Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?

Speaking of spinning, what a shame that your religious convictions allow you the privilege of posting falsified "quotes". You were even exposed for cutting and pasting the same falsified "quotes" weeks after your earlier actions were expose.

What is the term you call this, Taqiyya?

Someone is getting desperate. :boohoo:

Who's getting desperate, muhammud?

I pointed out that you were exposed on many occasions for cutting and pasting falsified "quotes" you knew were lies.

Behavior such as pathological lying seems pretty desperate to me.

Do you have any proof because I have already proven what you are.
Someone is getting desperate. :boohoo:

Who's getting desperate, muhammud?

I pointed out that you were exposed on many occasions for cutting and pasting falsified "quotes" you knew were lies.

Behavior such as pathological lying seems pretty desperate to me.

If someone is dishonest about probably the most important issues they may ever face such as the way to eternal life, the nature of God, and the truth about reality, what are the chances they will be honest about anything less important???

C'mon now, YWC believes that Jesus was human, but without a human father, and that Jesus was God, and edible, even though he was human and had a mother...

Is such a person who professes to believe such bullshit even capable of giving an honest opinion of less important things such as human sexuality, social justice, or the morality or ethics of people less pretentious?

I'm mean how hard could it possibly be to admit that she has either been deceived or made mistakes in her own thinking when her irrational claims of her righteous worship of a figment of her imagination are soundly refuted? Someone dishonest in this situation is someone who only loves and practices deceit.

Could Jesus have been any more accurate when describing religious hypocrites as whitewashed tombs on the outside but full of rot and corruption within?

I have not found out if you're from the clan that put the messiah to death yet but working on it.
Someone is getting desperate. :boohoo:

Who's getting desperate, muhammud?

I pointed out that you were exposed on many occasions for cutting and pasting falsified "quotes" you knew were lies.

Behavior such as pathological lying seems pretty desperate to me.

Do you have any proof because I have already proven what you are.
That was as pointless as I've come to expect from your incoherent ramblings.
Who's getting desperate, muhammud?

I pointed out that you were exposed on many occasions for cutting and pasting falsified "quotes" you knew were lies.

Behavior such as pathological lying seems pretty desperate to me.

Do you have any proof because I have already proven what you are.
That was as pointless as I've come to expect from your incoherent ramblings.

Hmm another line Ruggedtouch uses.

It seems you may be the only one who can't understand what I said,I believe they call that denial.
Hmm another line Ruggedtouch uses.

It seems you may be the only one who can't understand what I said,I believe they call that denial.

Another flaccid response from muhammud. I believe they call that pointless.

Posting cartoons. That's not surprising. We've seen consistently that absent cutting and pasting material from Harun Yahya, you're hopelessly inadequate at collecting words into coherent sentences. What a shame that you feel compelled to spend your time whining like a child who has been scolded.

For all your pointless whining, you have succeeded only in spamming the thread with illustrations of your intellectual inadequacies, self-hate and and inability to compose a coherent sentence.
how would you know what cock breath smells like?
Speaking from experience are we?

Don't know I just figured with all that slapdick talk it must lead to something else.

Slapdick and condescension is all these idiots have any more.

The scientific community is getting totally embarrassed these days.

They claimed the world was over-heating and we would all die in a boiling planet if we didn't stop putting more CO2 in the atmosphere and de-industrialize. Ooops, we haven't slowed down growth in CO2 levels and temperatures have been stagnant for the last 15 years.

They claimed that LENR could not work for various reasons, but guess what? IT WORKS and it turns out that we have missed two decades of funded research on LENR because the scientific establishment is more fond of the research money for hot fusion than they are of advancing science and technology.

How long did these bastards oppose truthful scientific research and new ideas by trying to humiliate and ostracize fair minded scientists for proposing that continents drift, that evolution is not gradual and uniform, that heavier than air flight is possible, and more?

The best thing that could happen for scientific research is to take control of the funding from the so-called scientists who are really just bureaucrats and give it to a committee formed from 20 names randomly chosen from a fucking phone book.
No, YOU don't get it. Dating can be flawed, and mistakes are often made that peer review fails to catch.

