Dem, What if it was your son that was killed in Benghazi

Liberals relying on "let's move on, this is old news" sounds like a little kid that knows he is in trouble but wants the parent/teacher/police to just forget about what the kid did and not punish them.
You are welcome to beat this dead ambassador until Clinton is elected, and I suspect that you will.
Trailer trash....the GOP didn't make up lies about the Libya massacre just before the election. :cuckoo:

It is Republicans who are exploiting the death of innocent Americans for political gain
The little partisans are having fits now that their But Obama Lied investigation is going tits-up and no one cares. Carry on beating our dead ambassador for political gain kids, that's what you're good at.

obama could kill someone on tv and this would be your response.....

I find it funny that democrats have not had any interest i this story from day 1.....theyjever wanted to find out anything about it
Liberals relying on "let's move on, this is old news" sounds like a little kid that knows he is in trouble but wants the parent/teacher/police to just forget about what the kid did and not punish them.
Just like kids that get caught with their hands in the cookie jar..."I was just getting it for you..."

These people are children in adult suits.
Shitstain.....that bitch is going to get hung out to dry in the hearings.

She is toast and Obama could be too if someone fingers him to save their own ass....those people are probably being followed today.:eusa_whistle:

Liberals relying on "let's move on, this is old news" sounds like a little kid that knows he is in trouble but wants the parent/teacher/police to just forget about what the kid did and not punish them.
You are welcome to beat this dead ambassador until Clinton is elected, and I suspect that you will.
Trailer trash....the GOP didn't make up lies about the Libya massacre just before the election. :cuckoo:
The little partisans are having fits now that their But Obama Lied investigation is going tits-up and no one cares. Carry on beating our dead ambassador for political gain kids, that's what you're good at.

obama could kill someone on tv and this would be your response.....

I find it funny that democrats have not had any interest i this story from day 1.....theyjever wanted to find out anything about it
There was never much to find out. A guy in the wrong place at the wrong time with too little support, who would have been killed anyway since the force they used was overwhelming. What's to know, and we knew that within a couple of days. It's a normal human fuck-up, including the actions of Stevens, that you guys are using to try and gain a political advantage. We knew that within a couple of days as well.
Shitstain.....that bitch is going to get hung out to dry in the hearings.

She is toast and Obama could be too if someone fingers him to save their own ass....those people are probably being followed today.:eusa_whistle:
You live in a fantasyland. They've already tired to hang her and she handed them their hats. Sorry, your dog won't hunt, it was never going to.
I want the truth about Benghazi and want those responsible to pay, but we have to wait to see what happened and those responsible, throwing around hearsay and conjecture will gain nothing...There are still hearings and I doubt the truth will ever come out until those involved have died of old age..
Cocksucker....there wasn't a White House political advisor email talking about using the video to overshadow the bad Libya policy released to the public until just recently.

She will be asked who in the White House did she work with regarding talking notes, inventing some video, covering up the terrorist angle, etc.

Shitstain.....that bitch is going to get hung out to dry in the hearings.

She is toast and Obama could be too if someone fingers him to save their own ass....those people are probably being followed today.:eusa_whistle:
You live in a fantasyland. They've already tired to hang her and she handed them their hats. Sorry, your dog won't hunt, it was never going to.
Cocksucker....there wasn't a White House political advisor email talking about using the video to overshadow the bad Libya policy released to the public until just recently.

She will be asked who in the White House did she work with regarding talking notes, inventing some video, covering up the terrorist angle, etc.

Shitstain.....that bitch is going to get hung out to dry in the hearings.

She is toast and Obama could be too if someone fingers him to save their own ass....those people are probably being followed today.:eusa_whistle:
You live in a fantasyland. They've already tired to hang her and she handed them their hats. Sorry, your dog won't hunt, it was never going to.
Little pussy, I read the email, all five pages of it. What you believe is in it isn't.
I would put the blame for my son's death squarely where it belongs. On David Petraeus.

The CIA did not have enuff manpower to cover their own asses much less those at the Consulate.

Everyone in Benghazi knew who was CIA and the Annex being understaffed made for easy pickings.

The talking points laid out by Susan Rice were written to provide political cover for Petraeus, but became moot upon his resignation.

Heck, Petraeus could not manage cheating on his wife correctly, much less a huge bureaucracy such as the CIA.

And the Benghazi deaths were the result.

That is the full truth that both sides will not reveal. Republicans won't because Petraeus IS a prominent Republican; Dems won't admit to a coverup on Petraeus's behalf.

So unethical morons such as that crook Issa make political hay from it.

And that is the full truth as well.

Regards from Rosie
I would put the blame for my son's death squarely where it belongs. On David Petraeus.

