Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?

First, I really appreciate the summary. Those of us who run across the thread and think the topic interesting don't want to waste the time of others by rehashing old material, but frankly by the time I had read 3500 posts, I would have forgotten the content of the first 3000!

You can skip most of the 3500 posts, and find all you need in the OP. The first point in the OP argument, is to establish parameters and understandings of the terminology. I intentionally removed "God" from the constraints of having to conform to any particular religious incarnation for a reason. We do not need to define every detail to determine if something exists.

I would agree. But there is still a need for a common understanding of the "something". A quick survey leads me to believe there are three candidates out there:
1. A personified deity which happens to match the exact attributes of the poster's belief's (most often a Biblical God)
2. A generic personified deity which exists, has personified attributes and interacts with individuals (you can pray to it, entreat it, worship it and so forth)
3. The clockmaker god of the Enlightenment (or the functional equivalent; a "first mover" no longer active in guiding its own creation.

As an aside, there are another set of concepts which may or may not have been raised which pose very interesting issues. For example, the malevolent deity, the universe-as-deity, and so forth.

The next point is, whether or not an individual can accept existence or presence of spiritual nature. If you don't believe spiritual nature exists, you can't evaluate spiritual evidence, which means you can never find "definitive proof" of god. If you can overcome this closed-minded prejudice, and open your mind to the possibility of spiritual nature, the evidence is overwhelming and indisputable.

This comes awfully close to a proof by definition. If "spiritual evidence" can only be recognized by those who accept the existence of "spiritual nature", then the question is circular. I have not added a QED and dismissed your point however, since I basically agree with you.

I'm more comfortable coming at it from a different angle. Philosophical Taoism (the school to which I belong) has a method which generally depends on observation, contemplation, and meditation. This is guided by a pedagogical method today generally labeled as "guided discovery". In this system there is no such thing as "holy books", "esoteric knowledge", or "revelation". Everything useful to know could be learned by almost any human being who had a desire to find out such things and an ability to see clearly. Of course that's a pretty small number of people, and learning unaided is very inefficient. But it's possible and people do it.

So would this method encounter "spiritual nature"? It does, if you want to think that way. More commonly, it is helpful to "translate" the terms you use to the concepts and language of Taoism. Taoism is the exploration of the meaning and implications of Tao in answering the question of "How should a wise person conduct their life and treat other people?" As Tao is by definition (First chapter of "Tao te Ching" begins "The Tao that can be spoken is not the true Tao") undefinable, I am at the get-go at the exact same place you are when I question whether your discovering "spiritual nature" is a circular argument true by definition. It's both an end to logical inquiry and a beginning to understanding.

This thread is full of reactionary responses from people who don't believe in spiritual nature. As I predicted in the OP argument, they are incapable of evaluating the spiritual evidence because they disbelieve in spiritual nature. The thread can literally grow to 10,000 responses, they are never going to believe in spiritual nature or be able to evaluate spiritual evidence. For these people, there can NEVER be definitive proof that god exists. Unfortunately for them, this simply doesn't mean that god doesn't exist.

Replace "God" with "Tao" and I say the same thing. The key is that what you are getting at and Taoism are both experiential. They are not logical systems, although they are not incompatible with logic (which a lot of revelatory religion is!). I see water running downhill and surmise a principle that extends to thing other than fluid mechanics. I presume you do to. Something like this leads to laws of thermodynamics and concepts of entropy (although give the discussion up-thread I shudder to say that!). It also can lead to insights about human communication and interactions. To what can we attribute this relatedness if not to what you call "spiritual evidence"?

This is not to say that what you call "spiritual nature" and I call Tao are the same thing. They probably overlap without being identical. But I would venture that I could learn something from your experiences and how you process that information that is meaningful in my frame of reference. I certainly hope so.

Hollie were these your words or not ?

"Here’s a bit of enlightenment for you: because billions of people once believed that the earth was flat, doesn’t really mean that we must dogmatically insist that the earth is still flat. You know that the earth is not actually flat, right?"

False premise

"billions of people once believed that the earth was flat,"

Now where did you get your information ? The stupidity is not mine.

Was this your comment or not:

"Let me type it slow for you. You said that billions of believers believed in a flat earth I am asking you to provide something that supports your claim."

