Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?

I am reminded of the 19th century geologist Edmond Gosse who found the geological evidence overwhelming but also believed in the inerrancy of the Bible.

His solution was that the world was created 6000 years ago, but with the rocks filled with fossils that gave convincing proof of a past which never existed. He thought that God had created the fossil evidence in the rocks to test the faith of his fellow geologists.

He was also much exercised over the question whether Adam and Eve had navels. To be created perfect, full humans they should have had navels. But since God created them by an act of HIs Will, they had never been born, so a navel would be superfluous and unnecessary.

If you think that is weird, wait till you learn about the question of how many wills Christ had....

No the flood created the rock strata that fossils were found in.
A debunked claim.

It's a relic of absurdity that exists only in Christian creationist ministries.

Only in your dream. Boss I will now leave it to you to continue schooling them on your point.

It is interesting that fanatics like Iwasbornyesterday are so stubbornly convinced about matters they know so little about -- and the less they know, the more obstinate they are in their delusions.

It is interesting that fanatics like Iwasbornyesterday are so stubbornly convinced about matters they know so little about -- and the less they know, the more obstinate they are in their delusions.

The same could be said for you.

All YWC did, was illustrate there is a difference of opinion regarding fossils. What we see is the typical reaction when opinions differ from yours, denigration and ridicule. As long as there are two or three of you to keep the distraction balloon in the air, and avoid the OP argument, you believe you are winning the argument. Unfortunately, denigration, ridicule and distraction, doesn't win arguments.

It is interesting that fanatics like Iwasbornyesterday are so stubbornly convinced about matters they know so little about -- and the less they know, the more obstinate they are in their delusions.

About rock strata formation are you suggesting water is not needed ? let's get back on topic but I would like you to admit your ignorance before I go.
I can see the copying and pasting coming lol !

I'm fascinated by your insistence that the fosill evidence must be a conspiracy because, according to you, there should be more fosills.

How many more should there be?

By what standard fo you determine there should be more?

Not a conspiracy,fossils should be very easy to come by with life supposedly existing on the planet for 3.9 billion years as your side claims. There should be plenty more fossils. I am facinated by your thought that with only 6,000 there is no way we could have as many fossils as we do. Try to imagine how many organisims have existed for 3.9 billion years why are fossils so hard to find ?

the trail of evolution contradicts "Biblical" accounts of Genesis - there would be exact replicas of Adam and Eve from the very beginning, 3.9 billion .... good luck Christians, no matter how many other organism existed or if only 6000 years old by any standard.

of course that only reputes the Bible and not Creation.

Boss: What other animals don't have, is spirituality. This is our most defining attribute.

how sad for the Boss ... happy oblivion.
I'm fascinated by your insistence that the fosill evidence must be a conspiracy because, according to you, there should be more fosills.

How many more should there be?

By what standard fo you determine there should be more?

Not a conspiracy,fossils should be very easy to come by with life supposedly existing on the planet for 3.9 billion years as your side claims. There should be plenty more fossils. I am facinated by your thought that with only 6,000 there is no way we could have as many fossils as we do. Try to imagine how many organisims have existed for 3.9 billion years why are fossils so hard to find ?

the trail of evolution contradicts "Biblical" accounts of Genesis - there would be exact replicas of Adam and Eve from the very beginning, 3.9 billion .... good luck Christians, no matter how many other organism existed or if only 6000 years old by any standard.

of course that only reputes the Bible and not Creation.

Boss: What other animals don't have, is spirituality. This is our most defining attribute.

how sad for the Boss ... happy oblivion.

Not sure what you're saying but I think you misunderstand my point.
It is interesting that fanatics like Iwasbornyesterday are so stubbornly convinced about matters they know so little about -- and the less they know, the more obstinate they are in their delusions.
About rock strata formation are you suggesting water is not needed ? let's get back on topic but I would like you to admit your ignorance before I go.
What has that got to do with evolution, you silly person!

Anyway, your utter ignorance is proven, yet again. Of course, strata can be formed without water! Volcanic deposits, wind-blown sand and soil are obvious examples, if you were capable of being rational for a few consecutive moments!

Plenty of fossils have been found in sandstone!

Sheesh! What an ignoramus you are!!

