Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?

As Daws continues to try and fill the thread up with superfluous nonsense, and the god haters continue to try and derail the topic to bash religion, a man just did something that no human has ever done... He walked a tightrope across the Grand Canyon. He talked to God the whole way. He credited God for enabling his feat. Do you think the man would have attempted this, if he couldn't pray or talk to God? Any of you Atheist non-believers want to put your money where your faith isn't, and stroll across the tightrope to "prove" that it can be done without God? Didn't think so!
wow! boss just took meaningless analogies to a new heights...(pun intended)
let's try this from a more rational POV.

The Flying Wallendas is the name of a circus act and daredevil stunt performers, most known for performing highwire acts without a safety net. They were first known as The Great Wallendas, but the current name was coined by the press in the 40s and has stayed since. The name in their native German, "Die fliegenden Wallenda", is a rhyme on the title of the Wagner opera, "Der fliegende Holländer" ("The Flying Dutchman").

boss is discounting the fact that Nic Wallenda's family has 80 years of experience .

his talking to god is a one way conversation.
it's also a form of concentration.
if you (bossy) make the claim that god helped or he could not have done it with out paranormal assistance. you must prove it .
btw other stunt performers do not invoke deities and survive.

Well, the tightrope is still up there... Why don't you stroll your happy ass across it, and prove to us that it can be done without God? I didn't say anything about "paranormal assistance" and the proof is in the fact that he did it, and you haven't. You've also not proven his conversation was "one way" and you can't. That's your opinion, which adding $3 to, will get you a cup of joe at Starbucks, I bet.

The way you fucktards are post-bombing my thread, I would have thought one of you would have been right on his heels, to prove to the crowd that God didn't have anything to do with it, and it was all in his head! Come on, let's see some action? The guy did it, he's the only person to ever do it, and he attests it was through God... prove him wrong!
yes it is, so why don't you, if you're so convinced god did it, it should be easy.
I fairly certain that his conversation was one way.. got any proof it wasn't ?
nic wallenda would be the first to say anyone without the proper training would be a raving ass hat to attempt that stunt with just the so called power of god to rely on.
that being said, wouldn't it be better for you to attempt the crossing to prove your "faith in god is stronger than my faith in training?
if I missed, you could then claim "it was because he lacked faith!
if you missed, then people would say it was gods' will and you you'd have the comfort of faith as your brains exploded on impact with the canyon floor.
then god would say "I don't know shit about wirewalking, why didn't he get some training from the wallendas, they're the experts".
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Polar spherical triangle for one.
olar \Po"lar\, a. [Cf. F. polaire. See Pole of the earth.]
1. Of or pertaining to one of the poles of the earth, or of a
sphere; situated near, or proceeding from, one of the
poles; as, polar regions; polar seas; polar winds.
[1913 Webster]

2. Of or pertaining to the magnetic pole, or to the point to
which the magnetic needle is directed.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Geom.) Pertaining to, reckoned from, or having a common
radiating point; as, polar coordinates.
[1913 Webster]

Polar axis, that axis of an astronomical instrument, as an
equatorial, which is parallel to the earths axis.

explain this has anything to do with god or creationism?

Follow the conversation. Wrong copy and paste for the term.

We were talking the form of biological chemicals, Also like the Dna strand.
sorry slapdick that the only definition in a non biology dictionary..
besides it's not an answer to the question!

a non credible source ....creation science is an oxymoron : x·y·mo·ron [ òksee máw ròn ]
expression with contradictory words: a phrase in which two words of contradictory meaning are used together for special effect, e.g. "wise fool" or "legal murder"
Synonyms: inconsistency, absurdity, irony, contradiction, contradiction in terms, oxymoron, enigma, puzzle

You are a moron.
As Daws continues to try and fill the thread up with superfluous nonsense, and the god haters continue to try and derail the topic to bash religion, a man just did something that no human has ever done... He walked a tightrope across the Grand Canyon. He talked to God the whole way. He credited God for enabling his feat. Do you think the man would have attempted this, if he couldn't pray or talk to God? Any of you Atheist non-believers want to put your money where your faith isn't, and stroll across the tightrope to "prove" that it can be done without God? Didn't think so!

