Demcoratic Congressman: "We'll letting ourselves be bullied by our base."

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021

Tom Suozzi (D):​

"People are worried about the cost of living. They're worried about the chaos at the border. They're worried about Israel, Gaza and Ukraine. They look to Congress and what do they see? They see the extremists get all the attenction.

"We're letting ourselves be bullied by our base."

He makes a good point. Maybe it applies to Republicans also, but I don't believe that it is the same thing. For reasons I'll explain downthread.
Well if they are worried about that they can buck their base and show some common sense when voting. Not a damn one of them voted for HR-2.

But no, they are too worried about being primaried.....Take one for the American Citizen or STFU.

Tom Suozzi (D):​

"People are worried about the cost of living. They're worried about the chaos at the border. They're worried about Israel, Gaza and Ukraine. They look to Congress and what do they see? They see the extremists get all the attenction.

"We're letting ourselves be bullied by our base."

He makes a good point. Maybe it applies to Republicans also, but I don't believe that it is the same thing. For reasons I'll explain downthread.

Sounds whiney. I'm a people. I am not worried about the cost of living. I studied, had a plan, worked the plan hard, and been around. No sweat. I got this.

Not worried about Israel. They will sort out and handle Gaza. Kind of irritated about the GOP not standing in support of Ukraine, since Trump is a Putin Puffer, so they are sucking a drag, too.

The extremists really do get all the attention, but it is real people with level heads that count, in the long run, and always has been.

Politicians bullied by their base, better find a pair and decide whether they can and want to lead or go to the house and back to private business where they are safe.

It definitely applies to high people in both parties.

Tom Suozzi (D):​

"People are worried about the cost of living. They're worried about the chaos at the border. They're worried about Israel, Gaza and Ukraine. They look to Congress and what do they see? They see the extremists get all the attenction.

"We're letting ourselves be bullied by our base."

He makes a good point. Maybe it applies to Republicans also, but I don't believe that it is the same thing. For reasons I'll explain downthread.

I guess dems dont realize the base are their bosses and they work for them,,

typical tyrant attitude,,
Sounds whiney. I'm a people. I am not worried about the cost of living. I studied, had a plan, worked the plan hard, and been around. No sweat. I got this.

Not worried about Israel. They will sort out and handle Gaza. Kind of irritated about the GOP not standing in support of Ukraine, since Trump is a Putin Puffer, so they are sucking a drag, too.

The extremists really do get all the attention, but it is real people with level heads that count, in the long run, and always has been.

Politicians bullied by their base, better find a pair and decide whether they can and want to lead or go to the house and back to private business where they are safe.

It definitely applies to high people in both parties.
still trying to make it about you,,
still trying to make it about you,,
I'm a survivor. I think everybody should learn to survive, and boldly move forward. They should have a plan and work their plan, not make it up as they go along or worse, cluelessly depend on others to cover their ass. If you don't have a vision of where you want to be and a workable plan to get there, you should. In the end, it is about you. For me, it is about me and mine. I do wish you luck, though.
Sounds whiney. I'm a people. I am not worried about the cost of living. I studied, had a plan, worked the plan hard, and been around. No sweat. I got this.
IOW, you got yours, fuck everyone else.
IOW, you got yours, fuck everyone else.
Everyone should act, vote and operate on enlightened self interests and the interests of their family or those they are responsible for. I make no apology for having learned this. I suggest you learn or depend on being a sheep in the herd. I look out for others in my proximity, as best I can, and always have. You paid me to do it, trained me to do it. But, not a hand holder. You need to chart your path to take care of you, as I'm not going to be around. If you are depending on the government, or a political party or kindness and forbearance of strangers, you are screwed already.
Everyone should act, vote and operate on enlightened self interests and the interests of their family or those they are responsible for. I make no apology for having learned this. I suggest you learn or depend on being a sheep in the herd. I look out for others in my proximity, as best I can, and always have. You paid me to do it, trained me to do it. But, not a hand holder. You need to chart your path to take care of you, as I'm not going to be around. If you are depending on the government, or a political party or kindness and forbearance of strangers, you are screwed already.
"That's right" involves fewer keystrokes.
Everyone should act, vote and operate on enlightened self interests and the interests of their family or those they are responsible for. I make no apology for having learned this. I suggest you learn or depend on being a sheep in the herd. I look out for others in my proximity, as best I can, and always have. You paid me to do it, trained me to do it. But, not a hand holder. You need to chart your path to take care of you, as I'm not going to be around. If you are depending on the government, or a political party or kindness and forbearance of strangers, you are screwed already.
I didnt know you are a trump supporter,,
Sounds whiney. I'm a people. I am not worried about the cost of living. I studied, had a plan, worked the plan hard, and been around. No sweat. I got this.

Not worried about Israel. They will sort out and handle Gaza. Kind of irritated about the GOP not standing in support of Ukraine, since Trump is a Putin Puffer, so they are sucking a drag, too.

The extremists really do get all the attention, but it is real people with level heads that count, in the long run, and always has been.

Politicians bullied by their base, better find a pair and decide whether they can and want to lead or go to the house and back to private business where they are safe.

