DEMOCRAT Former CIA Officer: Dems Setting 'horrific precedent' / 'Attempt To Kneecap President'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Former CIA officer Bryan Dean Wright, a self-identified Democrat, stated how the Democrats' attempt to Impeach the President on their factually un-supported 'Ukraine Extortion' accusation not only is setting an 'horrific precedent' but that it also a calculated operation / attempt to create grounds for Impeaching the President.

'The inspector general for the intelligence community
found that the whistleblower showed indications of "political bias" and was "in favor of a rival political candidate'...the whistleblower relied on secondhand information about Trump's conversation with the president of Ukraine and relied on other sources who also may have political biases.'

Wright, a Democrat, Puts It In Simple Terms, Calling It What It Is:
A little-known, politically-biased, Democrat Presidential Candidate-supporting CIA agent specializing in European/Ukraine politics / operations working temporarily in the WH filed a 'whistle blower' complaint that is based on 2nd-hand information and other politically-biased sources, after which they returned to the CIA.

He explains this has 'PLANNED', 'CALCULATED', written all over it:

"Now the American people are being told we're going to impeach the president ... but guess what America, you can't ask any questions of any of these people because they have certain protections"

So due to these 'certain protections', you can't ask the guy who just 'tossed the grenades into the tent' anything about WHY he did so.....and the Democrats get to use the anonymous accusation in an attempt to Impeach the President.


Wright makes THIS clear, too:

"That's a sham; that doesn't make any sense. That is an effort ultimately to kneecap ... the president of the United States. This president or any other president, it is a horrific precedent."

Former CIA officer who's a Democrat says Trump impeachment inquiry setting 'horrific precedent'

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I continually find it hilarious that braindead wags around here continue to qualify people's names with a political party, and think they just made some kind of point. :laughing0301:
I continually find it hilarious that braindead wags around here continue to qualify people's names with a political party, and think they just made some kind of point. :laughing0301:

I find it Hillaryous more and more Democrats are defecting and supporting Trump every day.
I continually find it hilarious that braindead wags around here continue to qualify people's names with a political party, and think they just made some kind of point. :laughing0301:
You attempt to address 'brainwashed wags around here' in an attempt to completely ignore that this article and the comments stated within were not from some Joe Schmoe with no background into what he speaks and is NOT from 'around here'. He is a self-identified Democrat and professional former operative of the CIA. FAIL!

A former CIA Agent just explained in simple details (hilarious how you still can't follow along) how a politically-biased, obviously tasked Trump-hating Deep State CIA operative just attempted to serve the President of the United States up on a proverbial silver platter to the Democrats who have been trying to Impeach him for 3+ years - Democrats like Nadler and Schiff.

No, these traitors don't represent their entire Party and certainly do NOT represent the majority of Americans in this country, but there is enough in positions of Deep State influence and power to have hijacked America and kept this going for 3+ years.
I continually find it hilarious that braindead wags around here continue to qualify people's names with a political party, and think they just made some kind of point. :laughing0301:
You attempt to address 'brainwashed wags around here' in an attempt to completely ignore that this article and the comments stated within were not from some Joe Schmoe with no background into what he speaks and is NOT from 'around here'. He is a self-identified Democrat and professional former operative of the CIA. FAIL!

A former CIA Agent just explained in simple details (hilarious how you still can't follow along) how a politically-biased, obviously tasked Trump-hating Deep State CIA operative just attempted to serve the President of the United States up on a proverbial silver platter to the Democrats who have been trying to Impeach him for 3+ years - Democrats like Nadler and Schiff.

No, these traitors don't represent their entire Party and certainly do NOT represent the majority of Americans in this country, but there is enough in positions of Deep State influence and power to have hijacked America and kept this going for 3+ years.

OP be all like --- "ain't dug myself deep enough yet, gimme a new shovel" :dig:

I find it Hillaryous more and more Democrats are defecting and supporting Trump every day.
Yes, it's sad what actual legitimate substantiated evidence will make some people do....


Fall on a crutch of Ass-ociation Fallacy?

Nun so blind.
It's not like Barisma isn't associate with The Russian mob, right?

Stupid Dems opened a can of worms they thought they had buried in a shallow grave.
I continually find it hilarious that braindead wags around here continue to qualify people's names with a political party, and think they just made some kind of point. :laughing0301:
You attempt to address 'brainwashed wags around here' in an attempt to completely ignore that this article and the comments stated within were not from some Joe Schmoe with no background into what he speaks and is NOT from 'around here'. He is a self-identified Democrat and professional former operative of the CIA. FAIL!