Yes he even asked his father to remain silent so he could speak to God.
so what? a call for silence before attempting a dangerous trip or stunt is customary.
there you go attempting to kiss ass and make more out of it then was intended.
I've seen this debate continue for well over a decade... and it doesn't seem like it will ever reach a definitive resolution.

Well, you see... you have warriors like Hollie and Daws, who have devoted their lives to doing everything in their power to derail the conversation, throw the topic off, and continuously belittle anyone who doesn't agree with them. It's difficult to overcome such a veracity of bitter ignorance and prejudice, and try to have a meaningful dialogue. These people are religiously committed to refuting and denouncing God, as if their mortal souls depend on it.

As I stated in the OP argument, this question can never be answered for people who refuse to accept spiritual nature. As long as those people exist, this question will alway be without resolution. That doesn't mean the question can't be definitively answered, it just means you have to first accept spiritual evidence, which requires belief in spiritual nature.

You have to understand, people like Hollie and Daws are afraid of God. The last thing they want, is a God who holds them accountable for their actions, and their small minds, simply can't imagine any other type of God. So we see them spending inordinate amounts of time, posting superfluous garbage, flooding the thread with ad hom and insult, all in order to somehow diminish the power of this God they very much believe in and fear. Now, they will SWEAR they don't believe, but it's apparent they do, and they are just afraid. No other logical explanation for the number of posts they are contributing to a thread about something they don't believe is real.

What you have to do, is dismiss these cowards and low-lifes, because they don't bring anything to the table in terms of facts or science. In fact, they will abandon their own scientific principles and methods, in order to support their disbelief. We've seen examples in this very thread. They'll defy Darwin, nature, physics, doesn't matter... whatever they have to do in order to keep their balloon of disbelief in the air.
best argument from an imagined authority ever!
as to your incredibly false accusations I do not hate or fear your fantasy god..neither is my mind small..
your so called logical conclusion is not logical at all as it is not based in fact but in your own inability to consider an existence without superstition.
not to mention your grossly inflated sense of self worth and intelligence.

Yes, you do fear God, and you've chosen to live your life in denouncement of god because of this fear. As long as you refute God, you can establish your own morality, your own boundaries and limitations of decency, and you don't have to be accountable.

Your mind is small because you've demonstrated it's not open to possibility. Even with science, you tend to want to proclaim science empirical, when it's certainly not. It's VERY possible for science to be completely wrong, and this has been demonstrated thousands of times. Yet, you parade around with your peer-reviewed science journals, acting as if no one can ever question what's in them. If that's not "grossly inflated self worth," I don't know what is.

There is nothing "superstitious" about human spiritual connection, it is real, it happens every day, and has been happening for as long as man has been here. It's as much a part of nature as physics or science, and this is confirmed by the fact it is humankind's most defining attribute as a species.... always has been, always will be.
Well, you see... you have warriors like Hollie and Daws, who have devoted their lives to doing everything in their power to derail the conversation, throw the topic off, and continuously belittle anyone who doesn't agree with them. It's difficult to overcome such a veracity of bitter ignorance and prejudice, and try to have a meaningful dialogue. These people are religiously committed to refuting and denouncing God, as if their mortal souls depend on it.

As I stated in the OP argument, this question can never be answered for people who refuse to accept spiritual nature. As long as those people exist, this question will alway be without resolution. That doesn't mean the question can't be definitively answered, it just means you have to first accept spiritual evidence, which requires belief in spiritual nature.

You have to understand, people like Hollie and Daws are afraid of God. The last thing they want, is a God who holds them accountable for their actions, and their small minds, simply can't imagine any other type of God. So we see them spending inordinate amounts of time, posting superfluous garbage, flooding the thread with ad hom and insult, all in order to somehow diminish the power of this God they very much believe in and fear. Now, they will SWEAR they don't believe, but it's apparent they do, and they are just afraid. No other logical explanation for the number of posts they are contributing to a thread about something they don't believe is real.

