Define the God you believe in, if you do believe in one (or more) -

Outta curiousity, how do you figure to know what I personally mean by sky daddy, ding -?
Because you believe that man made religions are for the gullible that need a sky daddy to massage their insecurities about the unknown. Because your standard response to God loves you is that Sky Daddy is not your thing. Because you constantly ridicule the accounts in the Bible saying things like "Sky daddy didn't tell him to kill anybody's first born otherwise we'd have another Son of Sam on our hands." Because you believe trusting the creator rather than created things is collectivist daddy worship. Because you have implied that people who have devoted their lives to a man-made sky daddy are played sheep.

Because you use this phrase even when you talk to people who you perceive have never insulted you.

The Belief That Life Was the Result of an Accident Is Unscientific

Why Religion Must Be Banished....

If There Is No God, Murder Is Not Wrong

Can Atheists be Moral?

Which Child Tells the World Her Life Has Been Stolen?

Does Saturn's "Ice Moon" harbor life deep in it's ocean?
I've never directed the phrase at someone directly that didn't insult me, Ding - you found threads where they didn't insult me...IN THE THREAD...that's your fail because they've probably insulted me elsewhere, and you've also found threads where I said it in general and not to a person.

I question your fuckin sanity and level-headedness for even doing that research project right there, too. What the actual fuck must be wrong with you to do something like that?

Also, your explanation of why I say "sky daddy" is partially correct, and partially not - - - - - and I still do, in fact, posit that you believe in a sky daddy. One that's magical, and came to be a human for a little while so that he could do some magical miracles, some Machiavellin stuff too.

Why you care so much as to do all ^^ THAT ^^ is fuggin creepy

"sorry guys, cant do anything at all today, gotta go be right on the internet!"
So you are admitting that you carry around grudges?

I have zero doubt about that. But even your grudge argument doesn't hold water GT. Are you suggesting that Emily insulted you? What did Emily ever do to you?

If There Is No God, Murder Is Not Wrong

Or how about Arthur Blair? What did Arthur ever do to you?

Which Child Tells the World Her Life Has Been Stolen?

Or how about the posts that weren't directed at anyone, GT? What about these?

Why Religion Must Be Banished....

The Belief That Life Was the Result of an Accident Is Unscientific

You question your my sanity and level-headedness and wonder what must be wrong with me to do something like this?

You asked me a question, GT. This is my answer to YOUR question.

Yes, GT, I do believe in a creator. No, I don't believe he is magical. Just beyond anything we can relate to because the creator is beyond anything we can comprehend. That doesn't make it magic. That's your oversimplification because it doesn't match your worldview.

I care because I enjoy these kind of discussions. It isn't about being right, it is about learning more. I am always looking for gaps in my beliefs.

And don't you find it odd that someone would criticize someone else for doing exactly what they were doing?
  1. the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.

You merely don't know what Magic means. That's not my fault, it's yours, Ding(bat). Not only is it Magical in component, but it's also magical *thinking* to assert it even exists in the first place, because try as you do and with all your might - - - - - that Nobel Prize and complete and drastic news to humanity, that Origins have been proven, is sitting there for Ding on the internet to present his "proof." Go get it peer reviewed, sherlock. :rolleyes:

You need genesis to be allegorical to not sound ridiculous, but then go on ahead and sound ridiculous anyway by believing a sky daddy made himself born as a human and came back from the grave 3 days after he died.

I dont care if genesis is allegorical or literal - - - in either sense, it does not have an answer for the origin of the universe.
It's only supernatural to us because we are material beings, GT, to God it is perfectly natural.

But are you now trying to argue you don't mean it as an insult? Because I am pretty sure you already admitted that you do intend it as an insult. The only contention is whether you were honest in your statement that you only use it as an insult to others when they first insulted you.

A contention I have already disproven using your own words.
Outta curiousity, how do you figure to know what I personally mean by sky daddy, ding -?
Because you believe that man made religions are for the gullible that need a sky daddy to massage their insecurities about the unknown. Because your standard response to God loves you is that Sky Daddy is not your thing. Because you constantly ridicule the accounts in the Bible saying things like "Sky daddy didn't tell him to kill anybody's first born otherwise we'd have another Son of Sam on our hands." Because you believe trusting the creator rather than created things is collectivist daddy worship. Because you have implied that people who have devoted their lives to a man-made sky daddy are played sheep.

