Deficit Increased by $7B under Trump, But now the GOP tries to claim fiscal Responsibility????

The US government doesn't have the right or the authority to tell any business who they can hire. It's none of their business.
Nor should it have the right or authority to force Americans to give up the right to their land. Even if it is on the border. There's a way to solve the immigration problem, and fix a few others at the same time. It's dealing with the difference in currency value between the Peso and the USD. But republicans and democrats are too corrupt and stupid to figure that one out.
No we have to organize our immigration system with an ID card for people with seasonal jobs etc. It is the only solution just like in every other modern country with the problem. You're starting to Babble. We have to help Latin America by ending the war on drugs with a mental health system et cetera....
In his first disastrous year, the national deficit rose over 2 Trillion dollars, under Brandon.

That’s likely to get even worse in year two and three and four at that rate. More than 8 trillion dollars.

Brandon is no bargain. He’s a total flop even by the bullshit metrics of the OP.
In Trump’s last year the debt rose by 3 and a half trillion
Well actually, super duper, there are plenty of 35K EV's around and the insulation is basically free for most people. How the hell would you know the facts about anything lol.... And that is just the tip of the people are so brainwashed you are actually anti American.
Again,yeah,middle and lower classes trying to survive Bidenflation and the economic fuck up are buying EVs...

You're such a loser...

Factually owned. The entire world of journalism and good government is against the GOP of today especially the GOP base of conspiracy nuts
Those broad statements like that aren't helping your case. In fact, they make you sound like one of those right wing conspiracy theorist.

Not all journalist are against the GOP. And there's still some good people in the GOP. Fiscal conservatives like Chip Roy, Mike Lee, Thomas Massie.
But because they're fiscal conservatives, the GOP will not give them much of a voice or support. But time after time, their voters know fiscal conservatives and are glad to get them. Thomas Massie was even primaried by his own party for going against Trump on the unconstitutional NDAA bill. But he still won re-election in the 62% range.
The GOP has outlawed fiscal and constitutional conservatism so much now that the democrats are actually more conservative (with our money) than the GOP.
Which is my main reason for not voting for a republican since Ron Paul. And until the GOP comes to their conservative senses, I'll not cast another vote for one.
But with all the horse pucky the democrats have thrown at us since at least B. Clinton, I'll not cast a vote for them either. CRT, BLM, defund the police, abortion rights (as if having you baby murdered is a right). The spending, getting us into entangling alliances with other countries. And the list goes on.

The ONLY democrat I would even consider voting for would be Tulsi Gabbard. But she'd have to reverse some of her left leaning idea's. She's coming along. But not there yet. She dayum sure wasn't a Russian asset.
What's the OP trying to prove, that BOTH PARTIES added to the Debt? Agreed.

What we need is a plan to reduce the Debt, not add to it. Got any ideas?

Change the political system. The current system is very, VERY short sighted, the House looking forward a year at a time, funding, election, funding, election. The Senate isn't much better, and the President is only relevant for a short time and for that time is trying to get re-elected too.

Proportional Representation is a much better system.
LMAO, in 2019, US oil companies imported about 500,000 barrels of oil PER DAY from Saudi Arabia. And that's just the Saudi's. That doesn't include the oil we were getting from Russia and the NG we were getting from Canada, Doofus.

My god, dude. Since your head is so far up Trumps ass, tells us, what's he having for lunch tomorrow?
We exported more then we imported, shit for brains.
Those broad statements like that aren't helping your case. In fact, they make you sound like one of those right wing conspiracy theorist.

Not all journalist are against the GOP. And there's still some good people in the GOP. Fiscal conservatives like Chip Roy, Mike Lee, Thomas Massie.
But because they're fiscal conservatives, the GOP will not give them much of a voice or support. But time after time, their voters know fiscal conservatives and are glad to get them. Thomas Massie was even primaried by his own party for going against Trump on the unconstitutional NDAA bill. But he still won re-election in the 62% range.
The GOP has outlawed fiscal and constitutional conservatism so much now that the democrats are actually more conservative (with our money) than the GOP.
Which is my main reason for not voting for a republican since Ron Paul. And until the GOP comes to their conservative senses, I'll not cast another vote for one.
But with all the horse pucky the democrats have thrown at us since at least B. Clinton, I'll not cast a vote for them either. CRT, BLM, defund the police, abortion rights (as if having you baby murdered is a right). The spending, getting us into entangling alliances with other countries. And the list goes on.

