'Democrat Lynching'? All 4 Stone Prosecutors Are 'Far-Left Agents w/Impressive Lib Credentials'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Everyone of them has a direct tie to Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama and they are all political operatives.

Overseeing Stone’s case for the Office of Special Counsel was Jeannie Rhee, who represented Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation in the e-mail case and who gave the maximum contribution to Hillary’s campaigns in 2008 and 2016 as well as Obama in 2008.

Aaron Zelinsky, a former Huffington Post Columnist and Assistant US Attorney was recommended by Acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to assist Rhee in Stone’s prosecution. Zelinsky served in the Counsel’s office of the State Department under Hillary Clinton, a political appointment. Now Zelinsky has been caught lying to the Court and the Congress in the Pappadapolus matter and is being referred to the DOJ for indictment.

Adam Jed an Obama DOJ official who successfully
argued that the act of Congress outlawing Gay marriage was unconstitutional rounded out Mueller’s prosecution of Stone.

Prosecutor Michael Marando also resigned on the same day as his fellow prosecutors. Marando was accused of violating Judge Jackson’s
gag order and was talking to media late last year. Like his fellow prosecutors Maranda has impressive liberal credentials".

Add in the fact that the Jury Chairperson was a rabid Trump-hater, there were 3 more Trump-haters on the jury, and the Judge herself was / is a Trump-hating Liberal, and it is painfully obvious that this was no 'fair trial' but a Democrat 'Lynching'...or 'Firing Squad'.

THIS WAS A DEMOCRAT LYNCHING: All Four Prosecutors in Roger Stone Case Are Far Left Agents with Impressive Liberal Credentials

"Everyone of them has a direct tie to Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama and they are all political operatives.

Overseeing Stone’s case for the Office of Special Counsel was Jeannie Rhee, who represented Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation in the e-mail case and who gave the maximum contribution to Hillary’s campaigns in 2008 and 2016 as well as Obama in 2008.

Aaron Zelinsky, a former Huffington Post Columnist and Assistant US Attorney was recommended by Acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to assist Rhee in Stone’s prosecution. Zelinsky served in the Counsel’s office of the State Department under Hillary Clinton, a political appointment. Now Zelinsky has been caught lying to the Court and the Congress in the Pappadapolus matter and is being referred to the DOJ for indictment.

Adam Jed an Obama DOJ official who successfully
argued that the act of Congress outlawing Gay marriage was unconstitutional rounded out Mueller’s prosecution of Stone.

Prosecutor Michael Marando also resigned on the same day as his fellow prosecutors. Marando was accused of violating Judge Jackson’s
gag order and was talking to media late last year. Like his fellow prosecutors Maranda has impressive liberal credentials".

Add in the fact that the Jury Chairperson was a rabid Trump-hater, there were 3 more Trump-haters on the jury, and the Judge herself was / is a Trump-hating Liberal, and it is painfully obvious that this was no 'fair trial' but a Democrat 'Lynching'...or 'Firing Squad'.

THIS WAS A DEMOCRAT LYNCHING: All Four Prosecutors in Roger Stone Case Are Far Left Agents with Impressive Liberal Credentials

Russian media buttering Trumpybears muffin to get a pardon for that Stone Freak.
You’re telling me the career attorneys who prosecuted Stone at one time worked for the Obama administration?

It turns in to domestic terrorism if he dies in jail. Definition to the T
Stone is blackmailing Trump, wonder what he has that Trump thinks is worth all this? Seems like he would save destroying the justice dept. for something like one of his lousy kids getting indicted.
Gateway Pundit? :21:
And a jury convicted Stone!
Little Easyt, lives in his tiny world basing his life using a proven conspiracy site.
How are things in St. Petersburg, have you reached your imposed quota for today of threads and posts yet?
Gateway Pundit? :21:
And a jury convicted Stone!
Little Easyt, lives in his tiny world basing his life using a proven conspiracy site.
How are things in St. Petersburg, have you reached your imposed quota for today of threads and posts yet?
So authoritative! Can you argue the content? or are you a dictator?
"Everyone of them has a direct tie to Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama and they are all political operatives.

