Dem Activist Sues To Prevent Alaska State Rep Eastman (R-Wasilla) From Public Office Due To Ties With The Oath Keepers (1st Amend Case)

Jim H - VA USA

Plutonium Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 19, 2020
At issue is whether Eastman’s affiliation with Oath Keepers is sufficient to disqualify him from holding any public office in Alaska. The Alaska Constitution’s loyalty clause bars individuals from holding office if they belong to a group that “advocates the overthrow by force or violence of the United States or of a State.”

Ironically, The Oath Keepers are a group which has sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution, such as military, police, and first responders. You can read about them in their own words here:

The case of Alaska State Rep. David Eastman is bizarre and unprecedented, but it isn’t complicated. Put simply, left-wing activists are trying to trample the First Amendment and disenfranchise voters in Eastman’s district by asking a judge to rule him ineligible to hold office in the state.

Why? Because Eastman, 41, is a conservative. So are his constituents in Wasilla who recently elected him to a fourth term. If freedom of speech and association mean anything, Eastman should win his case easily. But the fact that he has to fight in court for the right to represent the people who elected him, and to clear his good name, is a testament to the relentless efforts of the left to criminalize the views of their political opponents and slander them as insurrectionists.

The details of Eastman’s ordeal almost defy belief. This week, a trial began in Anchorage to determine whether the Alaska lawmaker’s association with the Oath Keepers disqualifies him from holding office on the grounds that his alleged membership in the organization runs afoul of the Alaska constitution’s loyalty oath, which bars individuals from holding office if they belong to a group that “advocates the overthrow by force or violence of the United States or of a State,” or if they themselves advocate the same. A second part of the suit demands that the Alaska Division of Elections conduct assessments of every candidate’s loyalty to the Constitution so that voters will only be able to vote for candidates whose views have been officially approved by the state’s election bureaucracy.

Judge has allowed lawsuit to proceed, even though plaintiff is not a voter in District 27. Judge says plaintiff has standing because plaintiff is an Alaskan. Order here:

Whatever happens in his case, the fact that Eastman has been hauled into court should stand as a warning to every conservative: The left intends to criminalize dissent, to declare some political opinions beyond the pale, and some votes more equal than others.
The Oath Keepers BROKE their Oath... a pity... but it is what it is... :mad:

Guilt-by-Association? When it comes to Insurrection and Sedition? You betcha. :laugh: :itsok:
The Oath Keepers BROKE their Oath... a pity... but it is what it is... :mad:

Guilt-by-Association? When it comes to Insurrection and Sedition? You betcha. :laugh: :itsok:

So no one who supports BLM or Antifa or similar should be able to run for office in your opinion?

Guilt by association, right? That seems to be your argument, that the actions of one disqualify all. Hmmm. Interesting.
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So no one who supports BLM or Antifa or similar should be able to run for office in your opinion?

Guilt by association, right? That seems to be your argument, that the actions of one disqualify all. Hmmm. Interesting.
OK by me... hell, Rump could have sent the National Guard in after the Summer 2020 rioters and issued a shoot-to-kill-looters order for all I care.

But for now... take sides with Insurrectionists and Seditionists... lose your ability to run for office...
They swore an oath to fight you - as you wage war against our Constitution.
I took an Oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign AND domestic. Unlike your Oath Keepers, I kept the Faith.

Sux to be on the wrong side of History, doesn't it? You're going to spend the rest of your life trying to justify the Insurrection. You are doomed to failure. :itsok:
OK by me... hell, Rump could have sent the National Guard in after the Summer 2020 rioters and issued a shoot-to-kill-looters order for all I care.

But for now... take sides with Insurrectionists and Seditionists... lose your ability to run for office...

You are the insurrectionists and seditionists.

Those at the Reichstag fire were just protesters.
I took an Oath to support and defend the Constitution

You sure broke that oath.

You wage war on the Constitution on behalf of the fascist Reich you serve.
against all enemies, foreign AND domestic. Unlike your Oath Keepers, I kept the Faith.

Faith your your fuhrer - you are a traitor to the Constitution you swore to protect.

I know, the military was just a job you couldn't get fired from. You had no real interest in defending the nation. I've met plenty like you.

Sux to be on the wrong side of History, doesn't it? You're going to spend the rest of your life trying to justify the Insurrection. You are doomed to failure. :itsok:

There has been one insurrection in the last 50 years.

It was in Seattle - you supported it. Your Reich funded it.
At issue is whether Eastman’s affiliation with Oath Keepers is sufficient to disqualify him from holding any public office in Alaska. The Alaska Constitution’s loyalty clause bars individuals from holding office if they belong to a group that “advocates the overthrow by force or violence of the United States or of a State.”

Ironically, The Oath Keepers are a group which has sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution, such as military, police, and first responders. You can read about them in their own words here:

The case of Alaska State Rep. David Eastman is bizarre and unprecedented, but it isn’t complicated. Put simply, left-wing activists are trying to trample the First Amendment and disenfranchise voters in Eastman’s district by asking a judge to rule him ineligible to hold office in the state.

