Democrat doesn't know difference between White Nationalist and White Supremacist

i understand the theoretical difference. there is no practical difference.
Yes there is.
granted you're far more connected to the world of nationalists and supremacists than any reputable person would want to be, but i do not believe there is any person that truly believes races should be separated that does not also believe in racial supremacy.
If someone wanted supremacy instead of nationalism why would they separate instead of using the non whites as slaves like a Supremacist would do? Nationalists just want to separate Supremacists want to dominate.
Yawn. Time to put the troll on ignore. This is an adult conversation.

You act like the 14 year old still stuck at the kiddie table. You want to think you're an adult but it's obvious the other table doesn't agree with you.
Don't care what you or anyone else in this world thinks. :) Can't hold a conversation like an adult I have no reason to continue a conversation with you.

You're not having a conversation, you're putting people on ignore because you won't address their point.

Name a White Nationalist who did not hold supremacist views. It's that simple.
I have tried talking to that moron I ignored come on over to SF and meet THOUSANDS of people that think that.Supremacists want to use non whites as slaves OR they want to exterminate the non whites. Nationalists want to separate each race their own nation land area whatever. Not that hard to see the difference just like there are BLACK SUPREMACISTS and BLACK NATIONALISTS.

You can't do it, can you? Name a White Nationalist who is not a White Supremacist. Name a single WN organization that promotes the separation of the races without degrading others?
Ohh you mean without posting facts regarding IQ and such.....gotcha...your cute little catch 22.
i understand the theoretical difference. there is no practical difference.
Yes there is.
granted you're far more connected to the world of nationalists and supremacists than any reputable person would want to be, but i do not believe there is any person that truly believes races should be separated that does not also believe in racial supremacy.
If someone wanted supremacy instead of nationalism why would they separate instead of using the non whites as slaves like a Supremacist would do? Nationalists just want to separate Supremacists want to dominate.
You act like the 14 year old still stuck at the kiddie table. You want to think you're an adult but it's obvious the other table doesn't agree with you.
Don't care what you or anyone else in this world thinks. :) Can't hold a conversation like an adult I have no reason to continue a conversation with you.

You're not having a conversation, you're putting people on ignore because you won't address their point.

Name a White Nationalist who did not hold supremacist views. It's that simple.
I have tried talking to that moron I ignored come on over to SF and meet THOUSANDS of people that think that.Supremacists want to use non whites as slaves OR they want to exterminate the non whites. Nationalists want to separate each race their own nation land area whatever. Not that hard to see the difference just like there are BLACK SUPREMACISTS and BLACK NATIONALISTS.

You can't do it, can you? Name a White Nationalist who is not a White Supremacist. Name a single WN organization that promotes the separation of the races without degrading others?
Ohh you mean without posting facts regarding IQ and such.....gotcha...your cute little catch 22.

Can you name an individual or organization that is white nationalist but not white supremacist? This is only the third time asking. You started this thread explaining to us the difference, give us a real world example.
Yes there is.
granted you're far more connected to the world of nationalists and supremacists than any reputable person would want to be, but i do not believe there is any person that truly believes races should be separated that does not also believe in racial supremacy.
If someone wanted supremacy instead of nationalism why would they separate instead of using the non whites as slaves like a Supremacist would do? Nationalists just want to separate Supremacists want to dominate.
Don't care what you or anyone else in this world thinks. :) Can't hold a conversation like an adult I have no reason to continue a conversation with you.

You're not having a conversation, you're putting people on ignore because you won't address their point.

Name a White Nationalist who did not hold supremacist views. It's that simple.
I have tried talking to that moron I ignored come on over to SF and meet THOUSANDS of people that think that.Supremacists want to use non whites as slaves OR they want to exterminate the non whites. Nationalists want to separate each race their own nation land area whatever. Not that hard to see the difference just like there are BLACK SUPREMACISTS and BLACK NATIONALISTS.

You can't do it, can you? Name a White Nationalist who is not a White Supremacist. Name a single WN organization that promotes the separation of the races without degrading others?
Ohh you mean without posting facts regarding IQ and such.....gotcha...your cute little catch 22.

