Democrat AGs Begin Inquisition Against ‘Climate Change Disbelievers’

Disagreeing is not assume the bogus charge is already proven.......btw Exxon had money on both sides of the table.......ooooops

It is proven, by Exxon's own documents. Exxon knew global warming was real, and deliberately lied about it for money. According to our legal system, that's a form of fraud.
And that has what to do with CEI........Exxon funded both sides........again ....oooops
Disagreeing is not assume the bogus charge is already proven.......btw Exxon had money on both sides of the table.......ooooops

It is proven, by Exxon's own documents. Exxon knew global warming was real, and deliberately lied about it for money. According to our legal system, that's a form of fraud.

Exxon knew global warming was real, and deliberately lied about it for money.

How did their lie give them a profit?

According to our legal system, that's a form of fraud.

Sorry, you can say anything you want about AGW, no crime involved.
Imagined victimhood? Those AGs think lying about it is a crime.

No, they think a massive organized lying campaign sustained for years involving big bucks is a crime. And our legal system agrees.

Or do you think I told the truth?

I think you're evading the basic issue in your overriding quest to portray yourself as a victim.
Algore profited immensely off his lies....= fraud.....oooops

An outright lie on your part. But since you're stupid and brainwashed enough to believe it, and since nobody cares about an insignificant cult lackey like you, it's not a crime.
Imagined victimhood? Those AGs think lying about it is a crime.

No, they think a massive organized lying campaign sustained for years involving big bucks is a crime. And our legal system agrees.

Or do you think I told the truth?

I think you're evading the basic issue in your overriding quest to portray yourself as a victim.

No, they think a massive organized lying campaign sustained for years involving big bucks is a crime. And our legal system agrees.

Cool story. How many years will Al Gore get?
if you could show where Gore lied, you wolulnd't come across as so butthurt over losing.

And since you're just crying now, we're done here. Buh-bye, loser.
Algore profited immensely off his lies....= fraud.....oooops

An outright lie on your part. But since you're stupid and brainwashed enough to believe it, and since nobody cares about an insignificant cult lackey like you, it's not a crime.
This is a perfect example of a left wing nut bag going off the rails.. Even Gore admits his companies have profited in the billions of dollars from his deceptions and lies..

Snagletooth is a lying little bitch,,
Temperatures have continued to climb

The West Antarctic Ice Sheet has irreversibly destabilized.

Worldwide, glaciers are retreating

Temperature and precipitation extremes are occurring with increasing frequency

Arctic ice mass, ice extents and ice age have continued to shrink

Large scale changes are taking place in biological systems: plankton, fish, insects, birds, mammals, plants

Sea level rise has continued and accelerated

If only Exxon had told the truth, none of that would be happening. Durr.

I find it telling that no one on the Denier side of this seems willing to discuss the actual charges contemplated for Exxon Mobil. Afraid?

At this point you goobers can't even name an actual crime that they may be guilty of.
The rest of the human race has already provided the evidence, you just ignore it.

Stop the lying, reality is not a friend to you and is far too scary.

So you say and yet, when asked for even a tiny bit of this vast body of evidence you claim exists that substantiates the AGW hypothesis, you can't provide it....not even the smallest bit of observed measured evidence that substantiates even the most basic claim of the AGW hypothesis. If such evidence actually existed, it would be impossible to ignore....every thread would be overrun with it....all hard evidence all the time...but is that what we see?....No, we see people such as yourself claiming such evidence exists and failing every time to post it.

Tell me, what is the quantity of the human fingerprint in the climate change we have seen? much are humans responsible for and by what actual observed and measured evidence was that quantity derived?

You've seen this before, liar.


Yeah...I 've seen that before...we all have and I am still asking for some actual evidence....Do you have any actual observed, measured, quantified data that proves any of those forcings? Of course you don't...and do you think that solar irradiance is the only natural forcing factor in the environment? Really? You believe that chart represents the actual total of all forcing factors within the earth system and accurately depicts their relative powers? Are you really that stupid and gullible.

That chart doesn't even begin to represent anything like evidence of anything other than the gullibility of someone who would post it as evidence of anything.
Deniers, sorry, it's your 'evidence' against the entire rest of the scientists in the world. The people with PH.D's who have studied one subject their whole lives.

You actually think anyone is taking you seriously? Really?

And still you can't provide any actual observed, measured, quantified, like all warmer wackos fall back on the logical fallacy of the appeal to authority which the actual evidence shows is no authority at all,
We have thousands of peer reviewed studies and papers. YOU'RE the one with no evidence.
We have thousands of peer reviewed studies and papers. YOU'RE the one with no evidence.

So there being thousands of peer reviewed papers, surely you can pull some actual observed, measured, quantified evidence that substantiates the AGW hypothesis...

And again, we both know that of course you can' have thousands of papers chock full of assumptions, mights, maybes, coulds, possibles, and output of computer models....insofar as actual hard, observed, quantified evidence supporting the AGW still have nothing. I have known that all along...what is surprising is that you have not yet figured it out. How many times you be asked to produce a thing, to which you find it impossible to produce before you come to realize that that thing, does not, in fact, exist?
Disagreeing is not assume the bogus charge is already proven.......btw Exxon had money on both sides of the table.......ooooops

It is proven, by Exxon's own documents. Exxon knew global warming was real, and deliberately lied about it for money. According to our legal system, that's a form of fraud.
how did they know if you can't prove it? I thought you all used nasa and noaa for your information. Why do you need exxon's executives to tell you something about climate? They are an Oil Company. Don't see climate specialist anywhere in there.
You are SO full of shit and SO utterly devoid of evidence supporting your position.

And your critique falls back, as it ALWAYS does, to the massive global conspiracy nonsense.

God are you stupid.
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