The ONLY democrat I would even consider voting for would be Tulsi Gabbard. But she'd have to reverse some of her left leaning idea's. She's coming along. But not there yet. She dayum sure wasn't a Russian asset.
What you know about CRT BLM defund the police and abortion rights are all way off reality. Change the channel... The horse hockey you mentioned about the Democrats strangely comes up at the same time as Rush Limbaugh and fox' s ridiculous version of events.... The GOP has been a disaster since teddy Roosevelt lol... A corrupt dereg bubble and bust every time they get in....
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Change the political system. The current system is very, VERY short sighted, the House looking forward a year at a time, funding, election, funding, election. The Senate isn't much better, and the President is only relevant for a short time and for that time is trying to get re-elected too.

Proportional Representation is a much better system.
Just do away with the GOP filibuster and let's let the parties put their policies through and then we'll see what the populace is in favor of. Tax cuts for the rich or solutions for problems
What you know about CRT BLM defund the police and abortion rights are all way off reality. Change the channel... The horse hockey you mentioned about the Democrats strangely comes up at the same time as Rush Limbaugh and fox' s ridiculous version of events.... The GOP has been a disaster since teddy Roosevelt lol... A corrupt dereg bubble and bust every time they get in....

I don't listen to people like Rush, bro. So you're lame attempt to paint me a republican is just that. Lame
CRT, BLM, and defund the police are things that are helping to destroy the size and shape of the democratic party. The red flood coming in a few weeks, is proof that Americans are sick of things like that. Including tranny rights.
Yall could've done these things quietly, without shoving it into the faces of average every day working class American. But noooo, yall had to try to make all of us out to be bigots, racist and transphobes. Even going so far as to publicly denounce the entire white race. "All lives matter" isn't racist, bro. And hoping my son doesn't grow up to be my daughter isn't transphobic.
The left brought this all on themselves. The left should've stuck with just supporting the working class America. Same as the LP. Now both parties are deemed stupid by a lot more Americans now, than just 2 years ago.
We exported more then we imported, shit for brains.

You can't call yourself energy independent if you're importing oil, shit for brains. That's not how independence works.
500,000 barrels a day, just from Saudi Arabia, isn't independent. That doesn't include all the other imported oil and NG.
FFS, 90% of our natural gas is imported from Canada. 90%, bro. So there's not way in hell we are energy independent.
You're just repeating fake talking points and propaganda put out by the Trump administration, that has just enough truth in it to make it seem true. The lying part is overlooked to make it seem true.

Example: Your wife goes to her boyfriends house, where he and two of his friends bang your wife for 2 hours. On her way home, she stops at the store for a jug of milk. When she gets home you ask her where she's been. She says, "I've been to the store to get milk." She's no lying. Just not telling you the whole truth. The jug of milk is her proof she's not lying.

This is the same concocted BS they're putting out about our so called energy independence.
Hope all you want. He's going to be what he is going to be. Get over it. it's not your decision. It's HIS

He's a man. Born a male. And isn't going to change that. If he tried to be woman, I'd call him a lying weirdo, and make fun of him. He knows how I feel about pretending. And that's what trans people do. They pretend they're something other than what they really are. Pretending is a form of lying. I don't respect people who lie.

Which is why they're proud men. They act like men. Dress like men. They don't pretend to be any other than their true self.
My step grandaughter is a tom boy. He's pretty masculine for her age 12. But she knows she's a girl. Her dad allows her to be rough and tough most days. But when it's time for her be a girl, he makes sure she acts like one and dresses like one. This is good parenting. It's guiding them in the normal direction.
Why? Because she's 12. She don't have a clue about a lot of adult like things that are going to happen to her when she is an adult. No one does.
Change the political system. The current system is very, VERY short sighted, the House looking forward a year at a time, funding, election, funding, election. The Senate isn't much better, and the President is only relevant for a short time and for that time is trying to get re-elected too.

Proportional Representation is a much better system.

How do you change that, when so many voters are political loyalist? The government officials aren't going vote themselves out of job. Their supporters are going to keep voting for them. America isn't going to vote out this two party system.
So how do we do it?

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