False premise and false accusation.

The stupidity is, of course, yours, as usual.

Did billions of people believe in a flat earth or not ?

Usually when you use this accusation who is it directed at ?

Did you lie or not?
Was this your comment or not:

"Let me type it slow for you. You said that billions of believers believed in a flat earth I am asking you to provide something that supports your claim."

False premise and false accusation.

The stupidity is, of course, yours, as usual.

Did billions of people believe in a flat earth or not ?

Usually when you use this accusation who is it directed at ?

Did you lie or not?

I did make a mistake by saying believers but why do you avoid the questions ?

Now can you back up your claim with evidence that billions of people believed in a flat earth ?
Was this your comment or not:

"Let me type it slow for you. You said that billions of believers believed in a flat earth I am asking you to provide something that supports your claim."

False premise and false accusation.

The stupidity is, of course, yours, as usual.

Did billions of people believe in a flat earth or not ?

Usually when you use this accusation who is it directed at ?

Did you lie or not?

By your standard did you lie or not ?

I don't think you lied I think you simply spend to much time on your ignorant atheists sites.
YouWereAndAreAnAsshole is becoming very tedious. Hollie and I made the extremely innocuous statement that billions of people believed that the Earth was flat. Anyone who is not a Mental Basket Case, gibbering that the Earth is 6,000 years old, knows that something like 200 billion human beings have lived on the planet Earth over the past 150,000 years.

YouWereAndAreAnAsshole has apparently convinced itself that Hollie is lying, because only in very recent times have billions of people been on the Earth at any one time!
The YouWereAndAreAnAsshole creature is clearly mentally deranged.

I am going to put YouWereAndAreAnAsshole on Ignore, and I hope Hollie will do the same and not waste her time responding to such a fool.
As usual, you require that: "well, a lot of people believe it so it must be true", nonsense.

That's not what I said. That's not the evidence I presented. Why do you have to lie about my argument to defeat it? Have you stopped to ask yourself that question? It's not just that an overwhelming number of humans disagree with you about spiritual nature, it is also the benefits and advantages they have realized through their beliefs in spiritual nature, and the lack of decline in this spiritual nature, in spite of all the science we've discovered to explain the mysteries of the amazing universe. It's the fact that you can't logically explain this behavior in the species, or offer any other examples in nature, like the one you wish to conjure up, to explain human spirituality.

As it has been explained to you both repeatedly and tediously, lots of people believe, and have believed, in many things that were untrue. "A lot of people believe it" is an atrociously naïve reason to keep pressing your agenda for supernatural gawds.

And I have repeatedly and tediously explained that I get that. If my argument were simply that "a lot of people believe it" then you'd have a fucking point, but that wasn't my argument. You lied about my argument, then created an easy win for yourself. I'm calling you out on it, you didn't win, you are a liar who has to lie in order to cheat and win an argument, you have no credibility.

Here’s a bit of enlightenment for you: because billions of people once believed that the earth was flat, doesn’t really mean that we must dogmatically insist that the earth is still flat. You know that the earth is not actually flat, right?

Here's a bit of enlightenment for you... A thousand years ago, you couldn't prove that the world wasn't flat, and you still can't personally show me the world isn't flat, we rely on science to tell us the world isn't flat. If, a thousand years ago, we didn't know or understand a round earth, might it be possible, a thousand years from now, we will have discovered things we don't know today? Like the source of spiritual energy which mankind has been connecting to forever?

For almost 70,000 years, humans believed that the earth was flat. I’m not convinced that their “spiritual nature” was entirely correct. Their spiritual nature™ was obviously misrepresented by their spiritual evidence™ thus rendering their spiritual existence™ one of fear and superstition.

Flat earth wasn't a "spiritual belief" it was what most every 'rational' human assumed. The first people to suggest something different, were laughed an chortled at, much the same as I have been in this thread. They were thought to be quite mad, believing the world was round, like a ball... why didn't all the water run off, if that were so? Even the young scientists of the time, were skeptical and got things wrong. But because people were not closed minded intolerants like you, they kept exploring possibilities, and eventually discovered the earth was round.