What you have to do, is dismiss these cowards and low-lifes, because they don't bring anything to the table in terms of facts or science. In fact, they will abandon their own scientific principles and methods, in order to support their disbelief. We've seen examples in this very thread. They'll defy Darwin, nature, physics, doesn't matter... whatever they have to do in order to keep their balloon of disbelief in the air.
best argument from an imagined authority ever!
as to your incredibly false accusations I do not hate or fear your fantasy god..neither is my mind small..
your so called logical conclusion is not logical at all as it is not based in fact but in your own inability to consider an existence without superstition.
not to mention your grossly inflated sense of self worth and intelligence.

Yes, you do fear God, and you've chosen to live your life in denouncement of god because of this fear. As long as you refute God, you can establish your own morality, your own boundaries and limitations of decency, and you don't have to be accountable.

Your mind is small because you've demonstrated it's not open to possibility. Even with science, you tend to want to proclaim science empirical, when it's certainly not. It's VERY possible for science to be completely wrong, and this has been demonstrated thousands of times. Yet, you parade around with your peer-reviewed science journals, acting as if no one can ever question what's in them. If that's not "grossly inflated self worth," I don't know what is.

There is nothing "superstitious" about human spiritual connection, it is real, it happens every day, and has been happening for as long as man has been here. It's as much a part of nature as physics or science, and this is confirmed by the fact it is humankind's most defining attribute as a species.... always has been, always will be.

I'll take this to mean that you're not going to trust your gawds to get you safely across the span.

Maybe your gawds are too busy with their administrative duties?

Or maybe, you're just a poster child for bluster and pretention.
olar \Po"lar\, a. [Cf. F. polaire. See Pole of the earth.]
1. Of or pertaining to one of the poles of the earth, or of a
sphere; situated near, or proceeding from, one of the
poles; as, polar regions; polar seas; polar winds.
[1913 Webster]

2. Of or pertaining to the magnetic pole, or to the point to
which the magnetic needle is directed.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Geom.) Pertaining to, reckoned from, or having a common
radiating point; as, polar coordinates.
[1913 Webster]

Polar axis, that axis of an astronomical instrument, as an
equatorial, which is parallel to the earths axis.

explain this has anything to do with god or creationism?

Follow the conversation. Wrong copy and paste for the term.

We were talking the form of biological chemicals, Also like the Dna strand.
sorry slapdick that the only definition in a non biology dictionary..
besides it's not an answer to the question!
olar \Po"lar\, a. [Cf. F. polaire. See Pole of the earth.]
1. Of or pertaining to one of the poles of the earth, or of a
sphere; situated near, or proceeding from, one of the
poles; as, polar regions; polar seas; polar winds.
[1913 Webster]

2. Of or pertaining to the magnetic pole, or to the point to
which the magnetic needle is directed.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Geom.) Pertaining to, reckoned from, or having a common
radiating point; as, polar coordinates.
[1913 Webster]

Polar axis, that axis of an astronomical instrument, as an
equatorial, which is parallel to the earths axis.

explain this has anything to do with god or creationism?

Follow the conversation. Wrong copy and paste for the term.

We were talking the form of biological chemicals, Also like the Dna strand.
sorry slapdick that the only definition in a non biology dictionary..
besides it's not an answer to the question!

There is a picture of the shape of the chemical That I mentioned I will let you locate it.
I wonder where daws went ?

He can't google this and I purposely set this trap for you and hollie I know how much you two google to find your answers you won't get this answer unless you have knowledge in chemistry and trigonometry.

Another hint daws.
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Well I did learn something today that Hollie definitely is not daws because he was smart enough not to jump in to something he didn't understand unlike daws lol.
best argument from an imagined authority ever!
as to your incredibly false accusations I do not hate or fear your fantasy god..neither is my mind small..
your so called logical conclusion is not logical at all as it is not based in fact but in your own inability to consider an existence without superstition.
not to mention your grossly inflated sense of self worth and intelligence.

Yes, you do fear God, and you've chosen to live your life in denouncement of god because of this fear. As long as you refute God, you can establish your own morality, your own boundaries and limitations of decency, and you don't have to be accountable.