And there is evidence of God, but people determined to not recognize it can always come up with some hypothetical scenario to essplain things, from imaginary time to human beings just being lucky enough to win the Great Cosmic Dice Roll.

And in theology one starts with axioms or revelation as a starting point and it is no less rational than science is.

Short comings in scientific knowledge do not prove God, but the overwhelming 'fine tuned' nature of our universe make is not only plausible but highly probable.

But no doubt you can find some other essplanation that you would prefer; ANYTHING other than GAWD! Now that is irrational.
theology like belief in a invisible friend are by definition not rational..

Except that I am not speaking of an invisible friend, you liar.

dawes, you are pretty fucking stupid, but one day you might wake up and realize that you are not doing much more than any well trained monkey can do.

But the good news is that you and your fellow haters and liars are going to lose, and you will likely die an isolated, friendless you deserve.
a fine example of non rational thinking..
please point out where I've lied about anything.
this tantrum like all your preceding tantrums is just smoke and mirrors.
how can I hate what's not there (god),and yes you are speaking about an invisible friend.
what are "we liars" going to lose?
how would you know what cock breath smells like?
Speaking from experience are we?

Don't know I just figured with all that slapdick talk it must lead to something else.

Slapdick and condescension is all these idiots have any more.

The scientific community is getting totally embarrassed these days.

They claimed the world was over-heating and we would all die in a boiling planet if we didn't stop putting more CO2 in the atmosphere and de-industrialize. Ooops, we haven't slowed down growth in CO2 levels and temperatures have been stagnant for the last 15 years.

They claimed that LENR could not work for various reasons, but guess what? IT WORKS and it turns out that we have missed two decades of funded research on LENR because the scientific establishment is more fond of the research money for hot fusion than they are of advancing science and technology.

How long did these bastards oppose truthful scientific research and new ideas by trying to humiliate and ostracize fair minded scientists for proposing that continents drift, that evolution is not gradual and uniform, that heavier than air flight is possible, and more?

The best thing that could happen for scientific research is to take control of the funding from the so-called scientists who are really just bureaucrats and give it to a committee formed from 20 names randomly chosen from a fucking phone book.
au·tol·o·gy [ taw tólləjee ]
linguistic redundancy: the redundant repetition of a meaning in a sentence, using different words
instance of linguistic redundancy: an instance of redundant repetition of a meaning in a sentence, using different words
logical true proposition: a proposition or statement that, in itself, is logically true
Synonyms: repetition, duplication, reiteration, redundancy, superfluity
Hollie why do you avoid the questions I ask you ? Yes a creationist have different presuppositions and they will interpret evidence differently because of these presuppositions but the key is who is interpreting the evidence correctly.

I was not always a creationist so like creationist and not all creationist mind you we have somewhat of a clue to ask you. When you avoid a perfectly legitimate question and make the comment pseudoscience or some other bigoted comment or try to attack the creationist credentials to avoid that question you just lost all your credibility.

I think you sweepingly miss the presentation of your ignorance. You don't ask questions as much as you cut and paste goofy conjecture from creationist hacks.

It’s always comical when creationist use melodrama in failed attempts to disguise their lack of training and qualifications in connection with science.

Suspicious Creationist Credentials

This is a consistent pattern we see with creationist. I’m always suspicious of “authors” who claim expertise in a subject yet have no formal training in that subject. The fact that you are forced to continually cut and paste from authors who frequently have no formal training in the subject matter they blather on about puts you in the position of being a mere cut and paster of creationist propaganda.

That further causes me to question your credibility as your willingness to take such a firm stand on a subject to which you admit ignorance is really… strange.

You must be daws evade and use bigoted tactics. Screw you either respond to me as a person or stfu.
he following is a list of prominent (or once-prominent) creationists whose only doctoral degrees are either honorary or of suspicious origin. A degree is considered to be of suspicious origin if it was earned from a "degree mill" or an unlocatable institution. A degree mill is defined as any degree-granting body that is not accredited by a federally recognized accreditation body.

