Dem racist party keep name

It's people like you that assure the Democratic Party of winning the black vote for decades to come.

Right, because you're one of them, thanks for proving my point and holding on to your racist Nazi party name.

Lyndon Johnson can say it better than you can, so now you can believe it since you two share the same point.

Your qoute- "It's people like you that assure the Democratic Party of winning the black vote for decades to come."[/QUOTE

Dems are racist? Must be why so few blacks vote GOP.

Must be the same reason dems told them to pick cotton. Dems owned the blacks then and now through dem gov.



President Lyndon Johnson using the "N" word.
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Hard core racists know they are nothing like today's Democratic party, and Democrats know you are full of shit too. I guess there are few RWNJs who actually believe your crap, but that bunch is smaller every day.

Still waiting for that apology democrat party as well as for you to relinquish your Nazi racist name like you did your Confederate flag, or is this your way of preserving the democrat party racism by saying you won't apologize to no bunch of blacks for your party atrocities and degradation?


Dude, what does your post have to with anything?? Are you saying the democrats today practice the same principles as the party did decades ago? Are you really delusional enough to think you are making a valid point?
Dude, what does your post have to with anything?? Are you saying the democrats today practice the same principles as the party did decades ago? Are you really delusional enough to think you are making a valid point?

Delusional means you believe your democrat party was the party built on peace which shares the same racist name as the Nazi party.

Delusional is when you use straw man fallacy to convince that the Nazi party name can continued to be a political party system among the government with moral principles. Trade in the Nazi and Confederate flag rags but keep the name that stood for racism, hate, murder, slavery, so that the legacy of the name is preserved. Go tell the Jews that. So, the blacks should agree to this because most don't know the democrat party slave racist history due to it being swept under the rug. Surely you remind us of Nazi though.

Delusional is when you say lets keep the slave party racist name that caused so much much pain and suffering, but ditch the party flag that caused the same agony and misery.



Hard core racists know they are nothing like today's Democratic party, and Democrats know you are full of shit too. I guess there are few RWNJs who actually believe your crap, but that bunch is smaller every day.

Still waiting for that apology democrat party as well as for you to relinquish your Nazi racist name like you did your Confederate flag, or is this your way of preserving the democrat party racism by saying you won't apologize to no bunch of blacks for your party atrocities and degradation?


Dude, what does your post have to with anything?? Are you saying the democrats today practice the same principles as the party did decades ago? Are you really delusional enough to think you are making a valid point?

He's trying to prove he can find bullshit fiction memes on Googly Images --- all by himself while Mommy's out getting groceries.

Actually I think he's the inspiration behind this thread.
KKK Democrat party holds on to its racist party and rejects to dismiss this slave hate party and won't apologize for their past party atrocities, but only refute their confederate flag. Its like holding on to the Nazi party name but getting rid of the Swastika flag, just ass backwards. Democrats have the same underhanded tactics to pull the wool over naive American eyes who they desire to keep blind so they will be seen as the legacy party of anti-hate.


View attachment 72735

They will tell you that Republicans are the party of hate so they can deflect as a straw man fallacy to not address getting rid of their Nazi party name. They will fight tooth and nail to project GOP party tied with racist party name by saying KKK were Conservatives, but still will not burn their name, only burnt crosses and today burn the American flag. Nothing has changed, the name and burning remains the same. Kept their name, threw away their confederate flag and burnt our American flag as a bitch fit







Will barry ever apologize for the dems being the party of the Ku Klux Klan
KKK Democrat party holds on to its racist party and rejects to dismiss this slave hate party and won't apologize for their past party atrocities, but only refute their confederate flag. Its like holding on to the Nazi party name but getting rid of the Swastika flag, just ass backwards. Democrats have the same underhanded tactics to pull the wool over naive American eyes who they desire to keep blind so they will be seen as the legacy party of anti-hate.


View attachment 72735

They will tell you that Republicans are the party of hate so they can deflect as a straw man fallacy to not address getting rid of their Nazi party name. They will fight tooth and nail to project GOP party tied with racist party name by saying KKK were Conservatives, but still will not burn their name, only burnt crosses and today burn the American flag. Nothing has changed, the name and burning remains the same. Kept their name, threw away their confederate flag and burnt our American flag as a bitch fit








This is post 4,981 trying to prove dems as the racists, going on what happened decades ago.
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The Democratic Party effectively ended its north/south liberal/conservative coalition when Harry S. Truman gave his Civil Rights Speech in 1948.

You nuts should break off your romance with ignorance for a few minutes and read it:

WGBH American Experience . Truman | PBS

How about that apology? I guess not democrat Nazi party.


Goddam you're retarded. You want Robert E. Lee to apologize for being a Democrat?

He's dead.
Ever heard of a proxy vote. You could do it for hiim
KKK Democrat party holds on to its racist party and rejects to dismiss this slave hate party and won't apologize for their past party atrocities, but only refute their confederate flag. Its like holding on to the Nazi party name but getting rid of the Swastika flag, just ass backwards. Democrats have the same underhanded tactics to pull the wool over naive American eyes who they desire to keep blind so they will be seen as the legacy party of anti-hate.


View attachment 72735

They will tell you that Republicans are the party of hate so they can deflect as a straw man fallacy to not address getting rid of their Nazi party name. They will fight tooth and nail to project GOP party tied with racist party name by saying KKK were Conservatives, but still will not burn their name, only burnt crosses and today burn the American flag. Nothing has changed, the name and burning remains the same. Kept their name, threw away their confederate flag and burnt our American flag as a bitch fit







Will barry ever apologize for the dems being the party of the Ku Klux Klan

Will you Revisionistas ever apologize for not cracking a history book?
Minorities are clearly growing very tired of being slaves on the Democratic party plantations. They don't embrace the GOP establishment and who can blame them for that. But mark my words minorities will abandon the Democrats at the first opportunity for a better future. The establishment is losing its grip on power and there are going to be some real changes I would say in the next 8-16 years.
The mind of a cracka is amazing !!! Especially when your whitey party has done everything to denigrate people of color and non christers

Clearly you are not a racist. /sarcasm :laugh:

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