Your mind is small because you've demonstrated it's not open to possibility. Even with science, you tend to want to proclaim science empirical, when it's certainly not. It's VERY possible for science to be completely wrong, and this has been demonstrated thousands of times. Yet, you parade around with your peer-reviewed science journals, acting as if no one can ever question what's in them. If that's not "grossly inflated self worth," I don't know what is.

There is nothing "superstitious" about human spiritual connection, it is real, it happens every day, and has been happening for as long as man has been here. It's as much a part of nature as physics or science, and this is confirmed by the fact it is humankind's most defining attribute as a species.... always has been, always will be.

I'll take this to mean that you're not going to trust your gawds to get you safely across the span.

Maybe your gawds are too busy with their administrative duties?

Or maybe, you're just a poster child for bluster and pretention.

It's already been proven it can be done with God, so I have nothing to prove. You want to claim it could be done without god, and hey... the tightrope is still there, go for it!

Oh, and MY god doesn't have "administrative duties" ...that would be a humanistic attribute, one often found in religious beliefs of god. Again, we see evidence that you do believe in god, you simply reject the god you believe is real. You want to mock and ridicule that incarnation, because it helps to empower your disbelief. It serves as your own evidence god can't be real, after all, he wouldn't let you get away with saying such things, you'd surely be zapped by a bolt of lightning or something... so each day that passes, and some terrible fate hasn't befallen you, it serves as proof to you that god doesn't really exist.

The thing you can't seem to comprehend, and I can't explain to you, because the god you believe in but reject, has different attributes... is that god can exist in some other incarnation. It doesn't have to be the judgmental Christian god, that's just the incarnation you happen to believe in but are compelled to reject. My god doesn't care how angry you get, or how many insults you hurl at god, or how much time you spend refuting god's existence.
I've seen this debate continue for well over a decade... and it doesn't seem like it will ever reach a definitive resolution.

Well, you see... you have warriors like Hollie and Daws, who have devoted their lives to doing everything in their power to derail the conversation, throw the topic off, and continuously belittle anyone who doesn't agree with them. It's difficult to overcome such a veracity of bitter ignorance and prejudice, and try to have a meaningful dialogue. These people are religiously committed to refuting and denouncing God, as if their mortal souls depend on it.

As I stated in the OP argument, this question can never be answered for people who refuse to accept spiritual nature. As long as those people exist, this question will alway be without resolution. That doesn't mean the question can't be definitively answered, it just means you have to first accept spiritual evidence, which requires belief in spiritual nature.

You have to understand, people like Hollie and Daws are afraid of God. The last thing they want, is a God who holds them accountable for their actions, and their small minds, simply can't imagine any other type of God. So we see them spending inordinate amounts of time, posting superfluous garbage, flooding the thread with ad hom and insult, all in order to somehow diminish the power of this God they very much believe in and fear. Now, they will SWEAR they don't believe, but it's apparent they do, and they are just afraid. No other logical explanation for the number of posts they are contributing to a thread about something they don't believe is real.

What you have to do, is dismiss these cowards and low-lifes, because they don't bring anything to the table in terms of facts or science. In fact, they will abandon their own scientific principles and methods, in order to support their disbelief. We've seen examples in this very thread. They'll defy Darwin, nature, physics, doesn't matter... whatever they have to do in order to keep their balloon of disbelief in the air.

I respect you in general, Boss, but I don't respect this post of yours.

Most of the people who debate this issue have a bias of one kind or another. Furthermore, I don't like overly personal attacks... ad hom fallacies... against others. When reasonable, sure, but paragraph after paragraph? You may as well get it out of your system downstairs.

In response to my tiny little comment you amassed a dissertation on how great and evil Hollie and Daws are. In general I don't give a damn who they may be or what they've said in the past—all that matters is their abilities to understand, reason, respect, and self-control. I don't care. It's not about them. It's about how this topic about whether God exists or not will seemingly never end.

And, you have to admit the irony in your post when you say this: "So we see them spending inordinate amounts of time, posting superfluous garbage, flooding the thread with ad hom and insult, all in order to somehow diminish the power of this God they very much believe in and fear."

...all while committing the very same ad hom fallacies you speak of. I'm not trying to bust your balls my friend, but really? They may or may not be the chuckleheads you'd have me believe, but that's besides the point.
I've seen this debate continue for well over a decade... and it doesn't seem like it will ever reach a definitive resolution.