A former CIA Agent just explained in simple details (hilarious how you still can't follow along) how a politically-biased, obviously tasked Trump-hating Deep State CIA operative just attempted to serve the President of the United States up on a proverbial silver platter to the Democrats who have been trying to Impeach him for 3+ years - Democrats like Nadler and Schiff.

No, these traitors don't represent their entire Party and certainly do NOT represent the majority of Americans in this country, but there is enough in positions of Deep State influence and power to have hijacked America and kept this going for 3+ years.

OP be all like --- "ain't dug myself deep enough yet, gimme a new shovel" :dig:

I find it Hillaryous more and more Democrats are defecting and supporting Trump every day.
Yes, it's sad what actual legitimate substantiated evidence will make some people do....


Fall on a crutch of Ass-ociation Fallacy?

Nun so blind.
....and this is what snowflakes consider an intellectual, factual response to reported, proven, substantiated, fact-based reports / comments / discussion, proving the old adage, 'You can't fix stupid'. It also explains whey the country has been hijacked and has had to endure one failed Democrat 'boomerang' after another for the last 3+ years.
Former CIA officer Bryan Dean Wright, a self-identified Democrat, stated how the Democrats' attempt to Impeach the President on their factually un-supported 'Ukraine Extortion' accusation not only is setting an 'horrific precedent' but that it also a calculated operation / attempt to create grounds for Impeaching the President.

'The inspector general for the intelligence community
found that the whistleblower showed indications of "political bias" and was "in favor of a rival political candidate'...the whistleblower relied on secondhand information about Trump's conversation with the president of Ukraine and relied on other sources who also may have political biases.'

Wright, a Democrat, Puts It In Simple Terms, Calling It What It Is:
A little-known, politically-biased, Democrat Presidential Candidate-supporting CIA agent specializing in European/Ukraine politics / operations working temporarily in the WH filed a 'whistle blower' complaint that is based on 2nd-hand information and other politically-biased sources, after which they returned to the CIA.

He explains this has 'PLANNED', 'CALCULATED', written all over it:

"Now the American people are being told we're going to impeach the president ... but guess what America, you can't ask any questions of any of these people because they have certain protections"

So due to these 'certain protections', you can't ask the guy who just 'tossed the grenades into the tent' anything about WHY he did so.....and the Democrats get to use the anonymous accusation in an attempt to Impeach the President.


Wright makes THIS clear, too:

"That's a sham; that doesn't make any sense. That is an effort ultimately to kneecap ... the president of the United States. This president or any other president, it is a horrific precedent."

Former CIA officer who's a Democrat says Trump impeachment inquiry setting 'horrific precedent'

Political and not serious
I continually find it hilarious that braindead wags around here continue to qualify people's names with a political party, and think they just made some kind of point. :laughing0301:
You attempt to address 'brainwashed wags around here' in an attempt to completely ignore that this article and the comments stated within were not from some Joe Schmoe with no background into what he speaks and is NOT from 'around here'. He is a self-identified Democrat and professional former operative of the CIA. FAIL!

A former CIA Agent just explained in simple details (hilarious how you still can't follow along) how a politically-biased, obviously tasked Trump-hating Deep State CIA operative just attempted to serve the President of the United States up on a proverbial silver platter to the Democrats who have been trying to Impeach him for 3+ years - Democrats like Nadler and Schiff.

No, these traitors don't represent their entire Party and certainly do NOT represent the majority of Americans in this country, but there is enough in positions of Deep State influence and power to have hijacked America and kept this going for 3+ years.

OP be all like --- "ain't dug myself deep enough yet, gimme a new shovel" :dig:

I find it Hillaryous more and more Democrats are defecting and supporting Trump every day.
Yes, it's sad what actual legitimate substantiated evidence will make some people do....


Fall on a crutch of Ass-ociation Fallacy?

Nun so blind.
....and this is what snowflakes consider an intellectual, factual response to reported, proven, substantiated, fact-based reports / comments / discussion, proving the old adage, 'You can't fix stupid'. It also explains whey the country has been hijacked and has had to endure one failed Democrat 'boomerang' after another for the last 3+ years.

The intellectual Peter Principle ^^ at its full erection -- nay, priapism. SMGDFH
I continually find it hilarious that braindead wags around here continue to qualify people's names with a political party, and think they just made some kind of point. :laughing0301:
You attempt to address 'brainwashed wags around here' in an attempt to completely ignore that this article and the comments stated within were not from some Joe Schmoe with no background into what he speaks and is NOT from 'around here'. He is a self-identified Democrat and professional former operative of the CIA. FAIL!

