Democracy Creates Jobs

"This idea that a few wealthy people -- the 'producers' -- hand everything down to the rest of us -- 'the parasites' -- is fundamentally at odds with the concept of democracy.

"In a democracy we all have an equal voice and an equal stake in how our society and our economy does.

"We do not 'depend' on the good graces of a favored few for our livelihoods.

"We all are supposed to have an equal opportunity, and equal rights. And there are things we are all entitled to -- 'entitlements' -- that we get just because we were born here. But we all share in the responsibility to cover the costs of democracy --"

Rich parasites don't create jobs.
Demand creates jobs.

"If you ask around you will find that every business tries to employ the right number of people to meet the demand. Any business owner or manager will tell you that they hire based on need, not on how much they have in the bank...

"Taxes make absolutely no difference in the hiring equation."

Actually, "the Rich" Don't "Create Jobs," We Do | Truthout

Wow! Could you be more full of shit or what???? Where does effort, or innovation, or assertion even fit into your perspective??? Champion of mediocrity and incompetence that you may be, you just are not capable of rational thought, when it comes to cause and effect, George. Try doing more and talking less for starters. Entitlement is it??? What you deem entitlement, can only come from the stealing of other peoples property or effort, both rich and poor. Nothing comes from nothing, yet you proclaim that something comes from nothing on your part, by right of your existence, others Must serve your interests and wants without consent. How is it that you have no obligation to them??? Can I mandate that you sacrifice your interest, your future, for my wants, if I can get enough of the people behind me??? Why would I want to??? Why should me taking from you against your will, to your detriment, using the power of the State, to back me, not be seen for the great evil that it would be??? Tyranny in any disguise, is still Tyranny George.

Why should anyone live their life for your expectation??? Realization, knowledge, invention, discovery, achievement, by individuals, whether part of a team or solo, are born of the individual and passed on so that others may benefit, commonly under protest of the status quo.
Why not just live and let live. Establish Justice, serve it, leave the tangents out of it.

Where does effort, or innovation, or assertion even fit into your perspective??

Ummm, you are aware that "Demand" is the driving force behind effort, innovation, and assertion? Right? Without demand, why bother?

ONLY time it fits into ANY perspective in your world deany? It has to come from Big Gubmint and they cannot be WHITE, or REPUBLICAN.

Put a sock in it you dweeb.
AND those patents came from WHAT...rather whom Deany?

You should probably defer to someone who knows what he's talkin'-about....and, has the bank-account to prove it....​

"And what comes of this research? Well for starters how about things like jet engines, integrated circuits, the human genome, or the Internet. Clearly the largest and most generous venture capitalist in the universe is Uncle Sam."

Bill Gates Sr.

You can run-along, now......​


I'll run NO where at your behest Shitman...MOST of that tech was stolen in the SPOILS OF WAR from whom, DUMBASS..? You may go fuck yerself at yoer earliest oppritunity.​

Enjoy yer ride you FAKE 'SHAMAN'​


No, you answer. I can't wait.:popcorn:
You'll need to try a helluva lot harder not to be an idiot.

You buy Gasoline: You buy a product that cannot be made without wealth.

Sure it can, just ask the Russians. You can always substitute force for wealth.

Do you believe that capital is superior to labor?

You said you, "never used a product made by a rich man's hands, either"

Do you buy gasoline from Russians?

Are you related to Truthmatters?

Did the rich man use his hands and back to make the product? Or did he pay some poor schmo less than the product is worth to make it, then sell it and call the difference his "earnings"?

If small business owners aren't "rich", then I'd say a lot of paychecks are signed by poor men.
AND those patents came from WHAT...rather whom Deany?


Is that what you think?

it's what I KNOW deany...Government wouldn't have SQUAT if it wouldn't be for private enterprise to make it happen.
You are at least ignorant if you truly don't know that many of those patents came from taxpayer-supported research at state universities from Maine to Maui. Private enterprise wouldn't have the roads and bridges and schools necessary to "make it happen" if not for government. How long would you hold on to your private property if not for the monopoly of violence provided by government?

Would you prefer paying your taxes to Government Sachs?

Sure it can, just ask the Russians. You can always substitute force for wealth.