It is interesting that fanatics like Iwasbornyesterday are so stubbornly convinced about matters they know so little about -- and the less they know, the more obstinate they are in their delusions.

The same could be said for you.

All YWC did, was illustrate there is a difference of opinion regarding fossils. What we see is the typical reaction when opinions differ from yours, denigration and ridicule. As long as there are two or three of you to keep the distraction balloon in the air, and avoid the OP argument, you believe you are winning the argument. Unfortunately, denigration, ridicule and distraction, doesn't win arguments.

How ironic, considering you have dismissed religion as nothing but imagination. :tongue:
Explain how evolution can be demonstrable ? it has never been observed and please don't post another wiki page on speciation that is merely adaptive change within a family that is extrapolated from to try and show cross genus evolution but the actual term would be macro-evolution.

Evolution clearly has been observed. The data has been presented to you dozens of times.

Your decision to remain ignorant as a way to shield your fundie beliefs from the illuminating light of science is no reason for others to embrace fear and superstition.

Go pander your religion somewhere else.
this coming from god's worst pimp.
I say that because YWC creates god in his own image to suit his false premise pseudoscience dogma.
It is interesting that fanatics like Iwasbornyesterday are so stubbornly convinced about matters they know so little about -- and the less they know, the more obstinate they are in their delusions.
About rock strata formation are you suggesting water is not needed ? let's get back on topic but I would like you to admit your ignorance before I go.
What has that got to do with evolution, you silly person!

Anyway, your utter ignorance is proven, yet again. Of course, strata can be formed without water! Volcanic deposits, wind-blown sand and soil are obvious examples, if you were capable of being rational for a few consecutive moments!

Plenty of fossils have been found in sandstone!

Sheesh! What an ignoramus you are!!

You silly person we were talking rock strata where fossils are found.

You silly person don't have a clue How is Sandstone Formed? -

Ignoramus is fitting for you child.

It is interesting that fanatics like Iwasbornyesterday are so stubbornly convinced about matters they know so little about -- and the less they know, the more obstinate they are in their delusions.

The same could be said for you.

All YWC did, was illustrate there is a difference of opinion regarding fossils. What we see is the typical reaction when opinions differ from yours, denigration and ridicule. As long as there are two or three of you to keep the distraction balloon in the air, and avoid the OP argument, you believe you are winning the argument. Unfortunately, denigration, ridicule and distraction, doesn't win arguments.

How ironic, considering you have dismissed religion as nothing but imagination. :tongue:

You should really work on your reading comprehension, you're almost as bad as newpolitics. I have never stated that religion is "nothing but imagination." It is the manifestation of spirituality, which is not imaginary. Humans do have imagination, and have used their imagination to construct many religious beliefs, but that doesn't mean that religion is "nothing but imagination."
Fossils are the remains of dead organisms many which are extinct by the way why are most of these transitional organisms that are supposedly better adapted extinct ?

A 6,000 year old earth would not yield the enormous fossil evidence that exists.

We must therefore conclude that the fosill evidence is a conspiracy of global proportions with conspirators who have infiltrated every field of academia.

This is a lie, A 4.5 billion year old planet should have yielded many more fossils then it has where are all the fossils ?
assumption based on unprovable young earth speculation.
how convenient you leave out the simple fact that EVERYTHING DECAYS.
unless highly specialized conditions are present IE a lack of oxygen, bacteria, heat or a million other thing that have to happen or not happen to form fossils.
also slap dick, did you actually think no one notices your manipulation of facts?
About rock strata formation are you suggesting water is not needed ? let's get back on topic but I would like you to admit your ignorance before I go.
What has that got to do with evolution, you silly person!

Anyway, your utter ignorance is proven, yet again. Of course, strata can be formed without water! Volcanic deposits, wind-blown sand and soil are obvious examples, if you were capable of being rational for a few consecutive moments!

Plenty of fossils have been found in sandstone!

Sheesh! What an ignoramus you are!!

You silly person we were talking rock strata where fossils are found.

You silly person don't have a clue How is Sandstone Formed? -

Ignoramus is fitting for you child.

Oh my. Yet another creationist conspiracy theory debunked

"Polystrate" Tree Fossils

CC365: Coconino footprints

The Talk.Origins Archive Post of the Month: September 2002

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