It would be wrong to infer from this list that all creationists have suspicious credentials. In fact, a good number of prominent creationists have legitimate -- even noteworthy -- doctoral degrees in scientific fields. For example, Duane Gish earned a doctorate in biochemistry from Berkeley, Steve Austin earned a doctorate in geology from Pennsylvania State University, and Kurt Wise earned his doctorate in paleontology from Harvard while studying under Stephen Jay Gould. So just because a few well-known creationists failed to earn their graduate degrees the traditional way does not mean that all or even most of them did.

Thomas Barnes
Thomas Barnes, formerly affiliated with the Institute for Creation Research, is perhaps best known for the argument that the decay of the Earth's magnetic field is proof of its young age.
Barnes, who is an emeritus professor of physics at The University of Texas at El Paso, holds a legitimate M.S. degree in physics from Brown University. However, his Sc.D. degree from Hardin-Simmons University, a Christian school and his undergraduate alma mater (when it was known as Hardin-Simmons College), is merely honorary.

(Thomas Barnes the creationist is not to be confused with the University of Texas at Austin's Thomas G. Barnes III, who is a highly respected astronomer and senior research scientist of the McDonald Observatory.)

Carl Baugh
(b. ?) Carl Baugh is best known as a tireless proponent of the claim that human footprints appear alongside dinosaur tracks in the Paluxy Riverbed of Glen Rose, Texas. He has appeared on numerous Christian radio talkshows and was even touted as an "expert" on the 1996 NBC pseudoscience program, The Mysterious Origins of Man. He operates a small museum out of Glen Rose, Texas.
Baugh is a Baptist minister who claims to be an archeologist with a Ph.D. from the California Graduate School of Theology in Los Angeles. This school is unaccredited by the Western Assocation of Schools and Colleges, the primary body responsible for college and university accreditation in the region. It is also unaccredited by the state of California, although it is listed as "approved".

Baugh has also claimed Ph.D. degrees in education and anthropology from the Pacific College of Graduate Studies in Melbourne, Australia and the College of Advanced Education in Irving, Texas. According to Glen Kuban, who has thoroughly researched Baugh's Paluxy "man-track" claims and his credentials, neither Pacific College nor the College of Advanced Education is accredited or authorized by any regional or national body to grant degrees [4]. Pacific College is a small religious school run by Australian creationist Clifford Wilson, a close associate of Baugh's. The College of Advanced Education is a division of the International Baptist College, of which Baugh himself is president.

Baugh's dissertation for his degree from Pacific College is titled "Academic Justification for Voluntary Inclusion of Scientific Creation in Public Classroom Curricula, Supported by Evidence that Man and dinosaurs were Contemporary". Its contents include descriptions of his field-work on the Paluxy river "man-tracks", speculation about Charles Darwin's religious beliefs and phobias, and odd ramblings about the biblical Adam's mental excellence.

Richard Bliss
Richard Bliss, formerly a member of the ICR staff, claimed to be "a recognized expert in the field of science education" and was co-author of a "two-model" book that creationists have pushed for use in the public school system.
Bliss claimed to earn a D.Ed. from the University of Sarasota in 1978. A previous version of this article described the university as a "diploma mill operating out of a Florida motel" as late as 1984. However, the university's status has since improved. The University of Sarasota was accredited in 1990 by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to grant masters and doctoral degrees. According to the 1997 edition of Bears' Guide to Earning College Degrees Nontraditionally [1], a student's total residency at the University of Sarasota can be as short as six weeks.

Clifford Burdick
Clifford Burdick, a researcher for the Creation Research Society and a member of the Creation-Science Research Center, is a "flood" geologist who has spent forty years trying to prove that giant humans once roamed the earth and even mingled with the dinosaurs.
Burdick has displayed a copy of his Ph.D. from the University of Physical Sciences (Phoenix, Arizona) in Carl Baugh's Glen Rose Creation Evidence Museum. According to Ronald Numbers' The Creationists [2]: "[Creationist Walter Lammerts'] inquiries revealed the University of Physical Science to be nothing more than a registered trademark. As described in its memographed bulletin, 'The University is not an educational institution, but a society of individuals of common interest for the advancement of physical science. There are no campus, professors or tuition fee.'"

