Dem 2020 Presidential platform: Ban 'assault weapons'!!!!'

No surprise, right?
Every Dem who spoke on guns in the 2 nights of debate declared the need to ban 'assault weapon' - to save our schools, to save our kids, shopping malls, movie theaters, gay bars, etc. It's almost as if this little bit of leftist dogma is chiseled into their souls.

A question for those who agree with the candidates:
If there is, as they claim, a NEED to ban these guns, if banning these guns is, as they say, NECESSARY for the safety of whomever - what does a ban on the manufacturer and sale of new 'assault weapons' accomplish?
Alright, ban the bullets instead.
You should take that act on the road!!!!

But, good of you to admit banning the manufacturer and sale of and 'assault weapons' will do noting to meed the necessities claimed by the Democrats.
Given this, why do you think the Democrats are lock-step on this policy point?
/——/ DemocRATs know it’s impossible to fill a mass grave if the victims can shoot back. Therefore banning guns makes sense.

I like your use of the concept.........
No surprise, right?
Every Dem who spoke on guns in the 2 nights of debate declared the need to ban 'assault weapon' - to save our schools, to save our kids, shopping malls, movie theaters, gay bars, etc. It's almost as if this little bit of leftist dogma is chiseled into their souls.

A question for those who agree with the candidates:
If there is, as they claim, a NEED to ban these guns, if banning these guns is, as they say, NECESSARY for the safety of whomever - what does a ban on the manufacturer and sale of new 'assault weapons' accomplish?
Alright, ban the bullets instead.
You should take that act on the road!!!!

But, good of you to admit banning the manufacturer and sale of new 'assault weapons' will do noting to meet the necessities claimed by the Democrats.
Given this, why do you think the Democrats are lock-step on this policy point?
I think it's a good idea and I guess I'm not the only one. I think the assault weapons should also be confiscated/bought back and if anyone is caught with one after a certain point, they get a fine that will take years to settle.
I'd vote for that.

Since this is a reaction based purely on emotion, not facts on the do you justify what you believe?

And considering that "Assault Weapons" are protected by the 2nd Amendment, as explained in Heller and Friedman v Highland do you plan on banning them?
No surprise, right?
Every Dem who spoke on guns in the 2 nights of debate declared the need to ban 'assault weapon' - to save our schools, to save our kids, shopping malls, movie theaters, gay bars, etc. It's almost as if this little bit of leftist dogma is chiseled into their souls.

A question for those who agree with the candidates:
If there is, as they claim, a NEED to ban these guns, if banning these guns is, as they say, NECESSARY for the safety of whomever - what does a ban on the manufacturer and sale of new 'assault weapons' accomplish?
Even though they are just sporting rifles nothing more nothing less...
All progressives are fucked in the head
No mass shooters are fucked in the head. You sell guns. You know the difference between a "sporting rifle" and an assault weapon, you dishonest shyster. Don't play word games.

Yes, he does, you don't ......there is not difference except how they look. It would be like saying a toyota is different from a ford, simply based on the shell that holds the engine...
Gun control isn't expected to stop every single murder, so what one person manages to do does not make the idea a wash.
When laws designed to prevent crimes do not prevent crimes, it is impossible to argue that the laws have any effect - and thus, impossible to argue that the laws are necessary.
Take a look at what REALLY happened with NYC's tight gun laws. Gun. Control. Works.
Post hoc fallacy.
The dems always whine about guns, and then nothing happens, they are banned in Chicago, how is that working?
It's not the guns, the US always had guns, and no mass shootings, what's different now?
Nut jobs with military style weapons that seems
to go right along with their insanity.... They seem to like buying them at stores or gun shows.

They aren't millitary style.......the semi-automatic rifle is not used by the are wrong.
The dems always whine about guns, and then nothing happens, they are banned in Chicago, how is that working?
It's not the guns, the US always had guns, and no mass shootings, what's different now?
Nut jobs with military style weapons that seems
to go right along with their insanity.... They seem to like buying them at stores or gun shows.
They aren't millitary style.......the semi-automatic rifle is not used by the are wrong.
AR15s are military weapons in the same way the Jeep Wrangler is a military vehicle.
The dems always whine about guns, and then nothing happens, they are banned in Chicago, how is that working?
It's not the guns, the US always had guns, and no mass shootings, what's different now?
Nut jobs with military weapons that seems
to go right along with their insanity.... They seem to like buying them at stores or gun shows.
One of these days, you will add sometihng meaningful to a conversation.
Today is not that day.
Tell it to the 68 people killed in Las Vegas. The insane who are Mass killers seem to love military style weapons....

Wrong.....the pistol is the most popular tool of mass public shooters.....the Virginia Tech shooter killed 32 people with 2 pistols, the Luby's Cafe shooter killed 24 with 2 don't know what you are talking about.

