Dem Rep Wacky Bennie Thompson: "I don't want my son to listen to President Trump speak or tweet"

He said SOME are good people,
In other words, it is simply wrong to insinuate that Trump said all Mexicans are rapists. Can you understand that, jackass?
He said most and that's racist...and we have to beleive him when he claimed to be the least racist.
Rapes in the US are twice as likely as in Mexico. The rate of Rapes in the US is 9th in the world. Mexico is ranked 18th. The murder rate in the US is 10th the world, 33% greater than Mexico. The US is ranked #1 for total crime in the world and Mexico is ranked 12th.
Mexico vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats
Do you believe that mexico, which is over run by the drug cartels, keeps valid statistics of women raped on their journey to cross the border?
No country including the US keeps very accurate crime statistics because it all depends on local reporting which is influenced by local politics. However, local governments even in Mexico have good reason to report crimes accurately. Crime statistics are used by local, state and federal government in funding and legislating. You under report in one area and over-report in another, you end with wrong resource allocation.

I find it very unlikely that Mexico has lower crime, murders or rapes than the US. ESPECIALLY on the rapes, that sounds like poor reporting, not good numbers.
Trump is a lowlife bully, those who praise him are just like him. I didnt vote for Obama but the man has class and empathy...trump represent every bad thing that we teach our kids not to say or do.
Like him or not but 5o be able to stand listening bragging about himself is unbeatable for decent humans.
We have pretty much destroyed the idea of our president being a model for the youth of America. I just we wish could destroy the idea that he is the face of America to the world. It so damn embarrassing.

clinton did that TARD......
The Clintons are welcomed throughout the word. Trump on other hand has been given the cold shoulder in a number of nations. The British Parliament has said he's not welcome.

Trump is unloved because he is pushing back at the idea of the US being the world's bitch on trade, immigration and defense.

No one likes it, when a sucker wises up.

Well, maybe the suckers real friends. And we can see how many of them there are.
Biden is hitting a similar theme. i agree. our children are listening. our silence is complicity!

Dem Rep. Thompson: I Don't Want My Grandson to Listen to Trump Speak | Breitbart
I can't imagine why?

Trump is Da Man.
He says what a lot of Conservatives think but are too scared of the Liberal masses to say.
Name calling. Bullying, lying, threatening and insulting is a conservative thing?
Calling a Spade a Spade.
All Mexicans are rapists for example? Or lying Ted that later he became his friend, or the times he insulted Kim and retreated to praise him?
He never said all Mexicans are rapists
Trump is a lowlife bully, those who praise him are just like him. I didnt vote for Obama but the man has class and empathy...trump represent every bad thing that we teach our kids not to say or do.
Like him or not but 5o be able to stand listening bragging about himself is unbeatable for decent humans.
We have pretty much destroyed the idea of our president being a model for the youth of America. I just we wish could destroy the idea that he is the face of America to the world. It so damn embarrassing.
You destroyed that with Bill Clinton

A little late to complain about trump.
Biden is hitting a similar theme. i agree. our children are listening. our silence is complicity!

Dem Rep. Thompson: I Don't Want My Grandson to Listen to Trump Speak | Breitbart
I can't imagine why?


He bragged about his sexual conquests. What a monster.
It's ok to pursue sex and score but it makes one a monster to brag about it???

If it is one of theirs, like say, Bill Fucking Clinton, then sex is wonderful and the man in question is a wonder alpha male, and it's all wonderful.

IF it is an enemy of the agenda, fucking libs have no trouble suddenly pretending to be Victorian Prudes, shocked, I say, SHOCKED, that any man would speak in such an unseemly manner.

They are utter scum.
This the quote from one of his early campaign speech.
"They're sending people that have a lot of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."
Trump just referred to one of his most infamous campaign comments: calling Mexicans 'rapists'
How something is said can completely change the meaning.
When Trump said, "And some, I assume, are good people.", he is being sarcastic and what he means is the very opposite, they are all bad people. He knows it's not true and most everyone else does but he uses it to stir the pot and elevate the rhetoric from contempt to hate. It's pure Trumpism, a toxic mix of demagoguery, mean-spiritedness, and nonsense.
And when Hillary declared the right as deplorable, I am pretty sure that you gave her the benefit of the doubt and did not assume she thought all republicans were deplorable people.

This asinine practice of taking single 5 second clips out of context is getting really, really old. It reflects more on those with fake outrage than it does those that they are attacking.