Because you use this phrase even when you talk to people who you perceive have never insulted you.

The Belief That Life Was the Result of an Accident Is Unscientific

Why Religion Must Be Banished....

If There Is No God, Murder Is Not Wrong

Can Atheists be Moral?

Which Child Tells the World Her Life Has Been Stolen?

Does Saturn's "Ice Moon" harbor life deep in it's ocean?
I've never directed the phrase at someone directly that didn't insult me, Ding - you found threads where they didn't insult me...IN THE THREAD...that's your fail because they've probably insulted me elsewhere, and you've also found threads where I said it in general and not to a person.

I question your fuckin sanity and level-headedness for even doing that research project right there, too. What the actual fuck must be wrong with you to do something like that?

Also, your explanation of why I say "sky daddy" is partially correct, and partially not - - - - - and I still do, in fact, posit that you believe in a sky daddy. One that's magical, and came to be a human for a little while so that he could do some magical miracles, some Machiavellin stuff too.

Why you care so much as to do all ^^ THAT ^^ is fuggin creepy

"sorry guys, cant do anything at all today, gotta go be right on the internet!"
So you are admitting that you carry around grudges?

I have zero doubt about that. But even your grudge argument doesn't hold water GT. Are you suggesting that Emily insulted you? What did Emily ever do to you?

If There Is No God, Murder Is Not Wrong

Or how about Arthur Blair? What did Arthur ever do to you?

Which Child Tells the World Her Life Has Been Stolen?

Or how about the posts that weren't directed at anyone, GT? What about these?

Why Religion Must Be Banished....

The Belief That Life Was the Result of an Accident Is Unscientific

You question your my sanity and level-headedness and wonder what must be wrong with me to do something like this?

You asked me a question, GT. This is my answer to YOUR question.

Yes, GT, I do believe in a creator. No, I don't believe he is magical. Just beyond anything we can relate to because the creator is beyond anything we can comprehend. That doesn't make it magic. That's your oversimplification because it doesn't match your worldview.

I care because I enjoy these kind of discussions. It isn't about being right, it is about learning more. I am always looking for gaps in my beliefs.

And don't you find it odd that someone would criticize someone else for doing exactly what they were doing?
  1. the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.

You merely don't know what Magic means. That's not my fault, it's yours, Ding(bat). Not only is it Magical in component, but it's also magical *thinking* to assert it even exists in the first place, because try as you do and with all your might - - - - - that Nobel Prize and complete and drastic news to humanity, that Origins have been proven, is sitting there for Ding on the internet to present his "proof." Go get it peer reviewed, sherlock. :rolleyes:

You need genesis to be allegorical to not sound ridiculous, but then go on ahead and sound ridiculous anyway by believing a sky daddy made himself born as a human and came back from the grave 3 days after he died.

I dont care if genesis is allegorical or literal - - - in either sense, it does not have an answer for the origin of the universe.
It's only supernatural to us because we are material beings, GT, to God it is perfectly natural.

But are you now trying to argue you don't mean it as an insult? Because I am pretty sure you already admitted that you do intend it as an insult. The only contention is whether you were honest in your statement that you only use it as an insult to others when they first insulted you.

A contention I have already disproven using your own words.
No, what you did was a bunch of obsessive searching of my posts because you have an ax to grind - thought you proved something, and didn't. Do you think I'm going to debate you over whom I tend to insult and why? Do you think I'm going to go get on my search function and find the "aha" to suit your fantasy?

I'm not, dinguss. I dont care what you think about why or when I say sky daddy. Consider it a command from Satan himself and me the evilest person that ever lived if ya need to, to get yourself off that o.c.d. thing and save your valuable time! It WAS a command from Satan! I AM evil, hypocritical, wrong, stupid, and everything else!
This is just a repository for anyone who feels they've got an adequate definition of the "God" they believe in, for future reference.

Personally, I hold no belief in anything I'd personally categorize as a God...therefore, I am without definition...however, I'm interested in the Category of discussion and I'd love to see what your concept of your deity might be -

Feel free to drop your definition here!~​

Gods are networked constructs of human society. I think of them as distributed software systems. A set of principles and values and stories that guide followers in a way that carries out the god's will.
  • Thanks
Reactions: GT
This is just a repository for anyone who feels they've got an adequate definition of the "God" they believe in, for future reference.