Do you believe that capital is superior to labor?

You said you, "never used a product made by a rich man's hands, either"

Do you buy gasoline from Russians?

Are you related to Truthmatters?

Did the rich man use his hands and back to make the product? Or did he pay some poor schmo less than the product is worth to make it, then sell it and call the difference his "earnings"?

If small business owners aren't "rich", then I'd say a lot of paychecks are signed by poor men.

So that's it? If we aren't rich we must be poor? Poor people do not own a business. Unless of course it's something along the lines of a one man shoe shine shop.....
"This idea that a few wealthy people -- the 'producers' -- hand everything down to the rest of us -- 'the parasites' -- is fundamentally at odds with the concept of democracy.

"In a democracy we all have an equal voice and an equal stake in how our society and our economy does.

"We do not 'depend' on the good graces of a favored few for our livelihoods.

"We all are supposed to have an equal opportunity, and equal rights. And there are things we are all entitled to -- 'entitlements' -- that we get just because we were born here. But we all share in the responsibility to cover the costs of democracy --"

Rich parasites don't create jobs.
Demand creates jobs.

"If you ask around you will find that every business tries to employ the right number of people to meet the demand. Any business owner or manager will tell you that they hire based on need, not on how much they have in the bank...

"Taxes make absolutely no difference in the hiring equation."

Actually, "the Rich" Don't "Create Jobs," We Do | Truthout

Wow! Could you be more full of shit or what???? Where does effort, or innovation, or assertion even fit into your perspective??? Champion of mediocrity and incompetence that you may be, you just are not capable of rational thought, when it comes to cause and effect, George. Try doing more and talking less for starters. Entitlement is it??? What you deem entitlement, can only come from the stealing of other peoples property or effort, both rich and poor. Nothing comes from nothing, yet you proclaim that something comes from nothing on your part, by right of your existence, others Must serve your interests and wants without consent. How is it that you have no obligation to them??? Can I mandate that you sacrifice your interest, your future, for my wants, if I can get enough of the people behind me??? Why would I want to??? Why should me taking from you against your will, to your detriment, using the power of the State, to back me, not be seen for the great evil that it would be??? Tyranny in any disguise, is still Tyranny George.

Why should anyone live their life for your expectation??? Realization, knowledge, invention, discovery, achievement, by individuals, whether part of a team or solo, are born of the individual and passed on so that others may benefit, commonly under protest of the status quo.
Why not just live and let live. Establish Justice, serve it, leave the tangents out of it.
Why do "entitlements" like equal opportunity and equal rights scare you?

All Americans have these entitlements simply because we were born here.
Along with those entitlements comes responsibility.
The responsibility to cover the costs of our entitlements, i.e., Democracy.

Progressive taxation has long been a staple of preserving Democracy in proportion to the means to pay. For those of us not hopelessly enslaved to corporate spin, that means "the rich are supposed to pay more to cover things like building and maintaining the roads and schools because these are the things that enable their wealth."

In case you hadn't noticed, in our current status quo, justice is spelled j-u-s-t-u-s.

Actually, "the Rich" Don't "Create Jobs," We Do | Truthout
FDR's version of big government created millions of jobs.

"The WPA was a national program that originated its own projects (in cooperation with state and local governments) and sometimes took over state and local relief programs that had originated in the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) or FERA programs.

"Headed by Harry Hopkins, the WPA provided jobs and income to the unemployed during the Great Depression in the United States. Between 1935 and 1943, the WPA provided almost eight million jobs.[3] It never managed to come anywhere close to full demand for employment.[4]

"Liquidated on June 30, 1943 as a result of high employment due to the industry boom of World War Two, the WPA had provided millions of Americans with jobs for 8 years.[5] Most people who needed a job were eligible for at least some of its positions.[6] Hourly wages were typically set to the prevailing wages in each area.[7] However workers could not be paid more than 30 hours a week..."

Works Progress Administration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You mean it went away when all the people in the program were drafted. All the jobs went away when the program ended. It didn't create a single permanent job.

FDR's fascist agenda turned a sharp but short recession into the Great Depression which lasted 8 more years. Only the terminally naive believe it "created jobs."