Well, you see... you have warriors like Hollie and Daws, who have devoted their lives to doing everything in their power to derail the conversation, throw the topic off, and continuously belittle anyone who doesn't agree with them. It's difficult to overcome such a veracity of bitter ignorance and prejudice, and try to have a meaningful dialogue. These people are religiously committed to refuting and denouncing God, as if their mortal souls depend on it.

As I stated in the OP argument, this question can never be answered for people who refuse to accept spiritual nature. As long as those people exist, this question will alway be without resolution. That doesn't mean the question can't be definitively answered, it just means you have to first accept spiritual evidence, which requires belief in spiritual nature.

You have to understand, people like Hollie and Daws are afraid of God. The last thing they want, is a God who holds them accountable for their actions, and their small minds, simply can't imagine any other type of God. So we see them spending inordinate amounts of time, posting superfluous garbage, flooding the thread with ad hom and insult, all in order to somehow diminish the power of this God they very much believe in and fear. Now, they will SWEAR they don't believe, but it's apparent they do, and they are just afraid. No other logical explanation for the number of posts they are contributing to a thread about something they don't believe is real.

What you have to do, is dismiss these cowards and low-lifes, because they don't bring anything to the table in terms of facts or science. In fact, they will abandon their own scientific principles and methods, in order to support their disbelief. We've seen examples in this very thread. They'll defy Darwin, nature, physics, doesn't matter... whatever they have to do in order to keep their balloon of disbelief in the air.

I respect you in general, Boss, but I don't respect this post of yours.

Most of the people who debate this issue have a bias of one kind or another. Furthermore, I don't like overly personal attacks... ad hom fallacies... against others. When reasonable, sure, but paragraph after paragraph? You may as well get it out of your system downstairs.

In response to my tiny little comment you amassed a dissertation on how great and evil Hollie and Daws are. In general I don't give a damn who they may be or what they've said in the past—all that matters is their abilities to understand, reason, respect, and self-control. I don't care. It's not about them. It's about how this topic about whether God exists or not will seemingly never end.

And, you have to admit the irony in your post when you say this: "So we see them spending inordinate amounts of time, posting superfluous garbage, flooding the thread with ad hom and insult, all in order to somehow diminish the power of this God they very much believe in and fear."

...all while committing the very same ad hom fallacies you speak of. I'm not trying to bust your balls my friend, but really? They may or may not be the chuckleheads you'd have me believe, but that's besides the point.

Your reading comprehension skills are lacking, nowhere did I state that Hollie and Daws are "evil" or "chuckleheads" and it's not an ad hom or insult to point out the truth about someone. They have shown NO ability to understand, reason, respect, or use self control. Most importantly, they've shown no ability to be honest and have an objective conversation. If you are reading that in their perpetual tirades, I'd like to know where?

Repeatedly, they have attempted to change the topic to a religious debate, so they can bash and rail on the god they believe in, but are angry at, for whatever reason. In spite of numerous attempts, by me, to keep the topic clear of religious debate, they insist on dragging us right back to yet another and then another... it never ends. Daws scours the net for anti-Christian rhetoric to cut and paste, in order to dilute the thread with garbage that is totally unrelated to the topic, because it's the only way Daws knows how to combat what he can't make an argument against. Hollie can't get a sentence out, without confusing spirituality with religious belief. The two of them are on a mission to denounce God, at all costs, they have absolutely NO desire to have an honest discussion.
Well I did learn something today that Hollie definitely is not daws because he was smart enough not to jump in to something he didn't understand unlike daws lol.

Giving yourself credit for rabid cutting and pasting from Harun Yahya is laughable.
Yes, you do fear God, and you've chosen to live your life in denouncement of god because of this fear. As long as you refute God, you can establish your own morality, your own boundaries and limitations of decency, and you don't have to be accountable.

Your mind is small because you've demonstrated it's not open to possibility. Even with science, you tend to want to proclaim science empirical, when it's certainly not. It's VERY possible for science to be completely wrong, and this has been demonstrated thousands of times. Yet, you parade around with your peer-reviewed science journals, acting as if no one can ever question what's in them. If that's not "grossly inflated self worth," I don't know what is.