Personally, I hold no belief in anything I'd personally categorize as a God...therefore, I am without definition...however, I'm interested in the Category of discussion and I'd love to see what your concept of your deity might be -

Feel free to drop your definition here!~​

Gods are networked constructs of human society. I think of them as distributed software systems. A set of principles and values and stories that guide followers in a way that carries out the god's will.
That's interesting.

Are you into simulation theory, or just using Computing terms as analogous?
You need genesis to be allegorical to not sound ridiculous, but then go on ahead and sound ridiculous anyway by believing a sky daddy made himself born as a human and came back from the grave 3 days after he died.

I don't need for Genesis to be anything more than it is. Anyone who reads Genesis for understanding ought to be able to tell you that it tells us that... God created existence. Everything he created is good. That what he created was done in steps. That man is a product of that creation. That man is unlike any other creature in creation. That man is made in God’s image in that he is a being which knows and creates. That man was told to go forth and be fruitful. That man was told to do as the original creator; to create for 6 days and then rest. That man knows right from wrong. That rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong when man does wrong, he rationalizes he didn’t do wrong. That successful behaviors naturally lead to success. That failed behaviors naturally lead to failure. And that we are to pass down knowledge and wisdom to the next generation.
This is just a repository for anyone who feels they've got an adequate definition of the "God" they believe in, for future reference.

Personally, I hold no belief in anything I'd personally categorize as a God...therefore, I am without definition...however, I'm interested in the Category of discussion and I'd love to see what your concept of your deity might be -

Feel free to drop your definition here!~​

Gods are networked constructs of human society. I think of them as distributed software systems. A set of principles and values and stories that guide followers in a way that carries out the god's will.
That's interesting.

Are you into simulation theory, or just using Computing terms as analogous?

Just an analogy. That sim theory seems kind of ridiculous to me.
  • Thanks
Reactions: GT
You need genesis to be allegorical to not sound ridiculous, but then go on ahead and sound ridiculous anyway by believing a sky daddy made himself born as a human and came back from the grave 3 days after he died.

I don't need for Genesis to be anything more than it is. Anyone who reads Genesis for understanding ought to be able to tell you that it tells us that... God created existence. Everything he created is good. That what he created was done in steps. That man is a product of that creation. That man is unlike any other creature in creation. That man is made in God’s image in that he is a being which knows and creates. That man was told to go forth and be fruitful. That man was told to do as the original creator; to create for 6 days and then rest. That man knows right from wrong. That rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong when man does wrong, he rationalizes he didn’t do wrong. That successful behaviors naturally lead to success. That failed behaviors naturally lead to failure. And that we are to pass down knowledge and wisdom to the next generation.
Good nun speak, I dont care about your view Genius.

I'm interested in how folks define God. Most definitions I see would fall under the category of Magical Sky Dad - you beg to differ. Great! Next..

I'm intrigued by ssssssome folks, you're JUST not one of them.
This is just a repository for anyone who feels they've got an adequate definition of the "God" they believe in, for future reference.

Personally, I hold no belief in anything I'd personally categorize as a God...therefore, I am without definition...however, I'm interested in the Category of discussion and I'd love to see what your concept of your deity might be -

Feel free to drop your definition here!~​

Gods are networked constructs of human society. I think of them as distributed software systems. A set of principles and values and stories that guide followers in a way that carries out the god's will.
That's interesting.

Are you into simulation theory, or just using Computing terms as analogous?

Just an analogy. That sim theory seems kind of ridiculous to me.
Ok, so back to your definition, then - - - a point of clarification.

You are using God in two different ways - first, you use it as a human construct...then you follow by saying that the construct is made to carry out "God's" will.

If you're not defining God in two different ways...then how that reads to me is that Humans invented God (construct) to do what their invention wants them to do...
Since voyeur viewing with no physical equipment is not something that Science has established, I'd consider that Magic.
Science can't tell you what a strawberry tastes like or what love feels like. You literally have to experience them for yourself. That doesn't mean that the taste of a strawberry or being in love is magic, GT.

But you absolutely are equipped to test the power of faith. You do have that within your control. You do have that power. It is literally a choice.
Since voyeur viewing with no physical equipment is not something that Science has established, I'd consider that Magic.
Science can't tell you what a strawberry tastes like or what love feels like. You literally have to experience them for yourself. That doesn't mean that the taste of a strawberry or being in love is magic, GT.