John Grebe
John Grebe, an old-earth creationist and a founding member of the Creation Research Society, was a physical chemist and inventor. His Sc.D. degree from Case School of Applied Science was merely honorary.
Kent Hovind
(b. 1953)
Kent Hovind is a young-earth creationist who gives frequent public lectures on evolution and creationism. He is well-known for repeating the claim that the remains of a basking shark found by Japanese fishermen off the coast of New Zealand were actually those of a recently deceased plesiosaur.
Hovind claims to possess a masters degree and a doctorate in education from Patriot University in Colorado. According to Hovind, his 250-page dissertation was on the topic of the dangers of teaching evolution in the public schools. Formerly affiliated with Hilltop Baptist Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Patriot University is accredited only by the American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions, an accreditation mill that provides accreditation for a $100 charge. Patriot University has moved to Alamosa, Colorado and continues to offer correspondence courses for $15 to $32 per credit. The school's catalog contains course descriptions but no listing of the school's faculty or their credentials. Name It and Frame It lists Patriot University as a degree mill [3].

Don Patton
(b. 1941)
Don Patton is a young-earth creationist who, along with Carl Baugh, is known as a proponent of the claim that human footprints appear alongside dinosaur tracks in the Paluxy Riverbed of Glen Rose, Texas.
Patton has claimed Ph.D. candidacy in geology from Queensland Christian University in Australia. According to Glen Kuban:

When I asked Patton for clarification on this during the [1989 Bible-Science] conference, he stated that he had no degrees, but was about to receive a Ph.D. degree in geology, pending accreditation of QCU, which he assured me was "three days away." Many days have since passed, and Patton still has no valid degree in geology. Nor is the accreditation of QCU imminent. [4]
Glen Kuban has written more extensively on Patton's claimed degrees in his articles on the Paluxy "man-tracks".
Kelly Segraves
(b. 1942)
Kelly Segraves is the director and co-founder of the Creation-Science Research Center (not to be confused with the Creation Research Society).
In 1975, Segraves listed himself as M.A. and D.Sc. on CSRC letterhead. Segraves claimed his honorary D.Sc. from Christian University, but no such university could be located. It is possible that he was referring to Indiana Christian University, which also conferred an honorary doctorate on Harold Slusher (see below). After having this degree called into question, Segraves dropped the D.Sc. in 1981 and now lists D.R.E. in its place. A D.R.E. degree is a doctorate of religious education and does not qualify as a scientific degree.

Segraves also claims to have received his M.A. from Sequoia University in 1972. According to Bears' Guide [1], Sequoia University was issued a permanent injunction in 1984 by a Los Angeles judge and ordered to "cease operation until the school could comply with state education laws." The school offered degrees in osteopathic medicine, religious studies, hydrotherapy and physical sciences.

Harold Slusher
(b. 1934)
Harold S. Slusher, formerly of the Institute for Creation Research, is best known for his critiques of radiometric dating techniques. He is also known for the rather bizarre suggestion that the universe is much smaller than it appears, because its geometry is Riemannian as opposed to Euclidean.
Slusher claims to hold an honorary D.Sc. from Indiana Christian University and a Ph.D. in geophysics from Columbia Pacific University. Robert Schadewald discovered that Indiana Christian University is a Bible College with only a 1/2 man graduate science department. As for Columbia Pacific, it "exhibits several qualities of a degree mill" [3]. Ronald Numbers describes CPU as

an unaccredited correspondence school that recruited students with the lure of a degree "in less than a year." Slusher's dissertation consisted of a manila folder containing copies of five memographed ICR "technical monographs" and a copy of the ICR graduate school catalog, all held together with a rubber band. The supervising professor was his creationist colleague from El Paso and the ICR, [Thomas] Barnes, who himself possessed only an honorary doctorate. [2]
According to Bears' Guide [1], Columbia Pacific was denied its application for state license renewal in early 1996 for undisclosed reasons. The university appealed the decision in late 1996, but the appeal had not been acted upon by the time Bears' Guide went to press.