It only created Political horseshit largess...that only the terminally stupid BUY into 60+ years out...
It created jobs that kept my mother's family and millions of other Americans alive after the rich looted the US economy during the "Roaring Twenties."

You give a whole new meaning to the phrase "terminally stupid."
Americans have constitutional freedom
Americans are not entitled to entitlement's.
The cost of entitlements enslaves you. It costs too much. Entitlements are bankrupting us.
Do you know that if you invented something that really started to sell like hot cakes that you could choose to become a corporation?
Our tax system need to change, not getting rid of corporations.
Marxism has always failed George.
Do you know why? Because the poor can not pay your paycheck.

Are "Life", "Liberty", and "the pursuit of happiness" entitlements?

Are equal opportunity and equal rights entitlements?

We are enslaved by the costs of war and debt.

Eternal war and private bond markets are bankrupting the US.

Corporations are the model for the "New World Order" that Bush I was babbling about.

Where did you get the idea I'm in favor of substituting one form of tyranny (capitalism) for another (Marxism)?
Because Marxism is based on the economic evils of capitalistic managed corporations which is what you are saying.
Life ,Liberty and the pursuit of happiness are guarantees not entitlements
Entitlements are Social Security, Medicare, food stamps, welfare so on and so on.
"This idea that a few wealthy people -- the 'producers' -- hand everything down to the rest of us -- 'the parasites' -- is fundamentally at odds with the concept of democracy.

"In a democracy we all have an equal voice and an equal stake in how our society and our economy does.

"We do not 'depend' on the good graces of a favored few for our livelihoods.

"We all are supposed to have an equal opportunity, and equal rights. And there are things we are all entitled to -- 'entitlements' -- that we get just because we were born here. But we all share in the responsibility to cover the costs of democracy --"

Rich parasites don't create jobs.
Demand creates jobs.

"If you ask around you will find that every business tries to employ the right number of people to meet the demand. Any business owner or manager will tell you that they hire based on need, not on how much they have in the bank...

"Taxes make absolutely no difference in the hiring equation."

Actually, "the Rich" Don't "Create Jobs," We Do | Truthout

Wow! Could you be more full of shit or what???? Where does effort, or innovation, or assertion even fit into your perspective??? Champion of mediocrity and incompetence that you may be, you just are not capable of rational thought, when it comes to cause and effect, George. Try doing more and talking less for starters. Entitlement is it??? What you deem entitlement, can only come from the stealing of other peoples property or effort, both rich and poor. Nothing comes from nothing, yet you proclaim that something comes from nothing on your part, by right of your existence, others Must serve your interests and wants without consent. How is it that you have no obligation to them??? Can I mandate that you sacrifice your interest, your future, for my wants, if I can get enough of the people behind me??? Why would I want to??? Why should me taking from you against your will, to your detriment, using the power of the State, to back me, not be seen for the great evil that it would be??? Tyranny in any disguise, is still Tyranny George.

Why should anyone live their life for your expectation??? Realization, knowledge, invention, discovery, achievement, by individuals, whether part of a team or solo, are born of the individual and passed on so that others may benefit, commonly under protest of the status quo.
Why not just live and let live. Establish Justice, serve it, leave the tangents out of it.
Why do "entitlements" like equal opportunity and equal rights scare you?

All Americans have these entitlements simply because we were born here.
Along with those entitlements comes responsibility.
The responsibility to cover the costs of our entitlements, i.e., Democracy.

Progressive taxation has long been a staple of preserving Democracy in proportion to the means to pay. For those of us not hopelessly enslaved to corporate spin, that means "the rich are supposed to pay more to cover things like building and maintaining the roads and schools because these are the things that enable their wealth."

In case you hadn't noticed, in our current status quo, justice is spelled j-u-s-t-u-s.

