Democrat AGs Begin Inquisition Against ‘Climate Change Disbelievers’

I dont know very many scientists that will be willing to sit on the stand and show their work... Not one, to date, has stood up for Mikey Mann... and with the ruling that all of his paid for by government funds mail is now fair game and he must produce it.... You see, CEI was within their rights to FOIA those documents. Just another reason the subpoena will be quashed..
Given how CEI has so proudly specialized in harassing scientists with bogus FOIA assaults, this is especially fitting.

The subpoena: Subpoena from USVI AG Claude Walker April 7 2016.pdf
ExxonMobil is suspected to have engaged in, or be engaging in, conduct constituting a civil violation of the Criminally Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, 14 V.I.C. § 605, by having engaged or engaging in conduct misrepresenting its knowledge of the likelihood that its products and activities have contributed and are continuing to contribute to Climate Change in order to defraud the Government of the United States Virgin Islands ("the Government") and consumers in the Virgin Islands, in violation of 14 V.I.C.§ 834 (prohibiting obtaining money by false pretenses) and 14 V.I.C. § 551 (prohibiting conspiracy to obtain money by false pretenses).

In relation to the Government's investigation of the above matter, YOU ARE HEREBY DIRECTED, by the authority granted to the Attorney General of the United States Virgin Islands ("USVI"), pursuant to the provisions of 14 V.I.C. § 612, to produce and deliver the documents responsive to the inquiries set forth herein, on or before April 30, 2016, directed to the attention of Attorney General Claude Earl Walker, Esq.

Documents required:
1. All Documents and Communications sent to or received from ExxonMobil, or third parties acting on behalf of ExxonMobil, concerning Climate Change, including strategies to address Climate Change or impact public views on Climate Change.

And the list goes on, detailing how anything that has anything to do with ExxonMobil has to be turned over.

Consistency not being their strong points, deniers will howl about how unust this is, even though CEI spent years doing the same thing.

And once the emails are turned over, deniers will ignore most of them, and only post a few cherrypicked bits that prove CEI's innocence. And they'll all claim to have read all the emails, even though they'll actually only have read what their conspiracy blogs fed them. You know, same as the ClimateGate denier fraud.

by having engaged or engaging in conduct misrepresenting its knowledge of the likelihood that its products and activities have contributed and are continuing to contribute to Climate Change

That's awful!!! Where is this law that says you have to present your knowledge of the likelihood your products are contributing to Climate Change?

(prohibiting conspiracy to obtain money by false pretenses).

Did their product perform as expected? Heat homes, generate electricity, power ICEs? LOL!
Why do all the critics of this action ignore the RICO act charges? Exxon Mobil hasn't been accused of disagreeing with mainstream science. They've been accused of intentionally and knowingly lying to the public to make money. Were Big Tobacco's First Amendment rights violated by the RICO charges brought against them for virtually the exact same actions?

They've been accused of intentionally and knowingly lying to the public to make money.

Lying to the public about "Global Warming"?
Or did they lie about "Climate Change"?
Or were they lying about "Extreme Weather"?
All three?

Now that you know the truth, is your consumption of fossil fuels zero?
Given how CEI has so proudly specialized in harassing scientists with bogus FOIA assaults, this is especially fitting.

The subpoena: Subpoena from USVI AG Claude Walker April 7 2016.pdf
ExxonMobil is suspected to have engaged in, or be engaging in, conduct constituting a civil violation of the Criminally Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, 14 V.I.C. § 605, by having engaged or engaging in conduct misrepresenting its knowledge of the likelihood that its products and activities have contributed and are continuing to contribute to Climate Change in order to defraud the Government of the United States Virgin Islands ("the Government") and consumers in the Virgin Islands, in violation of 14 V.I.C.§ 834 (prohibiting obtaining money by false pretenses) and 14 V.I.C. § 551 (prohibiting conspiracy to obtain money by false pretenses).

In relation to the Government's investigation of the above matter, YOU ARE HEREBY DIRECTED, by the authority granted to the Attorney General of the United States Virgin Islands ("USVI"), pursuant to the provisions of 14 V.I.C. § 612, to produce and deliver the documents responsive to the inquiries set forth herein, on or before April 30, 2016, directed to the attention of Attorney General Claude Earl Walker, Esq.

Documents required:
1. All Documents and Communications sent to or received from ExxonMobil, or third parties acting on behalf of ExxonMobil, concerning Climate Change, including strategies to address Climate Change or impact public views on Climate Change.

And the list goes on, detailing how anything that has anything to do with ExxonMobil has to be turned over.

Consistency not being their strong points, deniers will howl about how unust this is, even though CEI spent years doing the same thing.

And once the emails are turned over, deniers will ignore most of them, and only post a few cherrypicked bits that prove CEI's innocence. And they'll all claim to have read all the emails, even though they'll actually only have read what their conspiracy blogs fed them. You know, same as the ClimateGate denier fraud.

by having engaged or engaging in conduct misrepresenting its knowledge of the likelihood that its products and activities have contributed and are continuing to contribute to Climate Change

That's awful!!! Where is this law that says you have to present your knowledge of the likelihood your products are contributing to Climate Change?