But you absolutely are equipped to test the power of faith. You do have that within your control. You do have that power. It is literally a choice.
Thanks, Reverend Witness.
Since he's with you and since you the other day said that you'd watch out if you were me when I was talking about obviously think he/she or it is watching our behaviors. That, and other things you've said about "it" is how I get the "Daddy" part, but not just from you and your personal interpretations...from others as well. You think God is a mind. That's Daddy, that's what I mean, and you don't get to decide what I mean by what I say and then make some strawman argument against what I mean, when you've never even asked in the first place.
No. I don't believe God is watching us. I believe God is experiencing the material world through us.

You have already explained why you use the term Sky Daddy. You use it as an insult. You claimed you only use it as an insult to people who have first insulted you like that makes it alright. It doesn't. And if that is what you teach, that's a fucked up thing to teach. So besides being a fucked up thing in and of itself, it reveals that you give your power away. That others can literally control your behaviors. Effectively, you are are saying that others make you insult them. That they control you. No one controls me, GT. You can't make me insult you no matter how insulting you are to me.
Since he's with you and since you the other day said that you'd watch out if you were me when I was talking about obviously think he/she or it is watching our behaviors. That, and other things you've said about "it" is how I get the "Daddy" part, but not just from you and your personal interpretations...from others as well. You think God is a mind. That's Daddy, that's what I mean, and you don't get to decide what I mean by what I say and then make some strawman argument against what I mean, when you've never even asked in the first place.
No. I don't believe God is watching us. I believe God is experiencing the material world through us.

You have already explained why you use the term Sky Daddy. You use it as an insult. You claimed you only use it as an insult to people who have first insulted you like that makes it alright. It doesn't. And if that is what you teach, that's a fucked up thing to teach. So besides being a fucked up thing in and of itself, it reveals that you give your power away. That others can literally control your behaviors. Effectively, you are are saying that others make you insult them. That they control you. No one controls me, GT. You can't make me insult you no matter how insulting you are to me.
Your fucked up pretzel logic says that "because you respond the way you decide to respond, THEY controlled you."

At which point in me posting something...

and you responding...

does it go from "you" making the decision on how to respond, to "I" forced you to respond that way?

That's the answer to your pretzel logic "control" theory., I determine how I respond to insults. I can change how I do it, I can decide not to do it and I can tl;dr most of the insults in general if I felt like it.

The point where it becomes "Them" controlling "me" is the same point where "I'm" controlling "you" in how you respond to me. You're either projecting, or stupid - - - - or both. I think both.
The one you say is in your life, watching you/with you, etc etc. - I find that to be magical since it's not established empirically. Not to my satisfaction, not to my standards of skepticism. And that's up to me, not you.
Watching me? No. When did I ever say that?

God is not watching us. God experiences the material world through us. That's my belief, GT.

And if you have never tested it then you can't possibly understand it. God is not some mystery to be solved. God is a relationship to be entered into. And that is totally up to you.
I'm not debating you, ding - - - you're TOO fucking stupid. I've told you this before.

Like here, in your small mind you think you've had some quip about "watching," when all you're doing is equivocating on a word (watching/experiencing).

That's your dumbfuckery at work, and why you're not worthy of depth of thought from anyone else - they all seem to learn that eventually, too. Maybe that's just coincidence or magic, too.
You were the one who engaged me in post #27. You literally called me out. You literally sought me ought. So to now argue you aren't debating me seems a little disingenuous. Almost like you want to debate unchallenged or something.

Saying God experiences the material world through us vs saying God is watching us is not an equivocation, GT. It is an important distinction. One with profound consequences. If one truly believes there is a supreme intelligence that is sharing his experiences, would he put God through all the things he does? Another way of looking at this would be if your kids or someone you truly loved were with you 24/7/365 would you do the things you weren't proud of doing such that they experienced it too?
The one you say is in your life, watching you/with you, etc etc. - I find that to be magical since it's not established empirically. Not to my satisfaction, not to my standards of skepticism. And that's up to me, not you.
Watching me? No. When did I ever say that?

God is not watching us. God experiences the material world through us. That's my belief, GT.

And if you have never tested it then you can't possibly understand it. God is not some mystery to be solved. God is a relationship to be entered into. And that is totally up to you.
I'm not debating you, ding - - - you're TOO fucking stupid. I've told you this before.