There is nothing "superstitious" about human spiritual connection, it is real, it happens every day, and has been happening for as long as man has been here. It's as much a part of nature as physics or science, and this is confirmed by the fact it is humankind's most defining attribute as a species.... always has been, always will be.

I'll take this to mean that you're not going to trust your gawds to get you safely across the span.

Maybe your gawds are too busy with their administrative duties?

Or maybe, you're just a poster child for bluster and pretention.

It's already been proven it can be done with God, so I have nothing to prove. You want to claim it could be done without god, and hey... the tightrope is still there, go for it!

Oh, and MY god doesn't have "administrative duties" ...that would be a humanistic attribute, one often found in religious beliefs of god. Again, we see evidence that you do believe in god, you simply reject the god you believe is real. You want to mock and ridicule that incarnation, because it helps to empower your disbelief. It serves as your own evidence god can't be real, after all, he wouldn't let you get away with saying such things, you'd surely be zapped by a bolt of lightning or something... so each day that passes, and some terrible fate hasn't befallen you, it serves as proof to you that god doesn't really exist.

The thing you can't seem to comprehend, and I can't explain to you, because the god you believe in but reject, has different attributes... is that god can exist in some other incarnation. It doesn't have to be the judgmental Christian god, that's just the incarnation you happen to believe in but are compelled to reject. My god doesn't care how angry you get, or how many insults you hurl at god, or how much time you spend refuting god's existence.

Where have you proven "it can be done with God"?

What exactly has been "proven"?

I will give you credit for finally admitting that your agenda with the silly "spiritual nature" business has always been about your gawds.
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Well, you see... you have warriors like Hollie and Daws, who have devoted their lives to doing everything in their power to derail the conversation, throw the topic off, and continuously belittle anyone who doesn't agree with them. It's difficult to overcome such a veracity of bitter ignorance and prejudice, and try to have a meaningful dialogue. These people are religiously committed to refuting and denouncing God, as if their mortal souls depend on it.

As I stated in the OP argument, this question can never be answered for people who refuse to accept spiritual nature. As long as those people exist, this question will alway be without resolution. That doesn't mean the question can't be definitively answered, it just means you have to first accept spiritual evidence, which requires belief in spiritual nature.

You have to understand, people like Hollie and Daws are afraid of God. The last thing they want, is a God who holds them accountable for their actions, and their small minds, simply can't imagine any other type of God. So we see them spending inordinate amounts of time, posting superfluous garbage, flooding the thread with ad hom and insult, all in order to somehow diminish the power of this God they very much believe in and fear. Now, they will SWEAR they don't believe, but it's apparent they do, and they are just afraid. No other logical explanation for the number of posts they are contributing to a thread about something they don't believe is real.

What you have to do, is dismiss these cowards and low-lifes, because they don't bring anything to the table in terms of facts or science. In fact, they will abandon their own scientific principles and methods, in order to support their disbelief. We've seen examples in this very thread. They'll defy Darwin, nature, physics, doesn't matter... whatever they have to do in order to keep their balloon of disbelief in the air.

I respect you in general, Boss, but I don't respect this post of yours.

Most of the people who debate this issue have a bias of one kind or another. Furthermore, I don't like overly personal attacks... ad hom fallacies... against others. When reasonable, sure, but paragraph after paragraph? You may as well get it out of your system downstairs.

In response to my tiny little comment you amassed a dissertation on how great and evil Hollie and Daws are. In general I don't give a damn who they may be or what they've said in the past—all that matters is their abilities to understand, reason, respect, and self-control. I don't care. It's not about them. It's about how this topic about whether God exists or not will seemingly never end.

And, you have to admit the irony in your post when you say this: "So we see them spending inordinate amounts of time, posting superfluous garbage, flooding the thread with ad hom and insult, all in order to somehow diminish the power of this God they very much believe in and fear."

...all while committing the very same ad hom fallacies you speak of. I'm not trying to bust your balls my friend, but really? They may or may not be the chuckleheads you'd have me believe, but that's besides the point.