Can you name an individual or organization that is white nationalist but not white supremacist? This is only the third time asking. You started this thread explaining to us the difference, give us a real world example.
Yawn. Whose OPINION of the difference are we using? I don't know of ANY group that wants to exterminate or enslave non whites so that would be all white racialist groups :) with exception to the old Klan who wanted n!ggers kept in their place...most if not all today want separation.
granted you're far more connected to the world of nationalists and supremacists than any reputable person would want to be, but i do not believe there is any person that truly believes races should be separated that does not also believe in racial supremacy.
If someone wanted supremacy instead of nationalism why would they separate instead of using the non whites as slaves like a Supremacist would do? Nationalists just want to separate Supremacists want to dominate.
You're not having a conversation, you're putting people on ignore because you won't address their point.

Name a White Nationalist who did not hold supremacist views. It's that simple.
I have tried talking to that moron I ignored come on over to SF and meet THOUSANDS of people that think that.Supremacists want to use non whites as slaves OR they want to exterminate the non whites. Nationalists want to separate each race their own nation land area whatever. Not that hard to see the difference just like there are BLACK SUPREMACISTS and BLACK NATIONALISTS.

You can't do it, can you? Name a White Nationalist who is not a White Supremacist. Name a single WN organization that promotes the separation of the races without degrading others?
Ohh you mean without posting facts regarding IQ and such.....gotcha...your cute little catch 22.

Can you name an individual or organization that is white nationalist but not white supremacist? This is only the third time asking. You started this thread explaining to us the difference, give us a real world example.
Yawn. Whose OPINION of the difference are we using? I don't know of ANY group that wants to exterminate or enslave non whites so that would be all white racialist groups :) with exception to the old Klan who wanted n!ggers kept in their place...most if not all today want separation.

Who's opinion? In your opinion, it's your thread. Name a White Nationalist organization that is not supremacist? You started this thread supposedly mocking Democrats for not knowing the difference but you can't even point to a valid example.
Enjoy hell or repent, ignorant hater dupe.
hell doesn't exist.
If someone wanted supremacy instead of nationalism why would they separate instead of using the non whites as slaves like a Supremacist would do? Nationalists just want to separate Supremacists want to dominate.
I have tried talking to that moron I ignored come on over to SF and meet THOUSANDS of people that think that.Supremacists want to use non whites as slaves OR they want to exterminate the non whites. Nationalists want to separate each race their own nation land area whatever. Not that hard to see the difference just like there are BLACK SUPREMACISTS and BLACK NATIONALISTS.

You can't do it, can you? Name a White Nationalist who is not a White Supremacist. Name a single WN organization that promotes the separation of the races without degrading others?
Ohh you mean without posting facts regarding IQ and such.....gotcha...your cute little catch 22.

Can you name an individual or organization that is white nationalist but not white supremacist? This is only the third time asking. You started this thread explaining to us the difference, give us a real world example.
Yawn. Whose OPINION of the difference are we using? I don't know of ANY group that wants to exterminate or enslave non whites so that would be all white racialist groups :) with exception to the old Klan who wanted n!ggers kept in their place...most if not all today want separation.

Who's opinion? In your opinion, it's your thread. Name a White Nationalist organization that is not supremacist? You started this thread supposedly mocking Democrats for not knowing the difference but you can't even point to a valid example.
I said all with exception to the old Klan.
American Freedom Party

To name the larger ones. All Nationalist or Separatist in nature. Also I am NOT a nationalist but a racial socialist and supremacist so its not like I am claiming to be a nationalist....I find it lovely that a mainstream politician isn't back down to the cultural marxist left on this.
Enjoy hell or repent, ignorant hater dupe.
hell doesn't exist.
You can't do it, can you? Name a White Nationalist who is not a White Supremacist. Name a single WN organization that promotes the separation of the races without degrading others?
Ohh you mean without posting facts regarding IQ and such.....gotcha...your cute little catch 22.

