Demise of the United States... first steps..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
We've seen the growth of the USA to the gigantic state it is now.
A) 290 million Americans have internet access..
Topic: Internet usage in the United States
B) 95% of adult Americans (100% ages 18-29) have cellphones.
Mobile Fact Sheet
C) In fact your cell phone bill pays for FREE cell phone service for 10,202,752 Americans!
How many free government cell phones are out there?
D) Section 8 housing pays for 4,800,000 people's housing expenses.
Section 8 (housing) - Wikipedia
E) 42.6 million Americans get free food.
The number of people on food stamps is falling. Here's why

So this society has communications capabilities that kings and wealthy people 100 years ago never had.
Americans get free food, free housing free cellphones free internet.... wow.

What more do they want?

And by the way who pays for it? Oh yea the "wealthy"! They can afford it!

Now we read where "Once Its Greatest Foes, Doctors Are Embracing Single-Payer"
We believe health care is a human right, maybe more so than past generations,” said Dr. Brad Zehr, a 29-year-old pathology resident at Ohio State University, who was part of the debate. “There’s a generational shift happening, where we see universal health care as a requirement.”
Once Its Greatest Foes, Doctors Are Embracing Single-Payer

How did we get to the point that people are forgetting what America was originally founded on?

Independence. Less slavery. Less serfdom. Less dependency.

Couple of reality checks for those people wanting Medicare for all...
A) It was hard to miss the headlines coming from yesterday’s Medicare Trustees report:
  • Medicare to go broke three years earlier than expected, trustees say
  • Government Says Medicare won't be able to cover costs by 2026
  • Report puts Medicare insolvency sooner than forecast
No, Medicare Won't Go Broke In 2026. Yes, It Will Cost A Lot More Money
Now that is from the Trustees that manage Medicare...
B) And we hear from quote" knowledgeable people"
Medicare for all will cost $32.6 trillion over the next 10 years or $3.2 trillion per year.

Folks I don't think those in favor realize that their paychecks are deducted 1.45% from the employee and 1.45% by the employer to Medicare... 2.90%.

So if in 2015 the $234.2 billion in Medicare taxes was based on 2.90% tax
What are the major federal payroll taxes, and how much money do they raise?

To pay out $3.2 trillion for Medicare for all per year would require...13 times the current rate of deduction or:
39.6% paid by employees and employers. hmmm... That would mean NO employer would be in business then
because their share is half or 18% and today the average net profit percent of American businesses after
taxes etc. is: 6.5%... again think about it... if 18% of their revenue goes for Medicare... what is left? ZERO!

According to this Yahoo!Finance database for 212 different industries,
the average profit margin for the most recent quarter was 7.5% and the median profit margin was 6.5%
The public thinks the average company makes a 36% profit margin, which is about 5X too high - AEI

Being a selfish 75 year old white male I feel sad frankly for my 19 year old granddaughter's future.
Where continual movement towards the implanting of a tracking device will monitor her children's
life and that old Biblical warning of the "mark of the beast" may not be so far off.
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I know that some of the readers here have a real short attention span so I'm taking one of the several important points from the OP and repeating it here.

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