The CIA did not have enuff manpower to cover their own asses much less those at the Consulate.

Everyone in Benghazi knew who was CIA and the Annex being understaffed made for easy pickings.

The talking points laid out by Susan Rice were written to provide political cover for Petraeus, but became moot upon his resignation.

Heck, Petraeus could not manage cheating on his wife correctly, much less a huge bureaucracy such as the CIA.

And the Benghazi deaths were the result.

That is the full truth that both sides will not reveal. Republicans won't because Petraeus IS a prominent Republican; Dems won't admit to a coverup on Petraeus's behalf.

So unethical morons such as that crook Issa make political hay from it.

And that is the full truth as well.

Regards from Rosie

I'm thinking there is a lot of unethical morons, not limited to either political party. The answers from Benghazi have not been given and there are more questions than answers.

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I would put the blame for my son's death squarely where it belongs. On David Petraeus.

The CIA did not have enuff manpower to cover their own asses much less those at the Consulate.

Everyone in Benghazi knew who was CIA and the Annex being understaffed made for easy pickings.

The talking points laid out by Susan Rice were written to provide political cover for Petraeus, but became moot upon his resignation.

Heck, Petraeus could not manage cheating on his wife correctly, much less a huge bureaucracy such as the CIA.

And the Benghazi deaths were the result.

That is the full truth that both sides will not reveal. Republicans won't because Petraeus IS a prominent Republican; Dems won't admit to a coverup on Petraeus's behalf.

So unethical morons such as that crook Issa make political hay from it.

And that is the full truth as well.

Regards from Rosie

Petraeus is also the man that kept denying increased security and on the day of the attack refused to send in help..
The dems who want it dropped. What if it was your son that was killed?? Would you want it to be dropped or would you want answers?? So many of you say it should be dropped , but put yourself in the shoes of the 4 dead American's parents

If it were my son killed in Bengazi..I would be FURIOUS at the GOP congress for refusing to allocate sufficient funds for protecting our dangerous foreign their endless frenzy to cut, cut cut government services...
I would also be thoroughly disgusted about the GOP making my son's death into a political football and/or weapon against DEMs...rather than concentrating on solutions which would protect other sons and daughters serving in embassies abroad.

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The dems who want it dropped. What if it was your son that was killed?? Would you want it to be dropped or would you want answers?? So many of you say it should be dropped , but put yourself in the shoes of the 4 dead American's parents

If this had happened on Bush's watch, the entire party would have been accused of not caring because the ambassador was gay. I wonder if that is part of the reason why the Muslim radicals chose the Libyan embassy.

The Obama administration has lied from the start and blamed the filmmaker more than the terrorists.

The left resents the fact that this isn't going away. Now some are using the lame ass diversion tactic of pointing out something they think Bush did. Anything other than discuss the matter at hand.
If this had happened on Bush's watch, the entire party would have been accused of not caring because the ambassador was gay. I wonder if that is part of the reason why the Muslim radicals chose the Libyan embassy.
It wasn't the Embassy. That's one of the big issues. That's 400 miles away and no one died there, not even a skinned knee.
I would put the blame for my son's death squarely where it belongs. On David Petraeus.

The CIA did not have enuff manpower to cover their own asses much less those at the Consulate.

Everyone in Benghazi knew who was CIA and the Annex being understaffed made for easy pickings.

The talking points laid out by Susan Rice were written to provide political cover for Petraeus, but became moot upon his resignation.

Heck, Petraeus could not manage cheating on his wife correctly, much less a huge bureaucracy such as the CIA.

And the Benghazi deaths were the result.

That is the full truth that both sides will not reveal. Republicans won't because Petraeus IS a prominent Republican; Dems won't admit to a coverup on Petraeus's behalf.

So unethical morons such as that crook Issa make political hay from it.

And that is the full truth as well.

Regards from Rosie

Petraeus is also the man that kept denying increased security and on the day of the attack refused to send in help..

And this answers ALL the questions. Any inquiry beyond this is only partisan disingenuousness.

Regards from Rosie
The dems who want it dropped. What if it was your son that was killed?? Would you want it to be dropped or would you want answers?? So many of you say it should be dropped , but put yourself in the shoes of the 4 dead American's parents

If this had happened on Bush's watch, the entire party would have been accused of not caring because the ambassador was gay.

Iraq happened on Bush's watch. Benghazi would have been hard pressed to make the front page at the height of that disaster.

Oh, and btw, remember how Bush made friends with Gaddafi? And remember all the nuts on the Right running around crowing about that?
Most people if they had a son killed in Benghazi would probably react the way parents react when their son is gunned down at his elementary school by a nut with an assault rifle.

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