Deficit Increased by $7B under Trump, But now the GOP tries to claim fiscal Responsibility????

GW Bush inherited a balanced budget and projected surplus..
The GOP Congress spent like CRAZY and completely wasted and squandered that balanced budget. (then they crashed the economy 7 years later)

In 2016, Obama's last year, the US annual deficit was at $587 B a year.
In 2020 the US deficit was projected to be $1.1 T, precovid (it came in at $3T)

Trump and the GOP doubled the yearly budget deficit in just 3 years, AND they never had 3% GDP annually.

Now these trash republican try and claim to be the fiscally responsible ones even though the GOP has destroyed the countries finances. The GOP refuses to do the right thing and fund our government to keep the economy booming under Biden. The GOP has raised the debt ceiling countless times for themselves, but never for anybody else. the GOP is playing games with our economy. The economy is booming and the GOP are jealous because they such at the economy.

This is just another example of the joke and failure of the GOP. The GOP has destroyed our finances, and they won't work with the dems to help our country. The GOP doesn't care about our country at all, they care about the GOP. Party over country. Why else would the GOP spend so recklessly for so long???

Everything posted here is 100% fact, I know you hate it, I know you people are squirming and crying right now, but the truth can be a tough pill for Trumpers to swallow. You hate the truth. You hate my facts. Facts are kryptonite to a Trumper.

Trump spent more on the military and border security. Democrats are looking to spend on entitlements and give more money to lazy people who want to collect and rely on the Govt. Big difference
If you can't admit the economy is booming, then you are nothing but a blind partisan hack and a sheep.

GDP is booming, jobs growth is booming, wages are booming, job openings are BOOMING, corporate earnings are Booming markets are booming. This will continue

The economy is booming more than any economy under any GOP president ever. Reagan didn't have this growth

If the Democrats get their 3.5 trillion "human infrastructure" bill passed and signed, the stock market collapse will rival October 2008 except it will all occur in one day.
If the Democrats get their 3.5 trillion "human infrastructure" bill passed and signed, the stock market collapse will rival October 2008 except it will all occur in one day.
How many times have you fuckers made claims like that and forgotten them instantly when they didn't happen?
Actually, it's a fifth of a penny!
Hey cappy (dick) did you know that we don't pay the debt down ever?

That we still carry the full debt from WWII?

That all we pay is the interest and the interest is $368 B? That even if ALL of the 3.5T went on the debt (over ten years) it would make the interest payment only about $425B?
Trump spent more on the military and border security. Democrats are looking to spend on entitlements and give more money to lazy people who want to collect and rely on the Govt. Big difference
Democrats want to add over THREE TRILLION DOLLARS to the nation's debt.
And yet some of them have the balls and utter gall to whine over Trump's comparatively pitiful trifling bit of debt (not that I was in love with his debt either).

These people are emboldened by their own mental illness and pointless rage. And the worst part will be how the leftists turn this money into a democrat feeding trough just like the American Reinvestment Act was
(though it was sold to the dopes as investment in infrastructure and green energy).

That anyone would whine about Trump with Pelosi, Schumer and the Dotard, Joe Biden, trying to ram this
reworking of Obama 's failed American Reinvestment scam down the nation's throat is hubris beyond words.
Good work tracking down and filming Krysten Synama in the rest room.

That's sure to put her on the blue team for this bill.
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Democrats want to add over THREE TRILLION DOLLARS to the nation's debt.
And yet some of them have the balls and utter gall to whine over Trump's comparatively pitiful trifling bit of debt (not that I was in love with his debt either).

These people are emboldened by their own mental illness and pointless rage.

That anyone would whine about Trump with Pelosi, Schumer and the Dotard, Joe Biden, trying to ram this
reworking of Obama 's failed American Reinvestment scam down the nation's throat is hubris beyond words.
Trump added TWO trillion to give his cronies a tax cut and you said NOTHING.

And newsflash...this 3.5T is paid for in Medicare Plan D drug savings (by negotiating like the VA does) and small tax increases for the top tax bracket and Cap gains.

Of course the rich and drug companies are fighting it tooth and nail
This trump asshole rode the Obama economy for a while and then .....every thing went to shit like clock work.

Obama's 2016 economy grew 1.7%. Not much to ride, eh?
In 2019 Trump GDP was a weak 2.13%. AND the annual deficit was at about $900B per year, close to double what Obama had in 2016 ($587B).

Trump's economy was a joke, it wasn't that good, it had weak growth, massive spending and deficits, and the same 200k/month hiring rate that Obama had.

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