The shooter in Las Vegas killed 58, the muslim terrorist in France, using a rental truck, killed obviously, trucks are deadlier than according to your logic, we need to ban private trucks....
No surprise, right?
Every Dem who spoke on guns in the 2 nights of debate declared the need to ban 'assault weapon' - to save our schools, to save our kids, shopping malls, movie theaters, gay bars, etc. It's almost as if this little bit of leftist dogma is chiseled into their souls.

A question for those who agree with the candidates:
If there is, as they claim, a NEED to ban these guns, if banning these guns is, as they say, NECESSARY for the safety of whomever - what does a ban on the manufacturer and sale of new 'assault weapons' accomplish?

Have to start somewhere .

What’s the point of assault weapons ? Other than to kill lots Of people quickly.

There is called an Assault Weapon. And the purpose is self defense. Especially against socialists bent on murder.
The dems always whine about guns, and then nothing happens, they are banned in Chicago, how is that working?
It's not the guns, the US always had guns, and no mass shootings, what's different now?
Nut jobs with military style weapons that seems
to go right along with their insanity.... They seem to like buying them at stores or gun shows.
/——/ Virtually every weapon developed was military style. And WTF does it mean any way?
Actually hunting rifles and shotguns are plenty...

They want those too......they now call them "Combat" guns.....

Bolt action rifles are actual military weapons...right now, in service. Pump action shotguns are actual military weapons...right now, in service.
We would be safer with a ban on handguns

How you figger?

Do you really think that disarming law abiders of handguns will help?

I'm a senior citizen, right now I stand a chance with an equalizer if some young thug tries to hold me up. Disarm the law abiders, we're going to have to increase the size of the police force by 10 fold
A taser or pepper spray would work without killing someone...

They do not stop criminals....most people shot in self defense don't die, in fact, most criminals facing a gun run away, or surrender, and when they have to be shot, the majority of the time they are just wounded....

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year, but only end up killing about 235 criminals each year.....

You don't know what you are talking about.
The dems always whine about guns, and then nothing happens, they are banned in Chicago, how is that working?
It's not the guns, the US always had guns, and no mass shootings, what's different now?
Nut jobs with military weapons that seems
to go right along with their insanity.... They seem to like buying them at stores or gun shows.
One of these days, you will add sometihng meaningful to a conversation.
Today is not that day.
Tell it to the 68 people killed in Las Vegas. The insane who are Mass killers seem to love military style weapons....
My statement stands.
When you can meaningfully address the OP - let us know. Hopefully they haven't dismantled the internet by then.
I admire and respect your "opinion", brainwashed functional moron.... LOL.


This is an actual military use by the military...bolt action rifle.....currently used by the U.S. military.....a bolt action rifle....and yes...the gun grabbers want this too.....


This is also a military weapon...The U.S. Marine Corps. uses it today .....and yes...this 5 shot, pump action shotgun is an actual military weapon, the AR-15 is not a military weapon...and yes, the gun grabbers want the pump action shotgun too.....they call it a "Combat" gun....



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One of these days, you will add sometihng meaningful to a conversation.
Today is not that day.
Tell it to the 68 people killed in Las Vegas. The insane who are Mass killers seem to love military style weapons....
My statement stands.
When you can meaningfully address the OP - let us know. Hopefully they haven't dismantled the internet by then.
I admire and respect your "opinion", brainwashed functional moron.... LOL.


Most people don't need military style weapons. But some certainly do. Street gangs and terror cells exist. If someone is a possible target, should they be just thrown to the wolves? In the White House, the presidential body guards have all sorts of impressive weapons. How about if someone testifies against the MS13 or CAIR or SEIU?
Semi-automatic rifles and shotguns do just the same thing.

So what is the problem with the AR-15? is just a semi-auto rifle, no different from any other semi-auto rifle......
The dems always whine about guns, and then nothing happens, they are banned in Chicago, how is that working?
It's not the guns, the US always had guns, and no mass shootings, what's different now?
Nut jobs with military style weapons that seems
to go right along with their insanity.... They seem to like buying them at stores or gun shows.
/——/ Virtually every weapon developed was military style. And WTF does it mean any way?
Actually hunting rifles and shotguns are plenty...
/——/ Yeah, confiscating hunting rifles and shotguns comes later.

They are already preparing the next L.A. times gun grabber called bolt action rifles and pump action shotguns, "Combat" guns.....
One of these days, you will add sometihng meaningful to a conversation.
Today is not that day.
Tell it to the 68 people killed in Las Vegas. The insane who are Mass killers seem to love military style weapons....
My statement stands.
When you can meaningfully address the OP - let us know. Hopefully they haven't dismantled the internet by then.
I admire and respect your "opinion", brainwashed functional moron.... LOL.
Still unable to address the OP, eh?
Not a surprise.
A ban on their sale is the best that one can hope for. Certainly confiscation is insane. On the other hand I believe the insane Mass murderers would be stopped..