Actually, "the Rich" Don't "Create Jobs," We Do | Truthout

News Flash, A Right is not an Entitlement, it is a Right. An Entitlement is an Entitlement. A Right is a Right. Maybe you can practice saying that in front of a mirror. ;) Try not to stray too far away from Government by consent of the Governed.
Try not to misconstrue my message which is to Establish Justice and serve it, not to establish J-U-S-T-U-S. You are thinking Union Speak???? Got to overcome that Tonto. Think Impartiality, when to refer to Ideal and Principle. ;)
"This idea that a few wealthy people -- the 'producers' -- hand everything down to the rest of us -- 'the parasites' -- is fundamentally at odds with the concept of democracy.
If fundamentally you mean you disagree with the fact that wealthy business owners create jobs for those in need of them,you're wrong.
"In a democracy we all have an equal voice and an equal stake in how our society and our economy does.
You are correct, through the ballot that is. Not by government coercion.
"We do not 'depend' on the good graces of a favored few for our livelihoods.
Of course you do, if you are on welfare or any other entitlement program, you are doing exactly that.
"We all are supposed to have an equal opportunity, and equal rights. And there are things we are all entitled to -- 'entitlements' -- that we get just because we were born here. But we all share in the responsibility to cover the costs of democracy --"
You are entitled to protections against a foreign enemy and equal individual rights under the law. You are not entitled to free handouts at the expense of another citizen, and whoever told you you where is a moron.
Rich parasites don't create jobs.
Demand creates jobs.

So what you are saying is, since Obama came into office, the demand for jobs has went so far down we are now sitting at 9% unemployment? And all of this because people all of a sudden decided they did not want to work any more? You really are a dumb shit. Every business at one point was a small business that grew into a big business, those rich parasites where at one time an average joe who went for the American dream and got it. They created jobs for millions of other citizens, not demand. If by demand you mean business owners needing people, then you have to factor in the governments oppression on a business through capital gains taxes, the higher the tax the less money the business owner has to hire with, will stunt company hiring and output, here in the real world where the rest of us live you have to have money to hire with.
"If you ask around you will find that every business tries to employ the right number of people to meet the demand. Any business owner or manager will tell you that they hire based on need, not on how much they have in the bank...
So what you are saying is, if they have the demand but not the money then they hire people and pay them with monopoly money? Do you realize how stupid you sound here?
"Taxes make absolutely no difference in the hiring equation."
When government taxes the ass off of a company, the company has two choices, lay off or raise the price of it's goods, either way the middle class is getting fucked.
Actually, "the Rich" Don't "Create Jobs," We Do | Truthout

A good book for you to read is:
economics in one lesson, by henry haslett. I recommend you read it, god only knows you have no idea what you are talking about.
Let's define our terms.

What is a right?
What is an entitlement?
What is the difference, in your mind?

That is a fair question, which I can answer best from my own perspective. The reason for that is that from my perspective the definition of Rights has been corrupted and includes entitlement in it's definition.

Rights (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

If the Corruption and the Tangent taken, be it created at the Root level, or any other level, it still remains a false path, no matter the intention.

The concept of Inalienable Rights or Unalienable Rights, is Conditional, and it is foremost between Each Individual and Our Maker, or Each Individual and the Forces of Creation. Putting our best foot forward, first, as Individuals, second as a Society, We seek to Identify what is Positive and what is Negative, in order to Establish Justice and serve it for the betterment of all, as Individuals, and as Members of the Whole. That is Good Government.

Rights, Entitlement, these are concepts we have limited control over as a Society. Disease, Accident, Life, Death, are not always under our control. No matter what we imagine or legislate, there are things beyond our ability to comprehend or address.

I view Rights, personally, as You or I, being able to play the Hands we are dealt, as we see fit, within the boundaries of Decency. Life, Liberty, Property, Pursuit of Happiness, among those Unalienable Rights. When action causes harm, it is for the Justice to decide Relevance, Weight, Resolution, based on what we know to be fact, truth. Intention is a factor, not a free pass or a get out of jail free card, just like levels of competence and incompetence are factors. All action has consequence, both good and bad to some level or degree. That is why it is important to act on what we know, as opposed to what we imagine, especially when we are trying to stick somebody else with the bill.

If you have ever known loss in your personal life, you know that there are few guarantees. I want a level playing field in the sense that I want Impartial Referees, that allow each individual player to compete on their own terms, in control of their own potential, and ability. I do not support redistribution or predetermined outcome. The concept of handicapping one to benefit another or give another advantage is unnatural. You do not want to pay me to hear me sing or play a sax. You do not want to waste your time seeing me throw a football or a baseball. We are not all equal. We are Unique, each with different gifts, burdens, crosses to bear. We each have value here, in this life, and the next. It is not for Government to play God and put a value on Rights that it did not create. This Government was founded on the principle that Certain Rights are above the Jurisdiction of Any Man Made Authority.