Can you name an individual or organization that is white nationalist but not white supremacist? This is only the third time asking. You started this thread explaining to us the difference, give us a real world example.
Yawn. Whose OPINION of the difference are we using? I don't know of ANY group that wants to exterminate or enslave non whites so that would be all white racialist groups :) with exception to the old Klan who wanted n!ggers kept in their place...most if not all today want separation.

Who's opinion? In your opinion, it's your thread. Name a White Nationalist organization that is not supremacist? You started this thread supposedly mocking Democrats for not knowing the difference but you can't even point to a valid example.
I said all with exception to the old Klan.
American Freedom Party

To name the larger ones. All Nationalist or Separatist in nature. Also I am NOT a nationalist but a racial socialist and supremacist so its not like I am claiming to be a nationalist....I find it lovely that a mainstream politician isn't back down to the cultural marxist left on this.

AmRen - Promotes Eugenics, quite literally the supremacy of whites over blacks. Example

EURO - Is nothing more than David Duke's printing press (former klansmen and neo-nazi, enough said), they are a supremacist organization, some choice quotes:

"The beautiful Germany of the 1930s with blonde children happily running through every village has been replaced with a multi-racial cesspool. Out of work Africans can be seen shuffling along the same streets, which used to be clean and safe in the days of the National Socialists. One day, people in Germany will grow tired of the politically correct police state that is destroying their lives. They will recover their national pride and start speaking the truth about their past regardless of what the militant lesbians or thought police tell them."
— Ian Mosley

"The Jewish media and Jews in general will attack us for wanting to restore White America. The Jews are the enemy of the White race, and they are largely responsible for the ‘browning' of America. The Jews want to rule over a multi-racial brown America that is too ignorant to ever rebel against them."
— Jeff Davis

NAAWP - Another David Duke (enough said) group that called MLK a "beast" and a sexual degenerate communist who hated America. They also have fond memories of slavery. They are a supremacist group.

American Freedom Party - Many of of it's founders are white supremecists. Jamie Kelso from the neo-Nazi group National Alliance. Tomislav Sunić, another racist, here is a quote:

“Frightened at the sight of the vanishing White flock and reeling from the pedophile scandals, the Catholic clergy in America must look now for less intelligent and more credulous faithful, notably among Latin American immigrants.”

NSM - Are you fucking kidding me?

Wikipedia even implies they are practically the same thing:

White separatism and white supremacy are subgroups within white nationalism. The former seek a separate white state, while the latter add ideas from social Darwinism and Nazism to their ideology.[4]Both generally avoid the term supremacy, because it has negative connotations.[5] Critics have argued that ideas such as white pride and white nationalism exist merely to provide a sanitized public face for white supremacy, and that most white nationalist groups promote white separatism and racial violence.[6]
Enjoy hell or repent, ignorant hater dupe.
hell doesn't exist.
Ohh you mean without posting facts regarding IQ and such.....gotcha...your cute little catch 22.

Can you name an individual or organization that is white nationalist but not white supremacist? This is only the third time asking. You started this thread explaining to us the difference, give us a real world example.
Yawn. Whose OPINION of the difference are we using? I don't know of ANY group that wants to exterminate or enslave non whites so that would be all white racialist groups :) with exception to the old Klan who wanted n!ggers kept in their place...most if not all today want separation.

Who's opinion? In your opinion, it's your thread. Name a White Nationalist organization that is not supremacist? You started this thread supposedly mocking Democrats for not knowing the difference but you can't even point to a valid example.
I said all with exception to the old Klan.
American Freedom Party

To name the larger ones. All Nationalist or Separatist in nature. Also I am NOT a nationalist but a racial socialist and supremacist so its not like I am claiming to be a nationalist....I find it lovely that a mainstream politician isn't back down to the cultural marxist left on this.