Overseeing Stone’s case for the Office of Special Counsel was Jeannie Rhee, who represented Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation in the e-mail case and who gave the maximum contribution to Hillary’s campaigns in 2008 and 2016 as well as Obama in 2008.

Aaron Zelinsky, a former Huffington Post Columnist and Assistant US Attorney was recommended by Acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to assist Rhee in Stone’s prosecution. Zelinsky served in the Counsel’s office of the State Department under Hillary Clinton, a political appointment. Now Zelinsky has been caught lying to the Court and the Congress in the Pappadapolus matter and is being referred to the DOJ for indictment.

Adam Jed an Obama DOJ official who successfully
argued that the act of Congress outlawing Gay marriage was unconstitutional rounded out Mueller’s prosecution of Stone.

Prosecutor Michael Marando also resigned on the same day as his fellow prosecutors. Marando was accused of violating Judge Jackson’s
gag order and was talking to media late last year. Like his fellow prosecutors Maranda has impressive liberal credentials".

Add in the fact that the Jury Chairperson was a rabid Trump-hater, there were 3 more Trump-haters on the jury, and the Judge herself was / is a Trump-hating Liberal, and it is painfully obvious that this was no 'fair trial' but a Democrat 'Lynching'...or 'Firing Squad'.

THIS WAS A DEMOCRAT LYNCHING: All Four Prosecutors in Roger Stone Case Are Far Left Agents with Impressive Liberal Credentials

Damn I thought we were finally going to lynch some deserving democrats and here it's just another lynching by democrats. Just like all the blacks the assholes have lynched in the south over the years. It's about damn time the tables were turned on the assholes.
Stone is blackmailing Trump, wonder what he has that Trump thinks is worth all this? Seems like he would save destroying the justice dept. for something like one of his lousy kids getting indicted.

Got a link for that bullshit? Blackmailing Trump how, for what? Didn't think so, thanks for playing.
You’re telling me the career attorneys who prosecuted Stone at one time worked for the Obama administration?


Now they are back out in the public domain chasing ambulances where they belong.
No. I don’t believe so. I think only one resigned from the department and given their CV, would have no problem finding a well paid position in a major law firm.
You’re telling me the career attorneys who prosecuted Stone at one time worked for the Obama administration?


Now they are back out in the public domain chasing ambulances where they belong.
No. I don’t believe so. I think only one resigned from the department and given their CV, would have no problem finding a well paid position in a major law firm.

I'm right unless CNN is spouting more fake news.
All 4 federal prosecutors quit Stone case after DOJ overrules prosecutors on sentencing request - CNNPolitics
You’re telling me the career attorneys who prosecuted Stone at one time worked for the Obama administration?


Now they are back out in the public domain chasing ambulances where they belong.
No. I don’t believe so. I think only one resigned from the department and given their CV, would have no problem finding a well paid position in a major law firm.

I'm right unless CNN is spouting more fake news.
All 4 federal prosecutors quit Stone case after DOJ overrules prosecutors on sentencing request - CNNPolitics

They’re not spouting fake news, you just need to be more careful about how you read it. They withdrew from the case which is different than leaving the DoJ.

I don’t know if you read the whole thing, but this badly written paragraph explains that only one actually left the DoJ.

Of the four prosecutors who withdrew from the case -- Aaron S.J. Zelinsky, Jonathan Kravis, Adam Jed and Mike Marando -- Zelinsky and Kravis also resigned from the DC US attorney's office. Zelinsky, who worked on former special counsel Robert Mueller's team, did not resign from the Baltimore US attorney's office, where he is based.​
Stone deserves a new trial and his judge should be disbarred.....

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