What is a right? Thought. Word. Action. Achievement. Lawful Possession. Free Will.

What is an entitlement? On the Plus Side, something Earned, benefit. Value for Value, in one form or another. Somebody always pays. Some always give more than they get, because of their Nature, not Government Mandate. We all should be better than that.

Everything is conditional. Thanks for putting up with me George. :)
Sure it can, just ask the Russians. You can always substitute force for wealth.

Do you believe that capital is superior to labor?

You said you, "never used a product made by a rich man's hands, either"

Do you buy gasoline from Russians?

Are you related to Truthmatters?

Did the rich man use his hands and back to make the product?

Gasoline is not made by hand, you moron.
Let's define our terms.

What is a right?
What is an entitlement?
What is the difference, in your mind?

That is a fair question, which I can answer best from my own perspective. The reason for that is that from my perspective the definition of Rights has been corrupted and includes entitlement in it's definition.

Rights (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

If the Corruption and the Tangent taken, be it created at the Root level, or any other level, it still remains a false path, no matter the intention.

The concept of Inalienable Rights or Unalienable Rights, is Conditional, and it is foremost between Each Individual and Our Maker, or Each Individual and the Forces of Creation. Putting our best foot forward, first, as Individuals, second as a Society, We seek to Identify what is Positive and what is Negative, in order to Establish Justice and serve it for the betterment of all, as Individuals, and as Members of the Whole. That is Good Government.

Rights, Entitlement, these are concepts we have limited control over as a Society. Disease, Accident, Life, Death, are not always under our control. No matter what we imagine or legislate, there are things beyond our ability to comprehend or address.

I view Rights, personally, as You or I, being able to play the Hands we are dealt, as we see fit, within the boundaries of Decency. Life, Liberty, Property, Pursuit of Happiness, among those Unalienable Rights. When action causes harm, it is for the Justice to decide Relevance, Weight, Resolution, based on what we know to be fact, truth. Intention is a factor, not a free pass or a get out of jail free card, just like levels of competence and incompetence are factors. All action has consequence, both good and bad to some level or degree. That is why it is important to act on what we know, as opposed to what we imagine, especially when we are trying to stick somebody else with the bill.

If you have ever known loss in your personal life, you know that there are few guarantees. I want a level playing field in the sense that I want Impartial Referees, that allow each individual player to compete on their own terms, in control of their own potential, and ability. I do not support redistribution or predetermined outcome. The concept of handicapping one to benefit another or give another advantage is unnatural. You do not want to pay me to hear me sing or play a sax. You do not want to waste your time seeing me throw a football or a baseball. We are not all equal. We are Unique, each with different gifts, burdens, crosses to bear. We each have value here, in this life, and the next. It is not for Government to play God and put a value on Rights that it did not create. This Government was founded on the principle that Certain Rights are above the Jurisdiction of Any Man Made Authority.

What is a right? Thought. Word. Action. Achievement. Lawful Possession. Free Will.

What is an entitlement? On the Plus Side, something Earned, benefit. Value for Value, in one form or another. Somebody always pays. Some always give more than they get, because of their Nature, not Government Mandate. We all should be better than that.

Everything is conditional. Thanks for putting up with me George. :)
You're not difficult to tolerate, Intense.
One of the biggest advantages USMB provides is the opportunity to communicate with those who hold different political or social perspectives. Thank you for your patience with me.

I was using "right" and "entitlement" as approximate synonyms.

Wiki seems to back that up:


"A legal or moral entitlement.

You have no right to go through my book. "

Your Stanford link also indicates this is permissible, at least at some levels:


Rights are entitlements (not) to perform certain actions, or (not) to be in certain states; or entitlements that others (not) perform certain actions or (not) be in certain states."

The level playing field with impartial referees that you mention doesn't appear to exist outside of professional sports. The sense of redistribution and predetermined outcome was on full display in the Fall of 2008 when many of those responsible for the Great Recession were rewarded with trillions of dollars in taxpayer funds and guarantees.