Good post however I really do not think Hillary realized just how many people she pissed off with that comment. It has to be the record holder for...." Doh! "..... moments.
Wrong again

Hillary did not declare the right to be deplorable but that déplorables had joined the right
And that right there illiterates my point very nicely.
In other words, it is simply wrong to insinuate that Trump said all Mexicans are rapists. Can you understand that, jackass?
He said most and that's racist...and we have to beleive him when he claimed to be the least racist.
Rapes in the US are twice as likely as in Mexico. The rate of Rapes in the US is 9th in the world. Mexico is ranked 18th. The murder rate in the US is 10th the world, 33% greater than Mexico. The US is ranked #1 for total crime in the world and Mexico is ranked 12th.
Mexico vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats
Do you believe that mexico, which is over run by the drug cartels, keeps valid statistics of women raped on their journey to cross the border?
No country including the US keeps very accurate crime statistics because it all depends on local reporting which is influenced by local politics. However, local governments even in Mexico have good reason to report crimes accurately. Crime statistics are used by local, state and federal government in funding and legislating. You under report in one area and over-report in another, you end with wrong resource allocation.

I find it very unlikely that Mexico has lower crime, murders or rapes than the US. ESPECIALLY on the rapes, that sounds like poor reporting, not good numbers.

It is utterly bat shit.
When did we become a country that wants its young people to avoid being exposed to contrary thought?
In the last 8-10 years.

Now it is about safe spaces and micro aggressions. We have, as a society, lost our damn minds.
Trump is a lowlife bully, those who praise him are just like him. I didnt vote for Obama but the man has class and empathy...trump represent every bad thing that we teach our kids not to say or do.
Like him or not but 5o be able to stand listening bragging about himself is unbeatable for decent humans.
We have pretty much destroyed the idea of our president being a model for the youth of America. I just we wish could destroy the idea that he is the face of America to the world. It so damn embarrassing.

clinton did that TARD......
If Clinton were the criminal that Donald is, he’s have been put in jail.

Jeeze you’re stupid

Talk about Stupid....

You can’t even put a simple sentence together you Dumb Ass Tard....
I do not listen to trump, nor do I allow mine to do so. I just reach for the remote. One does not allow the dirty in one's house.

Yet you support killing baby’s after birth.

You Tards are full of shit..
How do you know anything about me? How many guns to you own? Do you support these white gangs who call themselves "militias"? Hating female people who do not bow down to be your desire for sexual conquest? People who have darker skin than yours? How cheap can you be?

I know you are a bigoted raving idiot...

That’s why you’re a tard....
Trump is a lowlife bully, those who praise him are just like him. I didnt vote for Obama but the man has class and empathy...trump represent every bad thing that we teach our kids not to say or do.
Like him or not but 5o be able to stand listening bragging about himself is unbeatable for decent humans.
We have pretty much destroyed the idea of our president being a model for the youth of America. I just we wish could destroy the idea that he is the face of America to the world. It so damn embarrassing.

clinton did that TARD......
The Clintons are welcomed throughout the word. Trump on other hand has been given the cold shoulder in a number of nations. The British Parliament has said he's not welcome.

The clintons and all of you tards are scum bags.....

Just look at what they did and what you support...

Trump is a Saint compared to you vile vulgar organisms.
Trump is a lowlife bully, those who praise him are just like him. I didnt vote for Obama but the man has class and empathy...trump represent every bad thing that we teach our kids not to say or do.
Like him or not but 5o be able to stand listening bragging about himself is unbeatable for decent humans.
We have pretty much destroyed the idea of our president being a model for the youth of America. I just we wish could destroy the idea that he is the face of America to the world. It so damn embarrassing.

clinton did that TARD......
The Clintons are welcomed throughout the word. Trump on other hand has been given the cold shoulder in a number of nations. The British Parliament has said he's not welcome.

The clintons and all of you tards are scum bags.....

Just look at what they did and what you support...

Trump is a Saint compared to you vile vulgar organisms.

These filth defend ripping babies limbs off in late term abortions then dare even speak.
The Dems want to impeach. i say BRING IT ON. Trump should say that too. go right ahead and impeach!
A lot of us non republicans thought that you couldn't do worse than clinton so we voted for trump. Part of it was getting even with the clintons for pushing nafta through. After awhile, if you're half way intelligent and not a fanatic, you start to see how dangerous and nutty trump really is. A link to some in the mental health community who are worried about how nutty trump really is. One link below.

I Got Calls from White House Staffers Scared of Trump's Behavior
I guess you would rather send them to the Drag Queen reading hour at your local library. Trump might warp their young minds.

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