Democrat Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu Is In Trouble: Meet Her Challenger For 2014

Here is Rob Maness's "principles" page: My Principles | Rob Maness for Senate

Maness is big on the 2nd amendment.

Maness says, "We must reform our tax code." That could mean anything.

He says he believes life begins at conception.

He is also opposed to gay marriage.

He is opposed to birthright citizenship.

He is opposed to the DREAM Act.

He wants a big fence on the border before immigration reform.

He wants to eliminate the Dept. of Ed. He also wants to get rid of the Common Core curriculum.
All great things I believe in.
Really? Where did you get this information from that she is in a panic?

Be honest. You never heard of either of these people until you clicked on the post.

You are just being your usual pathetic self, toeing the party line like the good lemming that you are.



her name was all over the news when she ran away from toxic obama visiting her state

Liberals don't pay any attention to news that they aren't spoon fed, and think no one else does either.

this one clearly sounds like a known sock...
Landrieu won her last election 52% - 46%.

Her 2008 opponent was a Democrat who changed to the GOP in 2007.

She is the senior senator from Louisiana. David Vitter is the junior senator.

Here is Rob Maness's "principles" page: My Principles | Rob Maness for Senate

Maness is big on the 2nd amendment.
Here is Landreiu's record on guns: Mary Landrieu on Gun Control

Maness says, "We must reform our tax code." That could mean anything.

He says he believes life begins at conception.

He is also opposed to gay marriage.

He is opposed to birthright citizenship.

He is opposed to the DREAM Act.

He wants a big fence on the border before immigration reform.

He wants to eliminate the Dept. of Ed. He also wants to get rid of the Common Core curriculum.

I would vote for the guy :)
If he is this good................well let me move into your neighborhood and rock your world because I want him to win big time.

Never a mind. Think Uncle Earls and I am still staying away from you.
Democrats are scrambling to find any dirt on the good veteran but they can't. He is ethical.

If they can't find anything, then their next course of action is to make shit up. Maybe pay some woman to claim he groped her or tried to rape her or whatever.
Mary Landrieu is in big trouble here in La. She may still win Orleans parish where her brother is mayer (and a pretty good one) but she will lose the rest of the state. She is very unpopular for her support of Clinton, Obama, Obamacare, and her sell out to buy her vote on ACA.

I don't know Maness but I think he will beat her. I would really like to see Jindal run for that senate seat, but I think he has bigger ambitions.
Is he for infrastructure, tech, science and education?
That is all that matters.

WTF do you know from your perch in Orygun?

Shut up already.

= lots and lots and lots and lots of gubmint spending... that's what he wants.. money of course grows on trees.

He's just a dumb kid trying to sound relevant. I hope you LA folks get this guy. Sounds like a Mike Lee or Ted Cruz no bullshit genuine conservative small Federal powers chap. The tide of GOP slime could turn very quick if the Tea caucus gains numbers. Really quick. McCain and crew will not know what hit them.
Is he for infrastructure, tech, science and education?

That is all that matters.

OK... "What do you mean by 'infrastructure'?
More importantly what does it mean to be "for"???

I'm all for people that are "uninsured" for example to be helped right?
But out of "good intentions" EMTALA was passed in 1986.
Guess what... EMTALA created phony costs i.e. MRIs claims to Medicare for $3,000 that cost $60!
Why? to compensate as one CEO said .. "uninsured costs are passed on to paying customers"!

So more then being for "infrastructure..."... maybe we should have more common sense... i.e. understanding for instance there never were 46 million uninsured!
Maybe more principles less "go along to get along" attitude!
And above all this Landrieu opponent should FIRST and foremost NOT try to be "friends with the MSM"! The MSM donate to Democrats!
So all he need do is every time asked for interview should tell them they are biased and can't give them any news!
Landrieu won her last election 52% - 46%.

Her 2008 opponent was a Democrat who changed to the GOP in 2007.

She is the senior senator from Louisiana. David Vitter is the junior senator.

Here is Rob Maness's "principles" page: My Principles | Rob Maness for Senate

Maness is big on the 2nd amendment.
Here is Landreiu's record on guns: Mary Landrieu on Gun Control

Maness says, "We must reform our tax code." That could mean anything.

He says he believes life begins at conception.

He is also opposed to gay marriage.

He is opposed to birthright citizenship.

He is opposed to the DREAM Act.

He wants a big fence on the border before immigration reform.

He wants to eliminate the Dept. of Ed. He also wants to get rid of the Common Core curriculum.

I would sure vote for the Colonel if I lived in Louisiana based on those sound bites.
She is busy telling everyone she never supported obamacare and that she really, really wants to fix the mess....she helped create.

She is perfect for the cesspool of New Orleans, she might have a future as a crack dealer once kicked out of office.
No wonder Landrieu was in such a panic!
Really? Where did you get this information from that she is in a panic?

Be honest. You never heard of either of these people until you clicked on the post.

You are just being your usual pathetic self, toeing the party line like the good lemming that you are.


LOL, she is terrified...the ACA is going to sink her.

Only Jesus' mother would be safer in an election than Mary.

Says a sexually frustrated effeminate Progressive pretending to be a Republican....Mary is in deep shit...just as the rest of the Dems are.

Mother Mary heard that, fluffer boy. She is going to get you bad!! :lol:

When told Boehner was deep-sixing the immigration reform bill, she gave that warm chesire cat grin. She knows now where the Republican kibbles is coming, her opponent.

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