The majority of mass shooters use pistols.....many use pump action moron.

The majority of them target gun free zones.....
Great . You what an AR to shoot police and or military cause you are mad at the politicians . Well that’s a shit
reason to allow them.
An awful lot of fantasy there timmy.

That’s the gun nut fantasy. Play it out . When you say you need an AR to check the government, then it means you’ll be shooting cops and politicians . Just be honest and own it .
Yeah like those terrible Alaskans that helped fight the Japanese in the Aleutian Islands during world War 2. So shocking that they should have had guns to help repel an invading force. They should never have been allowed to have guns which they used for hunting to help feed the American Army while they were fighting in those same islands.
No one is against hunting weapons, brainwashed functional moron.

Yes...they are, you don't understand the insanity of people like you...they want bolt action rifles and pump action shotguns too..........

Banning semiautomatic weapons won’t solve America’s gun problem

Shotguns, for example, may not have the 300-yard range of semiautomatic rifles like the AR-15, but many are lethal at 30 yards, and over the last 20 years, have steadily become more so. It used to be that shotguns held only five shells at most, carried in a tubular magazine under the barrel, but manufacturers have slowly increased shell capacity up to nine in some models.

Shorter shotguns that are more concealable and maneuverable inside cars and rooms have also become more widely available in recent years.


Bolt Action rifles......the ones you call "hunting weapons"....they want those too....

The gun industry also has begun marketing weapons capable of making accurate 1,000-yard shots. Back in the 1980s, when I researched and wrote a book about paramilitary culture, and how it was influenced by mass media (such as “Rambo” movies), sniper rifles were not a big part of the scene. Such rifles and scopes then cost many thousands of dollars and were not widely sold. But in 2013 Remington won a U.S. Army contract to produce 5,000 sniper rifles at $15,000 apiece. Soon after, it released a civilian version for $1,200, and other major manufacturers did as well. These rifles are generally not used by hunters.

This is how the LA Times gun grabber describes bolt action rifles and pump action shotguns....

Only a handful of the people who buy combat shotguns or sniper rifles or suppressor-equipped weapons use them to commit mass murder, of course. But it’s also true that buyers find the power of combat weapons seductive. Paramilitary consumers crave adrenaline, and the weapons are designed and advertised to appeal to warrior fantasies.
A bunch of fucking Communist clowns they are. None represent real Americans, or average Americans even. They're going to have a bad time, and lucky if they don't get hanged n stuff.
Yep, faire capitalism with a good safety net and a healthy middle-class and working-class would be absolutely horrible....
Uh Oh there's that 'fair' word again. All we have to do is hand power to the Democrats and let them define what "fair" means, right?

The mass grave is the "Fair" outcome that left wingers always fall back on.....
An awful lot of fantasy there timmy.

That’s the gun nut fantasy. Play it out . When you say you need an AR to check the government, then it means you’ll be shooting cops and politicians . Just be honest and own it .
Yeah like those terrible Alaskans that helped fight the Japanese in the Aleutian Islands during world War 2. So shocking that they should have had guns to help repel an invading force. They should never have been allowed to have guns which they used for hunting to help feed the American Army while they were fighting in those same islands.
No one is against hunting weapons, brainwashed functional moron.

Actually, a lot of libs are against hunting. The liberal Pressure group PETA is against the shooting of game.

But although there is nothing about hunting in the constitution. I don't see a problemo with guys sitting in tree stands looking for venison.
That is not a lot of liberals. But we need really is background checks. A ban on the sale of military-style weapons would take a long time to have an effect at this point.

We already have background checks...which criminals ignore, and mass shooters can pass.....

Military style weapons? The bolt action rifle is an actual military weapon. The pump action shot gun is an actual military weapon. The Lever Action rifle used to be an actual military weapon. The 6 shot revolver is still, in many countries, a military weapon.

The AR-15 rifle has never been a military rifle.

You don't know what you are talking about..
Yeah like those terrible Alaskans that helped fight the Japanese in the Aleutian Islands during world War 2. So shocking that they should have had guns to help repel an invading force. They should never have been allowed to have guns which they used for hunting to help feed the American Army while they were fighting in those same islands.
No one is against hunting weapons, brainwashed functional moron.

Actually, a lot of libs are against hunting. The liberal Pressure group PETA is against the shooting of game.

But although there is nothing about hunting in the constitution. I don't see a problemo with guys sitting in tree stands looking for venison.
That is not a lot of liberals. But we need really is background checks. A ban on the sale of military-style weapons would take a long time to have an effect at this point.

There are already background checks. People that wouldn't pass a background check, just buy their weapons in backrooms of barroom,out of independent dealers' trunks, etc.
Which insane mass murderer types do not do. And no there are loopholes.

No, there aren't.....

Felons cannot buy, own or carry a gun. There is no loophole in that law. They can't buy a gun at a store, gunshow or a private seller......there is no loophole.

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