Like here, in your small mind you think you've had some quip about "watching," when all you're doing is equivocating on a word (watching/experiencing).

That's your dumbfuckery at work, and why you're not worthy of depth of thought from anyone else - they all seem to learn that eventually, too. Maybe that's just coincidence or magic, too.
You were the one who engaged me in post #27. You literally called me out. You literally sought me ought. So to now argue you aren't debating me seems a little disingenuous. Almost like you want to debate unchallenged or something.

Saying God experiences the material world through us vs saying God is watching us is not an equivocation, GT. It is an important distinction. One with profound consequences. If one truly believes there is a supreme intelligence that is sharing his experiences, would he put God through all the things he does? Another way of looking at this would be if your kids or someone you truly loved were with you 24/7/365 would you do the things you weren't proud of doing such that they experienced it too?
I'm not debating your sky daddy, I asked you a question - - and you cant HELP but debate your sky daddy, daily - - because you're insecure about it.

Save it for folks who find you not to be such a daft, unprofound and uninspiring twat, Ding.
Because you believe that man made religions are for the gullible that need a sky daddy to massage their insecurities about the unknown. Because your standard response to God loves you is that Sky Daddy is not your thing. Because you constantly ridicule the accounts in the Bible saying things like "Sky daddy didn't tell him to kill anybody's first born otherwise we'd have another Son of Sam on our hands." Because you believe trusting the creator rather than created things is collectivist daddy worship. Because you have implied that people who have devoted their lives to a man-made sky daddy are played sheep.

Because you use this phrase even when you talk to people who you perceive have never insulted you.

The Belief That Life Was the Result of an Accident Is Unscientific

Why Religion Must Be Banished....

If There Is No God, Murder Is Not Wrong

Can Atheists be Moral?

Which Child Tells the World Her Life Has Been Stolen?

Does Saturn's "Ice Moon" harbor life deep in it's ocean?
I've never directed the phrase at someone directly that didn't insult me, Ding - you found threads where they didn't insult me...IN THE THREAD...that's your fail because they've probably insulted me elsewhere, and you've also found threads where I said it in general and not to a person.

I question your fuckin sanity and level-headedness for even doing that research project right there, too. What the actual fuck must be wrong with you to do something like that?

Also, your explanation of why I say "sky daddy" is partially correct, and partially not - - - - - and I still do, in fact, posit that you believe in a sky daddy. One that's magical, and came to be a human for a little while so that he could do some magical miracles, some Machiavellin stuff too.

Why you care so much as to do all ^^ THAT ^^ is fuggin creepy

"sorry guys, cant do anything at all today, gotta go be right on the internet!"
So you are admitting that you carry around grudges?

I have zero doubt about that. But even your grudge argument doesn't hold water GT. Are you suggesting that Emily insulted you? What did Emily ever do to you?

If There Is No God, Murder Is Not Wrong

Or how about Arthur Blair? What did Arthur ever do to you?

Which Child Tells the World Her Life Has Been Stolen?

Or how about the posts that weren't directed at anyone, GT? What about these?

Why Religion Must Be Banished....

The Belief That Life Was the Result of an Accident Is Unscientific

You question your my sanity and level-headedness and wonder what must be wrong with me to do something like this?

You asked me a question, GT. This is my answer to YOUR question.

Yes, GT, I do believe in a creator. No, I don't believe he is magical. Just beyond anything we can relate to because the creator is beyond anything we can comprehend. That doesn't make it magic. That's your oversimplification because it doesn't match your worldview.

I care because I enjoy these kind of discussions. It isn't about being right, it is about learning more. I am always looking for gaps in my beliefs.

And don't you find it odd that someone would criticize someone else for doing exactly what they were doing?
  1. the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.

You merely don't know what Magic means. That's not my fault, it's yours, Ding(bat). Not only is it Magical in component, but it's also magical *thinking* to assert it even exists in the first place, because try as you do and with all your might - - - - - that Nobel Prize and complete and drastic news to humanity, that Origins have been proven, is sitting there for Ding on the internet to present his "proof." Go get it peer reviewed, sherlock. :rolleyes:

You need genesis to be allegorical to not sound ridiculous, but then go on ahead and sound ridiculous anyway by believing a sky daddy made himself born as a human and came back from the grave 3 days after he died.

