Delusional Protestors Protest Against Bombing ISIS

Never ceases to amaze me. Dopey protestors protesting against Britain joining the US, Russia, France, and other countries to bomb ISIS in Syria. By going to their website ( you can easily see how detached from reality these fools calling themselves Stop the War coalition, are.

EARTH TO Stop the War coalition: Very few people like war. Probably at least 95% of people in the world would have perpetual peace if they could. But in the real world folks, you can't always do that. ISIS is a maniacal group that is hell bent on conquest of the whole world, and have been committing brutal genocide everywhere they go. There is no alternative. They must be stopped, and the way to stop them is with military force on top of good intelligence.

ISIS is a far greater threat than the German Nazis were in World War II. They have been diligently working at acquiring nuclear bombs, and have no compunctions about using other WMDs as well. The protestors in England should ask themselves, if they were adults in the early 1940s, would they have protested going to war against Germany ?

I think these protestors are just some very foolish people, and not affiliated with ISIS, but there's no doubt that they are helping the ISIS machine, and hindering UK President David Cameron, and their own government in doing the work they just need to do.

Musicians, politicians, writers, union chiefs tell Cameron Don't Bomb Syria

Yeah, because we should be happy that we can go around the world killing people.

We went to war in Iraq and caused the problems, now we feel the solution to the problem we caused is to use similar methods to the methods we used to cause the problem. AND we hope the same solution will have a different result this time.

That's stupid. Am I for stupidity? No. Am I for wasting millions to fund the defense industry? No. I don't like ISIS, that doesn't mean I'm going to do something stupid that probably won't have much of an impact on ISIS anyway.
Never ceases to amaze me. Dopey protestors protesting against Britain joining the US, Russia, France, and other countries to bomb ISIS in Syria. By going to their website ( you can easily see how detached from reality these fools calling themselves Stop the War coalition, are.

EARTH TO Stop the War coalition: Very few people like war. Probably at least 95% of people in the world would have perpetual peace if they could. But in the real world folks, you can't always do that. ISIS is a maniacal group that is hell bent on conquest of the whole world, and have been committing brutal genocide everywhere they go. There is no alternative. They must be stopped, and the way to stop them is with military force on top of good intelligence.

ISIS is a far greater threat than the German Nazis were in World War II. They have been diligently working at acquiring nuclear bombs, and have no compunctions about using other WMDs as well. The protestors in England should ask themselves, if they were adults in the early 1940s, would they have protested going to war against Germany ?

I think these protestors are just some very foolish people, and not affiliated with ISIS, but there's no doubt that they are helping the ISIS machine, and hindering UK President David Cameron, and their own government in doing the work they just need to do.

Musicians, politicians, writers, union chiefs tell Cameron Don't Bomb Syria
The left always side with evil. Always.

Why is not bombing ISIS siding with ISIS?

Do you want to shower ISIS with cream cakes? Do you think this is a good and effective use of money? If you say no, it means you support ISIS.
Never ceases to amaze me. Dopey protestors protesting against Britain joining the US, Russia, France, and other countries to bomb ISIS in Syria. By going to their website ( you can easily see how detached from reality these fools calling themselves Stop the War coalition, are.

EARTH TO Stop the War coalition: Very few people like war. Probably at least 95% of people in the world would have perpetual peace if they could. But in the real world folks, you can't always do that. ISIS is a maniacal group that is hell bent on conquest of the whole world, and have been committing brutal genocide everywhere they go. There is no alternative. They must be stopped, and the way to stop them is with military force on top of good intelligence.

ISIS is a far greater threat than the German Nazis were in World War II. They have been diligently working at acquiring nuclear bombs, and have no compunctions about using other WMDs as well. The protestors in England should ask themselves, if they were adults in the early 1940s, would they have protested going to war against Germany ?

I think these protestors are just some very foolish people, and not affiliated with ISIS, but there's no doubt that they are helping the ISIS machine, and hindering UK President David Cameron, and their own government in doing the work they just need to do.

Musicians, politicians, writers, union chiefs tell Cameron Don't Bomb Syria
The left always side with evil. Always.

Why is not bombing ISIS siding with ISIS?

Do you want to shower ISIS with cream cakes? Do you think this is a good and effective use of money? If you say no, it means you support ISIS.
Speaking of lefties who always side with evil....
LOL The Soviet Union had more than 5,000 thermo-nuclear weapons mounted on ICBMs that could reach any city in the US for which there was no defense.

But you believe 30,000 guys with AK47's and some explosives are "the worst danger the US has ever faced"...

Hyperbole, meet Definitive.
Yes, I believe that for reasons which are obvious, and which you are oblivious to. With Soviets, there was mutual deterrence, and cities that could be hit. With ISIS, they are often hidden, and lack mutual deterrence. They think cool. This is too easy. :cool-45:

Yes everyone already knows all this. Al Qaeda and the Taliban were the same, they have been trying to get an atomic weapon or at least a dirty bomb. But join us back in reality. None of these groups will likely ever get an atomic weapon, let alone a nuclear weapon.