Fear is a instinctual response to danger that is based upon chemical interactions in the brain. Emotions are not mysterious. Spiritual natures™, spiritual existence™ and
spirits™ in general are not functions of gawds. Human fears and emotions are functions of chemical processes in the brain -- they have very natural roots in instinctual responses from our biologic and evolutionary history and we see these behaviors common to both humans and lower animals. This is of course logical and rational with science and chemistry available to support the statement, but logic and reason don't always sell well. People much more prefer the comfort of their "supernatural" beliefs. That's why books on science sell poorly and nonsense books on Bermuda Triangles and space aliens sell well. The truth is not as comforting as myths, and generally speaking people shy away from truth in favor of their comfy little myths.

You are explaining to me HOW fears work in the brain, etc. I already understand this stuff.

Animals do not create irrational fears, then have to create imaginary things to protect them from irrational fears. This doesn't happen ANYWHERE in nature, and never has, as best we can tell. It's irrational, from a nature standpoint, to fear death. Jungle animals are often described as "fearless." Nothing else in nature, contemplates what happens to them after they die, this is an attribute known to humans because of our ability to spiritually connect.

Again, to correct you, there is nothing "supernatural" about something that is part of nature. Human spirituality is part of nature, and that's something you can't deny. So it is dishonest to keep using the word "supernatural" to replace "spiritual nature" and shows more of your lack of integrity as a person.

"The physical properties exist, but how would we, as humans with no capacity to hear, recognize these properties?"

I'll type this very slowly so you can understand it: "sound pressure waves".

Why don't you read to the end of the post, dear? Instead of emotively reacting to post some smart ass remark, as soon as you get to something that sets you off? I asked you how would humans interpret these "sound pressure waves" if we couldn't HEAR them?

We would have physical evidence of something we could feel, but we couldn't see it or taste it, and we don't know what hearing is.... so would it be "real" or a product of our imaginations, created by our complex ability to "feel" things? We can see which side of the argument you would be on, regardless of any evidence presented from those kooky "sound worshipers!"

Why don't you proof read your own comments before pressing the "submit reply" button?

It was you who asked a juvenile question and when the obvious answer was given, you recoiled in shock surprise.

Sound pressure levels exist in the natural world. I'm at a loss to explain if they exist in your spirit worlds. In the natural, rational world, sound pressure is real whether or not it conflicts with your nonsensical attempt at argumentation.

I do proofread, but you didn't finish reading my entire point. People often make a statement, then continue on to make a legitimate point. If we could not hear, we would not recognize "sounds" as we currently do... true or false? You stated yourself, we would be able to detect "sound waves" ...but is that "sound" as we currently know it? No, it is not. Are you following me, sweetheart? We would have no concept of "sounds" as we currently know them, but that wouldn't mean that "sounds" as we do currently know them, didn't exist. It would only mean that our perception of them was different, in this case, we would perceive the "feeling" of sound.

Of course, if we couldn't hear sounds, we wouldn't be able to speak, so we wouldn't have been able to communicate through words and language. This is all a hypothetical, designed to get you to think outside the box for a moment, take a break from being an Atheist God Basher, and imagine spirituality as being something we are not able to fully sense. The fact that we can't see, smell, taste, hear, or touch it, doesn't mean it can't exist. We can spiritually connect to it, we've been doing it for all of human existence.
YouWereAndAreAnAsshole is becoming very tedious. Hollie and I made the extremely innocuous statement that billions of people believed that the Earth was flat. Anyone who is not a Mental Basket Case, gibbering that the Earth is 6,000 years old, knows that something like 200 billion human beings have lived on the planet Earth over the past 150,000 years.

YouWereAndAreAnAsshole has apparently convinced itself that Hollie is lying, because only in very recent times have billions of people been on the Earth at any one time!
The YouWereAndAreAnAsshole creature is clearly mentally deranged.

I am going to put YouWereAndAreAnAsshole on Ignore, and I hope Hollie will do the same and not waste her time responding to such a fool.

So in other words you realize your opinion is the same as ,well there are so many planets out there,that there must be life. :eusa_eh:

I could care less if you ever respond to to me dipshit.
By your standard did you lie or not ?

I don't think you lied I think you simply spend to much time on your ignorant atheists sites.
Such an angry fundie.

Ruggedtouch if everyone saw all your posts from understanding Islam they would definitely think that about you.

