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Delegates....a rigged system?

The entire election process on local, state and federal government is run through them. How does that not speak to you?

I know you're not asking me, but I'll tell you how I view the delegate process.

The parties have these in place to protect themselves. For example: democrooks cross the lines and pick nominees that repulse more people than they inspire in the republicrat party. Dump is a perfect example, and Romney/Mclame were also.

The democrooks have an even bigger safety mechanism because their party has a completely insane base of voters who would nominate Raul Castro if they could.

Let's face it. Just because a majority of people prefer a candidate doesn't mean that person should be elected. Hitler was elected. Mao rode in on a popular uprising. If the people in the republicrat party who choose delegates find Trump to be someone more republicrats oppose than favor I'm more inclined to trust their judgement than a population that elected the meat puppet faggot TWICE.
Why shouldn't Congress set rules for the Parties who are currently in control of a Constitutional right?

Parties are in control of a "Constitutional right?" What does that mean?

What would be your reaction if there was a group not specified in the Constitution controlling who gets a gun or not, based solely on their whims?
To be a relevant analogy, the parties would have to control whether you get to vote in the general election or not. The parties themselves aren't government, you don't get to control them
According to you, voters don't get to decide the nominees from the two Parties? They only have a right to choose between two people that private organizations have chosen?

No Arnold, I think that the internal workings of the parties aren't a government agency. How stupid are you?
So, you believe that private organizations should not be interfered with as they decide who our 2 choices for POTUS will be?

Dunno about Kaz, but are you saying private organizations SHOULD be interfered with as they decide who THEY are going to support for President?
I'm saying they shouldn't be allowed to operate as private organizations.
True, and sadly he'd still be an improvement over the last eight years.
I'll never understand the delusional conservative mind. By almost every measure Obama has improved American life from the day he took office.

It's not that hard to fathom the christian fundamentalists that have taken over the GOP. Every thing about them is based on a lie no mater how hard they continue to sell it. They claim ownership of American morality as if they invented it and own the patent. Growing up believing in total nonsense has prepared the neo cons for going with "the group" on all issues and beliefs, including that Obama is the worst American president in history. They have always rejected facts. When faced with facts they come back with their "faith" as the supposed equal theory to everything. They do not need nor accept any information that crosses what they take on faith. Practically ALL of their "information" is religion based or religists generated. They are the lowest and poorest informed group of people in American history. It has been a sad several decades for what was once a proud and strong political party. People like Dwight Eisenhower and Barry Goldwater were well informed and based in reality.

Only a fool can deny the progress towards solvency of our economy. The only fly in the ointment that stands out remains the bubble that Wall street is continuing to build. Obama has done little to nothing in reigning in this dangerous development. In all fairness the republicans in the position of power would do nothing to help him addressing Wall street's and the bank's influence in congress.

What are you talking about? What social issues have Republicans passed?

"What are you talking about? What social issues have Republicans passed?"

I'm sorry. I keep saying you are constantly mis reading my posts so I had to read this one again because I don't want to accuse you of being stupid without evidence. I didn't find a single word or group of words within the reply that states "social issues the republicans have passed". You are close though as they have ATTEMPTED to pass numerous pieces of legislation with versions of their moral agenda embedded within. That is one of their favorite tricks. They pretend to be addressing a valid need and almost without fail poison the bill with a stupid religist amendment that side rails the legislation. If you do not know what I am referring to you are as dense as you are repetitive.

OK then, smart ass. What social legislation have they "attempted" to pass.

And I'm repetitive because you are evading the question
Life at Conception Act (2013 - H.R. 1091)
Stagnant wages and increasing debt in a recovery normally would doom anyone as a one termer, but the gop has alienated a lot of people ... generally on social issues.

What have Republicans done on social issues?
Campaigned on them, then when they win they go back to their #1 priority: greed and holding onto power.

WTF? Do you even know what social issues are? The question is, "What have Republicans done on social issues?"

Holding onto power is something all politicians try to do, it isn't a social issue. And "greed" is an economic issue, do you know what the word means? It means wanting money. You know, like you want money you didn't earn. That's greed. It's not a social issue
Read it again and get back to me. I'm beginning to think it's past your nap time.

Exactly, you mindlessly intone that Republicans are driven by socons, but you can't think of any examples of what they do for socons ...
I just posted one. Now I'm looking forward to your squirming.
The founding fathers specified how to vote in Federal Elections. They did not specify how private organizations should vote.
Private organizations can't vote, dope.

And corporations aren't people, either.

What does that have to do with anything?
Just answering your post with a fact: you said "They did not specify how private organizations should vote."
Parties are in control of a "Constitutional right?" What does that mean?

To be a relevant analogy, the parties would have to control whether you get to vote in the general election or not. The parties themselves aren't government, you don't get to control them
According to you, voters don't get to decide the nominees from the two Parties? They only have a right to choose between two people that private organizations have chosen?