Why? Because Eastman, 41, is a conservative. So are his constituents in Wasilla who recently elected him to a fourth term. If freedom of speech and association mean anything, Eastman should win his case easily. But the fact that he has to fight in court for the right to represent the people who elected him, and to clear his good name, is a testament to the relentless efforts of the left to criminalize the views of their political opponents and slander them as insurrectionists.

The details of Eastman’s ordeal almost defy belief. This week, a trial began in Anchorage to determine whether the Alaska lawmaker’s association with the Oath Keepers disqualifies him from holding office on the grounds that his alleged membership in the organization runs afoul of the Alaska constitution’s loyalty oath, which bars individuals from holding office if they belong to a group that “advocates the overthrow by force or violence of the United States or of a State,” or if they themselves advocate the same. A second part of the suit demands that the Alaska Division of Elections conduct assessments of every candidate’s loyalty to the Constitution so that voters will only be able to vote for candidates whose views have been officially approved by the state’s election bureaucracy.

Judge has allowed lawsuit to proceed, even though plaintiff is not a voter in District 27. Judge says plaintiff has standing because plaintiff is an Alaskan. Order here:

Whatever happens in his case, the fact that Eastman has been hauled into court should stand as a warning to every conservative: The left intends to criminalize dissent, to declare some political opinions beyond the pale, and some votes more equal than others.
Oath Keepers are far morally superior to the BLM insurrectionist filth that the assholes Democrats love so much. The Oath Keepers kicked a little BLM ass but they did not spend six months burning, looting, murdering and destroying the country.
At issue is whether Eastman’s affiliation with Oath Keepers is sufficient to disqualify him from holding any public office in Alaska. The Alaska Constitution’s loyalty clause bars individuals from holding office if they belong to a group that “advocates the overthrow by force or violence of the United States or of a State.”

Ironically, The Oath Keepers are a group which has sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution, such as military, police, and first responders. You can read about them in their own words here:

The case of Alaska State Rep. David Eastman is bizarre and unprecedented, but it isn’t complicated. Put simply, left-wing activists are trying to trample the First Amendment and disenfranchise voters in Eastman’s district by asking a judge to rule him ineligible to hold office in the state.

Why? Because Eastman, 41, is a conservative. So are his constituents in Wasilla who recently elected him to a fourth term. If freedom of speech and association mean anything, Eastman should win his case easily. But the fact that he has to fight in court for the right to represent the people who elected him, and to clear his good name, is a testament to the relentless efforts of the left to criminalize the views of their political opponents and slander them as insurrectionists.

The details of Eastman’s ordeal almost defy belief. This week, a trial began in Anchorage to determine whether the Alaska lawmaker’s association with the Oath Keepers disqualifies him from holding office on the grounds that his alleged membership in the organization runs afoul of the Alaska constitution’s loyalty oath, which bars individuals from holding office if they belong to a group that “advocates the overthrow by force or violence of the United States or of a State,” or if they themselves advocate the same. A second part of the suit demands that the Alaska Division of Elections conduct assessments of every candidate’s loyalty to the Constitution so that voters will only be able to vote for candidates whose views have been officially approved by the state’s election bureaucracy.

Judge has allowed lawsuit to proceed, even though plaintiff is not a voter in District 27. Judge says plaintiff has standing because plaintiff is an Alaskan. Order here:

Whatever happens in his case, the fact that Eastman has been hauled into court should stand as a warning to every conservative: The left intends to criminalize dissent, to declare some political opinions beyond the pale, and some votes more equal than others.
Lesson: stay away from seditionists, if you want to be in elected office.
OK by me... hell, Rump could have sent the National Guard in after the Summer 2020 rioters and issued a shoot-to-kill-looters order for all I care.
That's more irony. I don't think you realize how your lack of support for the Constitution models the lawsuit and is the exact opposite of the Oath Keepers' tenets.
But for now... take sides with Insurrectionists and Seditionists... lose your ability to run for office...
I am guessing that you know nothing about them except what you have heard from biased Left-Wing news sources.

See the link to their official site in the OP, and tell me, specifically, what you disagree with and why.

When Ferguson burned, they voluntarily protected businesses from the violent mobs...





When did members of BLM or Antifa try to overturn the government?
Are you kidding me?

Antifa did so. Do you not remember CHAZ?

Here's a hint. It stands for Chapel Hill Autonomous Zone. A place where all the laws in the US were suspended and replaced with the edicts of druggie warlords.
Are you kidding me?

Antifa did so. Do you not remember CHAZ?

Here's a hint. It stands for Chapel Hill Autonomous Zone. A place where all the laws in the US were suspended and replaced with the edicts of druggie warlords.
They did not try to overturn the government. How stupid. What an embarrassing list of stupid talking points you have in your possession.

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