(prohibiting conspiracy to obtain money by false pretenses).

Did their product perform as expected? Heat homes, generate electricity, power ICEs? LOL!

The fishing expedition will end badly for them.. No laws were broken.. Gore went judge shopping into territorial judges to get someone to sign the subpoena.. Its going to end badly the first of this next week when the superior court reviews the subpoena.. Its poorly written and there are no laws violated...
Temperatures have continued to climb

The West Antarctic Ice Sheet has irreversibly destabilized.

Worldwide, glaciers are retreating

Temperature and precipitation extremes are occurring with increasing frequency

Arctic ice mass, ice extents and ice age have continued to shrink

Large scale changes are taking place in biological systems: plankton, fish, insects, birds, mammals, plants

Sea level rise has continued and accelerated

If only Exxon had told the truth, none of that would be happening. Durr.
The cigarette companies avoided the hangman's noose for a while as well. But in the end all the dirty rats get theirs.
Temperatures have continued to climb

The West Antarctic Ice Sheet has irreversibly destabilized.

Worldwide, glaciers are retreating

Temperature and precipitation extremes are occurring with increasing frequency

Arctic ice mass, ice extents and ice age have continued to shrink

Large scale changes are taking place in biological systems: plankton, fish, insects, birds, mammals, plants

Sea level rise has continued and accelerated

If only Exxon had told the truth, none of that would be happening. Durr.

I find it telling that no one on the Denier side of this seems willing to discuss the actual charges contemplated for Exxon Mobil. Afraid?
Temperatures have continued to climb

The West Antarctic Ice Sheet has irreversibly destabilized.

Worldwide, glaciers are retreating

Temperature and precipitation extremes are occurring with increasing frequency

Arctic ice mass, ice extents and ice age have continued to shrink

Large scale changes are taking place in biological systems: plankton, fish, insects, birds, mammals, plants

Sea level rise has continued and accelerated

If only Exxon had told the truth, none of that would be happening. Durr.

I find it telling that no one on the Denier side of this seems willing to discuss the actual charges contemplated for Exxon Mobil. Afraid?

What charges? There have been no charges filed. No harm has been defined. The subpoena is a fishing expedition.

The left wing drama is hilarious... its illegal use of the courts to bully and harass is nothing short of needing a SLAPP finding.
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Temperatures have continued to climb

The West Antarctic Ice Sheet has irreversibly destabilized.

Worldwide, glaciers are retreating

Temperature and precipitation extremes are occurring with increasing frequency

Arctic ice mass, ice extents and ice age have continued to shrink

Large scale changes are taking place in biological systems: plankton, fish, insects, birds, mammals, plants

Sea level rise has continued and accelerated

If only Exxon had told the truth, none of that would be happening. Durr.

I find it telling that no one on the Denier side of this seems willing to discuss the actual charges contemplated for Exxon Mobil. Afraid?

What charges? There have been no charges filed. The subpoena is a fishing expedition

They must be fishing for Big Mouth Ass.
Temperatures have continued to climb

The West Antarctic Ice Sheet has irreversibly destabilized.

Worldwide, glaciers are retreating

Temperature and precipitation extremes are occurring with increasing frequency

Arctic ice mass, ice extents and ice age have continued to shrink

Large scale changes are taking place in biological systems: plankton, fish, insects, birds, mammals, plants

Sea level rise has continued and accelerated

If only Exxon had told the truth, none of that would be happening. Durr.

I find it telling that no one on the Denier side of this seems willing to discuss the actual charges contemplated for Exxon Mobil. Afraid?

What charges? There have been no charges filed. The subpoena is a fishing expedition

They must be fishing for Big Mouth Ass.
Well they caught you all sucker fishs..
Temperatures have continued to climb

The West Antarctic Ice Sheet has irreversibly destabilized.

Worldwide, glaciers are retreating

Temperature and precipitation extremes are occurring with increasing frequency

Arctic ice mass, ice extents and ice age have continued to shrink

Large scale changes are taking place in biological systems: plankton, fish, insects, birds, mammals, plants

Sea level rise has continued and accelerated

If only Exxon had told the truth, none of that would be happening. Durr.

I find it telling that no one on the Denier side of this seems willing to discuss the actual charges contemplated for Exxon Mobil. Afraid?

Charged with what crime?
The rest of the human race has already provided the evidence, you just ignore it.

Stop the lying, reality is not a friend to you and is far too scary.

So you say and yet, when asked for even a tiny bit of this vast body of evidence you claim exists that substantiates the AGW hypothesis, you can't provide it....not even the smallest bit of observed measured evidence that substantiates even the most basic claim of the AGW hypothesis. If such evidence actually existed, it would be impossible to ignore....every thread would be overrun with it....all hard evidence all the time...but is that what we see?....No, we see people such as yourself claiming such evidence exists and failing every time to post it.

