Dem strategist Devine says of baseball shooting "chickens have come home to roost".

Devine is absolutely right. For years the right has been celebrating unarmed black adults and children being murdered, calling for segregation of the races, demonizing good people, demanding to punish those who don't adhere to their strict religious beliefs (what they regularly accuse Muslims of doing), and so much more. Trump won his nomination and Presidency by making enemies and promising to make more, which the right cheered. They shouldn't be surprised if they find out they pushed people too far.
Sounds like you want to see more Democrats shooting Republicans.
Wrong, of course. When innocent liberals die and their killers go free, like Tamir Rice, conservatives take to the streets in celebration, rubbing it in our faces and looking forward to it happening again. Don't act surprised if that starts to have consequences for you.
So, you have a link to the GOP and their supporters throwing wild parties and celebrating the death of Tamir, right?
I've never seen conservatives or Republicans celebrate the murders of blacks. Where the hell are you getting your information?
Devine is absolutely right. For years the right has been celebrating unarmed black adults and children being murdered, calling for segregation of the races, demonizing good people, demanding to punish those who don't adhere to their strict religious beliefs (what they regularly accuse Muslims of doing), and so much more. Trump won his nomination and Presidency by making enemies and promising to make more, which the right cheered. They shouldn't be surprised if they find out they pushed people too far.
Nothing you said is true. Lying is all liberals know how to do. The hate is all yours, you own it.
“I think it speaks for itself,” Devine said of the tweet on Thursday afternoon. “Yesterday’s events are the result of escalating rhetoric and vitriol that has been evident in our political system culminating with the election of our president and the chickens came home to roost, you know?”…

“I think some people will be shocked and offended,” he said, “and other people might be woken up to the fact that this is nothing that wasn’t invited by things like Sarah Palin’s crosshairs on Gabby Giffords before she was shot.”…

“If you want to behave in an uncivilized and violent manner, which I do not condone, but if you want to operate under those circumstances,” he said, “then you have to be prepared to accept those consequences.”

Joy Reid of msnbc sent a nice tweet to Scalise as he laid recuperating from being shot by a lefty nutcase (and foster parent):


"Rep. #Scalise was shot by a white man with a violent background, and saved by a black lesbian police officer, and yet... #AMJoy"

AM Joy w/Joy Reid on Twitter

Lol. More lefties are going to be killed by people who pack to defend themselves from them.

That "Giffords got shot because of Palin" got a major bitch slap this week when the New York Times apologized for an article they printed. There was never a link. But hell's bells that won't stop liberals from lying about it.
Sorry to inform you that the truth is that Palin did influence the harassment and violence towards Giffords. When you live in a state spilt between two extremes it is important to know things. Although I run conservative in some topics and soft in some other topics, I try to see as much middle as I can. I love both President Trump and Gabby Giffords. I sat outside the courthouse when the shooter was sentenced and saw some of the courtroom drawings from the courtroom artist that day. Thank God for these two strong individualists who happen to be on opposite sides yet both care for the United States. Sorry, although I respect John McCain in some areas and not so much in others, he made mistakes, and one was picking Palin as a running mate.
That "Giffords got shot because of Palin" got a major bitch slap this week when the New York Times apologized for an article they printed. There was never a link. But hell's bells that won't stop liberals from lying about it.
Sorry to inform you that the truth is that Palin did influence the harassment and violence towards Giffords. When you live in a state spilt between two extremes it is important to know things. Although I run conservative in some topics and soft in some other topics, I try to see as much middle as I can. I love both President Trump and Gabby Giffords. I sat outside the courthouse when the shooter was sentenced and saw some of the courtroom drawings from the courtroom artist that day. Thank God for these two strong individualists who happen to be on opposite sides yet both care for the United States. Sorry, although I respect John McCain in some areas and not so much in others, he made mistakes, and one was picking Palin as a running mate.
I think he picked Palin to assure an Obama win. She instead enhanced his numbers so he quit campaigning to address the housing market correction and that cost him votes.
Obama had a good first term. Trump is having a good first term. Somebody suggest a USA President that is a winner both terms. I do not think Obama nor Trump can earn this honor. I am open to suggestions!
Were the same chickens coming home when Stephen Paddock opened fire on a party that the liberal media characterized as a "Trump rally" in Vegas? Legendary FBI analysts claim to be stumped by the motive when it's in your freaking face.

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