It definitely applies to high people in both parties.
That RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP) needs to be culled of profe$$ional politician$ & replaced with dedicated Constitutionalists.
. If you are depending on the government, or a political party or kindness and forbearance of strangers, you are screwed already.

2/3 of America is one paycheck away from bankruptcy.

57% of America can't afford a $1000 emergency.

Guess what? They don't need your advice, and neither do I.

I know economies. I worked on Wall Street. And in the banking system.

There are more people defaulting on credit cards right now, than there were in early 2009 after the financial meltdown.

There is NOTHING good about this economy. Anyone who says there is, is lying.
2/3 of America is one paycheck away from bankruptcy.

57% of America can't afford a $1000 emergency.

Guess what? They don't need your advice, and neither do I.

I know economies. I worked on Wall Street. And in the banking system.

There are more people defaulting on credit cards right now, than there were in early 2009 after the financial meltdown.

There is NOTHING good about this economy. Anyone who says there is, is lying.
I simply cannot see it. Oh, I have heard it, I just cannot see it. Nothing special about me. I am no rich dude, but have become comfortable. A wall street dude, might look at what I have and think me poor, but though I am an average Joe and know it, at this point it would take a hell of a lot of $1,000 dollar emergencies to do me damage. It wasn't always like this. I had to work, skipping vacations to use off time to build or repair. I put off frivolous debt for necessities, even though I had credit to do what I would have rather done, and had more fun doing it. But, that is not how it worked, nor how it works. I grew up in the 70s and 80s when interest rates peaked around 11% and stayed above 6 for a decade. Jobs were scarce, so I went military, and was successful at that. I was willing to do what was necessary and did not have the government bail me out. Now I am looking around my area, seeing the help wanted ads, what they are paying and know there is good job opportunity here. It may not be what some would like to do, but it is far more long term productive, that whining and not taking responsibility where you are and where you are going. I get the impression, many people do not plan. The old addage failure to plan is planning to fail is quite true. I have seen bad economies. This isn't one of them, not like we all experienced back from the late 70s to the late 80s. Young people just weren't there, and don't get it.
Why not compromise by passing HB2 in the senate and sending it to biden?

Why does compromise always mean only giving in to liberals?
I simply cannot see it. Oh, I have heard it, I just cannot see it. Nothing special about me. I am no rich dude, but have become comfortable. A wall street dude, might look at what I have and think me poor, but though I am an average Joe and know it, at this point it would take a hell of a lot of $1,000 dollar emergencies to do me damage. It wasn't always like this. I had to work, skipping vacations to use off time to build or repair. I put off frivolous debt for necessities, even though I had credit to do what I would have rather done, and had more fun doing it. But, that is not how it worked, nor how it works. I grew up in the 70s and 80s when interest rates peaked around 11% and stayed above 6 for a decade. Jobs were scarce, so I went military, and was successful at that. I was willing to do what was necessary and did not have the government bail me out. Now I am looking around my area, seeing the help wanted ads, what they are paying and know there is good job opportunity here. It may not be what some would like to do, but it is far more long term productive, that whining and not taking responsibility where you are and where you are going. I get the impression, many people do not plan. The old addage failure to plan is planning to fail is quite true. I have seen bad economies. This isn't one of them, not like we all experienced back from the late 70s to the late 80s. Young people just weren't there, and don't get it.

Dude - "shit happens".

Like, you go to bed on Sept 7 with a million dollar line of credit, and when you wake up on the 8th it's gone.

You call your boss saying "where's my money" and he says "I don't know, mine's gone too".

Then after that it takes you 6 months just to pay the mortgage again, and 6 months after that you're under water because your house has lost half its value.

We pay our government for STABILITY. If we don't get it, it's time to send the bastards packing.

W was sent packing, because among other things, he was playing with himself in Iraq while a banking crisis was going on here at home.

CLINTON told the banks to lend to people who couldn't afford it. BUSH was too stupid to see the writing on the wall.

And I have yet to hear an answer from a leftie.

1. The Covid money dries up.
2. People start living off their credit cards.

What's number 3?

What do you think happens next?
Dude - "shit happens".

Like, you go to bed on Sept 7 with a million dollar line of credit, and when you wake up on the 8th it's gone.

You call your boss saying "where's my money" and he says "I don't know, mine's gone too".

Then after that it takes you 6 months just to pay the mortgage again, and 6 months after that you're under water because your house has lost half its value.

We pay our government for STABILITY. If we don't get it, it's time to send the bastards packing.

W was sent packing, because among other things, he was playing with himself in Iraq while a banking crisis was going on here at home.

CLINTON told the banks to lend to people who couldn't afford it. BUSH was too stupid to see the writing on the wall.

And I have yet to hear an answer from a leftie.

1. The Covid money dries up.
2. People start living off their credit cards.

What's number 3?

What do you think happens next?
CLINTON told the banks to lend to people who couldn't afford it. BUSH was too stupid to see the writing on the wall.

Well said

Thats bipartisanship for you

One president from each party who is a damn fool
CLINTON told the banks to lend to people who couldn't afford it. BUSH was too stupid to see the writing on the wall.

Well said

Thats bipartisanship for you

One president from each party who is a damn fool

It hardly ended there. There is no end in sight.

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