Dem voters in GA allow pro-election fraud RINO Raffensperger to advance without runoff


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
The Atlanta Journal Constitution said at least 7% of early votes in the Repub primaries were from Dems, more than enough to prevent a runoff against less corrupt Repubs.
In Georgia, they have open primaries, meaning the opposition party can help decide your parties nominee & Dems showed up in force to make sure lying RINO POS Brad Raffensperger received over 50% of the votes to avoid a runoff.
Since the Repub primary race had almost 2x's as many total votes as the concurrent Dem race, who knows how many votes were from Dems?
He's the one who leaked & lied about a phone call with DT only to have the phone call evidence found in his computer trash folder.
He knew there was massive fraud & looked the other way because he was knee deep with Dominion & Abrams on stealing the election away for the Uniparty. He should be in prison facing treason charges, not a SOS.
Georgia is lost.
Does anybody really think we'll get legit elections that will allow us to stop this engineered destruction of the country?

Does anybody really think we'll get legit elections that will allow us to stop this engineered destruction of the country?

No. Not from the usual mealymouthed, timid, RINO-driven backstabbing complicit GOP. History teaches that sometimes, working from within the rules is just not enough and the only way to save a country then is to seize power and rout the subversives out by force.

Democrats have been cleverly working outside the law for many years by building an enclave of protection around themselves. Conservatives have found that the impotent McConnell GOP simply is no longer doing its job and needs swept aside for a whole new party of young, fresh, bright and bold people willing to put America FIRST.
The Atlanta Journal Constitution said at least 7% of early votes in the Repub primaries were from Dems, more than enough to prevent a runoff against less corrupt Repubs.
In Georgia, they have open primaries, meaning the opposition party can help decide your parties nominee & Dems showed up in force to make sure lying RINO POS Brad Raffensperger received over 50% of the votes to avoid a runoff.
Since the Repub primary race had almost 2x's as many total votes as the concurrent Dem race, who knows how many votes were from Dems?
He's the one who leaked & lied about a phone call with DT only to have the phone call evidence found in his computer trash folder.
He knew there was massive fraud & looked the other way because he was knee deep with Dominion & Abrams on stealing the election away for the Uniparty. He should be in prison facing treason charges, not a SOS.
Georgia is lost.
Does anybody really think we'll get legit elections that will allow us to stop this engineered destruction of the country?

You have no evidence it was Democrats.
You have no evidence it was Democrats.
Other than hard left AJC reporting on the subject.
Maybe there are just twice as many Repubs as Dems in GA.
Of course the other races didn't have such a huge disparity in vote totals between parties so that's more evidence.
You have no evidence it wasn't Dems
Every conservative I know in GA is talking about moving to FL. Weird, soft breed of Republican in GA.

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