The abject fear some people exihibit when it isn't warranted is just sad.
Yeah, no way Iran, worlds primary supplier of weapons to terrorist organizations would ever give them a nuke to try out.

They won't. Because we'll know and if the weapon is used on the US or one of our allies Iran will disappear. This is the type of thing diplomats talk about in private. Iran is aware Israel has thermo-nuclear weapons, enough to turn Iran into the forbidden zone. And the treaty just signed will prevent Iran from finishing research and building even a rudimentary atomic weapon to test.
Never ceases to amaze me. Dopey protestors protesting against Britain joining the US, Russia, France, and other countries to bomb ISIS in Syria. By going to their website ( you can easily see how detached from reality these fools calling themselves Stop the War coalition, are.

EARTH TO Stop the War coalition: Very few people like war. Probably at least 95% of people in the world would have perpetual peace if they could. But in the real world folks, you can't always do that. ISIS is a maniacal group that is hell bent on conquest of the whole world, and have been committing brutal genocide everywhere they go. There is no alternative. They must be stopped, and the way to stop them is with military force on top of good intelligence.

ISIS is a far greater threat than the German Nazis were in World War II. They have been diligently working at acquiring nuclear bombs, and have no compunctions about using other WMDs as well. The protestors in England should ask themselves, if they were adults in the early 1940s, would they have protested going to war against Germany ?

I think these protestors are just some very foolish people, and not affiliated with ISIS, but there's no doubt that they are helping the ISIS machine, and hindering UK President David Cameron, and their own government in doing the work they just need to do.

Musicians, politicians, writers, union chiefs tell Cameron Don't Bomb Syria
The left always side with evil. Always.

Why is not bombing ISIS siding with ISIS?

Do you want to shower ISIS with cream cakes? Do you think this is a good and effective use of money? If you say no, it means you support ISIS.
Speaking of lefties who always side with evil....

Never ceases to amaze me. Dopey protestors protesting against Britain joining the US, Russia, France, and other countries to bomb ISIS in Syria. By going to their website ( you can easily see how detached from reality these fools calling themselves Stop the War coalition, are.

EARTH TO Stop the War coalition: Very few people like war. Probably at least 95% of people in the world would have perpetual peace if they could. But in the real world folks, you can't always do that. ISIS is a maniacal group that is hell bent on conquest of the whole world, and have been committing brutal genocide everywhere they go. There is no alternative. They must be stopped, and the way to stop them is with military force on top of good intelligence.

ISIS is a far greater threat than the German Nazis were in World War II. They have been diligently working at acquiring nuclear bombs, and have no compunctions about using other WMDs as well. The protestors in England should ask themselves, if they were adults in the early 1940s, would they have protested going to war against Germany ?

I think these protestors are just some very foolish people, and not affiliated with ISIS, but there's no doubt that they are helping the ISIS machine, and hindering UK President David Cameron, and their own government in doing the work they just need to do.

Musicians, politicians, writers, union chiefs tell Cameron Don't Bomb Syria
The left always side with evil. Always.

Why is not bombing ISIS siding with ISIS?

Do you want to shower ISIS with cream cakes? Do you think this is a good and effective use of money? If you say no, it means you support ISIS.
Speaking of lefties who always side with evil....

Ah, ignore the question, and just attack. Isn't that the most used debate tactic on this board?
Yes everyone already knows all this. Al Qaeda and the Taliban were the same, they have been trying to get an atomic weapon or at least a dirty bomb. But join us back in reality. None of these groups will likely ever get an atomic weapon, let alone a nuclear weapon.

The abject fear some people exihibit when it isn't warranted is just sad.
You are ignorant. You haven't done your reading. They already have gotten these things, and years ago. They were stopped. But that won't always be the case. Especially with US ports foreign-owned, and only 5% of shipping containers being inspected. There are other ways as well that ISIS could nuke US coastal cites, from the air and sea. You are either lost on this, or as could well be the case, you are one of the jihadists yourself, trying to keep America's guard down.

Wanna tell the French in Paris, that their fear isn't warranted ? In reality they didn't have enough fear. They thought they could get by with gun-free zones in theaters and restaurants, Then the terrorists used their lack of caution to kill them.
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Yeah, no way Iran, worlds primary supplier of weapons to terrorist organizations would ever give them a nuke to try out.
Or Pakistan. Or North Korea. Or unscrupulous black marketeers in any of these countries. Oh no, not at all.
They won't. Because we'll know and if the weapon is used on the US or one of our allies Iran will disappear. This is the type of thing diplomats talk about in private. Iran is aware Israel has thermo-nuclear weapons, enough to turn Iran into the forbidden zone. And the treaty just signed will prevent Iran from finishing research and building even a rudimentary atomic weapon to test.
1. ISIS could obtain nukes and the people to deploy them, with NO ONE knowing. They could deal with people who are in it just for the money. ISIS could (and would) threaten the families of people who are close to the nukes. They may already have them now.

2. The "treaty" (as you call it) is a giveaway. It will do nothing to stop Iran from doing anything they want to do. It has no inspection security.All it has done is give a stamp of approval to how things have been up to now. It has given the Iranians 1.5 more years to do anything they want, until a Republican becomes US president.

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