AmRen - Promotes Eugenics, quite literally the supremacy of whites over blacks. Example

EURO - Is nothing more than David Duke's printing press (former klansmen and neo-nazi, enough said), they are a supremacist organization, some choice quotes:

"The beautiful Germany of the 1930s with blonde children happily running through every village has been replaced with a multi-racial cesspool. Out of work Africans can be seen shuffling along the same streets, which used to be clean and safe in the days of the National Socialists. One day, people in Germany will grow tired of the politically correct police state that is destroying their lives. They will recover their national pride and start speaking the truth about their past regardless of what the militant lesbians or thought police tell them."
— Ian Mosley

"The Jewish media and Jews in general will attack us for wanting to restore White America. The Jews are the enemy of the White race, and they are largely responsible for the ‘browning' of America. The Jews want to rule over a multi-racial brown America that is too ignorant to ever rebel against them."
— Jeff Davis

NAAWP - Another David Duke (enough said) group that called MLK a "beast" and a sexual degenerate communist who hated America. They also have fond memories of slavery. They are a supremacist group.

American Freedom Party - Many of of it's founders are white supremecists. Jamie Kelso from the neo-Nazi group National Alliance. Tomislav Sunić, another racist, here is a quote:

“Frightened at the sight of the vanishing White flock and reeling from the pedophile scandals, the Catholic clergy in America must look now for less intelligent and more credulous faithful, notably among Latin American immigrants.”

NSM - Are you fucking kidding me?

Yawn. That's my reply to your opinion.
Wikipedia even implies they are practically the same thing:

White separatism and white supremacy are subgroups within white nationalism. The former seek a separate white state, while the latter add ideas from social Darwinism and Nazism to their ideology.[4]Both generally avoid the term supremacy, because it has negative connotations.[5] Critics have argued that ideas such as white pride and white nationalism exist merely to provide a sanitized public face for white supremacy, and that most white nationalist groups promote white separatism and racial violence.[6]
Anyone and I mean ANYONE can edit and type wiki pages....nice try though.
PA Rep: Don't Call My Witness A White Supremacist, He's A White Nationalist!

Gonna have to send a thank you note to this Pa Rep! I like this guy....Oh and for anyone actually interested the difference is quite simple. Just look it up on wikipedia or metapedia.
I know the difference. One sucks cock and the other takes it in the ass, which one are you?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The one shoving you in the oven :) Listen to those screams! Music to my ears!
Enjoy hell or repent, ignorant hater dupe.
hell doesn't exist.
Can you name an individual or organization that is white nationalist but not white supremacist? This is only the third time asking. You started this thread explaining to us the difference, give us a real world example.
Yawn. Whose OPINION of the difference are we using? I don't know of ANY group that wants to exterminate or enslave non whites so that would be all white racialist groups :) with exception to the old Klan who wanted n!ggers kept in their place...most if not all today want separation.

Who's opinion? In your opinion, it's your thread. Name a White Nationalist organization that is not supremacist? You started this thread supposedly mocking Democrats for not knowing the difference but you can't even point to a valid example.
I said all with exception to the old Klan.
American Freedom Party

To name the larger ones. All Nationalist or Separatist in nature. Also I am NOT a nationalist but a racial socialist and supremacist so its not like I am claiming to be a nationalist....I find it lovely that a mainstream politician isn't back down to the cultural marxist left on this.

AmRen - Promotes Eugenics, quite literally the supremacy of whites over blacks. Example

EURO - Is nothing more than David Duke's printing press (former klansmen and neo-nazi, enough said), they are a supremacist organization, some choice quotes:

"The beautiful Germany of the 1930s with blonde children happily running through every village has been replaced with a multi-racial cesspool. Out of work Africans can be seen shuffling along the same streets, which used to be clean and safe in the days of the National Socialists. One day, people in Germany will grow tired of the politically correct police state that is destroying their lives. They will recover their national pride and start speaking the truth about their past regardless of what the militant lesbians or thought police tell them."
— Ian Mosley

"The Jewish media and Jews in general will attack us for wanting to restore White America. The Jews are the enemy of the White race, and they are largely responsible for the ‘browning' of America. The Jews want to rule over a multi-racial brown America that is too ignorant to ever rebel against them."
— Jeff Davis

NAAWP - Another David Duke (enough said) group that called MLK a "beast" and a sexual degenerate communist who hated America. They also have fond memories of slavery. They are a supremacist group.