Your reading comprehension skills are lacking, nowhere did I state that Hollie and Daws are "evil" or "chuckleheads"

Of course you didn't. That was my somewhat hyperbolic emphasis. The way you speak of them is very much as if you view them that way. You went on a tirade lambasting them. It was funny, a bit rude, maybe even a bit informative. All in all, it was pointless, and now we're just discussing this tangent for the sake of entertainment.

and it's not an ad hom or insult to point out the truth about someone.

Oh boy. The creative paths that tangent could take us.

They have shown NO ability to understand, reason, respect, or use self control.

K. Beside the issue.

Most importantly, they've shown no ability to be honest and have an objective conversation.

You may be honest, but you're not objective, either.

If you are reading that in their perpetual tirades, I'd like to know where?

I don't care much for their silly tirades, either. Look, I've got a $25 gift card for Applebees. If you promise to be nice you guys can go there using it. All this huff and snuff, puff and fluff is kind of boring, like youngsters who keep bickering about who has the prettiest crayon.

Repeatedly, they have attempted to change the topic to a religious debate, so they can bash and rail on the god they believe in, but are angry at, for whatever reason. In spite of numerous attempts, by me, to keep the topic clear of religious debate, they insist on dragging us right back to yet another and then another... it never ends. Daws scours the net for anti-Christian rhetoric to cut and paste, in order to dilute the thread with garbage that is totally unrelated to the topic, because it's the only way Daws knows how to combat what he can't make an argument against. Hollie can't get a sentence out, without confusing spirituality with religious belief. The two of them are on a mission to denounce God, at all costs, they have absolutely NO desire to have an honest discussion.


I wish you guys could pull up your big boy and big girl pants and not squabble like children over the bigger picture.

That's how wars begin, Boss, and people don't like wars.
Well, you see... you have warriors like Hollie and Daws, who have devoted their lives to doing everything in their power to derail the conversation, throw the topic off, and continuously belittle anyone who doesn't agree with them. It's difficult to overcome such a veracity of bitter ignorance and prejudice, and try to have a meaningful dialogue. These people are religiously committed to refuting and denouncing God, as if their mortal souls depend on it.

As I stated in the OP argument, this question can never be answered for people who refuse to accept spiritual nature. As long as those people exist, this question will alway be without resolution. That doesn't mean the question can't be definitively answered, it just means you have to first accept spiritual evidence, which requires belief in spiritual nature.

You have to understand, people like Hollie and Daws are afraid of God. The last thing they want, is a God who holds them accountable for their actions, and their small minds, simply can't imagine any other type of God. So we see them spending inordinate amounts of time, posting superfluous garbage, flooding the thread with ad hom and insult, all in order to somehow diminish the power of this God they very much believe in and fear. Now, they will SWEAR they don't believe, but it's apparent they do, and they are just afraid. No other logical explanation for the number of posts they are contributing to a thread about something they don't believe is real.

What you have to do, is dismiss these cowards and low-lifes, because they don't bring anything to the table in terms of facts or science. In fact, they will abandon their own scientific principles and methods, in order to support their disbelief. We've seen examples in this very thread. They'll defy Darwin, nature, physics, doesn't matter... whatever they have to do in order to keep their balloon of disbelief in the air.

I respect you in general, Boss, but I don't respect this post of yours.

Most of the people who debate this issue have a bias of one kind or another. Furthermore, I don't like overly personal attacks... ad hom fallacies... against others. When reasonable, sure, but paragraph after paragraph? You may as well get it out of your system downstairs.

In response to my tiny little comment you amassed a dissertation on how great and evil Hollie and Daws are. In general I don't give a damn who they may be or what they've said in the past—all that matters is their abilities to understand, reason, respect, and self-control. I don't care. It's not about them. It's about how this topic about whether God exists or not will seemingly never end.

And, you have to admit the irony in your post when you say this: "So we see them spending inordinate amounts of time, posting superfluous garbage, flooding the thread with ad hom and insult, all in order to somehow diminish the power of this God they very much believe in and fear."

