Deliberately Destroying America


"My party has all the answers, and those other guys are trying to destroy America."

Okay, sure.

We are now five months from an election to remove Obama from power and electing conservative lawmakers to office.
Too bad there's not one in the race for President.
you know how in some of those blockbuster movies about the end of the earth and the leading actor has to sacrifice his life to save the world? thats how we can vision Marco Rubio. we need him as VP.
Sorry bout that,

1. What Alan Caruba wrote in the link on the OP, just warms me heart, they in Canada, get it!
2. They love what *My America* means to the world, and are if anything, *aware*.
3. Thank you Canada!
4. And thank you Alan Caruba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. Read the link in the OP if you are wondering what I' talking about.

Hardly represents Canada, dupes.

Unless of course if he agreed with you. Then you would tell us he is their Official National Spoke Person.

This is very amusing to watch. Obama can't hide anymore. Even thinking people on the left have wised up now. They are all unhitching their Wagons from his Train because they don't want to go down with him.

All but idiots like yourself. You will follow him down in flames, and not learn one damn thing from the experience other than to blame the other side.

Not 2 Months ago I was very Cautious and worried about this Election. The closer we get, the More obvious Obama is making it to everyone one that he has go Nothing, Nothing new, And he Uttery lacks the Ability to lead this country Period. In 2 months I have gone from Cautious and worried to Pretty Confident Obama will lose. It's not a lock by any means, But I just don't see him pulling of a swing back to the middle, and repairing this image of utter Failure, and a petty child Like Leader crying about the last occupant and blaming the Minority Party in congress for all his woes.
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Hardly represents Canada, dupes.

Unless of course if he agreed with you. Then you would tell us he is their Official National Spoke Person.

This is very amusing to watch. Obama can't hide anymore. Even thinking people on the left have wised up now. They are all unhitching their Wagons from his Train because they don't want to go down with him.

All but idiots like yourself. You will follow him down in flames, and not learn one damn thing from the experience other than to blame the other side.

Not 2 Months ago I was very Cautious and worried about this Election. The closer we get, the More obvious Obama is making it to everyone one that he has go Nothing, Nothing new, And he Utter lacks the Ability to lead this country Period. In 2 months I have gone from Cautious and worried to Pretty Confident Obama will lose. It's not a lock by any means, But I just don't see him pulling of a swing back to the middle, and repairing this image of utter Failure, and a petty child Like Leader crying about the last occupant and blaming the Minority Party in congress for all his woes.

The great thing is if Romney gets to be president he will be just as bad, if not worse, and you people will never admit you were stupid enough to believe in someone just as bad, if not worse, than obama. We will all be sitting in the gutter while you try and tell us that somehow if we had just never had obama the republicans would have saved us all, and that simply is not true. It is just as stupid to believe Obama is the savior as it is to believe any republican is. So shut the fuck up with the blame game because there is no choice that will be good for us all. Your guys Romney is a fucking weasely scumbag who would sell you for a nickel if it was offered, so please don't try and lie and tell us he is an honest man.
Anyone notice how rightwing shithead tools get all of their "credible" information from sites like this? lol
you know how in some of those blockbuster movies about the end of the earth and the leading actor has to sacrifice his life to save the world? thats how we can vision Marco Rubio. we need him as VP.

Obama kind of ruined his chances, didn't he? What's he going to do, makes speeches against Obama's immigration policy and get rotten tomatoes thrown at him? :badgrin:
you know how in some of those blockbuster movies about the end of the earth and the leading actor has to sacrifice his life to save the world? thats how we can vision Marco Rubio. we need him as VP.

Obama kind of ruined his chances, didn't he? What's he going to do, makes speeches against Obama's immigration policy and get rotten tomatoes thrown at him? :badgrin:
The tomatoes were all exported to China. It'll probably be shoes.
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
― Ronald Reaga
What a load of nonsense.

The man is complaining about WELFARE?


If there was NO WELFARE that still wouldn't amount to a significant change in the national budget.


Now that would make a huge difference.
Anyone notice how rightwing shithead tools get all of their "credible" information from sites like this? lol


Wow.......what a great response. I've never heard that one before.....I mean....your response was so original......:clap2:

I'm gonna have to remember that one in the future.
Republicans policies deliberately destroying America.

It's not like there isn't any proof. It's everywhere. Starting with Iraq. Ending with a bankrupt economy. And in between, there was the apology to BP. The downgrade where Republicans got 98% of everything they wanted, the tax cuts, the votes for drugs bill and on and on. Hell, they even let Bin Laden go.

"My party has all the answers, and those other guys are trying to destroy America."

Okay, sure.


she's a wackjob... it's not like you can expect anything different from the loons.


Unfortunately the whackjob population is currently in control of the political debate in this country, a primary reason nothing is being done to slow our decay. Until they are marginalized, or self-marginalize, we'll continue to sink.

American conservatives continue to show their patriotism by touting foreigners' criticisms of our president.

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