American Freedom Party - Many of of it's founders are white supremecists. Jamie Kelso from the neo-Nazi group National Alliance. Tomislav Sunić, another racist, here is a quote:

“Frightened at the sight of the vanishing White flock and reeling from the pedophile scandals, the Catholic clergy in America must look now for less intelligent and more credulous faithful, notably among Latin American immigrants.”

NSM - Are you fucking kidding me?

Yawn. That's my reply to your opinion.

Predictable, congratulations.
Wikipedia even implies they are practically the same thing:

White separatism and white supremacy are subgroups within white nationalism. The former seek a separate white state, while the latter add ideas from social Darwinism and Nazism to their ideology.[4]Both generally avoid the term supremacy, because it has negative connotations.[5] Critics have argued that ideas such as white pride and white nationalism exist merely to provide a sanitized public face for white supremacy, and that most white nationalist groups promote white separatism and racial violence.[6]
Anyone and I mean ANYONE can edit and type wiki pages....nice try though.

You mentioned them, I simply went to your source.
Enjoy hell or repent, ignorant hater dupe.
hell doesn't exist.
Yawn. Whose OPINION of the difference are we using? I don't know of ANY group that wants to exterminate or enslave non whites so that would be all white racialist groups :) with exception to the old Klan who wanted n!ggers kept in their place...most if not all today want separation.

Who's opinion? In your opinion, it's your thread. Name a White Nationalist organization that is not supremacist? You started this thread supposedly mocking Democrats for not knowing the difference but you can't even point to a valid example.
I said all with exception to the old Klan.
American Freedom Party

To name the larger ones. All Nationalist or Separatist in nature. Also I am NOT a nationalist but a racial socialist and supremacist so its not like I am claiming to be a nationalist....I find it lovely that a mainstream politician isn't back down to the cultural marxist left on this.

AmRen - Promotes Eugenics, quite literally the supremacy of whites over blacks. Example

EURO - Is nothing more than David Duke's printing press (former klansmen and neo-nazi, enough said), they are a supremacist organization, some choice quotes:

"The beautiful Germany of the 1930s with blonde children happily running through every village has been replaced with a multi-racial cesspool. Out of work Africans can be seen shuffling along the same streets, which used to be clean and safe in the days of the National Socialists. One day, people in Germany will grow tired of the politically correct police state that is destroying their lives. They will recover their national pride and start speaking the truth about their past regardless of what the militant lesbians or thought police tell them."
— Ian Mosley

"The Jewish media and Jews in general will attack us for wanting to restore White America. The Jews are the enemy of the White race, and they are largely responsible for the ‘browning' of America. The Jews want to rule over a multi-racial brown America that is too ignorant to ever rebel against them."
— Jeff Davis

NAAWP - Another David Duke (enough said) group that called MLK a "beast" and a sexual degenerate communist who hated America. They also have fond memories of slavery. They are a supremacist group.

American Freedom Party - Many of of it's founders are white supremecists. Jamie Kelso from the neo-Nazi group National Alliance. Tomislav Sunić, another racist, here is a quote:

“Frightened at the sight of the vanishing White flock and reeling from the pedophile scandals, the Catholic clergy in America must look now for less intelligent and more credulous faithful, notably among Latin American immigrants.”

NSM - Are you fucking kidding me?

Yawn. That's my reply to your opinion.

Predictable, congratulations.

Just as you were son just as you were.As someone that's spent his life since 15 in the movement I know a HELL of a lot more about it than you ever will and more than any website can tell you.
Enjoy hell or repent, ignorant hater dupe.
hell doesn't exist.
Who's opinion? In your opinion, it's your thread. Name a White Nationalist organization that is not supremacist? You started this thread supposedly mocking Democrats for not knowing the difference but you can't even point to a valid example.
I said all with exception to the old Klan.
American Freedom Party

To name the larger ones. All Nationalist or Separatist in nature. Also I am NOT a nationalist but a racial socialist and supremacist so its not like I am claiming to be a nationalist....I find it lovely that a mainstream politician isn't back down to the cultural marxist left on this.