No Arnold, I think that the internal workings of the parties aren't a government agency. How stupid are you?
So, you believe that private organizations should not be interfered with as they decide who our 2 choices for POTUS will be?

Dunno about Kaz, but are you saying private organizations SHOULD be interfered with as they decide who THEY are going to support for President?
I'm saying they shouldn't be allowed to operate as private organizations.

And that ... is why I keep pointing out that you're not liberals, you are authoritarian leftists.

How do you get past the Constitution on that? The general leftist authoritarian plan, ignore it? The commerce clause covers controlling political parties, right?
I'm a Cruz supporter, dumb ass.
Oh, so you just pretend to be a Libertarian on the internet?

I've never pretended to be a Libertarian. In fact I keep saying I'm not one. I'm a libertarian, and so far Cruz is the closest to my views. Though that could change when the Libertarians pick a nominee. But if it's Johnson again, I stick with Cruz, Johnson isn't a libertarian
I'll never understand the delusional conservative mind. By almost every measure Obama has improved American life from the day he took office.

It's not that hard to fathom the christian fundamentalists that have taken over the GOP. Every thing about them is based on a lie no mater how hard they continue to sell it. They claim ownership of American morality as if they invented it and own the patent. Growing up believing in total nonsense has prepared the neo cons for going with "the group" on all issues and beliefs, including that Obama is the worst American president in history. They have always rejected facts. When faced with facts they come back with their "faith" as the supposed equal theory to everything. They do not need nor accept any information that crosses what they take on faith. Practically ALL of their "information" is religion based or religists generated. They are the lowest and poorest informed group of people in American history. It has been a sad several decades for what was once a proud and strong political party. People like Dwight Eisenhower and Barry Goldwater were well informed and based in reality.

Only a fool can deny the progress towards solvency of our economy. The only fly in the ointment that stands out remains the bubble that Wall street is continuing to build. Obama has done little to nothing in reigning in this dangerous development. In all fairness the republicans in the position of power would do nothing to help him addressing Wall street's and the bank's influence in congress.

What are you talking about? What social issues have Republicans passed?

"What are you talking about? What social issues have Republicans passed?"

I'm sorry. I keep saying you are constantly mis reading my posts so I had to read this one again because I don't want to accuse you of being stupid without evidence. I didn't find a single word or group of words within the reply that states "social issues the republicans have passed". You are close though as they have ATTEMPTED to pass numerous pieces of legislation with versions of their moral agenda embedded within. That is one of their favorite tricks. They pretend to be addressing a valid need and almost without fail poison the bill with a stupid religist amendment that side rails the legislation. If you do not know what I am referring to you are as dense as you are repetitive.

OK then, smart ass. What social legislation have they "attempted" to pass.

And I'm repetitive because you are evading the question
Life at Conception Act (2013 - H.R. 1091)

So religious control the Republican party and focus all that power on abortion skirmishes. There you have it, my point exactly
What have Republicans done on social issues?
Campaigned on them, then when they win they go back to their #1 priority: greed and holding onto power.

WTF? Do you even know what social issues are? The question is, "What have Republicans done on social issues?"

Holding onto power is something all politicians try to do, it isn't a social issue. And "greed" is an economic issue, do you know what the word means? It means wanting money. You know, like you want money you didn't earn. That's greed. It's not a social issue
Read it again and get back to me. I'm beginning to think it's past your nap time.

Exactly, you mindlessly intone that Republicans are driven by socons, but you can't think of any examples of what they do for socons ...
I just posted one. Now I'm looking forward to your squirming.

Going to be a long wait, you proved my point
The founding fathers specified how to vote in Federal Elections. They did not specify how private organizations should vote.
Private organizations can't vote, dope.

And corporations aren't people, either.

What does that have to do with anything?
Just answering your post with a fact: you said "They did not specify how private organizations should vote."

What is the relevance of those "facts?" Are you thinking the people who comprise political parties and corporations lose their Constitutional rights because they organized?
An example would be something like an aid bill designed to fund Ebola eradication in Africa with an amendment that denies any birth control measures.
They did that recently with a major bill, which was scuttled (can't remember which one right now).

Louie Gohmert stuck in an amendment eliminating all corporate taxes. Like that was gonna pass. The bill died.
- social - Democrat - I'm way to the left of you, but you asked which party is closer.
In what way are you to the left of me?

Well, "you" in that statement was Democrats. But here are a few I'm with or to the left of the left:

- I'm pro-choice
- All drugs should be legal
- Prostitution should be legal
- Euthanasia should be legal
- Gambling should be legal
- There should be no morality laws where there is no victim (gay sex, oral sex, ...)
- Government should treat all it's citizens the same (no government marriage, no reverse discrimination, no quotas ...)

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