Wall Street found a rock star with roots to Lincoln in 2008 and he saved them from prison, at least so far. Goldman Sachs certainly never put $900,000 to a better use.

Between 2000 and 2010 the US lost more jobs than any other state in history except the USSR during the last decade of its existence. If the current decade holds to the same pattern of redistribution, many of us will not recognize the country we were born in ten years from today.

Maybe the Internet will save us?
"This idea that a few wealthy people -- the 'producers' -- hand everything down to the rest of us -- 'the parasites' -- is fundamentally at odds with the concept of democracy.
If fundamentally you mean you disagree with the fact that wealthy business owners create jobs for those in need of them,you're wrong.
"In a democracy we all have an equal voice and an equal stake in how our society and our economy does.
You are correct, through the ballot that is. Not by government coercion.
"We do not 'depend' on the good graces of a favored few for our livelihoods.
Of course you do, if you are on welfare or any other entitlement program, you are doing exactly that.
"We all are supposed to have an equal opportunity, and equal rights. And there are things we are all entitled to -- 'entitlements' -- that we get just because we were born here. But we all share in the responsibility to cover the costs of democracy --"
You are entitled to protections against a foreign enemy and equal individual rights under the law. You are not entitled to free handouts at the expense of another citizen, and whoever told you you where is a moron.
Rich parasites don't create jobs.
Demand creates jobs.

So what you are saying is, since Obama came into office, the demand for jobs has went so far down we are now sitting at 9% unemployment? And all of this because people all of a sudden decided they did not want to work any more? You really are a dumb shit. Every business at one point was a small business that grew into a big business, those rich parasites where at one time an average joe who went for the American dream and got it. They created jobs for millions of other citizens, not demand. If by demand you mean business owners needing people, then you have to factor in the governments oppression on a business through capital gains taxes, the higher the tax the less money the business owner has to hire with, will stunt company hiring and output, here in the real world where the rest of us live you have to have money to hire with.
"If you ask around you will find that every business tries to employ the right number of people to meet the demand. Any business owner or manager will tell you that they hire based on need, not on how much they have in the bank...
So what you are saying is, if they have the demand but not the money then they hire people and pay them with monopoly money? Do you realize how stupid you sound here?
"Taxes make absolutely no difference in the hiring equation."
When government taxes the ass off of a company, the company has two choices, lay off or raise the price of it's goods, either way the middle class is getting fucked.
Actually, "the Rich" Don't "Create Jobs," We Do | Truthout

A good book for you to read is:
economics in one lesson, by henry haslett. I recommend you read it, god only knows you have no idea what you are talking about.
Did you bother to read my link, Milton?

"Taxes make absolutely no difference in the hiring equation.

"In fact, paying taxes means you are already making money, which means you have already hired the right number of people.

"Taxes are based on subtracting your costs from your revenue, and if you have profits after you cover your costs, then you might be taxed.

"You don't even calculate your taxes until well after the hiring decision has been made.

"You don;t lay people off to 'cover' your taxes. And even if you did lay people off to 'cover' taxes it would lower your costs and you would have more profit, which means you would have more taxes... except that laying someone off when you had demand would cause you to have less revenue, ... and you see how ridiculous it is to associate taxes with hiring at all!

"People coming in the door and buying things is what creates jobs."

Actually, "the Rich" Don't "Create Jobs," We Do | Truthout

Here's a couple of online books that might improve your understanding of Economics:


The Conservative Nanny State

Don't hurt yourself.
Let's define our terms.

What is a right?
What is an entitlement?
What is the difference, in your mind?

That is a fair question, which I can answer best from my own perspective. The reason for that is that from my perspective the definition of Rights has been corrupted and includes entitlement in it's definition.

Rights (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

If the Corruption and the Tangent taken, be it created at the Root level, or any other level, it still remains a false path, no matter the intention.

The concept of Inalienable Rights or Unalienable Rights, is Conditional, and it is foremost between Each Individual and Our Maker, or Each Individual and the Forces of Creation. Putting our best foot forward, first, as Individuals, second as a Society, We seek to Identify what is Positive and what is Negative, in order to Establish Justice and serve it for the betterment of all, as Individuals, and as Members of the Whole. That is Good Government.

