to the point it's not profitable to do so.
They're not going to do it on their own.

No, we weren't energy independent during Trump's term. That's a farce as big as making Mexico pay for the wall.
They'd better hurry up, they're about to lose the House and Senate.

I think you're right about that. Around here, logging country of Arkansas, loggers are getting stiffed. The truckers that haul it to the mills are getting stiffed. Somewhere between the mill and the retail, there's a huge spike in price.

BTW, Biden isn't as hated by big oil as the news and the politicians make out. In fact, Biden is LOVED by the oil companies. Record profits. And now Biden has promised them a guaranteed $70 per barrel.

The war between Biden and big oil is just a charade, my man. Biden's oil lease shut downs were on land that hadn't even been tested (geology tests to see if there's oil in specific locations) Much less a drilling rig on them. Once an oil company is issued a drilling permit for federal lands, almost nothing can stop them from drilling.
Nothing like the GOP charade... Totally bought off and incredible propaganda garbage for the rubes
View attachment 714170
How many middle and lower class Americans who are struggling with high prices / gas prices, barely making it by under Biden's inflation and poor economy, do you think are buying $60k EVs and are worried about home insulation?

Good lord, you sound like a babbling psycho.
Well actually, super duper, there are plenty of 35K EV's around and the insulation is basically free for most people. How the hell would you know the facts about anything lol.... And that is just the tip of the people are so brainwashed you are actually anti American.
I think you're right about that. Around here, logging country of Arkansas, loggers are getting stiffed. The truckers that haul it to the mills are getting stiffed. Somewhere between the mill and the retail, there's a huge spike in price.

BTW, Biden isn't as hated by big oil as the news and the politicians make out. In fact, Biden is LOVED by the oil companies. Record profits. And now Biden has promised them a guaranteed $70 per barrel.

The war between Biden and big oil is just a charade, my man. Biden's oil lease shut downs were on land that hadn't even been tested (geology tests to see if there's oil in specific locations) Much less a drilling rig on them. Once an oil company is issued a drilling permit for federal lands, almost nothing can stop them from drilling.
How can Biden guarantee any price? You obviously don't understand how markets work. Of course, you demonstrate that every time you post.
Both sides are like this, bro. There's a little good in both sides. But a lot of bad.
Sorry there is no comparison. We have had 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich and we have the worst inequality homelessness and mental illness and upward mobility ever anywhere. And they're trying to steal elections. They fight vaccines and science and make out that the FBI the DOJ and our public servants are a conspiracy against the speakers of truth trump Internet nut jobs Murdoch and bought off GOP scumbags. 53.9% of the inflation is price gouging by corporations that own the GOP.
View attachment 714170
How many middle and lower class Americans who are struggling with high prices / gas prices, barely making it by under Biden's inflation and poor economy, do you think are buying $60k EVs and are worried about home insulation?

Good lord, you sound like a babbling psycho.
Well the ones on Medicare with college loans are going to save enough money that they can afford it if they don't listen to fox noise all the time...
LMAO.. You're trying to make out like francoHFW is talking about people who can't afford to buy a new car. Obviously he's not. So you run the false narrative that he is.
That's exactly who he's talking about, dumbass. He's talking about people who can't afford to put gas in their cars.

BTW, want to be truly independent of foreign oil & gas? Then we have to reduce our consumption.

The only way to do that is to buy EV's and power our houses on either solar panels or energy companies who produce energy from wind turbines or solar farms.
Also wrong.

Seriously, just how bad do you want to crawl out from the clutches of the middle east? Because US oil companies aren't going to stop importing Saudi's oil, until the demand for it is reduced to the point it's not profitable to do so.
They're not going to do it on their own.
We were out of the clutches of the Middle East when Trump was president.
No, we weren't energy independent during Trump's term. That's a farce as big as making Mexico pay for the wall.
Sorry there is no comparison. We have had 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich and we have the worst inequality homelessness and mental illness and upward mobility ever anywhere. And they're trying to steal elections. They fight vaccines and science and make out that the FBI the DOJ and our public servants are a conspiracy against the speakers of truth trump Internet nut jobs Murdoch and bought off GOP scumbags. 53.9% of the inflation is price gouging by corporations that own the GOP.

Give away to the rich? Democrats are just as guilty. Check out who got covid checks, bailout and stimulous during democrat majorities.

Inequity? Who's fault is it if someone doesn't put in the time, get the education and do the work to get out of poverty? That's a personal responsibility thing.

