Deficit Increased by $7B under Trump, But now the GOP tries to claim fiscal Responsibility????

What if you're exporting more than you're importing?

How could you export if you weren't importing. That's the charade, bro. Especially when the demand is waaaaay down in your own country and you still have trade agreements made with OPEC & Russia to import their oil. Oil is bought months and months in advance.
This is one reason the US oil companies welcomed their own bust cycle. And why it took so long for the higher prices to start showing up at the pump. US oil companies had a lot of excess oil of our own. And tankers and tankers of oil already bought.

US oil lay offs started in may of 2020. Oil prices didn't start rising until just after the election. (and I mean like a week or so after the election) They had to refine all that excess oil.
How could you export if you weren't importing. That's the charade, bro. Especially when the demand is waaaaay down in your own country and you still have trade agreements made with OPEC & Russia to import their oil. Oil is bought months and months in advance.
This is one reason the US oil companies welcomed their own bust cycle. And why it took so long for the higher prices to start showing up at the pump. US oil companies had a lot of excess oil of our own. And tankers and tankers of oil already bought.

US oil lay offs started in may of 2020. Oil prices didn't start rising until just after the election. (and I mean like a week or so after the election) They had to refine all that excess oil.

How could you export if you weren't importing.

How could you export 4 million barrels if you weren't importing 3 million barrels?
They say 53% of the inflation is price gouging by corporations and something is going To happen soon, like price controls or oversight and penalties. Not by the big oil big lies GOP, that's for sure.
Who is “they”, Simp?
He's a man. Born a male. And isn't going to change that. If he tried to be woman, I'd call him a lying weirdo, and make fun of him. He knows how I feel about pretending. And that's what trans people do. They pretend they're something other than what they really are. Pretending is a form of lying. I don't respect people who lie.

Which is why they're proud men. They act like men. Dress like men. They don't pretend to be any other than their true self.
My step grandaughter is a tom boy. He's pretty masculine for her age 12. But she knows she's a girl. Her dad allows her to be rough and tough most days. But when it's time for her be a girl, he makes sure she acts like one and dresses like one. This is good parenting. It's guiding them in the normal direction.
Why? Because she's 12. She don't have a clue about a lot of adult like things that are going to happen to her when she is an adult. No one does.
You can call your child anything… abuse them in just about any way … but ultimately they are going to be who they are and who they want to be.
You can't call yourself energy independent if you're importing oil, shit for brains. That's not how independence works.
500,000 barrels a day,
I'm not going to debate the issue with someone who's obviously an idiot.

just from Saudi Arabia, isn't independent. That doesn't include all the other imported oil and NG.
FFS, 90% of our natural gas is imported from Canada. 90%, bro. So there's not way in hell we are energy independent.
That's just dead wrong, brain dead. The US is the largest producer of natural gas in the world.
You're just repeating fake talking points and propaganda put out by the Trump administration, that has just enough truth in it to make it seem true. The lying part is overlooked to make it seem true.
You're the one repeating talking points, and they're all Dim talking points. You're about as conservative as Pol Pot.
Example: Your wife goes to her boyfriends house, where he and two of his friends bang your wife for 2 hours. On her way home, she stops at the store for a jug of milk. When she gets home you ask her where she's been. She says, "I've been to the store to get milk." She's no lying. Just not telling you the whole truth. The jug of milk is her proof she's not lying.

This is the same concocted BS they're putting out about our so called energy independence.
You just flat out lie.
How do you change that, when so many voters are political loyalist? The government officials aren't going vote themselves out of job. Their supporters are going to keep voting for them. America isn't going to vote out this two party system.
So how do we do it?
You tell us, turd. How does someone who isn't a "political loyalist" vote?
Who is “they”, Simp?
Everybody BUT your swine heroes, dupe.
  1. Corporations are bragging about inflation price-gouging

    May 6, 2022 · In a new report for the Economic Policy Institute, Josh Bivens analyzed pricing data to better understand what’s really driving inflation. What he found was stunning – over half …


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GW Bush inherited a balanced budget and projected surplus..
The GOP Congress spent like CRAZY and completely wasted and squandered that balanced budget. (then they crashed the economy 7 years later)

In 2016, Obama's last year, the US annual deficit was at $587 B a year.
In 2020 the US deficit was projected to be $1.1 T, precovid (it came in at $3T)

Trump and the GOP doubled the yearly budget deficit in just 3 years, AND they never had 3% GDP annually.

Now these trash republican try and claim to be the fiscally responsible ones even though the GOP has destroyed the countries finances. The GOP refuses to do the right thing and fund our government to keep the economy booming under Biden. The GOP has raised the debt ceiling countless times for themselves, but never for anybody else. the GOP is playing games with our economy. The economy is booming and the GOP are jealous because they such at the economy.

This is just another example of the joke and failure of the GOP. The GOP has destroyed our finances, and they won't work with the dems to help our country. The GOP doesn't care about our country at all, they care about the GOP. Party over country. Why else would the GOP spend so recklessly for so long???

Everything posted here is 100% fact, I know you hate it, I know you people are squirming and crying right now, but the truth can be a tough pill for Trumpers to swallow. You hate the truth. You hate my facts. Facts are kryptonite to a Trumper.

this was predicted and everyone knows after 2023 the deficit goes up exponentially
Everybody BUT your swine heroes, dupe.
  1. Corporations are bragging about inflation price-gouging

    May 6, 2022 · In a new report for the Economic Policy Institute, Josh Bivens analyzed pricing data to better understand what’s really driving inflation. What he found was stunning – over half …


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    Economist Is Disgusted By These CEOs Who Brag About Thei…
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Got bored after reading the first claptrap filled link. Nothing more than lefty opinions attempting to give Dimtards talking points to spin their record inflation.
You can call your child anything… abuse them in just about any way … but ultimately they are going to be who they are and who they want to be.

As long as they were under my roof, they'll be what I say they'll be.
Which was
hard working
Look and act decent
and portray what they really are. Not what they wish they were.

One of the biggest lies a parent can tell their kid is that they can be anything they want to be. 99% of us aren't cut out for 90% of things life has to offer. I would suck as a nurse or a rock singer. If I wanted to a woman, I'd be one butt ugly woman, that no decent man would want.
Trump’s tax cuts were across the board. Everyone who pays income taxes got a cut, Simp.
83% went to the top 1%. The richest people now pay less than many in the middle class even before all the loopholes...
This thread has already been debunked.
We should just be happy trump did not get eight years or he would have caused a corrupt deregulation bubble and bust like every other GOP president. Of course he managed the same thing with the worst pandemic response ever and leading the world in talking about silly dangers of the vaccine etcetera etcetera...and still do ARRGGHHHH. ASSHOLES!!!!!

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