I dont care if genesis is allegorical or literal - - - in either sense, it does not have an answer for the origin of the universe.
It's only supernatural to us because we are material beings, GT, to God it is perfectly natural.

But are you now trying to argue you don't mean it as an insult? Because I am pretty sure you already admitted that you do intend it as an insult. The only contention is whether you were honest in your statement that you only use it as an insult to others when they first insulted you.

A contention I have already disproven using your own words.
No, what you did was a bunch of obsessive searching of my posts because you have an ax to grind - thought you proved something, and didn't. Do you think I'm going to debate you over whom I tend to insult and why? Do you think I'm going to go get on my search function and find the "aha" to suit your fantasy?

I'm not, dinguss. I dont care what you think about why or when I say sky daddy. Consider it a command from Satan himself and me the evilest person that ever lived if ya need to, to get yourself off that o.c.d. thing and save your valuable time! It WAS a command from Satan! I AM evil, hypocritical, wrong, stupid, and everything else!
You said you use the term Sky Daddy as insult. You said you only did it when someone insulted you first.

When did Emily insult you? What did she say that was insulting to you?

When did Arthur Blair insult you? What did he say that was insulting to you?

How about the posts using the phrase Sky Daddy that weren't directed at anyone?

You don't need to search anything. I already provided the link. Besides who here is going to believe that Emily insulted you, GT? C'mon man.
God is a big guy who lives in the clouds....who needs money.

Oh and if you upset him he will take your soul, throw in the pit of eternal damnation, and you will burn in Hell for eternity......but he loves you.

AT least that is what Catholics think he is.
This is just a repository for anyone who feels they've got an adequate definition of the "God" they believe in, for future reference.

Personally, I hold no belief in anything I'd personally categorize as a God...therefore, I am without definition...however, I'm interested in the Category of discussion and I'd love to see what your concept of your deity might be -

Feel free to drop your definition here!~​

Gods are networked constructs of human society. I think of them as distributed software systems. A set of principles and values and stories that guide followers in a way that carries out the god's will.
That's interesting.

Are you into simulation theory, or just using Computing terms as analogous?

Just an analogy. That sim theory seems kind of ridiculous to me.
Ok, so back to your definition, then - - - a point of clarification.

You are using God in two different ways - first, you use it as a human construct...then you follow by saying that the construct is made to carry out "God's" will.

If you're not defining God in two different ways...then how that reads to me is that Humans invented God (construct) to do what their invention wants them to do...

That's how I mean it. I see gods in the same way I see human minds, but they are distributed minds - existing in the network of like-minded believers. I came to see it this way after studying how systems can have emergent attributes that act independently of the intent of any individual members of the system.

I know it sounds like I'm dismissing gods as "made up", but that's not my intent. I think they are very real things, with a very real presence. But they have no physical representation outside the actions of believers. They are truly non-material beings. So are we, for that matter.
I've never directed the phrase at someone directly that didn't insult me, Ding - you found threads where they didn't insult me...IN THE THREAD...that's your fail because they've probably insulted me elsewhere, and you've also found threads where I said it in general and not to a person.

I question your fuckin sanity and level-headedness for even doing that research project right there, too. What the actual fuck must be wrong with you to do something like that?

Also, your explanation of why I say "sky daddy" is partially correct, and partially not - - - - - and I still do, in fact, posit that you believe in a sky daddy. One that's magical, and came to be a human for a little while so that he could do some magical miracles, some Machiavellin stuff too.

Why you care so much as to do all ^^ THAT ^^ is fuggin creepy

"sorry guys, cant do anything at all today, gotta go be right on the internet!"
So you are admitting that you carry around grudges?

I have zero doubt about that. But even your grudge argument doesn't hold water GT. Are you suggesting that Emily insulted you? What did Emily ever do to you?

If There Is No God, Murder Is Not Wrong

Or how about Arthur Blair? What did Arthur ever do to you?

Which Child Tells the World Her Life Has Been Stolen?

Or how about the posts that weren't directed at anyone, GT? What about these?

Why Religion Must Be Banished....

The Belief That Life Was the Result of an Accident Is Unscientific

You question your my sanity and level-headedness and wonder what must be wrong with me to do something like this?

You asked me a question, GT. This is my answer to YOUR question.

Yes, GT, I do believe in a creator. No, I don't believe he is magical. Just beyond anything we can relate to because the creator is beyond anything we can comprehend. That doesn't make it magic. That's your oversimplification because it doesn't match your worldview.