Tell me, what is the quantity of the human fingerprint in the climate change we have seen? much are humans responsible for and by what actual observed and measured evidence was that quantity derived?
Hearsay? What a fucking maroon. You have no education, do you. 2-year degree in criminology?

Do you actually believe you're line of crap? I always thought you were a little smarter than that. It doesn't actually take much to realize mainstream science has a wee edge on the 11 whack jobs you've been pushing.
and yet here you are still speechless on any proven facts. Listen, I understand the the word fact is HUGE to you all. I get it. But in a court, they are very important. And unless someone works really hard here in the near future, your side will have zip to layout. So again, what is it exactly that exxon did that was illegal. I'm still waiting.
It is so comical. Denier Cultists devolve every single thread into 'show me this' blah blah.

Such is the nature of can either show a thing to be true or you can not...clearly you can not.

10,000 PH.D's and 195 nations confirm Global Warming. The entire human race against you.

Confirmed? Confirm is one of those words that actually has a meaning....confirmed is defined as to establish the truth, accuracy, validity, or genuineness of; corroborate; verify...So us skeptics are asking for you to show us the actual observed, measured, quantified confirmation that AGW exists....if 10,000 phD's have confirmed AGW, there surely must be some observed, measured, quantified proof....where is it? You can't produce it..none of your warmer wacko buds can produce it. Do you think those 10,000 phD's are keeping it secret? Where is the evidence by which they confirmed the existence of AGW? Either you can produce it or you can't...if you can't, then to prove that you are a thinking person, you should be asking why you can't show it.

Hmm, who could possibly be right. There is no argument. You are like the handful of people that don't believe we actually landed on the moon. "Where's the proof". They use the same lame bullshit.

Hmmmm...why, if there are 10,000 phD's confirming the existence of AGW, can you not provide even one bit of observed, measured, quantified proof that it exists? That being the fact of the matter, there clearly is an argument....simply claiming that X number of somebody says that a thing is true is the lamest of all arguments. A couple of years ago, you could have found the better part of a million medical doctors who would have confirmed that stomach ulcers were caused by stress...there was no proof of the claim, but they would have still confirmed it...alas, however, they were science and the consensus so often are.

The rest of the human race has already provided the evidence, you just ignore it.

Stop the lying, reality is not a friend to you and is far too scary.
holy shit that would be a lot. And yet today, none has shown itself to the skeptics asking. Why is that? Why is it if the whole fking human race has evidence can't your sorry ars produce any. I know I don't have any, and haven't seen any? I'm still waiting as a member of that human race.
So what? Their scientists (who are) told them it was true. They accepted AGW because they aren't ignorant fools blinded by politics. They simply knew it was in their best interests to keep the public in the dark as long as possible and the best strategy for accomplishing that is to produce a fake controversy.
so curious, how the fk do you know what their scientists stated that you can just push a post like this?

Name one of their scientists.
Temperatures have continued to climb

The West Antarctic Ice Sheet has irreversibly destabilized.

Worldwide, glaciers are retreating

Temperature and precipitation extremes are occurring with increasing frequency

Arctic ice mass, ice extents and ice age have continued to shrink

Large scale changes are taking place in biological systems: plankton, fish, insects, birds, mammals, plants

Sea level rise has continued and accelerated

If only Exxon had told the truth, none of that would be happening. Durr.

I find it telling that no one on the Denier side of this seems willing to discuss the actual charges contemplated for Exxon Mobil. Afraid?

What charges? There have been no charges filed. The subpoena is a fishing expedition

They must be fishing for Big Mouth Ass.
and you bit!
The rest of the human race has already provided the evidence, you just ignore it.

Stop the lying, reality is not a friend to you and is far too scary.

So you say and yet, when asked for even a tiny bit of this vast body of evidence you claim exists that substantiates the AGW hypothesis, you can't provide it....not even the smallest bit of observed measured evidence that substantiates even the most basic claim of the AGW hypothesis. If such evidence actually existed, it would be impossible to ignore....every thread would be overrun with it....all hard evidence all the time...but is that what we see?....No, we see people such as yourself claiming such evidence exists and failing every time to post it.

Tell me, what is the quantity of the human fingerprint in the climate change we have seen? much are humans responsible for and by what actual observed and measured evidence was that quantity derived?

You've seen this before, liar.

Deniers, sorry, it's your 'evidence' against the entire rest of the scientists in the world. The people with PH.D's who have studied one subject their whole lives.

You actually think anyone is taking you seriously? Really?
Deniers, sorry, it's your 'evidence' against the entire rest of the scientists in the world. The people with PH.D's who have studied one subject their whole lives.

You actually think anyone is taking you seriously? Really?

it's your 'evidence' against the entire rest of the scientists in the world.

No kidding, 75/77, very impressive.
That's enough to make me want to spend $15-$20 trillion on windmills.

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