Mental illness used to come with being locked up, away from society because they weren't fit for society. Just like violent criminals. Democrats and republicans alike, have defunded asylums. And now the mentally ill are running rampant in our society. For some reason, the left thinks it's humane to turn them loose on society.

Trump pushed "Operation warp speed" down our throats. Many of us didn't need a vaccine because our immune system can take it. The vaccines don't stop people from getting it or giving it. So it's not really a vaccine. BTW, big pharma, thanks to R & D's, got bloody rich off of it. And still are.

In fact, the democrats need to be the one pushing for a Trump 2024 presidency. Why? Let's take a look at his record that the Trumpbots don't want to address.

He didn't even try to lock up Hillary. Called the Clintons his friends. within a week after the election, said "Lock her up" was "just a campaign thing."
His idea on healthcare was Obamacare on steroids.
His appropriation bills that he signed, included funding for planned parenthood and gender studies.
In April of 2020, he made a deal with OPEC to lower oil production. Which is what started the oil bust cycle, which increased EV sales like never before.
He signed every appropriations bill that Pelosi gave him, except for one. And that was because he said it didn't spend enough.
He caved on DACA.
In fact, his entire support for closed borders and walls, was not to long ago, the same as the democrats. Walls and fences were (during Clintons term) a democrat supported issue. (so I'm amazed the democrats aren't for walls and fences now. Those that support Biden's immigration policies are owned. Why? Because democrats used to understand that over immigration, as we have now, hurts the American working class. Democrats used to support the American working class.

If you're still reading, just know, I'm truly independent of the democrat morons and the Trumpbot morons, for a reason. Common sense and knowledge won't allow me to support either one of them. Especially for the lie that one is better or worse than the other. They are both corrupt. Neither of them care about the American working class. And both are owned by lobbyist.

Need proof? Nancy Pelosi (and Paul Ryan) would not allow amendments to be introduced on the house floor, without first being passed through committee. Committee is code for lobbyist approval. I suspect the next house leader will be a republican, and he also won't allow yours or my representative to exercise a true republic democracy action such as that. House representatives should be the ONLY one's allowed to pass or reject an amendment. Not lobbyist. And not a few representatives in some committee.
That's exactly who he's talking about, dumbass. He's talking about people who can't afford to put gas in their cars.


Also wrong.

We were out of the clutches of the Middle East when Trump was president.


LMAO, in 2019, US oil companies imported about 500,000 barrels of oil PER DAY from Saudi Arabia. And that's just the Saudi's. That doesn't include the oil we were getting from Russia and the NG we were getting from Canada, Doofus.

My god, dude. Since your head is so far up Trumps ass, tells us, what's he having for lunch tomorrow?
Give away to the rich? Democrats are just as guilty. Check out who got covid checks, bailout and stimulous during democrat majorities.

Inequity? Who's fault is it if someone doesn't put in the time, get the education and do the work to get out of poverty? That's a personal responsibility thing.

Mental illness used to come with being locked up, away from society because they weren't fit for society. Just like violent criminals. Democrats and republicans alike, have defunded asylums. And now the mentally ill are running rampant in our society. For some reason, the left thinks it's humane to turn them loose on society.

Trump pushed "Operation warp speed" down our throats. Many of us didn't need a vaccine because our immune system can take it. The vaccines don't stop people from getting it or giving it. So it's not really a vaccine. BTW, big pharma, thanks to R & D's, got bloody rich off of it. And still are.

In fact, the democrats need to be the one pushing for a Trump 2024 presidency. Why? Let's take a look at his record that the Trumpbots don't want to address.

He didn't even try to lock up Hillary. Called the Clintons his friends. within a week after the election, said "Lock her up" was "just a campaign thing."
His idea on healthcare was Obamacare on steroids.
His appropriation bills that he signed, included funding for planned parenthood and gender studies.
In April of 2020, he made a deal with OPEC to lower oil production. Which is what started the oil bust cycle, which increased EV sales like never before.
He signed every appropriations bill that Pelosi gave him, except for one. And that was because he said it didn't spend enough.
He caved on DACA.
In fact, his entire support for closed borders and walls, was not to long ago, the same as the democrats. Walls and fences were (during Clintons term) a democrat supported issue. (so I'm amazed the democrats aren't for walls and fences now. Those that support Biden's immigration policies are owned. Why? Because democrats used to understand that over immigration, as we have now, hurts the American working class. Democrats used to support the American working class.

If you're still reading, just know, I'm truly independent of the democrat morons and the Trumpbot morons, for a reason. Common sense and knowledge won't allow me to support either one of them. Especially for the lie that one is better or worse than the other. They are both corrupt. Neither of them care about the American working class. And both are owned by lobbyist.