I care because I enjoy these kind of discussions. It isn't about being right, it is about learning more. I am always looking for gaps in my beliefs.

And don't you find it odd that someone would criticize someone else for doing exactly what they were doing?
  1. the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.

You merely don't know what Magic means. That's not my fault, it's yours, Ding(bat). Not only is it Magical in component, but it's also magical *thinking* to assert it even exists in the first place, because try as you do and with all your might - - - - - that Nobel Prize and complete and drastic news to humanity, that Origins have been proven, is sitting there for Ding on the internet to present his "proof." Go get it peer reviewed, sherlock. :rolleyes:

You need genesis to be allegorical to not sound ridiculous, but then go on ahead and sound ridiculous anyway by believing a sky daddy made himself born as a human and came back from the grave 3 days after he died.

I dont care if genesis is allegorical or literal - - - in either sense, it does not have an answer for the origin of the universe.
It's only supernatural to us because we are material beings, GT, to God it is perfectly natural.

But are you now trying to argue you don't mean it as an insult? Because I am pretty sure you already admitted that you do intend it as an insult. The only contention is whether you were honest in your statement that you only use it as an insult to others when they first insulted you.

A contention I have already disproven using your own words.
No, what you did was a bunch of obsessive searching of my posts because you have an ax to grind - thought you proved something, and didn't. Do you think I'm going to debate you over whom I tend to insult and why? Do you think I'm going to go get on my search function and find the "aha" to suit your fantasy?

I'm not, dinguss. I dont care what you think about why or when I say sky daddy. Consider it a command from Satan himself and me the evilest person that ever lived if ya need to, to get yourself off that o.c.d. thing and save your valuable time! It WAS a command from Satan! I AM evil, hypocritical, wrong, stupid, and everything else!
You said you use the term Sky Daddy as insult. You said you only did it when someone insulted you first.

When did Emily insult you? What did she say that was insulting to you?

When did Arthur Blair insult you? What did he say that was insulting to you?

How about the posts using the phrase Sky Daddy that weren't directed at anyone?

You don't need to search anything. I already provided the link. Besides who here is going to believe that Emily insulted you, GT? C'mon man.
"Do you think I'm going to debate you over whom I tend to insult and why?" - GT, pre responding to this post of ding now begging me to debate it

"Consider it a command from Satan himself and me the evilest person that ever lived if ya need to, to get yourself off that o.c.d. thing and save your valuable time! It WAS a command from Satan! I AM evil, hypocritical, wrong, stupid, and everything else!" - GT, pre responding to all of ding's will be gloats, and cheers and any blah blah blah he wants to say about it.

Ding, you'll literally never un-fuck're too deeply obsessed with being right on the internet.
This is just a repository for anyone who feels they've got an adequate definition of the "God" they believe in, for future reference.

Personally, I hold no belief in anything I'd personally categorize as a God...therefore, I am without definition...however, I'm interested in the Category of discussion and I'd love to see what your concept of your deity might be -

Feel free to drop your definition here!~​

Gods are networked constructs of human society. I think of them as distributed software systems. A set of principles and values and stories that guide followers in a way that carries out the god's will.
That's interesting.

Are you into simulation theory, or just using Computing terms as analogous?

Just an analogy. That sim theory seems kind of ridiculous to me.
Ok, so back to your definition, then - - - a point of clarification.

You are using God in two different ways - first, you use it as a human construct...then you follow by saying that the construct is made to carry out "God's" will.

If you're not defining God in two different ways...then how that reads to me is that Humans invented God (construct) to do what their invention wants them to do...

That's how I mean it. I see gods in the same way I see human minds, but they are distributed minds - existing in the network of like-minded believers. I came to see it this way after studying how systems can have emergent attributes that act independently of the intent of any individual members of the system.

I know it sounds like I'm dismissing gods as "made up", but that's not my intent. I think they are very real things, with a very real presence. But they have no physical representation outside the actions of believers. They are truly non-material beings. So are we, for that matter.
Well are they human constructs or did they construct humans - - your initial definition implied both but that's not sound.
God is a big guy who lives in the clouds....who needs money.

Oh and if you upset him he will take your soul, throw in the pit of eternal damnation, and you will burn in Hell for eternity......but he loves you.

AT least that is what Catholics think he is.
joel osteen is fuckin hilarious!

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