Rights, Entitlement, these are concepts we have limited control over as a Society. Disease, Accident, Life, Death, are not always under our control. No matter what we imagine or legislate, there are things beyond our ability to comprehend or address.

I view Rights, personally, as You or I, being able to play the Hands we are dealt, as we see fit, within the boundaries of Decency. Life, Liberty, Property, Pursuit of Happiness, among those Unalienable Rights. When action causes harm, it is for the Justice to decide Relevance, Weight, Resolution, based on what we know to be fact, truth. Intention is a factor, not a free pass or a get out of jail free card, just like levels of competence and incompetence are factors. All action has consequence, both good and bad to some level or degree. That is why it is important to act on what we know, as opposed to what we imagine, especially when we are trying to stick somebody else with the bill.

If you have ever known loss in your personal life, you know that there are few guarantees. I want a level playing field in the sense that I want Impartial Referees, that allow each individual player to compete on their own terms, in control of their own potential, and ability. I do not support redistribution or predetermined outcome. The concept of handicapping one to benefit another or give another advantage is unnatural. You do not want to pay me to hear me sing or play a sax. You do not want to waste your time seeing me throw a football or a baseball. We are not all equal. We are Unique, each with different gifts, burdens, crosses to bear. We each have value here, in this life, and the next. It is not for Government to play God and put a value on Rights that it did not create. This Government was founded on the principle that Certain Rights are above the Jurisdiction of Any Man Made Authority.

What is a right? Thought. Word. Action. Achievement. Lawful Possession. Free Will.

What is an entitlement? On the Plus Side, something Earned, benefit. Value for Value, in one form or another. Somebody always pays. Some always give more than they get, because of their Nature, not Government Mandate. We all should be better than that.

Everything is conditional. Thanks for putting up with me George. :)
You're not difficult to tolerate, Intense.
One of the biggest advantages USMB provides is the opportunity to communicate with those who hold different political or social perspectives. Thank you for your patience with me.

I was using "right" and "entitlement" as approximate synonyms.

Wiki seems to back that up:


"A legal or moral entitlement.

You have no right to go through my book. "

Your Stanford link also indicates this is permissible, at least at some levels:


Rights are entitlements (not) to perform certain actions, or (not) to be in certain states; or entitlements that others (not) perform certain actions or (not) be in certain states."

The level playing field with impartial referees that you mention doesn't appear to exist outside of professional sports. The sense of redistribution and predetermined outcome was on full display in the Fall of 2008 when many of those responsible for the Great Recession were rewarded with trillions of dollars in taxpayer funds and guarantees.

Wall Street found a rock star with roots to Lincoln in 2008 and he saved them from prison, at least so far. Goldman Sachs certainly never put $900,000 to a better use.

Between 2000 and 2010 the US lost more jobs than any other state in history except the USSR during the last decade of its existence. If the current decade holds to the same pattern of redistribution, many of us will not recognize the country we were born in ten years from today.

Maybe the Internet will save us?

I was using "right" and "entitlement" as approximate synonyms.

Here is the rub though, Rights, granted by whom, under what authority, to what end.
What is of God, what is of Government, what is proclaimed by Government that may be contrary to God, Ideal, Conscience?
Who takes responsibility for the breach when the Society has the control and power over speech? What is the relation between the message and the messenger in relation to censorship? in the one sense it takes one voice to make a difference, but at what cost? When it comes to our young, is it more important to bring them into conformity or hear their witness from their own unique perspective? Why the war against perspective, conscience? Driving a car down the road, it is pretty obvious that you are going to have a pretty hard time only making Left turns, or only Right turns. Is the issue the destination, or is it about who is in control? Permission to think outside of the box Sir???

The Tyranny we both fight, is tied through Blood, Contract, and Mandate. Big Business, Big Government, in a Hamilton like Unholy Marriage, viewing us all as commodities, to be herded and controlled for their gain. We need to start placing more value on each Individual, and treating Each Other fairly. We Each matter. Hive Think is a disconnect from reality for me, no matter the brand? Don't let the need to belong, stop you from questioning. ;)

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