Need proof? Nancy Pelosi (and Paul Ryan) would not allow amendments to be introduced on the house floor, without first being passed through committee. Committee is code for lobbyist approval. I suspect the next house leader will be a republican, and he also won't allow yours or my representative to exercise a true republic democracy action such as that. House representatives should be the ONLY one's allowed to pass or reject an amendment. Not lobbyist. And not a few representatives in some committee.
Pass the 2010 democratic Immigration Bill that started with a work ID card that is the only solution. Just like every other rich country already has.
Give away to the rich? Democrats are just as guilty. Check out who got covid checks, bailout and stimulous during democrat majorities.

Inequity? Who's fault is it if someone doesn't put in the time, get the education and do the work to get out of poverty? That's a personal responsibility thing.

Mental illness used to come with being locked up, away from society because they weren't fit for society. Just like violent criminals. Democrats and republicans alike, have defunded asylums. And now the mentally ill are running rampant in our society. For some reason, the left thinks it's humane to turn them loose on society.

Trump pushed "Operation warp speed" down our throats. Many of us didn't need a vaccine because our immune system can take it. The vaccines don't stop people from getting it or giving it. So it's not really a vaccine. BTW, big pharma, thanks to R & D's, got bloody rich off of it. And still are.

In fact, the democrats need to be the one pushing for a Trump 2024 presidency. Why? Let's take a look at his record that the Trumpbots don't want to address.

He didn't even try to lock up Hillary. Called the Clintons his friends. within a week after the election, said "Lock her up" was "just a campaign thing."
His idea on healthcare was Obamacare on steroids.
His appropriation bills that he signed, included funding for planned parenthood and gender studies.
In April of 2020, he made a deal with OPEC to lower oil production. Which is what started the oil bust cycle, which increased EV sales like never before.
He signed every appropriations bill that Pelosi gave him, except for one. And that was because he said it didn't spend enough.
He caved on DACA.
In fact, his entire support for closed borders and walls, was not to long ago, the same as the democrats. Walls and fences were (during Clintons term) a democrat supported issue. (so I'm amazed the democrats aren't for walls and fences now. Those that support Biden's immigration policies are owned. Why? Because democrats used to understand that over immigration, as we have now, hurts the American working class. Democrats used to support the American working class.

If you're still reading, just know, I'm truly independent of the democrat morons and the Trumpbot morons, for a reason. Common sense and knowledge won't allow me to support either one of them. Especially for the lie that one is better or worse than the other. They are both corrupt. Neither of them care about the American working class. And both are owned by lobbyist.

Need proof? Nancy Pelosi (and Paul Ryan) would not allow amendments to be introduced on the house floor, without first being passed through committee. Committee is code for lobbyist approval. I suspect the next house leader will be a republican, and he also won't allow yours or my representative to exercise a true republic democracy action such as that. House representatives should be the ONLY one's allowed to pass or reject an amendment. Not lobbyist. And not a few representatives in some committee.
We have to tax the rich again and giant corporations and invest in America again like cheap college and training like every other developed country has. Unlike this GOP crap we have now. Same with your other stuff and there is no lobbyist conspiracy in the Democratic Party anything like the one in the GOP. They have a corrupt deregulation bubble and bust every time they get eight years period they start the stupidest wars ever et cetera et cetera et cetera. The Democrats are just starting to have some power again. Except for Obamacare they passed nothing since the 60s. The GOP just cuts taxes on the rich and investment in america for god's sake.... we are falling apart-... In other words, I don't think your truths about the Democrats are true...
Pass the 2010 democratic Immigration Bill that started with a work ID card that is the only solution. Just like every other rich country already has.

The US government doesn't have the right or the authority to tell any business who they can hire. It's none of their business.
Nor should it have the right or authority to force Americans to give up the right to their land. Even if it is on the border. There's a way to solve the immigration problem, and fix a few others at the same time. It's dealing with the difference in currency value between the Peso and the USD. But republicans and democrats are too corrupt and stupid to figure that one out.
Sorry there is no comparison. We have had 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich and we have the worst inequality homelessness and mental illness and upward mobility ever anywhere. And they're trying to steal elections. They fight vaccines and science and make out that the FBI the DOJ and our public servants are a conspiracy against the speakers of truth trump Internet nut jobs Murdoch and bought off GOP scumbags. 53.9% of the inflation is price gouging by corporations that own the GOP.

Demtwats are useless.

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