Muhammud, if everyone saw all your posts from Harun Yahya, they would definitely not change a single opinion about your ignorance.
Such an angry fundie.

Ruggedtouch if everyone saw all your posts from understanding Islam they would definitely think that about you.

Muhammud, if everyone saw all your posts from Harun Yahya, they would definitely not change a single opinion about your ignorance.

:eusa_eh: I have never posted on that site.

Funny how you claimed you had stalkers over there like you did here with UR.

The same language you used with Islamic people as you do with Christians lol.

What you did there you were so impressed with you use it here.
YouWereAndAreAnAsshole is becoming very tedious. Hollie and I made the extremely innocuous statement that billions of people believed that the Earth was flat. Anyone who is not a Mental Basket Case, gibbering that the Earth is 6,000 years old, knows that something like 200 billion human beings have lived on the planet Earth over the past 150,000 years.

YouWereAndAreAnAsshole has apparently convinced itself that Hollie is lying, because only in very recent times have billions of people been on the Earth at any one time!
The YouWereAndAreAnAsshole creature is clearly mentally deranged.

I am going to put YouWereAndAreAnAsshole on Ignore, and I hope Hollie will do the same and not waste her time responding to such a fool.

One other thing genius where are all the graves or fossils 200 billion :eusa_eh:
Ruggedtouch if everyone saw all your posts from understanding Islam they would definitely think that about you.

Muhammud, if everyone saw all your posts from Harun Yahya, they would definitely not change a single opinion about your ignorance.

:eusa_eh: I have never posted on that site.

Funny how you claimed you had stalkers over there like you did here with UR.

The same language you used with Islamic people as you do with Christians lol.

What you did there you were so impressed with you use it here.
How strange you now claim you have never posted at Harun Yahya when so much of the nonsense you cut and paste is taken from that site.
YouWereAndAreAnAsshole is becoming very tedious. Hollie and I made the extremely innocuous statement that billions of people believed that the Earth was flat. Anyone who is not a Mental Basket Case, gibbering that the Earth is 6,000 years old, knows that something like 200 billion human beings have lived on the planet Earth over the past 150,000 years.

YouWereAndAreAnAsshole has apparently convinced itself that Hollie is lying, because only in very recent times have billions of people been on the Earth at any one time!
The YouWereAndAreAnAsshole creature is clearly mentally deranged.

I am going to put YouWereAndAreAnAsshole on Ignore, and I hope Hollie will do the same and not waste her time responding to such a fool.

One other thing genius where are all the graves or fossils 200 billion :eusa_eh:

It's as though you believe stupidity is a virtue.

I suppose those long hours at Harun Yahya take a toll.
Muhammud, if everyone saw all your posts from Harun Yahya, they would definitely not change a single opinion about your ignorance.

:eusa_eh: I have never posted on that site.

Funny how you claimed you had stalkers over there like you did here with UR.

The same language you used with Islamic people as you do with Christians lol.

What you did there you were so impressed with you use it here.
How strange you now claim you have never posted at Harun Yahya when so much of the nonsense you cut and paste is taken from that site.

You're a Liar hollie.

I used one article from them and by the way no one from your side could explain away that evidence that was provided. Creationist have pretty much the same views just as atheistic evolutionists.
YouWereAndAreAnAsshole is becoming very tedious. Hollie and I made the extremely innocuous statement that billions of people believed that the Earth was flat. Anyone who is not a Mental Basket Case, gibbering that the Earth is 6,000 years old, knows that something like 200 billion human beings have lived on the planet Earth over the past 150,000 years.

YouWereAndAreAnAsshole has apparently convinced itself that Hollie is lying, because only in very recent times have billions of people been on the Earth at any one time!
The YouWereAndAreAnAsshole creature is clearly mentally deranged.

I am going to put YouWereAndAreAnAsshole on Ignore, and I hope Hollie will do the same and not waste her time responding to such a fool.

One other thing genius where are all the graves or fossils 200 billion :eusa_eh:

It's as though you believe stupidity is a virtue.

I suppose those long hours at Harun Yahya take a toll.

Same rhetoric from ruggedtouch.
Hollie why would you give yourself a female name here but a name like ruggedtouch over there. Trying to purposely hide your Identity ?

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