Demagogue NY Times Slanders Walker


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
The New York Times is a notorious slander rag dedicated to demagoguery against enemies of the party. While Donald Trump acts a magnet for the bile of most of the hate filled left, he is not a serious contender for the GOP nomination. Scott Walker is by most accounts the likely choice at this juncture. Walker easily defeats the corrupt Hillary Clinton, and thus brings fear to party apparatchiks such as the NY Times.

So it is of little surprise that the Times is already launching a campaign of smears and outright lies to try and damage walker. The party propaganda rag ran a front page hate piece on Walker in which party agent Patrick Healy spewed;

After listening to Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin as he has traveled the country preparing his campaign for president, which officially begins on Monday, admiring voters most often describe him as “authentic,” “real” and “approachable,” Mr. Walker’s advisers say.

Two words these voters do not use about him? “Smart” and “sophisticated.”

Healy is but a monkey on a leash, but clearly party bosses believe they can "Palin" Walker with a concerted effort to paint the Governor as dumb. The party is in open panic over the negative view of America toward the crook Hillary, and rather than find anything positive, they have again adopted the Pol Pot formula of the "politics of personal destruction," where slander and libel form the foundation of the message from the party, through it's lapdog press.
Anybody watching his speech right now?

He has lied all the way through, contradicted himself and mostly just thrown out a lot of red meat.

Yeppers - Meet the newest darling of the brainless RWs.

And save the watches, wear hip boots cuz its only gonna get worse between now and the election.

Anybody watching his speech right now?

He has lied all the way through, contradicted himself and mostly just thrown out a lot of red meat.

Yeppers - Meet the newest darling of the brainless RWs.

And save the watches, wear hip boots cuz its only gonna get worse between now and the election.


Psst, retard - this is about you demagogues slandering Walker, not about Trump...
It would not surprise me one bit if the NY Times is working with the Hillary campaign on what stories to run and when to run them...
Anybody watching his speech right now?

He has lied all the way through, contradicted himself and mostly just thrown out a lot of red meat.

Yeppers - Meet the newest darling of the brainless RWs.

And save the watches, wear hip boots cuz its only gonna get worse between now and the election.

So he talks like obuthole then, but smarter.

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