Democrat Caught Trying to Solicit Sex from 14-Year-Old Boy

Is it a requirement for high office in the democrat party or is it just that it is that personality type that makes it to the top of the democrat party leadership?
I think it's the latter...not only for the democrat party but for the corporate business world as well...and the RCC.

Kamala Harris is the poster girl for democrats.
One might think that sexual predators would know by now that online solicitation of sex with minors is a dangerous game to play.

Kudos to "Predator Poachers of Massachusetts" !!!!!

Matt Trowbridge, who ran as a Democratic state representative, was caught on camera by a group of pedophile hunters while attempting to meet with the minor.

Trowbridge believed he had been grooming an underage boy via text messages after finding the child on the app Grindr.

However, Trowbridge was having sexually explicit conversations with a member of the activist group "Predator Poachers of Massachusetts," who was posing as a child to catch pedophiles online.

The group does “To Catch A Predator” style stings and posts them on YouTube.

The group filmed the moment they caught Trowbridge trying to meet with the child and posted the video online.

According to the video, he's about #70 on their string of catches!

The fun starts at around the 2:20 marker, but the introductory material is also interesting.

What a sleazy dumb ass, Trowbridge is.

It also shows that this is a real mental illness...... if you needed to have sex, going to a prostitute and getting caught would have a price to pay......but getting caught with a child has such catastrophic, destructive consequences for the criminal that only the crazy would do is a real mental health issue, and these people need to be kept in prison for the rest of their lives....

I do not cut slack crazy people anymore. Call me crude, harsh, uncaring or whatever. I do not believe in temporary insanity or mistakes of people getting drunk, on drugs, going off their meds. If they are a danger, doctors or family should have had them locked up. Prison or asylum for the rest of their life is a good solution. They can get out of prison easier than the nuthouse, if the state does it right.

I'm a bit more forgiving than you but I have zero tolerance for paedophiles.

It is right that you should be more forgiving. I should be more forgiving, but when it comes to sick crap, endangering, scarring others possibly for life or killing, shooting cops or innocents, I no longer am. It is effectively used as an excuse and to nullify juries or avoid trial altogether. You may be a better man than I. I can live with it. People's lawyers, just need to make sure I do not sit to serve on the jury.:dunno:

I have a bit more sympathy for genuine mental issues than you I think.
Causing mayhem in the name of protesting I'm definitely with you.
Even if you're pissed off and want to go out in the streets to show it you have no right to fuck up the livelihood or life of others.
You deserve the full weight of the law.
One might think that sexual predators would know by now that online solicitation of sex with minors is a dangerous game to play.

Kudos to "Predator Poachers of Massachusetts" !!!!!

Matt Trowbridge, who ran as a Democratic state representative, was caught on camera by a group of pedophile hunters while attempting to meet with the minor.

Trowbridge believed he had been grooming an underage boy via text messages after finding the child on the app Grindr.

However, Trowbridge was having sexually explicit conversations with a member of the activist group "Predator Poachers of Massachusetts," who was posing as a child to catch pedophiles online.

The group does “To Catch A Predator” style stings and posts them on YouTube.

The group filmed the moment they caught Trowbridge trying to meet with the child and posted the video online.

According to the video, he's about #70 on their string of catches!

The fun starts at around the 2:20 marker, but the introductory material is also interesting.

^^^^ This:


You can’t get very high up in the Dem Party unless you are a sexual deviant.

And they prefer it if it is Homosexual and/or Transgender in it's deviancy, because the Democrats and Leftists in general now are Anti-Heterosexual and Pro-Homosexual and Pro-Transgender.
I've never understood why some overweight middle aged man would think that a teen would have any interest in them.

That noted, it's absolutely WRONG to try and argue that under age same sex situations are worse than underage sex between a man and a girl.
Who says, you? How about you go fuck yourself faggot? Thats same sex isn't it?

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