Definition of Marriage

World Savior

Senior Member
May 18, 2015
Marriage = Legally recognized union of two consenting, non-blood-related, adult humans.

End of story Any questions?


Translation^: Good old America is not the same any more...
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Both Granny an' Uncle Ferd pledge not to marry a gay person...

Legal Scholars Urge Americans to Defy Gay Marriage Ruling
October 9, 2015 – Five dozen legal scholars are urging citizens and government officials to defy the Supreme Court’s gay marriage ruling, which they said in a statement “must be judged anti-constitutional and illegitimate.”
The American Principles Project released a statement with signatories from multiple universities, colleges, and other organizations on Thursday, urging government officials and citizens “to resist” the Court’s ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges that declared same-sex marriage a constitutionally-protected right. The statement argues that the decision was unconstitutional and harmful to society. It had 64 signatories, including Princeton University Professor of Jurisprudence Robert George, founder of The American Principles Project, James Richardson from the Christian Legal Society, and Ken Masugi from the Claremont Institute. Because the decision is “lacking anything remotely resembling a warrant in the text, logic structure or original understanding of the Constitution,” the statement continued, it “must be judged anti-constitutional and illegitimate.” “Obergefell should be declared to be such, and treated as such, by the other branches of government and by citizens of the United States,” the statement continues.

It calls upon government officials to resist the Obergefell ruling in multiple ways. “We remind all officeholders in the United States that they are pledged to uphold the Constitution of the United States, not the will of five members of the Supreme Court,” the statement reads. “We call on all federal and state officeholders: “To refuse to accept Obergefell as binding precedent for all but the specific plaintiffs in that case; “To recognize the authority of states to define marriage, and the right of federal and state officeholders to act in accordance with those definitions; “To pledge full and mutual legal and political assistance to anyone who refuses to follow Obergefell for constitutionally protected reasons; “To open forthwith a broad and honest conversation on the means by which Americans may constitutionally resist and overturn the judicial usurpations evident in Obergefell.”

The statement closes by arguing that if Americans accept a decision that does not have constitutional warrant, they would be surrendering their liberty to unelected Supreme Court justices. “To treat as ‘settled’ and ‘the law of the land’ the decision of five Supreme Court justices who, by their own admission, can find no warrant for their ruling in the text, logic, structure, or original understanding of the Constitution, would indeed be to resign our government into the hands of that eminent tribunal. “That is something that no citizen or statesman who wishes to sustain the great experiment in ordered liberty bequeathed to us by our Founding Fathers should be willing to do,” the statement concludes.

Legal Scholars Urge Americans to Defy Gay Marriage Ruling
'Just the Beginning of a Moral Onslaught on This Nation'...

Gay Marriage, Transgenders, 'Just the Beginning of a Moral Onslaught on This Nation'
February 8, 2016 | Rev. Franklin Graham urged evangelical Christians to get involved in the electioral process and "make their vote count," adding that the 2016 race is vitally important because homosexual marriage, abortion, and now transgender laws are on the table, marking "just the beginning of a moral onslaught on the nation."
"[T]his is ridiculous," said Rev. Graham," for a person to be able to wake up in the morning and say, 'You know, I feel like I'm a woman today,' For a man to say, 'I feel like a woman, I'm going to go into a woman's bathroom.' ... This is ridiculous." Reverend Graham also said he has faith neither in the Republican Party nor the Democratic Party, but has faith in God and is urging people to live their faith, to pray, and to vote. “What’s happened is the evangelical vote has not been heard, and I want them to get out and at least make their vote count," said Rev. Graham in a Feb. 7 interview with Scott Slade on WSB Radio in Atlanta, Ga. "Now, I don’t have any faith in the Republican Party, and I don’t have any faith in the Democratic Party. I believe the only hope, really, is God."

"And if we turn out as evangelical Christians -- both for men and women who have godly principles and who are willing to follow what I would say is God’s leading in their lives -- those are the men and women we need to vote for," he said. “But I don’t have any faith in a system, any faith in a party," said the reverend, son of pastor Billy Graham. "I have faith in God. And I think there’s good men and women out there running, but we’ve got to get behind them and back them and support them. So, I’m going across the country. It’s called the Decision America Tour.”

Franklin Graham's Decision America Tour 2016 will visit all 50 states, leading up to the November elections, where he will preach and invite people to get involved in the U.S. electoral process. As the radio interview continued, host Scott Slade said, "When I asked Rev. Graham why he thought this was the most important election in his lifetime, he went in a direction I didn’t expect. What makes this one different than the last two or three?"

Rev. Graham said, “Because of the course that we have taken these last eight years. Same-sex marriage. We see that on the table. I see this as a major moral failure of our nation. Abortion, no question. But now that we’re accepting same-sex marriage — the transgender issue that is being forced in many communities by the left." "It’s just the beginning of a moral onslaught on this nation," he said.

'Just the Beginning of a Moral Onslaught on This Nation'...