A former CIA Agent just explained in simple details (hilarious how you still can't follow along) how a politically-biased, obviously tasked Trump-hating Deep State CIA operative just attempted to serve the President of the United States up on a proverbial silver platter to the Democrats who have been trying to Impeach him for 3+ years - Democrats like Nadler and Schiff.

No, these traitors don't represent their entire Party and certainly do NOT represent the majority of Americans in this country, but there is enough in positions of Deep State influence and power to have hijacked America and kept this going for 3+ years.

OP be all like --- "ain't dug myself deep enough yet, gimme a new shovel" :dig:

I find it Hillaryous more and more Democrats are defecting and supporting Trump every day.
Yes, it's sad what actual legitimate substantiated evidence will make some people do....


Fall on a crutch of Ass-ociation Fallacy?

Nun so blind.
....and this is what snowflakes consider an intellectual, factual response to reported, proven, substantiated, fact-based reports / comments / discussion, proving the old adage, 'You can't fix stupid'. It also explains whey the country has been hijacked and has had to endure one failed Democrat 'boomerang' after another for the last 3+ years.

The intellectual Peter Principle ^^ at its full erection -- nay, priapism.
Stated like a true fake
look at all the derps ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

who unloaded the short bus ?
The intellectual Peter Principle ^^ at its full erection -- nay, priapism. SMGDFH
'Intellectual' and you don't belong n the same sentence:

Wright, a Democrat, Puts It In Simple Terms, Calling It What It Is:
A little-known, politically-biased, Democrat Presidential Candidate-supporting CIA agent specializing in European/Ukraine politics / operations working temporarily in the WH filed a 'whistle blower' complaint that is based on 2nd-hand information and other politically-biased sources, after which they returned to the CIA.

Again, the fact that uou can't follow along and have nothing legitimate with which to refute it says everything.
The intellectual Peter Principle ^^ at its full erection -- nay, priapism. SMGDFH
'Intellectual' and you don't belong n the same sentence:

Wright, a Democrat, Puts It In Simple Terms, Calling It What It Is:
A little-known, politically-biased, Democrat Presidential Candidate-supporting CIA agent specializing in European/Ukraine politics / operations working temporarily in the WH filed a 'whistle blower' complaint that is based on 2nd-hand information and other politically-biased sources, after which they returned to the CIA.

Again, the fact that uou can't follow along and have nothing legitimate with which to refute it says everything.

FIVE posts now and you still have no clue what you stepped in here.

Oh do go on, please. This is most entertaining, in a pathetic kind of way.
Americans must be prevented from questioning and investigating a President when evidence surfaces that he has broken laws and committed felonies. While this particular one, Liar in Chief Donnie Trump, may be guilty of all kinds if impeachable offenses, he came within several million votes of winning a majority of the popular vote and has a cool hippie hairdo and colorful orange glowing face.
Oh do go on, please. This is most entertaining, in a pathetic kind of way.

What is pathetic is your mis-application, by ignorance or intent, of the Peter Principle.

The principle of an employee seeking to rise to a higher level must (and does) therefore rise to a required level of incompetence falls far short of the calculated, coordinated treason Wright explains this obviously was.

Wright, a Democrat, Puts It In Simple Terms, Calling It What It Is:
A little-known, politically-biased, Democrat Presidential Candidate-supporting CIA agent specializing in European/Ukraine politics / operations working temporarily in the WH filed a 'whistle blower' complaint that is based on 2nd-hand information and other politically-biased sources, after which they returned to the CIA.

If you're still 'entertained' it is because you are definitely ignorant.
Never heard of the guy. I suspect he's a Democrat who supports Trump. Ok, why should I care about his opinion?
Americans must be prevented from questioning and investigating a President when evidence surfaces that he has broken laws and committed felonies. While this particular one, Liar in Chief Donnie Trump, may be guilty of all kinds if impeachable offenses, he came within several million votes of winning a majority of the popular vote and has a cool hippie hairdo and colorful orange glowing face.
In this case the Democrats / the CIA Operative are attempting to prevent Americans from asking questions / digging too deeply when there is a lack of evidence against the President and a lack of identity of the person making the accusation - who is protected by certain rules / laws. Going the whistle blower route helped try to do this...except for a few things Wright points out.

The release of the transcript debunks the false narrative.

The declaring by the Ukraine PM that it never happened debunks the false narrative.

The identification of the whistle blower being a little-known, politically-biased, Democrat Presidential Candidate-supporting CIA agent specializing in European/Ukraine politics / operations working temporarily in the WH who returned to the CIA after filing their complaint which was based on zero 1st-hand information and on other biased sources totally destroys the credibility of the false claim being presented by traitors who have attempted to Impeach the President for 3+ years any means possible...which have all failed and / or boomeranged on them ... like this one is doing.

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