AmRen - Promotes Eugenics, quite literally the supremacy of whites over blacks. Example

EURO - Is nothing more than David Duke's printing press (former klansmen and neo-nazi, enough said), they are a supremacist organization, some choice quotes:

"The beautiful Germany of the 1930s with blonde children happily running through every village has been replaced with a multi-racial cesspool. Out of work Africans can be seen shuffling along the same streets, which used to be clean and safe in the days of the National Socialists. One day, people in Germany will grow tired of the politically correct police state that is destroying their lives. They will recover their national pride and start speaking the truth about their past regardless of what the militant lesbians or thought police tell them."
— Ian Mosley

"The Jewish media and Jews in general will attack us for wanting to restore White America. The Jews are the enemy of the White race, and they are largely responsible for the ‘browning' of America. The Jews want to rule over a multi-racial brown America that is too ignorant to ever rebel against them."
— Jeff Davis

NAAWP - Another David Duke (enough said) group that called MLK a "beast" and a sexual degenerate communist who hated America. They also have fond memories of slavery. They are a supremacist group.

American Freedom Party - Many of of it's founders are white supremecists. Jamie Kelso from the neo-Nazi group National Alliance. Tomislav Sunić, another racist, here is a quote:

“Frightened at the sight of the vanishing White flock and reeling from the pedophile scandals, the Catholic clergy in America must look now for less intelligent and more credulous faithful, notably among Latin American immigrants.”

NSM - Are you fucking kidding me?

Yawn. That's my reply to your opinion.

Predictable, congratulations.

Just as you were son just as you were.As someone that's spent his life since 15 in the movement I know a HELL of a lot more about it than you ever will and more than any website can tell you.

What happened to the yawn?
hell doesn't exist.
I said all with exception to the old Klan.
American Freedom Party

To name the larger ones. All Nationalist or Separatist in nature. Also I am NOT a nationalist but a racial socialist and supremacist so its not like I am claiming to be a nationalist....I find it lovely that a mainstream politician isn't back down to the cultural marxist left on this.

AmRen - Promotes Eugenics, quite literally the supremacy of whites over blacks. Example

EURO - Is nothing more than David Duke's printing press (former klansmen and neo-nazi, enough said), they are a supremacist organization, some choice quotes:

"The beautiful Germany of the 1930s with blonde children happily running through every village has been replaced with a multi-racial cesspool. Out of work Africans can be seen shuffling along the same streets, which used to be clean and safe in the days of the National Socialists. One day, people in Germany will grow tired of the politically correct police state that is destroying their lives. They will recover their national pride and start speaking the truth about their past regardless of what the militant lesbians or thought police tell them."
— Ian Mosley

"The Jewish media and Jews in general will attack us for wanting to restore White America. The Jews are the enemy of the White race, and they are largely responsible for the ‘browning' of America. The Jews want to rule over a multi-racial brown America that is too ignorant to ever rebel against them."
— Jeff Davis

NAAWP - Another David Duke (enough said) group that called MLK a "beast" and a sexual degenerate communist who hated America. They also have fond memories of slavery. They are a supremacist group.

American Freedom Party - Many of of it's founders are white supremecists. Jamie Kelso from the neo-Nazi group National Alliance. Tomislav Sunić, another racist, here is a quote:

“Frightened at the sight of the vanishing White flock and reeling from the pedophile scandals, the Catholic clergy in America must look now for less intelligent and more credulous faithful, notably among Latin American immigrants.”

NSM - Are you fucking kidding me?

Yawn. That's my reply to your opinion.

Predictable, congratulations.

Just as you were son just as you were.As someone that's spent his life since 15 in the movement I know a HELL of a lot more about it than you ever will and more than any website can tell you.

What happened to the yawn?

Oh its still there I am this game is boring so.

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