...all while committing the very same ad hom fallacies you speak of. I'm not trying to bust your balls my friend, but really? They may or may not be the chuckleheads you'd have me believe, but that's besides the point.

Your reading comprehension skills are lacking, nowhere did I state that Hollie and Daws are "evil" or "chuckleheads" and it's not an ad hom or insult to point out the truth about someone. They have shown NO ability to understand, reason, respect, or use self control. Most importantly, they've shown no ability to be honest and have an objective conversation. If you are reading that in their perpetual tirades, I'd like to know where?

Repeatedly, they have attempted to change the topic to a religious debate, so they can bash and rail on the god they believe in, but are angry at, for whatever reason. In spite of numerous attempts, by me, to keep the topic clear of religious debate, they insist on dragging us right back to yet another and then another... it never ends. Daws scours the net for anti-Christian rhetoric to cut and paste, in order to dilute the thread with garbage that is totally unrelated to the topic, because it's the only way Daws knows how to combat what he can't make an argument against. Hollie can't get a sentence out, without confusing spirituality with religious belief. The two of them are on a mission to denounce God, at all costs, they have absolutely NO desire to have an honest discussion.

Gee whiz, Boss. If you're not intellectually or emotionally prepared to have others challenge your opinions (especially your "because I say so", opinions), you shouldn't post those opinions in a public discussion board.

Did you really think that your "spiritual nature" claims, absent any support, would be accepted on nothing more than your "say so"?
Well, you see... you have warriors like Hollie and Daws, who have devoted their lives to doing everything in their power to derail the conversation, throw the topic off, and continuously belittle anyone who doesn't agree with them. It's difficult to overcome such a veracity of bitter ignorance and prejudice, and try to have a meaningful dialogue. These people are religiously committed to refuting and denouncing God, as if their mortal souls depend on it.

As I stated in the OP argument, this question can never be answered for people who refuse to accept spiritual nature. As long as those people exist, this question will alway be without resolution. That doesn't mean the question can't be definitively answered, it just means you have to first accept spiritual evidence, which requires belief in spiritual nature.

You have to understand, people like Hollie and Daws are afraid of God. The last thing they want, is a God who holds them accountable for their actions, and their small minds, simply can't imagine any other type of God. So we see them spending inordinate amounts of time, posting superfluous garbage, flooding the thread with ad hom and insult, all in order to somehow diminish the power of this God they very much believe in and fear. Now, they will SWEAR they don't believe, but it's apparent they do, and they are just afraid. No other logical explanation for the number of posts they are contributing to a thread about something they don't believe is real.

What you have to do, is dismiss these cowards and low-lifes, because they don't bring anything to the table in terms of facts or science. In fact, they will abandon their own scientific principles and methods, in order to support their disbelief. We've seen examples in this very thread. They'll defy Darwin, nature, physics, doesn't matter... whatever they have to do in order to keep their balloon of disbelief in the air.
best argument from an imagined authority ever!
as to your incredibly false accusations I do not hate or fear your fantasy god..neither is my mind small..
your so called logical conclusion is not logical at all as it is not based in fact but in your own inability to consider an existence without superstition.
not to mention your grossly inflated sense of self worth and intelligence.

Yes, you do fear God, and you've chosen to live your life in denouncement of god because of this fear. As long as you refute God, you can establish your own morality, your own boundaries and limitations of decency, and you don't have to be accountable.

Your mind is small because you've demonstrated it's not open to possibility. Even with science, you tend to want to proclaim science empirical, when it's certainly not. It's VERY possible for science to be completely wrong, and this has been demonstrated thousands of times. Yet, you parade around with your peer-reviewed science journals, acting as if no one can ever question what's in them. If that's not "grossly inflated self worth," I don't know what is.

There is nothing "superstitious" about human spiritual connection, it is real, it happens every day, and has been happening for as long as man has been here. It's as much a part of nature as physics or science, and this is confirmed by the fact it is humankind's most defining attribute as a species.... always has been, always will be.
i have to concede that your intentional misconception of myself and others is a defence mechanism you've developed when your ass has been handed to you.
why all the meaningless blather ?
the facts are simple, you believe in something you cannot prove ,so to fit your skewed POV you attempt to change the rules.

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