Gay Marriage, Transgenders, 'Just the Beginning of a Moral Onslaught on This Nation'
February 8, 2016 | Rev. Franklin Graham urged evangelical Christians to get involved in the electioral process and "make their vote count," adding that the 2016 race is vitally important because homosexual marriage, abortion, and now transgender laws are on the table, marking "just the beginning of a moral onslaught on the nation."
"[T]his is ridiculous," said Rev. Graham," for a person to be able to wake up in the morning and say, 'You know, I feel like I'm a woman today,' For a man to say, 'I feel like a woman, I'm going to go into a woman's bathroom.' ... This is ridiculous." Reverend Graham also said he has faith neither in the Republican Party nor the Democratic Party, but has faith in God and is urging people to live their faith, to pray, and to vote. “What’s happened is the evangelical vote has not been heard, and I want them to get out and at least make their vote count," said Rev. Graham in a Feb. 7 interview with Scott Slade on WSB Radio in Atlanta, Ga. "Now, I don’t have any faith in the Republican Party, and I don’t have any faith in the Democratic Party. I believe the only hope, really, is God."

"And if we turn out as evangelical Christians -- both for men and women who have godly principles and who are willing to follow what I would say is God’s leading in their lives -- those are the men and women we need to vote for," he said. “But I don’t have any faith in a system, any faith in a party," said the reverend, son of pastor Billy Graham. "I have faith in God. And I think there’s good men and women out there running, but we’ve got to get behind them and back them and support them. So, I’m going across the country. It’s called the Decision America Tour.”

Franklin Graham's Decision America Tour 2016 will visit all 50 states, leading up to the November elections, where he will preach and invite people to get involved in the U.S. electoral process. As the radio interview continued, host Scott Slade said, "When I asked Rev. Graham why he thought this was the most important election in his lifetime, he went in a direction I didn’t expect. What makes this one different than the last two or three?"

Rev. Graham said, “Because of the course that we have taken these last eight years. Same-sex marriage. We see that on the table. I see this as a major moral failure of our nation. Abortion, no question. But now that we’re accepting same-sex marriage — the transgender issue that is being forced in many communities by the left." "It’s just the beginning of a moral onslaught on this nation," he said.

Franklin Graham is a despicable bastard. I'm glad he's making the rounds and trying to be visible. America needs to be reminded that there are horrible assholes trying to hijack the country.
Marriage = what men say it is. Any questions?

And careful there Jesus freaks, Adam "married" his own rib, and Cain and Able their sisters.
Franklin Graham is a despicable bastard. I'm glad he's making the rounds and trying to be visible. America needs to be reminded that there are horrible assholes trying to hijack the country.
Like you s0n... exactly like you.....
I find it funny that a party(republican) that bitches to high hell about keeping government out of peoples lives wish to define marriage to their religion. lol If someone wants to fuck one another or marry = why not? Isn't that freedom.

You can't have it both ways...
I find it funny that a party(republican) that bitches to high hell about keeping government out of peoples lives wish to define marriage to their religion. lol If someone wants to fuck one another or marry = why not? Isn't that freedom.

You can't have it both ways...
Show me other religions where marriage is defined differently...If you can't then, thanks for participating, shut up and sit down, moron.
I find it funny that a party(republican) that bitches to high hell about keeping government out of peoples lives wish to define marriage to their religion. lol If someone wants to fuck one another or marry = why not? Isn't that freedom.

You can't have it both ways...
Show me other religions where marriage is defined differently...If you can't then, thanks for participating, shut up and sit down, moron.

Marriage shouldn't be defined by religion at all. Who are you to tell anyone what they can do, fascist?

This is why I don't take your small government bitching seriously.
I find it funny that a party(republican) that bitches to high hell about keeping government out of peoples lives wish to define marriage to their religion. lol If someone wants to fuck one another or marry = why not? Isn't that freedom.

You can't have it both ways...
Show me other religions where marriage is defined differently...If you can't then, thanks for participating, shut up and sit down, moron.
What part of the Christian Bible, Mormonism, human history did you miss? God didn't strike Odin dead for jerking off, he struck him dead for not copulating with his dead brother's wife. Care to try again?
Marriage shouldn't be defined by religion at all. Who are you to tell anyone what they can do, fascist?

This is why I don't take your small government bitching seriously.
Comprehension issues? You said "defining marriage to their religion"..... as opposed to other religions? If you said define marriage by a religion, I would have never asked you to give examples, imbecile.
What part of the Christian Bible, Mormonism, human history did you miss? God didn't strike Odin dead for jerking off, he struck him dead for not copulating with his dead brother's wife. Care to try again?
I am not somebody who is involved in organized religion. Calm down, take a breath, read again what he conversation was about with Matt.
Cock sucker...

I said goddamn marriage shouldn't be defined by religion. Period, end of discussion.

Religion doesn't belong in government at all.
I find it funny that a party(republican) that bitches to high hell about keeping government out of peoples lives wish to define marriage to their religion. lol If someone wants to fuck one another or marry = why not? Isn't that freedom.

You can't have it both ways...
Show me other religions where marriage is defined differently...If you can't then, thanks for participating, shut up and sit down, moron.
Why do we define legal marriage by a religion?
What part of the Christian Bible, Mormonism, human history did you miss? God didn't strike Odin dead for jerking off, he struck him dead for not copulating with his dead brother's wife. Care to try again?
I am not somebody who is involved in organized religion. Calm down, take a breath, read again what he conversation was about with Matt.
I'm not worried either way, boys. Marriage is a contract, and we define what a contract is. Pretty simple actually.

Contracts, BTW, evolve over time as contractual needs and requirements change.
Cock sucker...

I said goddamn marriage shouldn't be defined by religion. Period, end of discussion.

Religion doesn't belong in government at all.
Fuck no, it's not the end of discussion. You did not say "shouldn't be defined by religion." you said this:
wish to define marriage to their religion.
Pay attention to the word "their"
What a fucking douche....
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