This document is a heavily revised version of an article written for by Michael Cranford. I would like to thank Richard Trott, Robert Schadewald, Jim Foley, and Ed Brayton for their helpful information, comments and suggestions.

Suspicious Creationist Credentials
I have told you I am a creationist not an intelligent design advocate though I do agree with intelligent design advocates in some areas I agree more with the creationist.

I am trying to get you to answer the same question how did naturalism take matter absent of life and produce life ? we Don't know How God did it but we can see purposeful design.

You don’t really know what you are. Your silly " we can see purposeful design" comment is nonsense. Unless you're willing to acknowledge bad design, failed design, massive waste, absence of design, etc., as "design", you will need to peddle your conspiracy theories elsewhere.

Few fundies, even the most “fundamentalist of fundies” are very closely connected to the realities of science and knowledge. Their “foundations” can usually be found elsewhere in the form of parents, culture, or overriding fears and prejudices. The various fundie creation ministries are usually able to promote whatever propaganda they choose, put whatever spin they prefer on their falsified claims because they have an audience that is primarily “sold” on the snake oil that the fundie ministries are preaching. Fundies are happy to follow such direction as a sheep would follow a shepherd. In actuality, only a small fraction of them ever actually try for themselves to draw reasonable connections between the lies, conspiracy theories and falsifications promoted by their ministries and the verified science.

If they did so more often, there would be a lot more doubt.

Many creationist like myself have a strong background in science so stop your stupid comments address my questions or move along how fucking hard is that to comprehend.
wow! you didn't even wait the customary 100 pages before you mentioned your self proclaimed science acumen.. are we desperate? or just got jesused up from JB'S self aggrandizing proclamations ?
The Fundamental Axioms of Religion:

Questions concerning God and the soul - whether or not God exists, whether or not we have immortal souls, where we came from, where we go when we die - are perhaps the most ``important'' of the pseudoquestions invented by mankind (measured by how much we care about the answers). They are also in some sense the most unanswerable of all of the unanswerable questions. We have axioms that work pretty well at describing the Universe in a way that leads us to believe that we understand ``something'' about how it all works, how it all is put together, but these axioms fail when applied to the concept of God.

Hume argued very convincingly that empirical proof, entering our knowledge through the narrow window of our finite senses, can never suffice to prove the infinite. Not the infinite in space, not the infinite in time, since we can sample neither one. In particular, however, Hume focussed on the infinite concept we call God. It is fairly easy to see that no observations, no experiments, suffice to empirically prove the existence of God. If a thundering voice comes out of the sky telling us to bow down and be afraid, is it God? Is it an advanced race10.1 as of Space Aliens (maybe even space aliens who are here To Serve Man10.2)? Only completely consistent empirical proof of Godlike Power throughout all space and all time and beyond would suffice, although I'm sure a really plausible alien could go a long way without being suspected just as Cortez went a long way in Mexico without being suspected.

Rational proof is even more out of the question, since any attempt at a rational proof will require axioms, and axioms are, as we've hammered home repeatedly in this book, not provable. Even given a fairly reasonable, not too controversial set of axioms, many attempts at proofs, many attempts to even discuss the concept of God involve self-referential categorical superlatives and rapidly leave you tied up in Gödelian knots.
The Fundamental Axioms of Religion:
Simpleton ? you see entropy all around you dumbshit.

Then you can respond to my questions otherwise you can take a hike as well. I am tired of morons coming in and speaking from their ass.

Shit or get off the pot.

Defend your faith or fuck off.

Such are the dangers of fundamentalist creationist. Their arguments have failed, they have no challenge to science fact and so are left behave like petulant children.

So, aside from your juvenile potty mouth, you're really just hopelessly unable to offer a coherent thought.

Evade much !
unoriginal much?
Still evading ! have a good day butt sore.

