Dem-care...No Privacy Expectation...

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Just another Dem-care headache...


The launch of federal government's Obamacare insurance exchange,, has been plagued with delays, errors, and poor website design, even prompting USA Today to call it an "inexcusable mess" and a "nightmare". Now comes another example of why the website's reputation is in tatters. Buried in the source code of is this sentence that could prove embarrassing: "You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system." Though not visible to users and obviously not intended as part of the terms and conditions, the language is nevertheless a part of the underlying code for the "Terms & Conditions" page on the site.

Obamacare Website Source Code: 'No Reasonable Expectation of Privacy' | The Weekly Standard
Great post Lumpy. Here is the Government's full disclosure statement.

"You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system. At any time, and for any lawful Government purpose, the government may monitor, intercept, and search and seize any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system. Any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system may be disclosed or used for any lawful Government purpose. [The sentence beginning "To continue" also appears again, but is only visible once on the page as displayed for users."]
Just another Dem-care headache...


The launch of federal government's Obamacare insurance exchange,, has been plagued with delays, errors, and poor website design, even prompting USA Today to call it an "inexcusable mess" and a "nightmare". Now comes another example of why the website's reputation is in tatters. Buried in the source code of is this sentence that could prove embarrassing: "You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system." Though not visible to users and obviously not intended as part of the terms and conditions, the language is nevertheless a part of the underlying code for the "Terms & Conditions" page on the site.

Obamacare Website Source Code: 'No Reasonable Expectation of Privacy' | The Weekly Standard
The source code is irrelevant tbh. Only what the use sees has any real legal standing but I really don’t think that there is a reasonable expectation of privacy to begin with anyway. The government has declared that it can record pretty much anything it wants – what makes you think that your healthcare is any different?

This happened before Obamacare and is separate from it. Privacy is a thing of the past and is unlikely to return anytime soon.
Great post Lumpy. Here is the Government's full disclosure statement.

"You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system. At any time, and for any lawful Government purpose, the government may monitor, intercept, and search and seize any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system. Any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system may be disclosed or used for any lawful Government purpose. [The sentence beginning "To continue" also appears again, but is only visible once on the page as displayed for users."]

Ua-oh, there goes Roe. Ain't that a bitch?
Just another Dem-care headache...


The launch of federal government's Obamacare insurance exchange,, has been plagued with delays, errors, and poor website design, even prompting USA Today to call it an "inexcusable mess" and a "nightmare". Now comes another example of why the website's reputation is in tatters. Buried in the source code of is this sentence that could prove embarrassing: "You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system." Though not visible to users and obviously not intended as part of the terms and conditions, the language is nevertheless a part of the underlying code for the "Terms & Conditions" page on the site.

Obamacare Website Source Code: 'No Reasonable Expectation of Privacy' | The Weekly Standard
The source code is irrelevant tbh. Only what the use sees has any real legal standing but I really don’t think that there is a reasonable expectation of privacy to begin with anyway. The government has declared that it can record pretty much anything it wants – what makes you think that your healthcare is any different?

This happened before Obamacare and is separate from it. Privacy is a thing of the past and is unlikely to return anytime soon.

I can sue my medical care provider and insurance company for damages but the Federal Government...Yup, we screwed you over, tough luck

You're probably Obama sponsored identity theft and hackers extravaganza.
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Just another Dem-care headache...


The launch of federal government's Obamacare insurance exchange,, has been plagued with delays, errors, and poor website design, even prompting USA Today to call it an "inexcusable mess" and a "nightmare". Now comes another example of why the website's reputation is in tatters. Buried in the source code of is this sentence that could prove embarrassing: "You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system." Though not visible to users and obviously not intended as part of the terms and conditions, the language is nevertheless a part of the underlying code for the "Terms & Conditions" page on the site.

Obamacare Website Source Code: 'No Reasonable Expectation of Privacy' | The Weekly Standard
The source code is irrelevant tbh. Only what the use sees has any real legal standing but I really don’t think that there is a reasonable expectation of privacy to begin with anyway. The government has declared that it can record pretty much anything it wants – what makes you think that your healthcare is any different?

This happened before Obamacare and is separate from it. Privacy is a thing of the past and is unlikely to return anytime soon.

I can sue my medical care provider and insurance company for damages but the Federal Government...Yup, we screwed you over, tough luck

You're probably Obama sponsored identity theft and hackers extravaganza.

That is one of the chief complaints that I have with socialized medicine and other programs that the left has called for. They are always quick to point out the problems in free market solution and the bad actors but they never seem to understand that you can actually deal with those bad actors. When the bad actor is the government, there is nothing that can be done.

Here is a good example of that. Privacy gone – tough shit. It was the government that took it so there is now nothing that you can do about it. Yes, that is who I want determining if a procedure should be covered or not!
Just another Dem-care headache...


The launch of federal government's Obamacare insurance exchange,, has been plagued with delays, errors, and poor website design, even prompting USA Today to call it an "inexcusable mess" and a "nightmare". Now comes another example of why the website's reputation is in tatters. Buried in the source code of is this sentence that could prove embarrassing: "You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system." Though not visible to users and obviously not intended as part of the terms and conditions, the language is nevertheless a part of the underlying code for the "Terms & Conditions" page on the site.

Obamacare Website Source Code: 'No Reasonable Expectation of Privacy' | The Weekly Standard

This administration can't run shit without fucking up.

The VA is backlogged.
The IRS, TSA and NSA target innocent Americans
The DOJ attacks States and LEOs who enforce immigration laws.
The ATF gives drug cartels guns
The State Department can't defend our diplomats overseas

Incompetence or's anyone guess as to which one is this administration's watchword!
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