So explain to us how, in the creationist model, humans and dinosaurs co-existed?

Defend a 6,000 year old earth... just spare us the cutting and pasting from Harun Yahya.

A basic (and false) assumption you make is over the "argument from authority" style you are accustomed to spewing. The stereotypical creationist argument, as we see repeatedly from you is nothing more than: here is a one-liner quote from "scripture"; here is what it "obviously" means; now shut up, fuck off, or go to hell. What a compelling argument!

Christian creationists are identical to Harun Yahya in the way they assume biologists treat academic papers as "scripture", and think they are accomplishing something by quoting a one-liner. Frequently, appeals to authority, such as infallible bibles, is a convenient shortcut if you don't care enough about a subject to perform some investigation for yourself: so I leave it up to you, to take the word of Harun Yahya as the ultimate authority regarding science.

I have stated I have no Idea how old the earth is. Now respond to my questions.
yes you have... butt that is only so you can have some wiggle room in your 6k to 14k fantasy !
Yes simpleton.

You are the one who associated entropy with the concept of sin related to a bronze age fairy tale intended to educate bronze age children whose level of intelligence seems to have been far above yours.

Grow up or fuck off yourself.

Yes the bible gives an explanation of what sin brings.

So if everything experiences entropy why is that ?

yes, scripture teaches that sin brings death and the subject of that death has nothing whatever to do with biological death or entropy but everything to do with the inability of the deceived mind to produce a rational thought.

Why does everything experience entropy?

Who can say? But one thing for sure is that it isn't because a talking snake deceived two naked and gullible people into eating the fruit of a forbidden tree.
I am eagerly awaiting your explanation on how randomly shaped and distributed chemicals were organized, and concentrated, and combined into the first living bacterial cell ? How can eukaryotic cells or cells with a nucleus could have come from bacteria ?

What is a "randomly shaped chemical"?

I am eagerly awaiting your development of some basic understanding of science and biology before you post terms you are clueless about.

Polar spherical triangle for one.
olar \Po"lar\, a. [Cf. F. polaire. See Pole of the earth.]
1. Of or pertaining to one of the poles of the earth, or of a
sphere; situated near, or proceeding from, one of the
poles; as, polar regions; polar seas; polar winds.
[1913 Webster]

2. Of or pertaining to the magnetic pole, or to the point to
which the magnetic needle is directed.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Geom.) Pertaining to, reckoned from, or having a common
radiating point; as, polar coordinates.
[1913 Webster]

Polar axis, that axis of an astronomical instrument, as an
equatorial, which is parallel to the earths axis.

explain this has anything to do with god or creationism?
Last edited:
LOL I think everyone saw the attack on the assumptions of dating methods. Your article even admits that decay rates fluctuate but that is not the only assumption that was refuted.

You still have not responded to my questions what is up with that ?

What “attack” would that be?
Purdue-Stanford team finds radioactive decay rates vary with the sun's rotation
"The fluctuations we're seeing are fractions of a percent…”

You mean an attack that you hoped would discredit the dating method but which only served to confirm the viability of the dating method?

What a dismal and impotent perspective you have. Science will certainly always be vulnerable to error, yes. But the productive progress of science shows us that over time, peer review reduces those errors and our propensity for error is diminished. While absolute truth may be forever out of reach, provisional truth is continuously incrementally closing the gap.

I am unwilling to share your sense of futility and simply throw up my hands and accept appeals to fear and ignorance as you do.

You still have not provided proof of your gawds as opposed to claims by others of "feelings" regarding their gawds.

Leading your presumptive argument with claims to supernaturalism and "because I say so" as a viable claim is nonsensical. Have you forgotten that you were already advised of this?

This to.

a non credible source ....creation science is an oxymoron : x·y·mo·ron [ òksee máw ròn ]
expression with contradictory words: a phrase in which two words of contradictory meaning are used together for special effect, e.g. "wise fool" or "legal murder"
Synonyms: inconsistency, absurdity, irony, contradiction, contradiction in terms, oxymoron, enigma, puzzle

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